Hermann Brandau

Herman(n) Emil Adolf Brandau was born July 14, 1870 in Mühlhausen, the son of a master carpenter. He apprenticed as a gardener, later working as an accountant. Traveled as a merchant to the Orient, with a stay in Cairo. Editor of the Levante Zeitung from 1905 to 1914. Came to America in 1914, working in Chicago as a florist and director of the German Theater (1915-1916). Died Nov. 1940 in Chicago.

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“Bismarck 1815-1915.” Poem in Aus ruhmreicher Zeit: Deutsch-amerikanische Dichtungen aus dem ersten Jahre des Weltkrieges, compiled by Irving T. Sanders, New York: F. C. Stechert, 1915.

Brandau, Hermann “A German-American Speaks Up.” The Sentinel (The American Jewish Weekly, Chicago) 1935.