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Baum, Kurt. Eine alte Legende, die Himmelsschmiede als Festgabe. Milwaukee, Wis.: Gugler Lithographic Co., n.d. [4] pp., ill.
Author given at end of poem as Curt Baum. Found in a copy of Kurt Baum’s Das stille Buch (Milw.: Brumder, [1917?]). along with clippings of the following poems: “Jan Rainer, Ballade.” Von Curt Baum, Milwaukee (Die Neue Zeit); “Bitte.” Von Curt Baum, Milwaukee; “Das letzte Brot.” Ballade von Curt Baum, Milwaukee. Copyright 1920 (Die Neue Zeit); “Am Michigansee.” Kurt Baum, Milwaukee, aus “Zeitgedichte” (typed).
Click here for images of this 4-page poem.
Blessin, G., composer. Fest-Hymne. Psalm 103 für Gemischten Chor mit Orgel-Begleitung. St. Paul (Merriam Park), Minn.: Geo. Kessel, n.d. 11 pp.
Lyrics in German and English. On cover: Komponiert von G. Blessin.
Breitenbach, H., composer. Wir preisen dich, Herr. Ein Festgesang für Gemischten Chor. (Te Deum in C. A Festival Anthem for Mixed Chorus) Op. 200. St. Paul (Merriam Park), Minn.: Geo. Kessel, 1907. 11 pp.
Lyrics in German and English. On cover: Komponiert von/Composed by H. Breitenbach. Verlag von Geo. Kessel.
Kessel, Geo., composer. Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe! Eine Festgesang auf Weihnachten für Gemischten Chor. St. Paul (Merriam Park), Minn.: Geo. Kessel, n.d. 7 pp.
Lyrics in German. On cover: Selbstverlag von Geo. Kessel.
———, ed. and composer. Hosianna! Sechs Festgesänge für gemischten Chor zu Gebrauch im Advent und am Palmsonntage. St. Paul (Merriam Park), Minn.: Geo. Kessel, n.d. 20 pp.
Lyrics in German and English. On cover: Bearbeitet und komponiert von Geo. Kessel. Preis: Einzeln 25 Cents; das Dutzend $2.40.
Contents: Thut euch auf, o ihr Thore (Lift Your Heads, O Ye Portals) — Sie, dein gnadenreicher König (Lo, Behold, Thy King Is Coming) — Hoch thut euch auf! (Lift Up Your Heads) — Tochter Zion, freue dich (Daughter of Zion, o Be Glad) — Macht hoch die festlichen Pforten (Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Portals) — Dein König kommt, o Zion (Behold Thy King, O Zion).
———, composer. Uns ist ein Kind geboren. Ein Weihnachtsgesang für Solo und gemischten Chor mit Orgel-Begleitung. (Unto Us a Child Is Born. A Christmas Anthem for Solo and Mixed Chorus with Organ Accompaniment). St. Paul (Merriam Park), Minn.: Geo. Kessel, 1911. 11 pp.
Lyrics in German and English. On cover: Komponiert von/Composed by Geo. Kessel. Selbstverlag von Geo. Kessel.
Küchen-Geheimnisse. 1. Auflage. S.l. [Cleveland?]: s.n., n.d. 160 pp, ill.
On title page: Der deutsch-amerikanischen Hausfrau gewidmet! Kaufpreis $1.00.
Simper, Caleb, composer. Frohlocket und jauchzt. Ein Festgesang für Gemischten Chor. (Break Forth Into Joy. A Festival Anthem for Mixed Chorus), No. 110. St. Paul (Merriam Park), Minn.: Geo. Kessel, n.d. 10 pp.
Lyrics in German and English. On cover: Komponiert von/Composed by Caleb Simper. Published by Geo. Kessel.
Aregger, Manfred. “From Escholzmatt, Canton Lucerne, to Chicago, Illinois: The Emigration of the Family Marbacher.” Swiss American Historical Society Review, vol. 43, no. 2, June 2007, pp. 7-55, ill.
Originally published in the Blätter für Heimatkund aus dem Entlebuch, vol. 68, 2003. Translated and edited by Leo Schelbert.
Documents the emigration of the extended Marbacher family, living on the Schwändlen farm of Escholzmatt in Canton Lucerne’s Entlebuch district. The core of the study is a transcription of letters written back home by Josef and Anton Marbacher. Josef was born in 1808 and immigrated around 1828 to the United States, first settling in Canajoharie on the Mohawk River in upstate New York, in 1831 moving west to Detroit, in 1836 to Chicago. In 1846 he was joined by his father Anton Marbacher. . . ” Other family members followed to settle in Chicago.”The letters of Josef and Anton Marbacher describe conditions of travel, their surroundings and circumstances, and they reveal an intense sense of family loyalty, but deal only occasionally with major issues of the times. . . . The Marbacher family’s emigration highlights the dimension of the migratory phenomenon that has been called chain migration.”
Baer, Friederike. “Speaking American: An 1816 Church Election Threw Fuel on a Fiery National Debate about Immigrants, Patriotism and the English Language.” American History, vol. 42, no. 3, Aug. 2007, pp. 60-64.
“An 1816 church election threw fuel on a fiery national debate about immigrants, patriotism and the English language. In March 1816, Pennsylvania ‘s attorney general charged 59 German-American men with conspiring to harass and assault a group of fellow congregants who wished to introduce English services into their shared church. The accused belonged to the largest German congregation in the United States at that time, the Lutheran St. Michael’s and Zion Church in Philadelphia.” Article discusses the decision not to debate language at the Constitutional Convention, and also explores language-related experiences of immigrants to the U.S.
Bertschinger, Hafis. With a Horse Called George Along the Oregon Trail (Go Slowly and Get There Quicker): A 2000 Mile Journey on Horseback from Gardener, Kansas to The Dalles,Oregon. Pocatello, Idaho: Idaho State University Press, 1996. 191 pp., ill.
In the spring of 1982 Swiss-Lebanese artist Hafis Bertschinger undertook a poetic odyssey across a vast part of America. “I stood next to my horse, George, ready for the big adventure. America, here I come! I’m going to meet and talk with you, to see and hear you, to draw and write you, to laugh and feel you, to river, plain, and mountain, to earth, wind, and storm with you all, right into the setting sun.”
Bode, Daniel. “My Great-Grandmother Marie Blankenstein nee Friedrichs.” The Journal (German-Texan Heritage Society), vol. 29, no. 2, Summer 2007, pp. 184-95, ill.
Marie Dororthea Elisabeth Friedrichs was born in the village of Ummendorf, German, on 10 May 1861. “About 1880, Marie began corresponding with Gottfried Friedrich August ‘Fred’ Blankenstein in Texas. Fred was born 18 June 1855 in Barby, Germany . . . The Blankenstein family had left Germany in 1870 and settled in Defiance, Ohio. In 1878, they moved to Texas in a covered wagon train. Fred’s mother had a sister who lived in Ummendorf, Germany, and Fred wrote to friends and family in Germany to find him a bride. . . . Marie left her family in Germany in 1882 and set sail for America [having accepted Fred’s marriage proposal]. . . . Fred took Marie back to Marlin, Falls Co., Texas, where they were married on 14 December 1882.” Includes information on Marie’s family in Germany and the children of Fred and Marie Blankenstein.
Bunnelle, Phyllis, ed. English Translation of the German Book Sersheim, Ein Jahrundert in Bildern. Ellen Kaubisch, trans. Santa Clara, Calif.: Phil and Phyllis Bunnelle, 2006. [54] pp., ill. (some col.).
Selected images and translated text from Sersheim, Ein Jahrhundert in Bildern, published in 2005. “This translation contains copies of the front and back covers, translations of the title page, all text pages, plus copies of the three pages with Lutz pictures. There are untranslated copies of the information appearing on the back of the title page and lists of clergy from the three local churches. Also included are lists of fire chiefs, and of mayors and sheriffs going back to 1347.” The Lutz pictures show the “Alte Schumacherwerkstatt Lutz, Sedanstrasse,” (Old Lutz Shoemakers Shop, Sedan Street); “Neue Schumacherwerkstatt Lutz, Talstrasse” (New Lutz Shoemakers Shop, Tal Street); and “Haus Lutz 1931.”
See also: FH Lutz.
Bunnelle, Phyllis, and Phil Bunnelle, eds. Sersheim: History and Stories, 792-1992. (Sersheim. Geschichte und Geschichten, 792-1992) Ellen Kaubisch, trans. [ Santa Clara, Calif: Phil and Phyllis Bunnelle, 2007]. 105 pp., ill (some col.).
Provides a picture of life in a small German village in Baden-Württemberg over time. The family of the editor’s father, surname Lutz, immigrated to the U.S. from Sersheim, a village northwest of Stuttgart in 1853. This translation of a book originally published in German in 1992, contains many references to four family lines: Lutz, Mueller, Glueck, and Kurfiss.
See also: FH Lutz.
Dolce, Anne Johnston. “Johann ‘Jean’ Schneider: A Fisher-Miller Colonist, 1813-1862.” The Journal (German-Texan Heritage Society), vol. 29, no. 2, Summer 2007, pp. 149-60. ill.
“Johann ‘Jean’ Schneider was born on 26 Nov 1813 in Welgesheim, Hessen Darmstadt, southwest of Mainz, Germany . . . . At the age of 33 Jean, a brewer by trade, emigrated from Germany to New Braunfels, Comal County, Texas through the port of Galveston, Texas . . . . Between June 1849 and May 1850, Jean married Margaretha Groben. . . . According to recollections from his children and grandchildren, Jean was a member of the Confederate army. . . . Jean was killed in a wagon accident on 18 Jan 1862.”
Eiselmeier, Johannes. “Die oberösterreichische Siedlung Korntal in Illinois.” Deutschtum im Ausland, vol. 21, no. 11, Nov. 1938, pp. 691-93.
“Das Jahr 1848 hatte auch für Oberösterriech Unruhen gebracht. . . . Infolge der ungünstigen Lage entschloss sich der Kleinbauer Lichtenwanger aus Thening in der nähe von Linz an der Donau zur Auswanderung. Ohne Kenntnis der Landesprache reiste er mit dem Segelschiff nach New Orleans, und nach der zweimonatigen Seereise brachte er noch sechs Tage auf einem Mississippi-Dampfer zu, der ihn und seine Familie nach Cape Girardeau. . . Von hier aus fuhr er auf einem Ochsenwagen noch zehn Meilen ostwärts und liess sich mit seiner Familie mitten im Urwald nieder. Äusserst schwere Arbeit harrte seiner, denn der südlich Teil des Staates Illinois ist bis zur Stadt Carbondale, etwa 50 Meilen nördlich von Cairo. . .sehr bergig und war mit schwerem Urwald, besonders Eichen- und Ahornbäumen bewachsen. Aber der Besitz eines grossen Stück Landes, wohl zwanzigmal grösser als sein Kleinbauerngut, befriedigte ihn, und seine Briefe in die Heimat atmeten Zufriedenheit. Da entschloss sich im Jahr 1851 eine grössere Gruppe von evangelischen Bauern aus der Gegend von Thening, Scharten und Wels, dem kühnen Führer zu folgen.”
Deutschtum im Ausland: Zeitschrift des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts Stuttgart. [Served as a propaganda instrument of the National Socialist party in Germany]. Photocopy.
Author is Johannes/John Eiselmeier from Milwaukee, Wis.
Gräser, Marcus. “Mass Migration and Local Politics in Chicago and Vienna, 1850-1938: Some Questions, Some Hypotheses.” Bulletin of the German Historical Institute, no. 40, Spring 2007, pp. 99-104.
“The aim of this ongoing research project on Chicago and Vienna is to examine the impact of migration in a comparative perspective, asking questions such as: How did mass migration change the local political regimes and their administrative capacity? How did the degree of democratization and the processes of naturalization and local party traditions influence a political and social inclusion or exclusion of migrants? What role did corruption, patronage, and a local politics of image play in the real as well as the symbolic integration of migrants? And how did symbolic attempts to unify a fragmented city correlate with the local politics of inclusion or exclusion?”
Imhoff, Paul. “A Family Over Time.” The Palatine Immigrant, vol. 32, no. 3, June 2007, pp. 3-7, ill.
Adam Lochboehler from Meinheim and Maria Kirchner from Lauterberg immigrated to Baltimore in 1833. Their daughter Eva Elizabeth married George J. Imhoff (who came to America around 1850), and their son Francis Leonard Imhoff, who married Otillia Schnapp, is the author’s grandfather. Describes the author’s genealogical search and his contact with relatives (Imhof) in Landshausen.
Kappe, Walter. “Die deutschsprachige Presse in Übersee. Nordamerika [Vereinigte Staaten and Kanada].” Deutschtum im Ausland, vol. 21, no. 6, Juni 1938, pp. 336-49, ill.
Deutschtum im Ausland: Zeitschrift des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts Stuttgart. [Served as a propaganda instrument of the National Socialist party in Germany].
Contents: Vereinigte Staaten. Der ersten Anfänge der deutschsprachigen Presse — Rapider Aufstieg des Zeitungswesens — Die ersten Niedergangserscheinungen — Der Weltkrieg und seine Folgen — Schwierigkeiten der deutschsprachigen Presse — Konzern-Bildung als Gebot der Notwendigkeit — Die völkische Presse des Amerikadeutschtums — Der Niedergang der deutschsprachigen Tagespresse der Vereinigten Staaten in den letzten 50 Jahren — Kanada.
Knopp, Kenn. “Excerpts from Hin Nach Amerika! Off to America! The Germans of the Texas Hill Country.” The Journal (German-Texan Heritage Society), vol. 29, no. 2, Summer 2007, pp. 225-31.
Begins with Spanish exploration Texas, explains the interest of the Adelsverein (the Society of Noblemen) in the Hill Country of Texas during the 1840s.
Koeppe, Friedrich. “Daily Diary of Friedrich Koeppe of Anhalt, Germany, 1885-1890.” The Journal (German-Texan Heritage Society), vol. 29, no. 2, Summer 2007, pp. 215-25.
Translated and transcribed by Hildegarde Steger Gebert.
Diary entries describe Koeppe’s trip from Zerbst, Germany to the port of Bremen, his Atlantic crossing, and his arrival at Castle Garden in New York. He then traveled to Manor, Texas, and then to stay with the Nehrings. “This was my trip from Germany here to America. I has been 3 weeks since I left — 3 days in Germany, forty days on the ship and 5 days on the train.” Entries from 1887 describe his trip back home to Germany, and entries from 1890 describe another trip to America. The translator notes “Friedrich Koeppe died in the home of my grandparents, Peter Wilhelm and Magdalena Oertli Steger. He wasn’t a relative, but he was staying with them when he died, therefore his diaries were in their home. He died in 1894 and is buried in St. John cemetery in Richland Community, Travis County, TX.”
Lehmann, Heinz. “Die Russlanddeutschtum in Kanada.” Deutschtum im Ausland, vol. 22, no. 5, May 1939, pp. 281-82.
Deutschtum im Ausland: Zeitschrift des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts Stuttgart. [Served as a propaganda instrument of the National Socialist party in Germany]. Photocopy.
Lindner, John Michael. History and Language of the Freistadt Settlement. Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007. iii, 75 pp., maps. Senior honors thesis.
The interviews used in this study are part of the North American German Dialect Archive held at the Max Kade Institute in Madison, Wisconsin. Using three interviews made in the summer of 1968 with speakers of the Pommeranian dialect who resided in Freistadt, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin, this work provides both an account of aspects of the history and life of the Freistadt settlers as told by the consultants and a linguistic description of the language, its similarities to the modern German language, and the extent of English influence on the dialect.
Lohr, O. Otto. “Deutsche Ärzte und Naturforscher in den Vereinigten Staaten.” Deutschtum im Ausland, vol. 21, no. 9, Sept. 1938, pp. 569-83, ill.
Deutschtum im Ausland: Zeitschrift des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts Stuttgart. [Served as a propaganda instrument of the National Socialist party in Germany]. Photocopy.
Contents: Die Ärzte der Kolonialzeit — Frühe amerikabürtige Mediziner (1783-1835) — Die Flüchtlinge der 30er und 50er Jahre — Medizinische Fachgruppen — Das Pionierjahrhundert amerikadeutscher Naturforschung (1768-1870) — Naturwissenschaftliche Grössen und Gruppen.
———. “Deutschsprachige Zeitschriften in den Vereinigten Staaten (von 1798 bis 1935).” Deutschtum im Ausland, vol. 22, no. 6, June 1939, pp. 364-71.
Deutschtum im Ausland: Zeitschrift des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts Stuttgart. [Served as a propaganda instrument of the National Socialist party in Germany]. Photocopy.
Contents: Frühe Versuche zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts — Vormärz — Die Achtundvierziger — Die Nachsiebziger — Weltkrieg und Nachkriegszeit.
Manning, Mary J. “A German Family Becomes an American Family.” The Palatine Immigrant, vol. 32, no. 3, June 2007, pp. 19-25, ill.
The Kosmin/Behnke family left the village of Gross Jannewitz in eastern Pomerania in the province of Lauenburg in 1864 to join August Kosmin’s brother in Chicago.
Mauk, Margueretta Elisabeth Meier. “Kansas and Oklahoma, Then Landersdorf Again.” Germanic Genealogy Journal, vol. 10, no. 2, Summer 2007, pp. 20-27, ill.
Second excerpt from the book Memories by Aunt Martha, self-published, 1976.
———. “Landersdorf, Bavaria: Early Memories.” Germanic Genealogy Journal, vol. 10, no. 1, Spring 2007, pp. 5-11, ill.
Excerpt from the book Memories by Aunt Martha, self-published, 1976. Elisabeth Mauk was born Oct. 21, 1882 in Landersdorf, Bavaria, Germany, and came to America in 1891 when she was nine years old.
Mettendorf, Ernst. “Der jüngste General der Vereinigten Staaten.” German-American Journal, vol. 55, no. 2, Apr./May 2007, pp. 10-11.
“Galusha Pennypacker war ein pausbäckiger siebzehnjähriger Rekrut im 97. Pennsylvania-Regiment, als im April 1861 der Bürgerkrieg ausbrach.” Traces his rise through the ranks to General at the age of 20 in 1865.
Norddeutscher Lloyd. Braunschweig [Brunswick]: George Westermann, [1900]. 34 pp., [9] leaves of plates: ill. (some col.), 1 folded plan.
Stamped on p. 1 and p. 23: Steffke Memorial Maritime Collection, Wyandotte, Michigan.
For more images from this publication, please click here.
Odavic, Ivana. Die Auswirkungen des Ersten Weltkriegs auf die Deutsch-Amerikaner in Wisconsin im Spiegel des Germania-Herold (1914-1920). Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz: Mainz, 109 pp.
“Die vorliegende Arbeit ist in vier chronologisch geordnete Abschnitte unterteilt. Um die Änderung der Lebensumstände der Deutsch-Amerikaner, die den Alltag dieser Gruppe in der Kriegszeit bestimmte, besser zu verstehen, scheint es wichtig, zunächst den Ursprung dieser Einwanderungsgruppe im Staat Wisconsin zu erläutern, Im zweiten Kapitel wird deshalb die deutsche Einwanderung nach Wisconsin im Zeitraum von etwa 1850 bis 1910 umrissen. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auch auf die kulturellen Einflüsse der Deutschgeborenen, vor allem der eingewanderten Gruppe der Achtundvierziger, auf die zukünftige Entfaltung dieses Staates und seiner Stadt Milwaukee näher eingegangen. . . . Das dritte Kapitel, das sich über die Jahre 1914 bis April 1917 erstreckt, thematisiert die Reaktion der Deutsch-Amerikaner auf ausschlaggebende Ereignisse der europäischen Geschichte in der Zeit der ‘Neutralitätsphase’ Amerikas. Dabei werden punktuelle Geschehnisse, wie der Kriegsausbruch in Europa, die Versenkung der Lusitania, die Präsidentschaftswahl von 1916 und das Zimmermann-Telegramm, hervorgehoben und ihre Darstellung im Germania-Herold, im Hinblick auf ihre Auswirkungen auf die Deutsch-Amerikaner, analysiert. . . . Im vierten Kapitel wird die Situation der Deutsch-Amerikaner während des Kriegs 1917/1918 verdeutlicht. Dabei geht es um die Darstellung seiner Auswirkungen auf die deutsch-amerikanische Gemeinschaft nach dem Kriegseintritt der USA. . . . Der Ausbruch des extremen amerikanischen Patriotismus wurde sowohl staatlich als auch privat organisiert und richtete sich hauptsächlich auf Amerikaner deutscher Herkunft und ihre Kultur. . . . Danach stehen die Folgen des ‘Superpatriotismus’ und des ‘Furor Americanus’ auf die deutsch-amerikanische Gemeinschaft, auf ihre Kultur und insbesondere auf die deutschsprachige Presse im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung. Die zweite Hälfte des Hauptteils spiegelt somit die deutsch-amerikanischen Lebensverhältnisse in den Kriegsjahren 1917/1918 wider und vergleicht zudem die Änderungen zu den vorhergehenden Jahren. Mit Hilfe der Ergebnisse wird im fünften Kapitel ein Ausblick für die Zeit unmittelbar nach Kriegsende versucht. Für diese Zeit, also nach dem Waffenstillstand vom 11. November 1918, wurden für die Deutsch-Amerikaner andere Gesetze des Handelns und Verhaltens eingeführt. Die Reorganisation der deutsch-amerikanischen Gemeinschaft begann im Jahr 1919 und verdient deshalb eine separate Studie, weil sie einen neuen Abschnitt im Leben der Amerikaner deutscher Herkunft einleitete.”
Rath, G. “Die Russlanddeutschen in den Vereinigten Staaten.” Deutschtum im Ausland, vol. 22, no. 5, May 1939, pp. 278-80.
Deutschtum im Ausland: Zeitschrift des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts Stuttgart. [Served as a propaganda instrument of the National Socialist party in Germany]. Photocopy.
Stucki, Lorenz. Im Greyhound durch Amerika. 185. Frankfurt am Main: Ullstein, 1961. pp.
“Lorenz Stucki, durch seine Leitartikel in der Schweizer ‘Weltwoche’ bekannt, ist im Greyhound-Überlandbus, dem Verkehrsmittel des kleinen Mannes, gereist. Bei solchen Fahrten bekommt man leicht Kontakt mit seinen ständig wechselnden Nachbarn und hört manches, was man sonst nirgends erfährt.”
Thomas, Delphine Richter. “Finding Wilhelm Johann Ebert from Mecklenburg.” Germanic Genealogy Journal, vol. 10, no. 2, Summer 2007, pp. 10-13, ill.
Details the author’s search for information on William John (Wilhelm Johann) Ebert, who was born illegimately in 1869 in the village of Laage, in Mecklenburg-Schwerin. William John Ebert came to America at the age of 13 in 1881 with his grandmother, Maria Beckman(n) Ebert, and his mother Christine (Ebert) Funk. William John Ebert was marired in Slades Corner, Kenosha County, Wisconsin to Catharine Hemker. They moved from Wisconsin to Iowa to Minnesota and back to Wisconsin.
Vonnegut, Kurt. “I Am a German-American.” German-American Journal, vol. 55, no. 2, Apr./May 2007, pp. 6.
From “A Man Without a Country,” edited by Daniel Simon, New York: 2005, Steven Stories Press, pp. 50-52.
Weitling, Wilhelm. Garantieen der Harmonie und Freiheit. Dritte Auflage. Hamburg: Verlag des Verfassers, 1849. xxxiv, 314 pp.
On cover is label: “Leihbibliothek und Musikalien-Leihanstalt von Vojta Naprstek, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Gegründet 1850.” [Vojta Naprstek, 1826-1894, “sparked the national life among Czech Americans, not only in Wisconsin but in the entire country. He published his famous Milwaukee Flugblatter there and gave impetus for publishing Czech newspapers in the US.” He lived in the U.S. for ten years.] Label inside front cover mostly torn out, from Vojta Naprstek’s Leihbibliothek.
From Ward, Bio-Bibliography: Weitling, Wilhelm Christian (orig: Weidling), b. 10-5-1808 in Mageburg, d. 1-22-1871 in N.Y. Born out of wedlock. Married Dorothea Carolina Louise Toedt in N.Y. in 1854.]
Fotopoulos, Marcia. “Descendants of Johann Joachim Christian Pressentin.” 5 pp.
Carl/Karl Heinrich Friedrich Pressentin was born March 6, 1827 in Demen, Germany. He was a watchmaker who came to America in 1872. Ludwig Friedrich Franz Pressentin, b. August 26, 1839 in Sternberg, Mecklenburg, died July 29, 1883 in Madison, Wisconsin. He was a poet and artist, and published as Fr. Pressentin in Dornrosen. Erstlingsblüthen deutscher Lyrik in Amerika (New York: Steiger, 1872).
Lutz, Thomas Joseph. The Historic Maritime Lutz’s of Sheboygan,Wisconsin. 2007. 33 pp.
“An earlier version of this history won a Special Honorable Mention in the 2004 Henry Barkhausen Competition for Original Research, awarded by the Association for Great Lakes Maritime History. This three-part article is taken from a larger, unfinished family history by the author entitled ‘Foot Prints, Threads, and Shadows’: A Kinship Anthology, Book One, the Lutz’s of Sheboygan County, Wisconsin, and Their Related Families.”
Part 1: Johann Lutz: Pioneer Commercial Fisherman. Johann Lutz came to America in June 1847 from Grünmettstetten on the northeastern edge of Germany ‘s Black Forest. By 1850 he was living in Sheboygan and engaged in commercial fishing on Lake Michigan. Lutz is credited with launching the “J. Sheriffs,” a “built-from-scratch steam powered fishing tug” in 1871. Discusses others who may have assisted Lutz in building the ship: Joseph Steimle, David S. Jenkins, Jacob Vollrath, Caspar Pfister, John Gregory or Robert Grey, and possibly James Sheriffs. Part 2: Theodore Casper “T. C.” Lutz and the Creation of the Nation’s Greatest Marine Construction Company. Theodore Casper Lutz was born at “Pine Grove” in Town Wilson, south of Sheboygan, Wisconsin in 1857. In the 1890s, the Hausler & Lutz Dredging and Towing Company became “one of Chicago ‘s foremost marine construction companies during a time of convulsive change and consolidation within the industry.” It was later named the Great Lakes Dredge & Dock, and by 1917 was the “greatest marine construction company in the nation.” Part 3: Brief Biographies for Johann Lutz’s Other Noteworthy Children. John Henry Lutz, Eduard Albert Lutz, Lorenz Albertus ” Lawrence ” Lutz, Anna Margaret Lutz Fontanna, and Margaretha Susanna Lutz Daley Christenson Garski.
Walter, Max, and Carl A. Krause, comps. German Songs. The Walter-Krause German Series. New York, Chicago, Boston: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1914. vii, 96 pp. Compiled by Max Walter, Ph.D., Director of the Musterschule (Realgymnasium), Frankfurt am Main, Visiting Professor, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1911 and Carl A. Krause, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Modern Languages, Jamaica High School, N.Y., Lecturer on Methods of Teaching Modern Languages, New York University. Music arranged by H. Weigand.
From the Preface: “‘Mehr Freude an der Schule.’ True to our motto, we are publishing this small collection of German songs. The booklet purports to foster in our pupils the joy of singing, and to impress upon their memories both words and music. We see in the cultivation of school-singing a portent, practical means of vivifying modern language instruction. Singing is conducive to good pronunciation and intonation, as also to the acquisition and retention of many words and idiomatic phrases. . . . But more important than all these considerations is the cultural factor. Nowhere else does the soul, the very spirit of the German people, speak so directly to us as it does n music which, while truly representative, is universally understood. . . . The first ten songs are taken from the authors’ BEGINNERS’ GERMAN, the following fifteen are reprinted from their FIRST GERMAN READER. . . The remaining thirty-six songs, however, have been arranged in four arbitrary groups that distinctively represent the characteristics of the German nation.”