- Department of German (UW–Madison)
One of the oldest, largest, and most highly ranked in the United States, long recognized internationally for its historical breadth and intellectual depth in German literature, thought, and culture from the Middle Ages to the present, as well as in Germanic linguistics and Dutch language, literature and culture.
- Center for German and European Studies (UW–Madison)
Promotes interdisciplinary research to provide information and new perspectives on Germany and Europe, including curriculum integration with all levels of educators from Kindergarten on.
The German American Heritage Center (GAHC), located in a National Historic Site in Davenport, Iowa, seeks to preserve the heritage of our German-speaking ancestors for present and future generations and to enrich our knowledge of the German immigrant experience. The museum includes a large permanent exhibit and two rotating special exhibits.
An art and multimedia museum located in Washington, DC, providing permanent and temporary exhibits on German immigration and migration across the Unites States and on famous German Americans.
Information on the University of Cincinnati’s certificate in German-American Studies.
Online newsletter and back issues, German-Canadian research and study links, multimedia exhibits describing German-Canadian life, conferences, activities, bibliography of German-Canadian books at the U-Win. library, research.
The German Historical Institute (GHI) in Washington DC is an internationally recognized center for advanced study, serving as a transatlantic bridge connecting American and European scholars. Its research and conferences range beyond German and American history to encompass comparative, international and global history as well as research in the fields of economics, sociology, and political science.
H-Transnational German Studies provides a moderated interdisciplinary forum for the discussion of topics relevant to the study of the German diaspora and intercultural transfer between German and non-German societies from the 17th century to the present. H-TGS was formerly H-GAGCS (German-American and German-Canadian Studies).
Founded in 1852, the Madison Männerchor is the oldest German singing organization in Wisconsin, and the second oldest in the United States. Their goal is the perpetuation of choral music (both German and American), German culture, and Gemütlichkeit.
Homepage, and also newsletter online.
Research institution in the field: index page linking to various resources: papers, publication list, library online resources, newsletter, various research projects, exhibits.
Information on how to become a member.
Built by German settlers and immigrants, Kitchener-Waterloo is a significant German heritage centre in Canada and is home to the greatest density of German-Canadians in the country. WCGS provides an academic focus to the long tradition of German immigration to Waterloo County.