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Published in North America
Berg, Joseph. Das Leben und Leiden Jesu Christi. Milwaukee, Wis.: Milwaukee Book Co., 1910. vii, 305 pp., ill.
On title page: Von Joseph Berg, Professor am Provinzial-Seminar zu St. Francis, Wis. Mit sehr vielen Kunstdruckbildern und Textillustrationen.
— Illustrated cover. — “Printed in Germany.”
Two copies, one donated by Ronald C. Wagner, 1991 / second copy donated by the St. Nazianz (Wis.) Historical Society.
Hülle, Ernst. Gott grüsse Dich. Das Kirchenjahr in Wort und Bild. New York: Ernst Kaufmann, n.d. [1899-1920]. 188 pp., ill., col. plates.
Also on title page: Mit zahlreichen Kunstblättern und Illustrationen. New-York. Verlag von Ernst Kaufmann. 330 Pearl Street. Christlicher Zeitschriftenverein Berlin. — On last printed page (p. 188): Druckerei des Christlichen Zeitschriftenvereins, Berlin SW., Alte Jakob-Strasse 129. —-
Found between pages: An obituary for Ludwig Bergeman, born August 20, 1858, in the town of Hustisford, Wisconsin. He married Augusta Kaulitz in 1878, and they were the parents of five daughters.
Hofacker, Ludwig. Predigten fuer alle Sonn-, Fest- und Feiertage nebst einigen Busstags-Predigten und Grabreden. Erste amerikanische Stereotyp-Ausgabe. Philadelphia, Pa.: Kohler, 1866. xxxx, 397; 512 pp., portrait.
On title page: M. Ludwig Hofacker, weil. Pfarrer in Rielinghausen in Wuerttemberg. Mit dem Bildnisse des sel. Verfassers und erweiterten Mittheilungen aus seinem aeusseren und inneren Lebensgange. Philadelphia: Verlag von I. Kohler, No. 202 Nord Vierte Strasse. —- [Ignaz (Ignatz, Ignatius) Kohler (1817-1901) emigrated from Hohenzollern and was active as a publisher at various addresses in Philadelphia from 1851 to 1897. —- Two parts; Zweiter Theil is dated 1863.] —- Stamped: F. A. Buettner, Campbellsport [Fond du Lac County], Wis., R.F.D. – No’ 32.” Includes notes in the old German script by Buettner, dated 1868.
Donated by Fran Luebke.
Horn, W. William, ed. Gebet- und Danklieder, Nr. 2. Für Erweckungs- und Gebetsversammlungen. Achte Auflage. Cleveland, Ohio: Verlagshaus der Evangelischen Gemeinschaft, Thomas & Mattill, 1894. 260 pp.
Inscribed: “Cora Zick.” Illustrated cover. — On title page: (Text redigirt von W. Horn.); Thomas & Mattill, Verleger, 265-275 Woodland Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. — Vorwort is “signed” by W. Horn, C. A. Thomas, R. Jäckel.
Donated by Rob Howell.
Horne, A. R. [Abraham Reasor]. Pennsylvania German Manual, for Pronouncing, Speaking and Writing English. Guide Book for Families and Schools. Rev. and enlarged ed. Allentown, Pa.: National Educator Print, 1896. 415 pp., ill.
Also on title page: In four Parts: Part I. — English Pronunciation. Part II. — Pennsylvania German Literature, with English Translation. Part III. — Pennsylvania German Dictionary. Part IV. — English Vocabulary. By A. R. Horne, A. M., D. D. Editor of The National Educator and Institute Instructor. Ex-Principal of the Keystone State Normal School. — On cover: Horne’s Pennsylvania German Manual. Revised, Improved and Enlarged . . . . ‘M Horn sei Pensilfawnish Deitsh Buch. Farenard, Farbes’rd und Fargras’rd. A Diagram Business Directory Appended. — Stamped: Shafer’s Popular Book Store, 33 North 7th St., Allentown, Pa. — Title page and other pages have separated; in need of repair.
Contents: Preface to the Second Edition — English Pronunciation (Rules and Suggestions With Examples for Drill in Pronunciation; Correct Pronunciation, in 12 Lessons) — Part Second. Pennsylvania German Literature (Exercises for Translation Into English; Object Lesson Exercises; Pennsylvania German Proverbs; Riddles and Conundrums; Ballads in Pennsylvania German; Anecdotes; The Customs of the Pennsylvania Germans in the Olden Times; Historical Facts; Original Poetry; Songs; Selections from Different Authors, Maintaining Their Style of Spelling; The Pennsylvania German Governors) — Part Third. Pennsylvania German Dictionary (Words in Use Among Pennsylvania Germans, with English and High German Equivalents) — Part Fourth. English-Penna. German Vocabulary (Giving the English Words Having Pennsylvania German Equivalents; Other Pennsylvania German Works and References) — Our Allentown Business Directory.
Donated by C. E. Degner, LaGrange, Texas, 2012.
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Kriegleder, Wynfrid. “Sealsfield — Strubberg — Karl May, oder: Der deutsche Amerikaroman wird zum Ego-Trip.” Yearbook of German-American Studies, vol. 46, 2011, pp. 5-19.
Includes bibliographical references.
Lind, Wilhelm J. Ein Ratgeber für die Familie in der Krankenpflege nebst Einer Erzählung aus den deutschen Kolonien an der Wolga in Russland. Hoisington, Kansas: S.n., n.d. [1910s]. [103] pp., ill
On title page: “. . . von Wilhelm J. Lind, pastor der ev.-luth. Gemeinden zu Wilson und Galatia und Verwalter der Lind Hospital and Training School Association zu Hoisington, Kansas.” — [In 1910, Wilhelm J. Lind (born about 1881 in Russia; came to America in 1902; and died 1966 in Kansas City) and Georgina Mathilda Borell (born 1892 in Saratov, Russia; died 1981 in Russell, Kansas) were married in Wilson, Kansas.] — Inscribed: “Zum Andenken, Rev. Otto Pett.” [Rev. Otto Pett was the pastor of the German Lutheran church at Johnson Creek, Wisconsin. He was born in Pomerania, Germany, in 1866 and came to the U.S. in 1884, studying theology at Mendota, Illinois. Beginning in 1888, he did missionary work for twelve years in the Dakotas, then took charge of the Lutheran church in Watertown in 1900, before accepting the pastorate at Johnson Creek in 1910. He married Amelia Pischke of Princeton, Wisconsin, and they had six children.].
The title of the story beginning on page 53 is “Das Missionswerk der Krankenpflegerin. Eine Erzählung aus den deutschen Kolonien an der Wolga, in Russland.”
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Marty, Carl. Das Menschenkind auf Erden. Zeitgemaesse Jeremiade. Monroe, Wis.: 1944. [14] pp.
Swiss-American author. From Ward, Bio-Bibliography, 1985: “b. 4-3-1873 in Gachnang, Switzerland, d. 1960 in Monroe, Wis. Came to Green County, Wisconsin, in 1887 to join his father and older brother. Returned to Switzerland in 1893 and visited his sister in Bucharest where he worked for 2 years as a bank employee with his brother-in-law. 1895 in Switzerland, 1896 in Wisconsin where he co-edited the Green County Herold. 1901 employed in cheese industry, 1907 owner of a cheese factory in Chicago which he built into a prosperous business. Contributed poetry to various Swiss-American periodicals. . . . Wrote works in Berner dialect with A. Rieder and P. Baehler.”
Verse about comtemporary events
Nippert, Ludwig. Praktische Theologie. Ein Handbuch der Homiletik und Pastoraltheologie vom methodistischen Standpunkt für Prediger und Seelsorger sowie für ihre Mitarbeiter am Reiche Gottes. Bremen; Cincinnati: Verlag des Tractathauses; Hitchcock & Walden, [1879]. 461 pp.
On title page: Ludwig Nippert, Prediger. Director der Martins-Missions-Anstalt der Bischöflichen Methodistenkirche zu Frankfurt a./M. — Dedication: “Meinem theuren und verehrten Freunde und Bruder im Herrn, dem Ehrw. William Nast, Dr. theol., Gründer des deutschen Methodismus im Jahre 1835 in Nordamerika und seit 1839 Herausgeber des Christlichen Apologeten in Cincinnati, zum Zeichen der Liebe gewidmet vom Verfasser.” — Stamped: H. F. Barkemeyer. — From last printed page (“Berichtigungen”): Bremen, Druck von C. H. Doering. — Includes “Verzeichniss von guten theologischen Werkes” (pp. 453-460).
Donated by Egon Gerdes.
Rütenik, H. J. Hermann Julius. Handbuch der christlichen Kirchen-Geschichte für Prediger und Gemeinde-Glieder. Theil II. Seit der Reformation. Zweiter Abdruck. Cleveland, Ohio: Deutsches Verlagshaus, 1876. vii, 439 pp.
On page facing title page: Vollständig in zwei Theilen von H. J. Ruetenik, Th. Dr. — MKI owns only vol. 2. — On title page: Deutsches Verlagshaus . . . 991 Scranton Avenue, Cleveland, O. — On title page verso: Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1876, by the Ev. Ref. Buch-Anstalt, 991 Scranton Ave., Cleveland, O., in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. — From Ward, Bio-Bibliography, 1985: Rütenik, Hermann Julius, born Sept. 20, 1826 in Demerthin near Berlin, died Feb. 22, 1914, in Cleveland. Studied theology at University of Halle. His part in the revolutionary movement of 1848 in Berlin caused his expulsion from Germany to America. Worked at odd jobs and studied for the ministry.Taught school in Easton, Pennsylvania. Ordained on July 17, 1853. Married Emilia / Amelia Clara Martin, taught at Heidelberg College in Tiffin, Ohio. Served as a traveling missionary and helped found Reformed congregations throughout northern Ohio. Associated in various capacities with the Central Publishing House and founded the Calvin Institute. He edited numerous periodicals and published biographical and historical works as well as occasional verse and German-English grammars.
Donated by Fran Luebke.
Wagner, Louis. Panama — Kanal, Land und Leute. St. Louis, Mo.: Louis Lange, c1912. 197 pp., ill.
On title page: Von Louis Wagner, Redakteur der “Abendschuld.” Mit 110 Illustrationen. — Illustrated cover.
Louis Wagner is the author of a song titled “America, Most Blessed Land.” — From The Lutheran Witness, May 28, 1918 (vol. 37, no. 11), p. 174: America, Most Blessed Land. A National Anthem. Words by Louis Wagner. Music by F. Fettingcr. 4 pages. Price 15 cts. per copy; dozen $1.50; 100 $10.00. Louis Wagner, 3600 Texas Ave., St. Louis, Mo. — Mr. Wagner, the editor of Die Abendschule, has written a spirited national anthem, and Teacher F. Fettinger, of Arlington, Minn., has supplied a pleasing tune. When the anthem first appeared, quite a number of composers at once sent the author a tune, composed for this particular text, and of those submitted, Mr. Fettinger’s melody was chosen. This anthem ought to be sung by many of our school and Sunday school children at closing exercises, Fourth of July celebrations, etc. and is suitable also for rendition by choirs on patriotic occasions. We bespeak a wide and growing vogue for this “German-American” tribute to the “most blessed land.”
The last 24 pages are a catalog for books and other products (particularly imports from Germany) available from Louis Lange.
Second copy donated by David Flieger.
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“By Steamship from Bremen to New York, 1883: A Previously Unavailable Passenger Record, Here Alphabetized.” Der Blumenbaum (Sacramento German Genealogy Society), vol. 30, no. 3, Jan./Feb./Mar. 2013, pp. 129-133, ill.
Provides an alphabetized listing of passenger names from the manifest for the steamship Neckar, which set sail from Bremen on 6 May 1883 and arrived in New York on 19 May 1883. Includes information on location of origin and family relationships, and also notes the names and ranks of the ship’s crew.
Monroe Swiss Singers of Monroe, Wisconsin USA. Madison, WI: Acoustic Imagery, [2010]. 1 sound disc, digital (compact disc).
Deborah Krauss Smith, Director. — Recorded 7 November 2009 at St. Victor Catholic Church, Monroe, Wisconsin. — From enclosed letter: “This is the first cd (or full recording) that the group has ever made; we wanted to do this while we still had native Swiss/charter members in our choir.” —
From liner notes: “The Monroe Swiss Singers of Monroe, Wisconsin is a non-professional, non-profit choral group specializing in Swiss folklore music, with the mission of nurturing and perpetuating the heritage and traditions brought by immigrant Swiss to Green County. Established in 1963, following a long line of Swiss choral groups in Monroe dating back to the late 1800s, many of the singers are native Swiss or of Swiss descent.” —- Playlist: 1. Cowbell Processional / Fryburger Chüereihe (Fryburg Cow Call) — 2. Schweizerpsalm (Swiss Psalm, The Swiss National Anthem) — 3. Büchel Fanfare — 4. Alperose (Alpine Rose) — 5. Aspiranten Marsch — 6. Eusi Heimet, ‘s Schwyzerland (Our Home, Switzerland) — 7. Hubel-Marsch (Marching Over the Hill) — 8. Die Abendglocken rufen (The Evening Bells are Calling) — 9. Choral für Luzern (Song for Lucerne) — 10. Du fragsch, was i möcht singe (You Ask What I Would Like to Sing) — 11. Schludererpolka — 12. Mis liebe Bärn (My Dear Bern) — 13. Schneewalzer (Snow Waltz) — 14. D’Bernertracht (The Bernese Costume) — 15. Güte Sunntig, mitenand (A Good Sunday to Everyone) — 16. I gan nid hei bis ‘s wälleled (I Won’t Go Home Until Morning) — 17. Heilig (Holy) — 18. O, du liebs Aengeli (O, You Dear Little Angel) — 19. Allemande No. 3 — 20. Zwöi Stärnli (Two Stars) — 21. Papis Käse (Papa’s Cheese) — 22. Edelweiss (from ‘The Sound of Music’) — 23. Luschtig sy (Be Happy) — 24. Talerschwingen / Clayt’s Song / Lueget vo Bärgen und Tal (See the Mountains and Valley) — 25. Cowbell Processional.
Donated by the Monroe Swiss Singers.
“The Pretzel Alley Wurst Blatt.” Infoblatt (German American Heritage Center, Davenport, Iowa), vol. 18, no. 3, Fall 2012, pp. 1.
Features selections from the Pretzel Alley Wurst Blatt, the offical record of the Pretzel Alley [Davenport, Iowa] Commerical Club from its annual meeting of March 20, 1909.
Autry, James. “A Researcher’s Quest for the Elusive Passenger List of the 1844 Johann Dethardt.” The Journal (German-Texan Heritage Society), vol. 34, no. 4, Winter 2012, pp. 213-220, ill.
Presents information related to search for information on Johann and Fredericke (Offermann) Reinarz. Fredericke Offermann was born in Roetgen, Aachen, Nordheim-Westfalen, Prussia, in 1809. She and her husband Johnann Reinarz left for Texas in 1844. Johann’s sister, Eleanor, married Ferdinand Lindheimer, a well-known German-American naturalist and newspaper editor.
Bauschinger, Sigrid, Horst Denkler, and Wilfried Malsch, eds. Amerika in der deutschen Literatur. Neue Welt, Nordamerika, USA. Stuttgart: Reclam, 1975. 416 pp.
“Wolfgang Paulsen zum 65. Geburtstag.” — Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents: Einleitung. Neue Welt, Nordamerika und USA als Projektion und Problem / Wilfried Malsch — Francisci, Happel und Pochantas. Amerikanisches in der deutschen Literatur des 17. Jahrhunderts / Volker Meid — Edle Wilde mit Zahnausfall. Albrecht von Hallers Indianerbild / Karl S. Guthke — Die Humanität des Handelsgeistes. Amerika in der deutschen Literatur des ausgehenden 18. Jahrhunderts — Goethes Amerikabild. Wirklichkeit und Vision / Victor Lange — Recht oder Unrecht in der Neuen Welt. Zu Charles Sealsfields Roman ‘Der Legitime und die Republikaner’ / Hildegard Emmel — Auf andere Art so grosse Hoffnung. Heine und die USA / Jost Hermand — Vom Vormärz zum Bürgerkrieg. Die Achtundvierziger und ihre Lyrik / Frank Trommler — Die Schule des Kapitalismus. Reinhold Solgers deutsch-amerikanisches ‘Seitenstuck’ zu Gustav Freytags ‘Soll und Haben’ / Horst Denkler — Otto Ruppius, der Amerikafahrer. Fluchtling, Exilschriftsteller, Rückwanderer / Christoph Herring — Nach Amerika. Gerstäckers Widerlegung der Lenau-Legende / Manfred Durzak — Ferdinand Kürnbergers “Der Amerikamüde.’ Ein ‘amerikanisches Kulturbild’ als Entwurf einer negativen Utopie / Rüdiger Steinlein — Auswanderer, Rückkehrer, Heimkehrer. Amerikaspiegelungen im Erzählwerk von Keller, Raabe und Fontane / Fritz Martini — Herman Grimms ‘Unüberwindliche Mächte.’ Deutschland und die Vereinigten Staaten in einem Adelsroman des bürgerlichen Realismus / Helmut Kreuzer — ‘Den Blick fernhin auf Nordamerika richten.’ Zur Amerikaperspektive Nietzsches / Ingo Seidler — Von der Rothaut zum Edelmenschen. Karl Mays Amerikaromane / Peter Uwe Hohendahl — Zwischen Drohung und Errettung. Zur funktion Amerikas in Kafkas Roman “Der verschollene’ / Walter H. Sokel — Keine amerikanische Tragödie. Alfons Paquets dramatischer Roman ‘Fahnen.’ Text, Inszenierung und Kritik / Ulrich Weisstein — ‘Ihr geht gemeinsam den Weg nach unten.” Aufstieg und Fall Amerikas im Werk Bertolt Brechts? / Marjorie L. Hoover — Ausgebeutete Amerika-Romantik. Hanns Johst und der ‘Parteigenosse’ Thomas Paine / Helmut G. Hermann — Das Amerikabild der Exilliteratur. Zu einem unveroffentlichten Film-expose von Alfred Neumann / Guy Stern — Die Freiheit trägt Handschellen im Land der Freiheit. Das Bild der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika in der Literatur der DDR. / Jack Zipes — ‘Ein Gefühl der Fremde.’ Amerikaperspektiven bei Max Frisch / Walter Hinderer — Supermacht USA. Hans Magnus Enzensberger über Amerika, Politik und Verbrechen / Klaus Peter — Mythos Manhattan. Die Faszination einer Stadt / Sigrid Bauschinger.
Donated by Prof. Charles James.
Bender, Ruth, Sarah E. Fisher, Jean Miller Thomas, Thomas Miller, and Leroy Miller. The Kalona/Iowa Pennsylvania-German Dialect. C. Richard Beam, and Rachel Cornelius, eds. Millersville, Pa.: Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, Millersville University of Pennsylvania; C. Richard Beam, 2003. xxii, 208 pp., ill.
Expanded and revised version of Ruth Bender’s 1929 thesis: “A Study of the Pennsylvania-German Dialect as Spoken in Johnson County, Iowa.”
More than 3,000 Pennsylvania German words with example sentences as compiled initially by Dr. Ruth Bender for her 1929 master’s thesis. Bender taked with families of the small Amish and Mennonite farming town of Kalona in Johnson County, Iowa, working often with children. The Kalona, Iowa, words in context feature many everyday expressions, often referring to an earlier time period, and also highlight regionally-specific usages that differ from those in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
Donated by Luanne von Schneidemesser, 2013.
Bode, Daniel R. “The Family of August and Wilhelmine (Bode) Rosentreter.” The Journal (German-Texan Heritage Society), vol. 34, no. 3, Fall 2012, pp. 172-191, ill.
Wilhelmine Albertine Louise Bode was born in Galveston, Texas, in 1861; she was the oldest child of Heinrich Konrad Wilhelm Bode (born in Rosenthal, Hannover, in 1830) and Catherine Albertine Marie Dorothea Jahnke (born in Solenthin, Prussia, in 1839). Wilhelmine married August Benjamin Rosentreter in 1880 at Zion Lutheran Church in Zionsville, Texas; August was born in Langebenicke, Posen, in 1848, and came to America in 1877. Other family surnames mentioned in this history: Spreen, Kalbow, Schmidt, Haferkamp, Herweg, Schawe, Thefs, Eickenhorst, Werney, Luedke, Kopp, Zettler, Feldmann, Schrank, Limmer, Riewe, Jeschke, and Unnasch.
Browne, Joseph L. “Adolf Cluss, from Communist Leader to Washington, D. C., Architect, 1848-68.” Yearbook of German-American Studies, vol. 46, 2011, pp. 95-128, ill.
Includes bibliographical references.
Buffington, Albert F., and Preston A. Barba. A Pennsylvania German Grammar. Rev. ed. Pennsylvania German Folklore Society, vol. 27. Allentown, Pa.: Schlechter’s, 1964. ix, 170 pp., ill.
Donated by C. E. Degner, LaGrange, Texas, 2012.
Danner, Edwin R. Pennsylvania Dutch Dictionary and Handbook, with Special Emphasis on the Dialect That Was, and Is, Spoken in York County, Pennsylvania. York, Pa.: William Penn Senior High School and Atreus Wanner Vocational School, 1951. x, 178 pp.
On title page: Edwin R. Danner, Ph. D., Spring Grove, Pennsylvania — Owner’s label: Mr. Jesse W. Hunsberger, 135 North 3rd Street, Telford, Pennsylvania.. — First edition, December 1951. Printed by the Dispatch Publishing Company.
From the foreword: “The first purpose of this book is to set up a comprehensive list of Pennsylvania Dutch words and a representative list of Pennsylvania Dutch phrases. The second purpose is to suggest a spelling pattern which will enable Pennsylvania Dutch to assume its proper place as a written dialect.”
Donated by C. E. Degner, LaGrange, Texas, 2012.
Earnest, Russell, Corinne Earnest, and Edward L. Rosenberry. Flying Leaves and One-Sheets: Pennsylvania German Broadsides, Fraktur and Their Printers. New Castle, Del.: Oak Knoll Books, 2005. xiv, 337 pp., ill (chiefly col.).
Includes bibliographical references (pp. 319-328) and index.
For almost two centuries, German- and English-language broadsides circulated among Pennsylvania Germans and their descendants throughout Pennsylvania, western Maryland, the Shenandoah Valley, Ohio, and beyond. The 134 illustrations in this book demonstrate the typographical skills of German-language printers in North America from the mid 1750s to 1876. Selected for graphic appeal, range of subject matter, and historic interest, these broadsides show the attitudes and literary appetites of Pennsylvania Germans as expressed in printed matter. Known for their love of color and decoration, Pennsylvania Germans often hand-illuminated broadsides so that many are classified as fraktur.
Donated by Bob Meier, 2013.
Frey, J. William. Pennsylvania Dutch Grammar. Lancaster, Pa.: Pennsylvania Dutch Folklore Center, 1950. 36 pp.
On title page: By Dr. J. William Frey. Published by the Pennsylvania Dutch Folklore Center, Inc., Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa.
Donated by C. E. Degner, LaGrange, Texas, 2012.
Halbrook, Stephen P. “The Swiss Confederation in the Eyes of America’s Founders.” Swiss American Historical Society Review, vol. 48, no. 3, Nov. 2012, pp. 32-69, ill.
Examines how the Swiss history of resistance to European powers provided inspiration for the American Revolution and how the Swiss experience influenced debate of the proposed federal Constitution in the American States.
Hinds, Harold E. Jr. “Finding the German Origins of Elizabeth Brincker from Pennsylvania.” Germanic Genealogy Journal, vol. 15, no. 2, Summer 2012, pp. 9-13, 24-25.
Includes end notes.
Details continuing research by the author for the immigrant Carl / Charles König / King (? – ca. 1780). While no immigration records have yet been discovered, the author believes his ancestor married three time. There was a Carl König who married Christina Schmidt from Zweibrücken in 1754 at Trinity Lutheran Church, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Then, in 1758 there was Carl König, “a widower,” who married Catharina Herburger at Canadochly Union Church, York County, Pennsylvania. Finally, there are records for a Carl König, “a widower for the second time,” who married Eliesabetha Barbara Brinck in 1759, also in Canadochly Union Church. The marriage records state that Eliesabetha Barbara Brinck was the “left behind” daughter of Johann Jacob Brincker, formerly of Senssbach in Orttewald / Odenwald. Research indicates Eliesabetha Barbara Brinck was born in Beerfelden Parish, Erbach, in the modern state of Hesse.
Kline, Dick. “The Company They Kept.” Germanic Genealogy Journal, vol. 15, no. 2, Summer 2012, pp. 21-24, ill.
Study of an immigration cluster involving the author’s ancestors, who were part of a group of thirty-seven closely related emigrants from small villages in Landkreis Sankt Wendel, north of Saarbruecken, in the Saarland region of Germany. In 1834, the group, all with surnames of either Klein or Schneider, immigrated to Rainham Township, Haldimand County, Upper Canada (Ontario). Some of the Schneiders moved to Cook County, Illinois, around 1842-1844.
——–. “Genealogy of a Fraktur Confirmation Letter.” Germanic Genealogy Journal, vol. 15, no. 2, Summer 2012, pp. 18-20, ill.
“Tucked into the pages of an old book in my parents’ attic was a beautiful 4 by 6 inch fraktur with nine lines of calligraphy and a hand-painted scene with flowering bushes, a cherub, and young girl.” The fraktur document was created by Ursula Ebner to memorialize the 1849 confirmation of her goddaughter Maria Kölle in Wuerttemberg. The author’s research discovered that Maria Kölle immigrated from Laichingen, Wuerttemberg, to America in 1854 at age 19, travelling with her mother, sister, brother, and a young man names George Mangold, who later became Maria’s husband. The family’s father awaited them in Coventry, New York, where he had been employed as a laborer since arriving in 1852. The surname was changed to Kelley, and Maria’s sister Anna Kelley married the author’s great-grandfather, Martin Seeley, in 1865.
Kriegleder, Wynfrid. “Sealsfield — Strubberg — Karl May, oder: Der deutsche Amerikaroman wird zum Ego-Trip.” Yearbook of German-American Studies, vol. 46, 2011, pp. 5-19.
Includes bibliographical references.
“Die in diesem Beitrag behandelten Romane, bis hin zu den Texten Charles Sealsfields, stehen allesamt in der Tradition des Aufklärungsromans. Sie folgen damit einer Literaturauffassung, die dem Autonomiepostulat der Weimarer Klassik und der Romantik vorangeht. . . Die Amerikaromane sind zunächst von diesen gattungspoetischen Neuerungen unberührt; von Seybold bis Sealsfield dominiert das Modell des Aufklärungsromans. . . . Die von uns heute als trivial eingestuften Romane Strubbergs und Mays folgen letztlich dem Schema des Wilhelm Meister. . . . Nach 1848 beschränkt sich das Amerikamotiv in deutschsprachigen Romanen weitgehend darauf, für individuelle Lebensgeschichten funktionalisiert zu werden. Informationen über die Vereinigten Staaten oder gar eine gesellschaftliche Alternative zur europäischen Misere bieten die Romane nicht mehr. Das mag natürlich auch damit zusammenhängen, dass Amerika nicht mehr als positive Alternative begriffen wird.”
Kuntze, Edward J. “Harvest Festivals in Pomerania.” Die Pommerschen Leute, vol. 35, no. 3, Fall 2012, pp. 1, 3-5, ill.
“This is the third in a series of articles adapted from The Riverside Magazine for Young People. Written by Edward J. Kuntze, this one is from the August 1867 issue. Here again, the story is told by a grandfather who now lives in America, and he is sharing memories of his youth in Pomerania with his grandchildren. From the story, it is clear the grandfather was a son of estate owners and grew up in the manor house.”[It is uncertain whether the author is the same as the Pomeranian-born sculpter (1826-1872) who lived in New York.].
McKee, Gary E. “Newly Arrived Germans Didn’t Favor a War.” The Journal (German-Texan Heritage Society), vol. 34, no. 4, Winter 2012, pp. 233-234.
A three-part “Footprints of Fayette” series that appeared in the Fayette County Record, beginning Sept. 14, 2012.
Part I: German Draft Resistance in 1860s. Part II: Troops, Cannon Sent to Enforce the Draft. Part III: Many Also Aided the Confederate Cause.
Purcell, W. L. “Pretzel Alley: Where the Germann Crew Hoisted Their Brew.” Infoblatt (German American Heritage Center, Davenport, Iowa), vol. 18, no. 2, Summer 2012, pp. 1, 4, ill. .
“The following redacted recollection is of Pretzel Alley — the alley between Main to Harrison, between Third and Fourth Streets [in Davenport, Iowa], was once the soggiest stretch in town, known for its German saloons and the jokes that flowed as fast as the beer taps. Such notables surnames as Raphael, Hickey, Conrad, Berg, French, Adler, Paulsen, Petersen, Brooks, Mueller, Carroll, Korn, Ruhl, Kuehl, Goldschmidt, Meinert, and many others . . . met regularly to ‘swear their loyalty to the flag of the pretzel, and to renounce all allegiance to foreign kings, queens, jacks and deucespots.'” The source of this article is W. L. Purcell’s 1922 book, Them Was the Good Old Days. “Pretzel Alley published an official organ The Wurst-Blatt, for one consecutive week, while operatin’ the rathskeller at the Turner fair, and annually thereafter. The Wurst-Blatt published official proceedings of the alley council, the annual reports of alley officers, and the poetry of Barney Squires, tree-trimmer and poet lariat.”
Richards-Wilson, Stephani. “Klaus Mann: German-American Veteran in the Pursuit of a Pan-European Peace.” Yearbook of German-American Studies, vol. 46, 2011, pp. 71-86.
Includes bibliographical references.
“Having survived two world wars as a German citizen and later as an American soldier, Klaus Mann experienced first-hand the horrors of war and the fragility of peace on the cusp of the Cold War. he was well qualified and inherently well versed to postulate how best to pursue peace from various vantage points throughout his life, which he ended in 1949 at the age of 42. Klaus Mann was a prolific journalist, novelist, essayist, and playwright, and much has been written about his famous family and their contributions to the literary world. Mann’s active pursuit of peace and a united Europe however, is often overshadowed by the traumatic events of his life that inspired many of his works.”
Ritter, Alexander. “Charles Sealsfield Berger, US-Bürger: Namensadaption, German-American Community und die defizitäre Forschungslage der Charles Sealsfield-Rezeption in den USA um 1880.” Yearbook of German-American Studies, vol. 46, 2011, pp. 39-59, ill.
Includes bibliographical references.
“Es ist der Zusammenhang von Geza Bergers Vertrautheit mit der deutschamerikanischen Szene und vice versa, der Namensgebung seines Sohnes Charles Sealsfield Berger und der regional ausgedehnten, untereinander vernetzten Aktivitäten der German-American Community zur Erhaltung ihrer kulturellen Identität im Rahmen einer eigenen Öffentlichkeit der Rückschlüsse auf die Rezeption Charles Sealsfields zulässt.” Geza Berger was a German-speaking Jewish immigrant from Pressburg, Austria, who was an actor, playwright, and journalist in America.
——–. “Die Nöte des Biographen mit dem Rollenspiel Charles Sealsfields: Über den ominösen Flüchtling 1823, einen fragwürdigen Prediger 1824-26 und nervösen Börsianer im Panic Year 1837.” Yearbook of German-American Studies, vol. 46, 2011, pp. 21-37.
Includes bibliographical references.
Explores the difficulties facing a biographer of Karl Postl/Charles Sealsfield.
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de. Der glee Prins. Mit der Schreiwer sei eegni Pickders. (Le Petit Prince) Mark L. Louden, trans. Neckarsteinach, Germany: Edition Tintenfass, 2006. [96] pp., ill. (mostly col.).
Iwwersetzt aus’s Frentsche in’s Pennsylfaanisch-Deitsche vum Mark L. Louden.
The Little Prince is the most read and also the most translated book in the French language, having appeared in more than 180 languages and now available in Pennsylvania Dutch. The Little Prince is a story for all ages, providing profound and idealistic observations about life and human nature, and emphasizing the importance of innocence and love.
Donated by Mark L. Louden.
Schwarz, Ingo. “Alexander von Humboldt’s Correspondence with Johann Gottfried Flügel.” Yearbook of German-American Studies, vol. 46, 2011, pp. 87-94.
Includes bibliographical references.
The scientist Alexander von Humboldt was a prolific letter writer, corresponding with more than three thousand people, “some of them well-known even today, others forgotten. . . . Occasionally the editors of Humboldt’s letters stumble across people who are almost forgotten even though they were important by virtue of their contributions to their respective fields. Such a man is the German-American Johann Gottfried Flügel whose life and work are worth being remembered.” Flügel was a lexicographer, American consul, and a representative and correspondent for the Smithsonian Institution and other American literary and scientific organizations.
Stolz, Gerd. William Claudius Groth aus Lunden. Pfarrer in den USA und Professor für Neuere Sprachen in Ohio, 1862-1941. Lunden, Germany: Verein für Heimatgeschichte des Kirchspiels Lunden, 2012. 40 pp., ill.
On title page: “zugleich ein Beitrag zur schleswig-holsteinischen Amerika-Auswanderung im 19. Jahrhundert” and “Herausgegeben vom Verein für Heimatgeschichte des Kirchspiels Lunden e. V. anlässlich der 150. Wiederkehr des Geburtstages von Johann Wilhelm Claudius Groth am 17. Januar 2012.”
Johannes Claudius Wilhelm Groth was born in 1862 in Lunden, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. He came to America in 1883, arriving at Castle Garden in New York, having listed his occupation as “farmer” on an immigration listing; by 1890 he was in Buffalo, New York, serving as a Lutheran pastor. In 1890, now with having “Americanized” his name to William Groth, he married his first wife, Maria (Mary) Rode (Rhoade), in Dayton, Ohio. In 1900 Groth, having become fluent in German, English, French, Italian, and Spanish, began teaching modern languages at Ohio Northern University in Ada, Ohio. After Mary died in 1902, Professor Groth married Sarah Lucinda Hastings; they had three children born in Ada, Ohio. In 1918 Groth became President of the Weidner Institute in Mulberry, Clinton County, Indiana, but left in 1919; by 1920 he was the pastor for Reedsburg and the nearby Plain Township in Wayne County, Ohio. In 1924 Groth left Ohio, serving as pastor in the small town of Aurora, Preston County, West Virginia; then in Middlebrook, Augusta County, Virginia; then in St. Clara, Doddridge County, West Virginia; then in Weston, Lewis County, West Virginia; and finally returning to Middlebrook, where he died in 1941.
Donated by Gerd Stolz.
Such, Bärbel. “Unseren täglichen Essig gib uns heute: Alfred Gongs Um den Essigkrug als religiöse Satire.” Yearbook of German-American Studies, vol. 46, 2011, pp. 61-69.
Includes bibliographical references.
“Der aus Czernowitz in der Bukowina stammende deutsch-jüdische Schriftsteller [Alred Gong] hatte die Verfolgung durch die Nazis im Untergrund überlebt und war nach einigen Jahren in Wien 1951 in die USA emigriert. Von seiner Auswanderung erhoffte sich der damals 31-jährige, dass er im Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten zu Wohlstand und Ansehen gelangen würde und sich ganz seinem Schreiben widmen könnte. . . . Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgt nun das Anliegen, Gongs Theaterstück Um den Essigkrug, das erst vor wenigen Jahren und damit gut 25 Jahre nach seinem Tod veröffentlicht wurde, vorzustellen, und zwar besonders unter Berücksichtigung der satirischen Elemente. Ausserdem soll Um den Essigkrug in den Kontext deutschsprachiger Nachkreigsdramen gestellt werden, indem der Bezug zu Friedrich Dürrenmatt aufgezeigt wird, der Gongs dramatisches Schaffen deutlich beeinflusste. Insbesondere soll dabei auf den Besuch der alten Dame (1956) eingegangen werden, da dieses Stück ebenfalls als Gesellschaftssatire oder als Passionsspiel gelesen werden kann. Gong stellte Um den Essigkrug 1959 fertig, also etwa drei Jahre nach dem Erscheinen von Dürrenmatts Der Besuch der alten Dame.”
Winkler, Kurt. “Albert Einstein in Switzerland: The Education of the Most Famous Swiss American.” Swiss American Historical Society Review, vol. 48, no. 3, Nov. 2012, pp. 1-17, ill.
“Einstein spent his most productive years in Switzerland where he matured, received his advanced education, fell in love an married, made life-long friendships., formulated his most important ideas, and received his first academic position. The purpose of this paper is to examine Einstein’s life in Switzerland to understand better how his experiences there influenced his intellectual and emotional development.”
Family Histories and Archives
German Club of Wausau-Merrill (Wis.). Records, 1965-1978.
The Deutscher Klub (German Club) of Wausau-Merrill, Wisconsin, was founded in 1965 by Manfred Schubach (first president) and eleven others in consultation with the German General Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Chicago and other German clubs in Wisconsin; it was officially dissolved in April 2010. Papers include correspondence written by Manred Schubach, chiefly in German, between 1965 and 1971, to the German General Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Milwaukee Deutsche Zeitung, other German-American clubs in Wisconsin, and commercial firms in Germany and the United States. Topics include the founding of the club, showings of German-language films, planning and advertisements for various German-themed festivals, and the purchasing of clothing, badges, and other items for club members. A letter from 1978, written by Stefanie Geiger in both German and English, invites members of the club to celebrate the Silver Wedding Anniversary of Walter and Elfriede Born. Also included are template flyers for the club’s Fasching / Mardi Gras Costume Ball, sample badges for their 1966 Oktoberfest, and a (mutilated) program for the “69. Saengerfest des Wisconsin Saengerbezirkes,” 14 and 15 June, 1969, hosted by the Deutscher Klub, Wausau-Merrill.
Donated by Pamela Tesch, 2013.
Grebel Family History.
Johann Christian Grebel, his wife Martha Marie, and their six children (all born in Greussen, Principality of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen), emigrated to America in 1838; he bought 123.85 acres of government land in Grandville Township, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. Some of the other surnames that appear in this genealogy are: Klugel / Kluegel /Klügel, Hanf, Boldt, Papenhagen, Boose, Helbring, Beichl, Vetter, Herrmann, Weimer, Hahm, Steinhorst, Schellpfeffer, and Swantz. The actor Fred “Bud” MacMurray is one of the descendants of Johann Christian Grebel. Also includes information linking John (Jack) William Swantz to Abraham Lincoln, an entry from the “History of Dodge County” for Charles F. Grebel (1866-1938), and extensive information on Rev. Gottlieb Klügel, an “Old Lutheran” pastor in Wisconsin, and his wife, Caroline Grebel. Gottlieb Klügel was born in Paitzdorf, Duchy Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg, in 1804. He emigrated in November of 1838, arriving in New Orleans in January of 1839, settling first in Perry County, Missouri. By 1843 Klügel had received an invitation to come to Wisconsin, which he accepted; he preached primarily at the First Lutheran Church (German) in the city of Milwaukee, and also in Germantown Township, Washington County, and in Mequon Township, Ozaukee County. Gottlieb Klügel married Johanna Friederika Caroline Amelia Grebel in 1844 in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin Territory.
Donated by John W. Swantz, 2013.
Gruling, Robert H. Gruling Times: The History and Genealogy of the Robert and Otilie Gruling Family.
Merrill, Wis.: Gruling Books 4-U, 2011. vi, 475 pp., ill.
T he majority of the Gruling/Zastrow ancestors came from Pomerania, specifically the towns of Labehn, Dumröse, and Stantin in Kreis Stolp; Ottendorf in Kreis Naugard; and (presumably) Rübenhagen in Kreis Regenwalde. One of the author’s great-grandmothers, Elisabeth Weber, was born in Dusseldorf, Westphalia. All came to live in Wisconsin in the 19th century, eventually settling in towns in Marathon County.
Donated by Bob Gruling.
No materials donated to this collection at this time.