Audio of Seifert interviews, with transcriptions


Lester Seifert and Wisconsin GermanSound Scriber machine, used in the 1960s to record speakers of German in Wisconsin

Consultant SEI_003, part 1A

Consultant SEI_003, part 1B

Consultant SEI_003, part 2A

Consultant SEI_003, part 2B

Consultant SEI_003, part 3A

Consultant SEI_003, part 3B

Consultant SEI_022

Consultant SEI_034

Consultant SEI_037

Consultant SEI_057, part 1

Consultant SEI_057, part 2

Transcriptions were done initially by Guido Rohmann (intern, Universität Bonn) with assistance from Joshua Bousquette, who also led work on annotations, and Matt Boutilier, who assisted in getting these materials prepared for posting.

If you have questions or comments, contact Joe Salmons.

Joshua Bousquette
Matt Boutilier
Kevin Kurdylo
Mark Louden
Guido Rohmann
Joe Salmons