New Acquisitions (Winter 2014-2015)

Published in North America Collection | Subject Collection | Family Histories and Archives | Textbooks | Previous Lists

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Published in North America

Fourth Reader. St. Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House, 1887. viii, 381 p. : ill. ; 20 cm.
Glossed English words preceding each reading selection are defined in English followed by the German translation in Fraktur typeface.  No exercises.
“… the last of a series of reading books provided for use in the parochial schools of the German Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and other states.”–Preface.  Contains a wide variety of selections from “Luther’s Reformation Hymn” to U.S. history and culture, animal folktales, world geography, science and technical topics explained in lay terms (paper-making, railroads), biographical stories (George Washington, John Adams), “Shark adventures in Panama,” etc.

Preis dem Allerhöchsten! Katholisches Gebet- und Andachtsbuch. M. Gladbach und New York: A. Riffarth, n.d. [1865]. vi, 410 pp.
On title page: Von einem Priester der Erzdiöcese Köln. Mit Approbation der hochw. geistl. Behörde. Druck und Verlag von A. Riffarth, M. Gladbach [Mönchengladbach] u. New-York, Barclay-Street 42. — On t.p. verso: Imprimatur  Coloniae, 5. Januar 1865, Dr. Baudri, Vic. cap. sede vacante, Ep sc. suffr. —- Needs repair.
Donated by Manitowoc (Wis.) Historical Society.

Völkner, W., Der verlorene Bruder: eine Erzählung aus dem Rebellionskriege. (The Lost Brother: a Story from the Civil War) Columbia Series). Cincinnati, Ohio: Cranston & Curts, 1892. 241 p. : ill. ; 17 cm.
Note: Frei nach dem Englischen bearbeitet.
A fictional story of Captain Schmid who was wounded in a battle in Tennessee and brought back to Shepherdstown by his sister Louise.
Donated by the Manitowoc (Wis.) Historical Society.

Wagner, Louis. Panama — Kanal, Land und Leute. St. Louis, Mo.: Louis Lange, ©1912. 197 pp., ill.
On title page: Von Louis Wagner, Redakteur der “Abendschuld.” Mit 110 Illustrationen.
The last 24 pages are a catalog for books and other products (particularly imports from Germany) available from Louis Lange.
Third copy donated by Philip Graupner.

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Subject Collection

Beam, C. Richard. “History of ‘Die Alde Kummraade’ Radio Program.” Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, vol. 16, no. 1, Spring 2010, pp. 8-9.
Pennyslvania Dutch dialect radio program, hosted over time by John Binkley Brendel, C. Richard Beam, Ernest Waldo Bechtel, and Irene Bechtel.

———. “Muddy Creek Reformed Church in the Eighteenth Century.” Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, vol. 19, no.  1, Winter 2013, pp. 3-21 + back cover, ill.
Presents “five chapters on the earliest history of the Muddy Creek [Lancaster County, Pennsylvania] Reformed Church,” tracing its origins to the principalities of south Germany and the Swiss republic known as the Palatinate and detailing activities through the 1790s.

Beam, C. Richard, and Jennifer L. Trout. “A Brief History of St. John’s (Hain’s) United Church of Christ, Wernersville, PA.” Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, vol. 17, no. 2, Spring 2011, pp. 3-16, 22-23 + back cover, ill.
Presents a history of the church, “one of the earliest German Reformed congregations on this side of the Atlantic.”

Becker, Armin W. A Lucky Survivor from a Lost Land. [United States]: Trafford, 2012. xxi, 309 p. : ill.
At the urging of many, Becker has written his autobiography: his birth in Germany in 1932 in a town just forty-five miles from the Polish border, his membership in the Junior Hitler Youth, and his experiences of World War II. He recalls scrounging for work in the mines, escaping Soviet-controlled East Germany to West Germany when he was nearly fifteen, finding his dream job at sea, immigrating to the United States in 1956, and working in a career in the shipping industry. Including photos, this memoir narrates the difficult times that Becker endured as he witnesses history in the making, but also shows how his perseverance helped him build a successful future, conducting business in one hundred countries.
Donated and autographed by the author, 2013.

Bek, William Godfrey. The German Settlement Society of Philadelphia, and its Colony, Hermann, Missouri. Elmer Danuser translator Translation of German parts …, and editor. Dorothy Heckmann Shrader Americana Germanica). [Hermann, MO]: Historic Hermann, Inc.; American Press, 1984. xv, 301 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Contents: A German American settlement society: its organization, various opinions regarding the society, growth of the society, the founding of the colony and its early growth, the separation of the colony from the parent society — The colony Hermann: general view, education, government, industries at Hermann, religion, social and literary life — Then and now.  Cover title: Hermann.  Reprint. Originally published: Philadelphia : Americana Germanica Press, 1907 as result of research conducted by the author for his Doctor of Philosophy thesis.
Donated by J Tiedemann, 2014.

Burkholder, Mabel.  The Herrs. Anita Burkholder, illustrator . Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2003. 174 p. : ill., map.
Includes bibliographical references.
Based on primary and secondary sources, this fictionalized history tells of Swiss immigration to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania due to religious persecution, and the establishment of the Mennonite communities there.
Donated by Dale McIntyre, March 2015.

Cover of "German Settlement in Missouri"Burnett, Robyn, and Ken Luebbering. German Settlement in Missouri: New Land, Old Ways. Missouri Heritage Readers / Rebecca B. Schroeder, ed.). Columbia, Mo.: University of Missouri Press, 1996. xi, 124 p. : ill., maps ; 23 cm.
Examines primary source materials to describe the roles that German immigrants and their descendants played in the settlement and development of Missouri’s architectural, political, religious, economic, and social landscape between 1800 and 1919.
Donated by J Tiedemann, 2014.

Cobb, Sanford H. The Story of the Palatines: an Episode in Colonial History. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 1988. ix, 319 p. : maps.
Includes notes on names, and index.  Facsimile reprint of 1897 edition.  Also at Wisconsin Historical Society.
A history of the Palatinate communities along the Rhine River in Germany and the political, social and economic turmoils which led to their emigration to the American colonies starting in the early 1700s,  and their settlements in the Carolinas, Virginia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania (especially Berks County), and New York.  The author was pastor of High-Dutch churches in Schoharie and Saugerties, New York.
Donated by Dale McIntyre, March 2015.

Delahanty, Jennifer. “Changes in Wisconsin English over 110 Years: A Real-Time Acoustic Account. Dissertation.” University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2011. ix, 151  pp., ill.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 131-135).
The growing set of studies on American regional dialects have to date focused heavily on vowels while few examine consonant features and none provide acoustic analysis of both vowel and consonant features. This dissertation uses real-time data on both vowels and consonants to show how Wisconsin English has changed over time. Together, the recordings (from the Dictionary of Regional American English and the author’s fieldwork) represent 110 years of speaker data from which tokens are extracted to compare four phonetic features commonly attributed to Wisconsin English specifically /o/, /u/, stopping in interdental fricatives, and final fortition. Results of the analysis showed phonetic changes over time in each of the features presented. These changes suggest that a process of koineization has taken place, fueled by speakers of phonologically similar European immigrant languages that came into contact with one another. Although immigrants came from many countries that influenced the dialect that developed, the focus here is on the example of German immigrants. Contact between immigrant groups (German, Norwegian, and Polish for example) strengthened the likelihood that grammatical features would not be subject to leveling and would persist long after immigration to the state diminished. The oldest speakers generally showed evidence of remnants of the immigrant language declined as communities moved to English. The younger speakers generally showed evidence that the features are again coming to the forefront although produced in different ways. The data also showed that consonant features play a very strong role in defining Wisconsin English as a regional dialect. Both stopping and final fortition are features that Wisconsinites often use to describe regional speech characteristics. Both features have at one time marked a speaker’s ethnic background but have over time moved instead toward defining Wisconsin English as a regional dialect.

Deutsch-Pennsylvanischer Arbeitskreis e. V. (German-Pennsylvanian Association), ed. Mit Pennsylvaanisch-Deitsch darich’s Yaahr. A Pennsylvania German Reader for Grandparents and Grandchildren. Neckarsteinach, Germany: Edition Tintenfass, 2006. 159 pp., ill.
Includes index of authors. Appendix includes a “A Short History of the Pennsylvania Germans,” by Helmut Schmahl and “Pennsylvania Dutch in the 21st Century,” by Frank Kessler.
Anthology of Pennsylvania Dutch poems, sayings, songs, and stories arranged by months of the years. Includes many contemporary writers alongside the well-known Pennsylvania Dutch literary figures of the past, and each month ends with one text from the Palatinate, to showcase the language’s linguistic and cultural commonality.
Donated by Dale McIntyre.

Dujmovits, Walter.  The Burgenländer Emigration to America. (Die Amerikawanderung der Burgenländer). English translation of the 3rd. Robert Strauch, trans. Raleigh, NC: printed & distributed by Lulu, 2013. 306 p. : ill., maps.
Contents: Emigration from Burgenland as Part of European Emigration — Socio-Economic Reasons for Emigration — Periods of Emigration — Emigration from Burgenland by Region — Burgenländer Colonies in America — Biographies of Immigrants from Burgenland — A Who’s Who of Prominent Emigrants from Burgenland — Burgenländer Organizations in America — Building Bridges Between Burgenland and America — Statistics — Appendices (includes First Emigrants, Song of the Burgenländer Abroad, Village index, Photos & illustrations).  Includes bibliographical references.
The Austrian-born author’s maternal relatives were all in America, he first visited at the age of 24.  His further study of the mass emigration from Burgenland to America led to a doctorate, co-founding of the worldwide Burgenlaendische Gemeinschaft, and serving as vice-president of the World Organization of Austrians Abroad.  The first edition of Die Amerikawanderung der Burgenlaender was published in 1975, the second in 1992; this third edition is the first to be translated into English.
Donated by the Stevens Point Area Genealogical Society, 2014.

Dux, Ryan. “Texas & Wisconsin German.” Dat Pommersche Blatt, no. 81, July 2014, pp. 15, ill.
Ryan Dux, a native of Central Wisconsin, is a doctoral condidate researching Wisconsin Platt in comparison to Texas immigrant German dialect.

Faherty, William Barnaby. The St. Louis German Catholics. St. Louis, Mo.: Reedy Press : Distributed by University of Nebraska Press, 2004. xi, 127 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Unlike the East Coast and Pennsylvania, the French founders and the early Spanish rulers welcomed Catholics to the St. Louis area.  The vast majority of them emigrated from three northwestern German provinces: the Rhineland, Westphalia, and Hanover, a few came from Catholic Bavaria.  William Barnaby Faherty, S.J., traces the settlement, growth, and impact of one of St. Louis’s most enduring ethnic communities.

Fout, Frederick W.  The Darkest Days of the Civil War, 1864 and 1865: The Campaign under Schofield and Thomas against Hood in Tennessee, the Battles of Franklin and Nashville. Recollections of Fred. W. Fout. (English Translation of Frederick W. Fout’s 1902 Die schwersten Tage des Bürgerkriegs, 1894 u. 1865) Philip Graupner, trans. Baileys Harbor, WI:  Philip Graupner, 2014. 325 p. : ports.
This work was first published in German in 1902.  A subsequent book of broader coverage, “The Dark Days of the Civil War, 1861-1865,” was published 1904 in English and there is no known German version.  Illustrations in the translation are not from the original except for the frontispiece.  A digital copy of the original German publication is available for download from Google books.
The author was born in Germany, immigrated to Indiana when he was fifteen, and enlisted in 1861.  He fought with both the Seventh Indiana infantry, and the Fifteenth Indiana Independent Battery, earning a Congressional Medal of Honor.  This history of the last months of the war seems intended for local German immigrant veterans and to provide Fout’s personal experiences in and observations of those battles.
Donated by Philip Graupner.

Gardini, Fausto. “World War I (1914-1918) Contemplations.” Luxembourg American Gazette, vol. 9, no. 3, Fall 2014, pp. 8-11, ill.
Includes bibliographical references.
|A brief summary of the service of Luxembourg citizens in the fighting forces of the combatants in World War I, including Luxembourg Americans Charles Moritz and John Peter Lenert.

Goebel, Gert. Longer Than a Man’s Lifetime in Missouri. (Laenger als ein Menschenleben in Missouri), Translated by Adolf E. Schroeder and Elsa Louise Nagel ; edited and with an introduction by Walter D. Kamphoefner and Adolf E. Schroeder. Columbia, Missouri: State Historical Society of Missouri ; Brush and Palette Club (Hermann, Missouri), 2013. xxx, 434 p. : ill., map, ports. ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 407-416) and index.

Cover of "Damn'd Dutch!" for the UnionGraf, Jacob. “Damn’d Dutch!” for the Union: Newspaper Accounts of the Civil War, Published by Jacob Graf, Hermanner Volksblatt, Hermann, Missouri, 1860-1864. compiled by Vernon Fricke [Selected and translated by Elmer Danuser, and Julaine Cabot Mary Kunstmann Lois Puchta. edited for this publication by Joyce Schutt. Hermann, MO: Gasconade County Historical Society, 2014. x, 143 p. : ill., ports., maps, fold-out panoramic view (pp. 127-128).
Includes bibliographic references and index.  Laid in: release event announcement card and newspaper press release from October 2014.
These translations of articles written by the publisher of the German language weekly newspaper of Hermann, Missouri, as well as some other submissions, provide primary source information about local events during the Civil War in the small rural German-American region that held strong ties to Lincoln and the Union cause despite being in a slave state.
Donated by J Tiedemann, 2014.

Cover of "Missouri Wine Country"Graveman, Dianna, and Don Graveman. Missouri Wine Country: St. Charles to Hermann. Images of America. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Pub., 2010. 127 p. : chiefly ill., map, ports. ; 24 cm.
Contents: St. Charles, Defiance, Matson, Augusta — Dutzow, Marthasville, Peers, Treloar — Washington — New Haven and Berger — Hermann — Wineries and vineyards.  Includes bibliographical references (p. 127).
A pictorial overview of the history and heritage of Missouri’s wine production along the Missouri River, at one time the largest wine-producing region in the United States, and the first American Viticultural Area (AVA) wine grape-growing region.
Donated by J Tiedemann, 2014.

Graveman, Dianna, Don Graveman, and the Gasconade County Historical Society Historic Hermann. Hermann. Images of America). Charleston, SC: Arcadia Pub., 2010. 127 p. : chiefly ill. ; 24 cm.
Contents: Little Germany — Government and business — Churches and schools — Parades and celebrations — Life on the Missouri River — Disastrous times — Life in Hermann — Hermann today — About Gasconade County Historical Society — About Historic Hermann, Inc.  Includes bibliographical references (p. 126).  Laid in: Publisher’s announcement postcard.
A pictorial overview of the history and heritage of the German Settlement Society of Philadelphia’s frontier colony, Hermann, Missouri, established to preserve their German language and customs, and how that heritage is reflected in the life and activities today.
Donated by J Tiedemann, 2014.

Grube, Guy R. “Es Fundament vun die Grischde = The Foundation of Christian.” Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, vol. 17, no. 4, Fall 2011, pp. 11-14.

Gruenwald, Myron. “Who Were the “Old Lutherans?” Die Pommerschen Leute, vol. 37, no. 2, Summer 2014, pp. 1.
This article is adapted from Myron Gruenwald’s booklet “Two Worlds for Our Children,” 1985, pp. 17-18.
Briefly describes the conflict that arose from King Frederick William III of Prussia’s 1817 Proclamation of  Union of the Calvinist Reformed and Lutheran churches.  A group of Lutherans opposed to this were invited to emigrate to Buffalo, New York in 1835.  Forty families continued farther inland and settled north of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Haag, Earl C. “Der Alt Professer: Es Neinuhr Schtick.” The Press-Herald (Pine Grove, PA), 1984-2009.
Photocopies and newspaper clippings.  Also includes a few other print items relating to the Pennsylvania Dutch language and culture.  In three blue pocket folders.
Short weekly columns written in Pennsylvania German with parallel English equivalents containing humor, examples of folk wisdom, poetry, etc.  The collection is fairly comprehensive for the late 1980s through early 1990s, other years are represented by only a few columns.
Donated by Dale McIntyre, March 2015.

Hermann and Gasconade County, Missouri : Miscellanea. [Missouri]: Varies, varies.
Historic Hermann Museum Gift Shop paper bag with contents: tourist booklets: “Hermann Area Visitor” 2011 (175th anniversary commemorative edition), 2014 — biographical pamphlet: “George Frederick Bayer, 1800-1839” — pamphlet and bookmark: “The Missouri State Archives” — bookmark: The State Historical Society of Missouri — promotional card: “Deutschheim State Historic Site” — promotional card: “Historic Hermann’s Museum at the German School” — promotional card: “Hermann, for a Joyous Old-World Christmas” — promotional card: “The Hermann Wine Trail” — promotional card: “Gasconade County Historical Society Museum” — business card: “Gasconade County Historical Society” — promotional postcard: “Gasconade County Historical Society’s 2014 Speaker Series” — promotional postcard: “Hermann, Missouri” with statue of Hermann [Arminius] — color postcards (2) with views of Hermann.  Donated by J Tiedemann, 2014.

Cover of "Hermann Apostel Band"Hermann Apostel Band, Then & Now.Hermann Apostle Band.  Hermann, MO : Historic Hermann, Inc., 2014. 1 sound disc ; 4 3/4 in. + tri-fold insert.
Contents: Spoken introduction / Terry Loehnig (auf Deutsch) — Life in Hermann Schottische — Was ist des Deutschen Vaterland / G. Reichardt — Quickstep aus Dame Blancke — When the Leaves Begin to Turn / Charles A. White — Concert Polka a Monsieur Julien — Die lustige Marketenderin Polka — Die Wacht am Rhein / Karl Wilhelm — Michael Poeschel Quickstep — Guten Morgen Herr Fischer — Tartaren Galap — Die Post im Walde / Heinrich Schaeffer — Wenn ich einmal der Herrgott wär / Carl Binder — Apostel Band Polka.  Title from insert; includes “Historic Hermann Museum”.  Tri-fold insert contains history and musicology of band and works.  Recorded, edited and mastered by Rob Boullion, LinderVox, Columbia, MO.
The original Apostel Band, logically twelve players, is believed to have been founded in Hermann in 1882.  In 1885 the band members purchased a set of instruments from Mainz (  Original manuscript band scores were re-discovered in Hermann in 2008 by John Layman.  The works were revised and arranged for modern band instruments and notation by Alan Nellis.  The majority of the material on this disc was originally composed for the Hermann band. While the names of the first members of that band are known, it is not known who, or even whether band member or not, composed and notated the music.
Donated by J Tiedemann, 2014.

Jones, Daniel R. “Immigrant Ancestors: Swiss Immigration to the Palatine and Alsace.” German-American Genealogy, 2014, pp. 12-14.
In the second half of the seventeenth century, thousands of Swiss left Switzerland and settled throughout southern Protestant Germany along the Rhine River, especially in the Palatine and Alsace, which had lost much population in the Thirty Years’ War.  Most adhered to their Reformed faith if possible and parish registers will indicate either “Swiss” or the more specific location of origin.  Additional sources for finding the place of origin include (German) town citizenship records, and Swiss synod and parish court records, especially because Swiss citizenship is held at the municipal level and thus those surnames remain over long periods of time.

Juengling, Fritz. “Month Names in German.” German-American Genealogy, 2014, pp. 1-6.
Includes bibliographical references.
Germans have used non-standard names for months, some related to weather or occupying forces over time, in official documents.  This article provides lists clarifying to which of our current month names the older terms refer.

Cover of "Little Germany on the Missouri"Kemper, Edward J. Little Germany on the Missouri : The Photographs of Edward J. Kemper, 1895-1920. Edited by Anna Kemper Hesse ; printed from the original glass-plate negatives by Oliver A. Schuchard ; Erin McCawley Renn, Adolf E. Schroeder, and Oliver A. Schuchard, contributing editors. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1988. xvi, 166 p. : ill., map ; 19 x 26 cm.
Contents: Edward J. Kemper / Anna Kemper Hesse, Adolf E. Schroeder — Hermann, a brief history / Adolf E. Schroeder — Edward Kemper as photographer / Oliver A. Schuchard — Building Hermann, a balance of manufacturing and agriculture — The Vineyards, the grape and wine industry — Customs and traditions, old ways preserved — Edward Kemper’s world / Erin McCawley Renn — Kemper photographs in the 1913 Standard Atlas of Gasconade County.  Includes bibliographical references (p. 159-160) and index.
With affection, humor, and pride, captures day-to-day life in the German-American community of Hermann, Missouri during a golden age of German American culture.
Donated by J Tiedemann, 2014.

Kline, Francis. “Sermon: Was Is Glaawe? = What Is Faith?” Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, vol.  16, no. 3, Fall 2010, pp. 3-6.
Provides a Pennsylvania German dialect sermon along with an English translation.

———. “Was is en Diener? = What Is a Servant?” Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, vol. 17, no. 3, Summer 2011, pp. 4-7.
Provides a Pennsylvania German dialect sermon along with an English translation.

Knuth, Eldon L. “Friedrich Holter, German Missionary-Pastor to America.” German-American Genealogy, 2014, pp. 7-11.
Includes bibliographical references.
Holter immigrated from Mecklenburg to America following initial seminary studies in Bavaria at the Neuendettelsau Mission Society.  He completed studies at Wartburg Seminary (then in Mendota, Ill.) and subsequently founded 13 congregations in Dakota Territory, and 12 additional congregations in Rhode Island, New Jersey and New York.  The author’s research connects Holter with the fictional Moene Markow, created by Johannes and Theodor Gillhoff in a sequel publication to the immigrant letters of the fictional Juernjakob Swehn.

Kremer, Reynold R.  Driving the Back Roads: The Amish, in the World, but not of it. Butler, WI: Kremer Publications, Inc., 2006. 182 p. : ill., maps, timeline “A History of the Anabaptists” laid in.
Includes bibliographical references.  Autographed by the author.
An outline of Amish history from the Reformation through Anabaptism, Jakob Hutter, Menno Simons, Jacob Ammann, to the religious, social and cultural life of the Plain People today.
Donated by Dale McIntyre, March 2015.

Kuhns, Oscar. The German and Swiss Settlements of Colonial Pennsylvania: A Study of the So-called Pennsylvania Dutch.  Lexington, KY: New York Public Library : Internet Archive, 2011. 268 p.
Includes bibliographical references and index.  Cover and spine incorrectly show title beginning with The Germans [sic].  1945 edition at Wisconsin Historical Society.
The historic background — The settling of the German counties of Pennsylvania — Over land and sea — Manners and customs of the Pennsylvania-German farmer in the eighteenth century — Language, literature, and education — The religious life — In peace and war. Appendix: Pennsylvania-German family names.
Donated by Dale McIntyre, March 2015.

Leeman, Merel. “The Transatlantic Reconstruction of “Western” Culture: George Mosse, Peter Gay, and the Development of the German Tradition of “Geistesgeschichte.” Bulletin of the German Historical Institute, Supplement, no. 10, 2014, pp. 139-159.
Full-text available online (
With the United States a winner and world power after World War II, history departments across the country addressed tying Europe and the U.S. together both politically and culturally, including examination of the lessons German history held for the United States.

Long, Amos W. Jr. “Agricultural Almanacs.” Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, vol. 17, no. 3, Summer 2011, pp. 15-17.
Describes the importance of almanacs to the Pennsylvania Dutch, and their many uses as a guide and as entertainment for gardeners, farmers, merchants, and the family. Includes a chart showing the month, Earth’s zodiac sign, English and German name of symbol representing Earth’s zodiac sign, ruling planet, basic cardinal element, and part of the body controlled by constellation sign.

Ludwig, John P. “Canaan Grove PG Service.” Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, vol. 16, no. 1, Spring 2010, pp. 9-13.

Lutz, Herman M. “PA German Breddich: Seelich bei Gott fer zwee hunnert un fimf un siwwetzich Yahr = PA German Sermon: Blessed by God for 275 Years.” Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, vol. 17, no. 2, Spring 2011, pp. 18-21, ill.
Provides a Pennsylvania German dialect sermon along with an English translation.

Lutz, Herman M. “Seelich bei Gott fer zwee hunnert un fimf un siwwetzich Yaahr = Blessed By God for 275 Years.” Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, vol. 16, no. 3, Fall 2010, pp. 19-22.
Provides a Pennsylvania German dialect sermon along with an English translation.

Mallinckrodt, Anita M. Augusta, Missouri’s Ebenezer Evangelical Church in its 1800s Community. [Footprints of History]). Augusta, MO : Mallinckrodt Communications, 2001.  23 p. : ill., maps.
Contents: Early Missouri history — Church on the frontier — Church expansion — Church controversies, 1841-43 — 1845 Augusta area churches — Augusta’s Evangelical Church — Separate denominational churches — Civil War — Post-Civil War growth.  Cover title.  Includes bibliographical references.  Autographed to and donated by J Tiedemann, 2014.

———. Femme Osage Evanglical Church. Footprints of History). Augusta, MO : Mallinckrodt Communications, 2008. 35 p. : ill.
Contents: History of the Evangelical Movement in the Middle West — Femme Osage’s History in Documents — Femme Osage Chronik (History of the Congregation) / Karl Barkau, c. 1923; Emil Beier, c. 1925 — Femme Osage Church Pastors, 1836-2008 — Femme Osage Church Elders, 1890-1913, 1939.  Errata corrected, p. 7.  Includes bibliographical references.
Research by the author from the Church’s original German records and associated publications in conjunction with the 175th anniversary of its founding (1833).
Autographed to and donated by J Tiedemann, 2014.

Mertens, Birgit. Vom (Nieder- ) Deutschen zum Englischen: Untersuchungen zur sprachlichen Assimilation einer ländlichen Gemeinde im mittleren Westen Amerikas. Sprachgeschichte, Bd. 2. Hubertus Menke. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag C. Winter, 1994. 371, xl pages : ill., map ; 22 cm.
Originally presented as the author’s thesis (doctoral)–Universitaet Kiel, 1991.  Includes bibliographical references.
A sociolinguistic study carried out primarily in the Low-German immigrant rural community of Holstein, Iowa with additional data from Schleswig, Iowa and the Amana Colonies.
Inscribed to and donated by Philip Webber.

Naumann, Jakob. Selections from My Journey to America, 1836-1843. Rev., Translated & illustrated by Anna Kemper Hesse ; [edited and] with a new introduction by A.E. Schroeder. Hermann, Mo.: Brush & Palette Club, 2000. [8], 79 p. : ill., map ; 21 cm.
Contents: The decision — The journey begins — The voyage — The new country — Westward — To Pittsburg [sic] — A short sojourn in Cincinnati — To Philadelphia — To Missouri — The return — Additional comments about America — About Anna Kemper Hesse.
Inspired by her grandmother’s recollections of “Uncle Naumann,” Anna Kemper Hesse selected and translated these writings from Jakob Naumann’s Reise nach den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, first published in  Leipzig in 1850, which contradict some of the glowing reports of the “paradise” or utopian life to be found by German immigrants to the American frontier.
Donated by J Tiedemann, 2014.

Newbold, Naomi D. “Schleswig Military Records: a Beginner’s Guide.” German-American Genealogy, 2014, pp. 15-18.
Includes bibliographical references.
The duchy of Schleswig was ruled by Denmark and Prussia at different periods in its history and the population included a mix of Danes and Germans.  Eight main military record types contain the most genealogically helpful information

O’Sullivan, Bryna. “Theodore Hingtgen, Luxembourg American Photographer on the Prairie.” Luxembourg American Gazette, vol. 9, no. 3, Fall 2014, pp. 7, ill.
Includes bibliographical references.
Born in 1848 in Oberanven, Luxembourg, Theodore Hingtgen immigrated with his parents in 1862.  In the early 1870s he resided in Cascade, Iowa, but settled with his wife and daughters in Wahpeton, Dakota Territory around 1880.  He photographed both formal portraits and occasions as well as candid shots which remain in both museum and private possession.

Purcell, W. L. “Pretzel Alley: Where the German Crew Hoisted Their Brew.” Infoblatt, vol. 18, no. 2, Summer 2012, pp. 1, 4, ill.

Ressler, Merrill Q. “Iwwer En Mauer Schpringe = Jumping Over a Wall.” Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, vol. 17, no. 4, Fall 2011, pp. 4-7.
Provides a Pennsylvania German dialect sermon along with an English translation.

———. “Mir Misse Bricke Baue.” Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, vol. 17, no. 3, Summer 2011, pp. 9-11.

———. “Der Raskel is heemkumme.” Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, vol. 17, no. 3, Summer 2011, pp. 8-9.

———. “Die Voreldre Ihre Glaawe: Die Zwee Hunnert Fuffzichscht Yaahresfescht vun die Zion’s Ludderische Gemee un die Vattsischscht Yaahresfescht vun dem Gebei das heitesdaags do schteht = The Faith of the Ancestors: The 250th Anniversary of Zion’s Lutheran Congregation and the 40th Anniversary of the Present Building.” Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, vol. 16, no. 1, Spring 2010, pp. 13-16.
Provides a Pennsylvania German dialect sermon along with an English translation.

———. “Wer Hot Mich aagereggt? = Who Touched Me?” Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, vol. 17, no. 4, Fall 2011, pp. 8-10.
Provides a Pennsylvania German dialect sermon along with an English translation.

———. “Wie Die Kuh Im Gaarde Waar =When the Cow Was In the Garden.” Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, vol. 17, no. 3, Summer 2011, pp. 11-15.
Recollection of an incident from his young childhood, presented in both Pennsyvlania Dutch and English by Parre Merrill Q. Ressler.

Schlicher, J. J. “Bernhard Domschcke. I–A Life of Hardship; II–The Editory and the Man.” Wisconsin Magazine of History, vol. 29, no. 3, March 1946, pp. 319-332, [1 portrait leaf] and vol. 29, no. 4, June 1946, pp. 435-456.
Domschcke was a journalist with wide-ranging abilities, including as an orchestra conductor in Dresden where he conducted early Wagner operas.  Entangled in the revolutionary movements of 1848-1849, Domschcke landed (after imprisonment?) in July 1951 in New York.  He became involved with Free Congregations on the East Coast as well as establishing a newsletter and editing a German-language newspaper, the Neu-England Zeitung.  Following further newspaper efforts in Louisville, Domschcke arrived in Milwaukee in the summer of 1854.  He gave a lecture appealing to the German American population to switch their loyalty from the Democratic to the Republican Party and the Republicans established a printing press and editorial offices for him, from which he published “Der Corsar” for fourteen months.  Following a failed effort to publish a daily, the Milwaukee “Journal,” another weekly, the “Atlas” appeared successfully from March 1856 into the period of the Civil War.  Domschcke published the Atlas in Milwaukee from March 1856 to April 1861.  In September 1861 he became the first editor of the Milwaukee “Herold.”  About a year later, he along with the entire staff resigned to enlist in the Union Army.  His writing is both opinionated and well-done, covering local, state (Carl Schurz for governor of Wisconsin) and national politics (scandals, slavery) as well as culture (musical reviews).  He was captured and held prisoner of war in Richmond, Virginia and then marched through the South as far as Georgia before being exchanged at Wilmington, North Carolina in February 1865.  The physical strain of his war experiences apparently were reflected in his loss of intense engagement with the issues he subsequently editorialized about, and following collapse, he died an invalid on May 5, 1869.

Cover of "Rhineland Radicals"Sperber, Jonathan. Rhineland Radicals: the Democratic Movement and the Revolution of 1848-1849. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1991. xvi, 528 p. ; 24 cm.
In MadCat.  Contents: The Rhinelands — Social conflict during the Vormaerz — Popular politics during the Vormaerz — From crisis to revolution, September 1845-May1848 — The organization of a democratic movement — The democrats and their supporters — The democratic movement in state and society — Crisis and conflict, June 1848-March 1849 — Uprising on the Lower Rhine — Revolution on the Upper Rhine — The revolutionary regime and society in the Palatinate, May-June 1849.  Includes bibliographical references and index.
This major interpretation of the Revolution of 1848-1849 in Germany stresses its character as a mass political phenomenon. Building skillfully on the theme of the interaction of self-conscious radicalism and spontaneous popular movements, Jonathan Sperber analyzes the social and religious antagonisms of pre-1848 German society and shows how they were politicized by the democratic political opposition.

Stoltzfus, Sam S. “Going to Public School in 1950s.” Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, vol. 16, no. 3, Fall 2010, pp. 11-14.
The Amish author recounts his childhood experiences attending “English” schools in Leacock Township, Pennsylvania.

Storm, Gerald L., and Robert H. Gruling. The Headwaters: Rural Culture, Small Watershed Values and Conservation. Charleston, SC: CreateSpace, 2011. xvii, 404 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Contents: Early Settlers: European Heritage and Exodus — Culture and Contributions to Society — Forest Exploitation, Farm Development, and Profiles — Farmsteads — Development versus Conservation — Landscapes and small watersheds: Alterations, Values, and Management — Focus Essays (includes Fromm Brothers Fox and Ginseng Farm, Land Conservation and Environmental Ethics, The Ice Age Trail in North Central Wisconsin) — Sidebars (includes Why Immigrants Should Settle in Lincoln County, Platt Deutsch in Lincoln and Marathon County).  Includes bibliographical references and index.
An ambitious, wide-ranging history that encompasses early settlement; forest development and exploitation; farm development; social, cultural, and personal history; and a perspective of ecologic attributes of Wisconsin’s northern counties.
Autographed and donated by author Gruling.

Troyer, Emanuel A. “Holmes County From the Rocking Chair.”  Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, vol. 16, no. 2, Summer 2010, pp. 3-19.
Transcription by Mattie Lowry of stories told by her father, Emanuel A. Troyer, who dictated an account of Holmes County, Pennsylvania, history almost entirely in Pennsylvania Dutch. Mr. Troyer, an Amish farmer for most of his life, includes information on the roles played by dogs and horses in Amish life, Amish education in one-room grade schools, the interaction of Amish with their neighbors, the frequency with which the Amish move from house to house, the manner in which the Holmes County Amish prepare for their bi-weekly religious services, and young Amish men as conscientious objectors during the world wars.

Werner, Johannes. Vater Ambros Oschwald: ein Leben als Priester, Heiler, Seher und Gründer in Baden und in Amerika. (Father Ambrose Oschwald: a Life as Priest, Healer, Visionary and Founder in Baden and in America) Mitarbeit.: Johan Moris. Ubstadt-Weiher: Verlag Regionalkultur, 2014. 119 p. : ill.
Includes bibliographical references.
Born March 14, 1801 in the Lochmuehle in Mundelfingen (Baden-Wuertemberg), Ambros Oschwald became a beloved priest sought for his healing abilities, even when assigned to the most remote locations by the bishops, and a writer of books of prophecy.  He eventually emigrated to the United States in 1854 with 113 followers to found the fundamental Christian commune of St. Nazianz in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin.  “Der Vater,” as everyone called him, died there on February 27, 1873.
Donated by the author.

———. “Von Baden nach Amerika: Weg und Irrweg des Ordenspriesters Joseph Albrecht [From Baden to America: the Path and Going Astray of the Missionary Priest Joseph Albrecht].” Freiburger Dioezesan-Archiv, 123. Band, no. 3. Folge, 55. Band pp. [109]-123.
Includes bibliographical references.
Biography of Joseph Albrecht, born in Unter-Neuhaeuser by Kirchzarten in Breisgau January 6, 1800.  Although he married Maria Anna on November 29, 1826, they separated and she joined a cloister founded by the mother of by Franz Sales Brunner, priest of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood.  In 1843 Brunner led a group of seminarians to Ohio where priests were in high demand, Maria Anna followed in 1844; Joseph Albrecht in 1848.  Despite poor academic and theological training, and little regard by his fellow priests and superiors, Albrecht was a beloved priest in Ohio until his capital punishment of several young women caused a split in the congregation.  He and a small band of followers traveled via St. Nazianz, Wisconsin, where a Christian commune had been founded by Ambrose Oschwald, to  “Rush Lake” in Minnesota.  His formal appointment in the new diocese was never made official, but his community grew.  He was excommunicated in 1871, in 1879 his community was destroyed by arson, and he died in 1884.  Includes appendix with brief biography of Ambros Oschwald.
Donated by the author, 2014.

What Wondrous Life: The World of George Husmann: A Photographic Exhibit on the Life and Achievement of George Husmann. Columbia, MO: Western Historical Manuscript Collection, 2002. vi, 32 p. : ill.
Contents: Why emigrate? / Adolf E. Schroeder — The Spirit of George Husmann / Linda Walker Stevens — Early photography and the family / Oliver Schuchard — The books and monographs of George Husmann, a chronological checklist / Gail Unzelman.
Three essays and a bibliography to accompany an exhibit about “the father of the Missouri grape and wine industry,” who also played an important role in rescuing French and California vineyards from destruction by Phylloxera by providing resistant rootstock.
Donated by J Tiedemann, 2014.

Winters, Keene. “Trieglafferen im Wausau.” Dat Pommersche Blatt, no. 81, July 2014, pp. 14, ill.
Johann “August” and Bertha (Stark) Winter arrived in Wausau from Trieglaff in Pomerania with their five children in 1887 where they established a friendship with the Town of Maine family of Anton and Caroline (Gerht) Krueger, likely from Greifenberg, Pomerania.

Yoder, Joseph W. Rosanna of the Amish: the restored text. Illustrated by George Daubenspeck, introduction by Julia Spicher Kasdorf, edited by Joshua R. Brown and Julia Spicher Kasdorf. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2008. 357 p. : frontispiece.
Includes “Explanatory notes.”  Original edition at Wisconsin Historical Society.
The critical introduction places the book in its cultural and historical context, making the original 1940 narrative in colloquial Pennsylvania German understandable as the author intended it “an Irish Catholic baby girl is brought up by an Amish woman.”  Representative of early Mennonite literature in the United States.
Donated by Dale McIntyre, March 2015.

Zamzow, DuWayne. “The Experience … Schult’s Country Inn.” Dat Pommersche Blatt, no. 81, July 2014, pp. 3, 9-11,  ill.
History of the rural Merrill tavern, Schult’s Country Inn, now run by the third generation of Pomeranian descendents.  Founded as “Martin Hinz Hall” in 1936 by Martin and Marie Hinz,  and continued as “Walt and Elsie Schult Tavern” by their daughter and son-in-law, the “Schult Country Inn” is now owned and run by granddaughters and grandsons-in-law, Don and Darlene Keeser (cooks) and Lee and Diane Pfaff (hosts).

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Family Histories and Archives

Streich, Anita. Descendants of Johann August Ferdinand Streich. [52] pp., ill.
Johann August Ferdinand Streich was born in 1806 in Janserie in Jacobshagen, Prussia. He married Marie Louisa Lemke in 1840 in Schoenebeck, Pomerania, Prussia. They emigrated to America, settling in Jefferson County, Wisconsin. Other surnames noted in this genealogy include: Asserin, Banker, Buchta, Hein, Herbstein, Hoof, Horn, Kisow, Linder, Kellermann, Schlueter, Schoeller, Schroeder, Schultz, Schwerbel, iede, Wegener, Wolfgram, and Zenk.
Donated by Anita Streich.

Wallach Family Documents. 1 compact disc.
Scanned from original documents loaned by Lori Wallach.
Scans of original documents primarily for Theodor (Theo) Wallach and Else (Elsa) Heim Wallach, including 1938 passports, a 1904 Fuehrerschein for Theo, a photostat of their wedding certificate (1938), an Ehevertrag Abschrift for Isidor and Dina (Bruchfeld) Heim (Else’s parents), Isidore’s 1914 Feldgebetbuch fuer die juedische Mannschaft des Heeres (text available online at <>), several photographs, a fragment of the Gebrueder Wallach letterhead (clothing store in Fulda, Germany), an interview with Peter Wallach (son of Theo and Else), and Peter Wallach’s eulogy. Theo was born July 15, 1906 in Flieden, Hesse; Else was born June 15, 1912 in Crumstadt (Stadt Riedstadt, Kreis Gross-Gerau) and lived in Frankfurt. They emigrated to Wisconsin, where Theo began a scrap metal business first in Cornell, and then in Stanley. He later co-founded the Wausau Scrap Company, later known as Wausau Steel.

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