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These pages contain information on pamphlets, journals and journal articles, book chapters, and more from the Library and Archives of the Max Kade Institute. They also includes additional online resources related to German Americana.
100 years: Humanism, rationalism, socio-ideological idealism. 1867-1967 centennial, Freie Gemeinde of Milwaukee, Gesangsection u. Frauen Verein, April 29 + 30, 1967. 100 Jahre Fortschritt des freidenkenden Menschen. [Milwaukee, Wis.]: the society?, 1967. [60] pp.
Notes: Program of centennial celebration at Jefferson Hall, 2617 W. Fond du Lac Ave., Madison, Wisc.
MKI P2001-25
PIA/ Freethinkers/ Societies, etc./ Miscell. documents/ Wisconsin/ German Americans/ Forty-eighters
1200 Jahre Selzen: 782-1982. Jubilaeumsbuch zur 1200-Jahrfeier der Weinbaugemeinde Selzen. Nierstein: Lattreuter, 1982. 188 pp.
Notes: Donated by Walter Schwamb, Koengernheim, 2002.
Abstract: Includes history of Selzen and Verzeichnis der ausgewanderten Buerger, 1843-1881 (31 names on p. 47), most of whom emigrated “ungesetzlich [nach] Amerika.”
MKI P2002-67
Selzen/ Rheinland-Pfalz/ Germany/ History
125th anniversary “Concordia” Singing Society Concert & Dance. Gegruendet 1860 Gesangverein Concordia Sheboygan proudly presents Columbus Maennerchor […]. Sheboygan, Wis.: Georgia-Pacific, 1985. 48 pp., ill.
Notes: Saturday, September 14, 1985, Sheboygan Armory 7:30 pm; donated by Juergen Eichhoff .
Abstract: Some text in German.
MKI P2001-12
PIA/ German Americans/ Songs/ Societies, etc./ Music
125th anniversary Madison Turners, 1855-1980. [Madison, Wis.: s.n., 1980].
Notes: Donated by Juergen Eichhoff.
Abstract: Program includes information on the history of the Madison Turners and the U.S. postal stamp commemorating American Turners 100th anniversary.
MKI P2001-20
Turners/ Madison (Wis.)
“14. Saengerfest des Schweizer Amerikanischen Saengerbundes in Union City, N. J., am 4., 5., und 6. Juli 1930.” Amerikanischer Schweizer-Kalender, vol. 51, 1931, pp. 97-98.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Swiss Americans/ Societies, etc./ Music/ Songs/ Festivals
15. Stiftungsfest des Maenner-Vereins der Ev. St. Stephans-Gemeinde, Merrill, Wis. Merrill, Wis.: Ev. St. Stephans-Gemeinde, 1930. 3 p
MKI P88-141
PIA/ German Americans — Wisconsin/ German Americans — Societies, etc./ Merrill (Wis.)
“1638, 1738, 1838, 1938: Stufenjahre in der Entwicklung des Deutschtums der Vereinigten Staaten.” Deutschtum im Ausland, vol. 21, no. 4, 1938, pp. 3-24.
Notes: Deutschtum im Ausland: Zeitschrift des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts Stuttgart. [Served as a propaganda instrument of the National Socialist party in Germany].
Abstract: Contents: 1638: Deutsche Sprache und lutherisches Kirchentum in Neu=Niederland und Neu=Schweden von Otto Lohr. 1738: Die Anfaenge des deutschen Zeitungs=, Druck= und Verlagwesens in Nordamerika von Walter Kappe. 1838: Die Auswanderung saechischer Lutheraner nach dem nordamerikanischen Mittelwesten von Katharina Reimann. 1938. Die Unberuehrten, die Verlorenen, die Ringenden von Heinz Kloss.
MKI P84-168
German Americans/ History/ Lutheran Church/ History/ German-American press/ History
1889-1914. Festschrift zum silbernen Jubilaeum des Leo-Hauses. Gegruendet zum Schutze katholischer Einwanderer. New York, N.Y.: Direktorium des Leo-Hauses, 1914. 62 pp.
MKI P88-1
PIA/ Catholics/ Societies, etc./ Immigrants
1918 NGATS Jahrbuch. Milwaukee, Wis.: The Yearbook Society of the National German-American Teachers’ Seminary, 1918. 134 pp., ill.
Notes: On title page: Publisht by the Yearbook Society of the National German-American Teachers’ Seminary, Milwaukee. — Donated by Helga Epstein, daughter of Frieda (Meyer) Voigt (see p. 16). —- Repaired by UW-GLS Conservation Laboratory, 2016.
Abstract: Includes a list of teachers, academic degrees and honors granted. Also includes advertisements. In English and German.
MKI P89-79
PIA/ Periodicals/ Education/ National German-American Teachers’ Seminary
34tes Saenger-Fest des Ost Wisconsin Saenger-Bezirks. Madison, Wis.: Selbstverlag, 1935.
MKI P97-33
PIA/ Wisconsin/ Societies, etc./ Songs/ Festivals
37th Saengerfest 2003: Souvenir Book. [Monroe, WI]: North American Swiss Singing Alliance, 2003. 74 pp., ill.
Notes: Donated by Deborah Krauss Smith.
Abstract: Includes a schedule of events, profiles of participating choirs, and articles on the North American Swiss Singing Alliance, the Chalet of the Golden Fleece Museum (New Glarus, WI), the Swiss Historical Village (New Glarus, WI), Swiss Center of North America (New Glarus, WI), the New Glarus Home, and Green County, Wisconsin.
MKI P2005-20
Societies, etc./ Swiss Americans/ Music
43. nationaler deutschamerikanischer Lehrertag. 28. Juni-1.Juli 1916. Milwaukee, Wis.: Selbstverlag, 1916. 20 pp.
MKI P88-120
PIA/ Teaching of German/ United States/ Nationaler Deutschamerikanischer Lehrerbund/ National German-American Teachers’ Seminary/ Education
43rd. American Turners national festival gymnastic & cultural competition. [Milwaukee, Wis.: s.n., 1971].
Notes: Milwaukee, June 24 to 27, 1971; donated by Juergen Eichhoff .
Abstract: Program includes information on Turner halls; “The American Turner Movement and Milwaukee’s Part in It,” by August Ruedy; “A Philosophy for Turners,” by Edwin W. Knappe; and images of Turner activities.
MKI P2001-19
Turners/ Milwaukee (Wis.)
52. nationales Saengerfest. [Cleveland, Ohio]: Nord-Amerikanischer Saengerbund, 1986.
Notes: Empfangskonzert: Freitag, 30. Mai 1986, Stouffer’s Inn on the Square. Main concert: Samstag, 31. Mai 1986, Public Hall, Cleveland Convention Center.; donated by Juergen Eichhoff; also have 51. nationales Saengerfest (3.-4. Juni 1983, the Ohio Center & The Sheraton Columbus, Columbus, Ohio) [MKI P2001-11a].
Abstract: Some introductory texts and advertisements in German.
MKI P2001-11
PIA/ German Americans/ Songs/ Societies, etc./ Music
56. Nationales Saengerfest des Nordamerikanischen Saengerbundes, May 22, 23, 1998, Battelle Hall, Columbus, Ohio. Official Program. 1998. unpaginated, ill.
Notes: Donated by Elaine Kraft.
Abstract: Includes translations of German songs.
MKI P2008-10
Songs/ Societies, etc./ 20th century/ Music
72. Stiftungsfest 1911-1983. Madison, WI: Deutscher Club, Inc., 1983.
MKI P88-123
German Americans — Societies, etc.
73. Saengerfest des Texanischen Gebirgs-Saengerbundes, 10. und 11. Oktober 1964, New Braunfels, Texas, Saengerhalle, Festgebender Verein, Gesangverein Echo. 72 pp., ill.
Notes: On title page: Bundesbehoerde: Bundespraesident: Willy Weiss, Seguin. 1. Vizepraesident: Wm. F. Garms, San Antonio. 2. Vizepraesident: Frau Frieda Koch, San Antonio. Sekretaer-Schatzmeister: Henry Riemer, San Antonio. Festbehoerde: Praesident: Frank Schumann. Vizepraesident: Goswin Dedeke. Sekretaer: Otto Seidel. Schatzmeister: Herbert Waldschmidt Sr. Festdirigent: Otto Seidel.
Donated by Glenn Gilbert, 2009.
MKI P2009-11
PIA/ Songs/ Societies, etc./ Festivals/ German Americans — Texas
“A. Henry Bielfeld.” In History of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, v. IV. John G. Gregory 1931, pp. 316-317.
Abstract: Milwaukee’s first City Clerk and also a poet; Bielfeld, Heinrich A., 1818-1882/
MKI P88-70a
Ablass Stossgebete: eine reicht Segensquelle fuer Lebendige und Abgestorbene. Clyde, Mo.: Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration, n.d. 63 pp.
MKI P88-35
PIA/ Prayers/ Catholics
“Abraham Lincolns Abkunft.” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 10, 1910, pp. 124-126.
MKI Periodicals
Acker und Gartenbau Zeitung nebst Landwirth Deutscher Farmer. Milwaukee, WI: W. W. Coleman. Vol. 44, no. 47, 21 Nov. 1914.
“Zeitschrift fuer Landwirtschaft, Viehzucht, Obstbau, Blumen- und Bienenzucht und den Familienkreis. German Agricultural and Horticultural Journal.”
MKI P2004-3
PIA/ Farming/ Newspapers, German-American/ German Americans — Wisconsin
“The Adventures of Alfred Bader: A Life of Innovation, Achievement, Cultivation and Generosity.” Perspektiven, vol. 5, no. 2, Spring 2006, pp. 1, 7-9, ill.
Notes: Goethe House of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wis.
Abstract: Biography of Austrian-born Alfred Bader, has made a home in the Milwaukee area for more than half a century. He is an art collector and dealer, as well as a benefactor in the fields of chemistry, education, and Jewish interests.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Wisconsin/ Biographies/ Milwaukee (Wis.)/ Bader, Alfred/ Austria
Advertisements for Auf der Flucht vor der Schande by Johannes Glaesser (1914). Milwaukee, Wis.: German American Directory Publishing Co., 2 pp., ill.
Abstract: Advertisements [Anzeigen] from the Deutsche-Amerikanisches Vereins-Adressbuch fuer das Jahr 1914-15 (copyright 1914). Includes reviews of Glaesser’s works from the Westliche Post, N. Y. Morgen-Journal (“. . . Es ist einer der in neuer Zeit beliebt gewordenen Detektiv-Romane. Er beginnt in Deutschland, findet aber auf amerikanischem Boden seine Fortsetzung. . . . Fuer deutsch-amerikanische Leser gewinnt er erhoehtes Interesse, da er sich zum groessten Teil in deutsch ameikanischen Kreisen bewegt. . . “), Rochester Abendpost, N. Y. Herold (“. . . Den Liebhabern einer lebhaften Unterhaltungslektuere sei das Buch des amerikanischen Karl May bestens empfohlen.”), and Brooklyn Freie Presse (“. . . “Ob nun der Leser in die hoeheren und niederen Gesellschaftskreise der schoenen Sachsenhauptstadt oder auf den eleganten Ozeandampfer des Lloyd gefuehrt wird, ueberall umwogt ihn das wirkliche Leben in packender Anschaulichkeit. Und erst die Schilderungen aus dem amerikanischen Volksleben! Wer selbst ‘mal als ‘Greenhorn’ in New York im betaeubenden Laerm der Grossstadt oder einen kurzen Ausflug nach dem ‘Wilden Westen’ unternommen hat, wird beim Lesen des Buches ausrufen: ‘Ja, genau so ist es, ohne alle Uebertreibung und Beschoenigung!’ Wer aber keine Gelegenheit hat, unser Land der ‘unbegrenzten Moeglichkeiten’ zu bereisen, der braucht nur dieses Buch zu lesen, und er wird es mit all’ seinen Vorzuegen und Schwaechen kenne lernen.”
MKI P2011-13
United States, Foreign opinion — German/ Book reviews/ Publishing/ German-American press
“After the War – 1919 .”Wagon Wheels, vol. 25, no. 3, September 2019, pp. 3.
Notes: Newsletter of the Mayville [Wis.] Historical Society.
Abstract: Brief article about the letters that began to arrive from Germany after the end of World War I, describing the drastic need for food and clothing. “A branch of the Charity Bazaar Association of Milwaukee was established in Mayville and members had a booth at a week-long bazaar in April 1921 in Milwaukee.” The full program booklet, including participants, poetry and short essays from Mayville residents can be found in the MKI PIA collection.
MKI Periodicals
Mayville (Wis.)/ World War, 1914-1918 — German Americans/ German Americans — Wisconsin/ History
“The Airship Graf Zeppelin in Davenport, Iowa.” Society for German-American Studies Newsletter, vol. 30, no. 3, Sept. 2009, pp. 1-2, ill.
Notes: SGAS.
Abstract: On August 28, 1924, in honor of the city’s heavily German population, Dr. Hugo Eckener piloted the Graf Zeppelin over Davenport, Iowa, on his flight around the world.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Iowa/ 20th century/ Davenport (Iowa)
“Alaska.” Das Evangelische Magazin, vol. 21, no. 9, Sept. 1889, pp. 537-542, ill.
Notes: Bound issues of Das Evangelische Magazin. Verlegt von Lauer und Mattill, Cleveland, Ohio. Redigirt von C. A. Thomas und R. Matt.
Abstract: Part one of a description of Alaska. Begins: “Das ist der Name des Landes, welches frueher russisch Amerika genannt wurde, und umfasst alles nordamerikanische Land westlich des 141. westlichen Laengegrades.” Includes brief descriptions of Alaskan Natives. Part two appears in the Oct. 1899 issue, pp. 597-599.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Geography/ United States/ Alaska/ Alaska Natives
“Aldo Leopold Centennial 1887-1987.” Wisconsin Academy Review, vol. 34, no. 1, 1987.
Abstract: Includes a synopsis of Aldo Leopold’s life.
MKI P88-86
Leopold, Aldo, 1887-1948/ Land ethic/ Ecology
“Alexander Berghold Memorial in New Ulm, MN.” Society for German-American Studies Newsletter, vol. 28, no. 4, Dec. 2007, pp. 31-32, ill.
Notes: SGAS .
Abstract: Alexander Berghold was born in 1838 in Dirnreith, Stiermark. He arrived in New York on May 1, 1864 and was ordained in St. Paul in 1864. He was the first pastor and founder of the parish that is today the Cathedral church of the diocese of New Ulm, Minnesota.
MKI Periodicals
New Ulm (Minn.)/ Monuments/ Berghold, Alexander, 1838-1907
“Alexander Schem, 1826-1881.” Society for German-American Studies Newsletter, vol. 32, no. 1, Mar. 2011, pp. 11-14, ill.
Notes: SGAS.
Abstract: Provides a biographical sketch of Schem, and describes several entries in the Deutsch-amerikanisches Conversations-Lexicon, which Schem edited between 1869 and 1874, with particular attention paid to the Turner gymnastic societies, slavery, Carl Schurz, and Franz Sigel.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans/ 19th century/ Schem, Alexander Jacob, 1826-1881/ Turners
“Alexander von Humboldt and North America.” Bulletin of the German Historical Institute, no. 35, Fall 2004, pp. 200-206.
Notes: Conference at the GHI, June 3-5, 2004.
Abstract: Reports on a conference that commemorated the three week visit to North America in 1804, where he was honored at the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia and met President Thomas Jefferson in Washington. Sessions at the conference concerned “Popular Culture, Politics, and Networks”; the role of Humboldtian ideas in mapping the North American continent; “Humboldt and the Habitability of Canada’s Great Northwest”; “Humboldt, Exploration, and Environmental Thought in Nineteenth-Century America”; “Humboldt, Art, and Culture”; and an examination of Humboldt’s view of Latin America in light of recent critiques of colonialism and imperialism.
MKI Periodicals
Germans/ Travel/ Science/ Geography/ 19th century
“Alois Hunkeler.” Amerikanischer Schweizer-Kalender, vol. 51, 1931, pp. 57, ill.
Abstract: Obituary for Alois Hunkeler, born in 1858 in Buttenberg bei Schoetz, Kanton Luzern. He was the owner of Hotel Rigi in Chicago and was active in the Swiss organizations of that city.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Swiss Americans/ Obituaries/ Chicago (Ill.)/ Business & Industry
“Amana, die Gemeinschaft der Wahren Inspiration.” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 8, 1908, pp. 135-137.
Notes: Nach “Davenport Demokrat.”.
MKI Periodicals
America-Herold Kalender. Winona, Minn.: National Weeklies, Inc., 1930; 1932; 1936; 1942; 1951; 1953; 1954.
Notes: HOLDINGS: Jahrg. 50: 1930 (2 copies); Jahrg. 56: 1936; Jahrg. 70: 1951; Jahrg. 72: 1953.
Abstract: Partial contents, 1932: “Geburt und Tod unserer Erde”; “Das deutsche Volk im Jahre 2000,” by Dr. Karl Wagner, Berlin; “Gedanken ueber die Sprache,” by J. Eiselmeier; “Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882). Zum 50jaehrigen Todestag des grossen amerikanischen Philosophen,” by Scribifax; “Pastorius, Amerikas deutscher Pionier. Ein Denkmal fuer die ersten deutschen Siedler in Amerika, 13 Krefelder Weberfamilien, in ihrer Heimatstadt”; “Warum Amerika nicht Columbia heisst”; “William Penn, der Gruender des Staates Pennsylvania”; “Seelenwanderung oder -wandelung? Eine Plauderei”; “J. Otto Schweizer und seine Denkmaeler amerikanischer Geschichte,” by Rudolph Cronan; “Deutsche Frauen als Forschungsreisende.” —- Partial contents, 1942: “Zum Geleit” (“Was eine Einbeziehung Amerikas in den Krieg bedeuten muss, was sie besonders fuer das Deutschamerikanertum an unmittelbaren Rueckwirkungen und Folgen bringt, ist allen klar, die sich der Jahre des letzten Weltkrieges erinnern. Das Deutschamerikanertum ist ein ebenso vollwertiger Bestandteil der Gesamtheit der amerikanischen Nation wie die anderen Gruppen verschiedener nationaler Abstammung, aus denen sich die Bevoelkerung Amerikas zusammennfest.”); “Krieg und Kurzwellen,” by E. B. Brandt; “George Washington als Soldat und Staatsmann”; “Behuetet die Kleinen,” von Fraenze Heimberger, Fonda, N. Y.; “Die smarten ‘Bootlegger.’ Humoreske aus dem amerikanischen leben zur Zeit der Prohibition,” by Felix Schmidt. —- Partial contents, 1951: “Washington war auch nur ein Mensch,” by Hans Herbst; “Sind Linkshaender minderwertig?” by Herbert Stein; “Hat die Frau Humor?” by B. Bendixen; “Deutsch-Americana,” by Herbert Stein; “Konrad geht die Liebe suchen,” by Waltraudt Schmidt; “Tibetanischer Sarkasmus und Humor,” by Burang; “Die Mutter und die drei Soldaten,” by Ernest Claes; “Das Zigeunerkind,” by Jakob Kneip; “Castle Garden: Altes New Yorker Wahrzeichen gerettet”; “Die Rehberger ‘Emaus’-Baeuerin,” by O. Tenmeier; and “Fragen in der Buergerpruefung.”—- Partial contents, 1954: “Im Zwischendeck nach Texas. Auswanderer-Katastrophe in Mainz”; “Die gruenen Berge von Vermont”; “Fragen in der Buergerpruefung.”
MKI P88-118; P88-6; P2005-15; P2014-7
PIA/ Calendars & Almanacs
America’s ‘Little Switzerland’ New Glarus Wisconsin 1987. Jerome Mooney, producer. New Glarus, Wis.: NEWTAP, 1987. 24 pp.
Abstract: Visitors’ guide to New Glarus, Wisconsin, including map, 1987 calendar of events, information on festivals and local history, and local advertisements. Focus on 50th Labor Day weekend performance of the Wilhelm Tell drama.
MKI P2000-29
New Glarus (Wis.)/ Guides
American Turner Topics. Ocala, Fla.: American Turners, 1987-1989.
Notes: Official publication of the American Turners; MKI has v. 34, no. 4 (Sept./Oct. 1987); v. 35, no. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1988); v. 35, no. 5 (Nov./Dec. 1988); and v. 36, no. 2 (March/April 1989); ISSN 0746-3480; donated by Juergen Eichhoff
MKI P2001-18
Turners/ United States/ Periodicals
“Amerikas deutscher Leonidas.” America-Herold Kalender, vol. 56, 1936, pp. 32.
Abstract: Brief article about Philipp von Hutten (1505-1546), a German adventurer and early European explorer of Venezuela.
MKI P2014-7
South America/ German Americans/ History
Andacht zur schmerzhaften Mutter. Clyde, Mo.: Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration, n.d. 63 pp.
MKI P88-36
PIA/ Prayers/ Catholics
Andachten zum heiligen Joseph. Clyde, Mo.: Benedictine Convent [of Perpetual Adoration], n.d. various pagings.
Notes: 2 different copies, neither has date. One copy is missing title page, indicates publisher as “Benedictine Convent”. Other, complete, copy indicates publisher as “Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration”
MKI P88-34
PIA/ Catholic Church/ Prayers
Andachtsuebungen des heiligen Kreuzweges nach dem Beispiele der seligsten Jungfrau Maria und anderer Heiligen zu verrichten. New York, N.Y.: Benziger Brothers, n.d. 36 pp.
MKI P89-39
PIA/ Prayers/ Catholics
Das Anfangs-Buch, oder Einleitung zu grösseren Schulbüchern, zum Gebrauch für kleine Kinder. Vermehrte, verbesserte und illustrirte Auflage. Cleveland, Ohio: C. Hauser, n.d. 64 pp, ill.
On cover: Cleveland, Ohio: Verlagshaus der Evangelischen Gemeinschaft. C. Hauser, Verleger, 1903-1923 Woodland, Ave., S.E.
Donated by Rob Howell.
Anfangsgründe der deutschen und englischen Sprach-Lehre. Mit umfangreichen, stufenmässigen Uebungen zur Analysis und zum Uebersetzen. Erste Abtheilung. Cleveland, Ohio: Deutsches Verlagshaus, [1879]. 67 pp.
In German and English. Includes Verzeichniss der in den übungen dieses Buchs gebrauchten Wörter / Index of words used in these exercises.
[Hermann Julius Rütenik/Ruetenik was born Sept. 20, 1826 in Demerthin near Berlin, and died Feb. 22, 1914, in Cleveland. He studied theology at the University of Halle, but came to the United States as a political refugee after the failure of the 1848 revolution. He taught school in Easton, Pennsylvania, and was ordained on July 17, 1853. After marrying Emilia / Amelia Clara Martin, he taught at Heidelberg College in Tiffin, Ohio, and helped found Reformed congregations throughout northern Ohio. He was associated in various capacities with the Central Publishing House, founded the Calvin Institute, edited numerous periodicals, and wrote several books, including Berühmte Deutsche Vorkämpfer für Fortschritt. Freiheit und Friede in Nord-Amerika von 1626 bis 1888 (Cleveland, 1888), an important biographical and historical source on German-American culture.].
From the Einleitung: “Ferner hat der Verfasser bei der Bearbeitung dieses Leitfadens vornehmlich unsre deutsch-englisch Jugend im Auge gehabt. Es ist eine bekannte, oder vielleicht auch nicht hinlänglich bekannte Thatsache, dass die Kinder deutscher Eltern in Amerika gewöhnlich das Unglück haben, weder das Englische, noch das Deutsche gut zu lernen. Während sie meist englisch lesen, sind ihnen die nicht in der gewöhnlichen Umgangssprache vorkommenden englischen Wörter fremd, und von dem, was sie lesen verstehen sie oft nur einen geringen Theil; sonderlich von den schwerern Wörtern ist ihnen die Bedeutung meistens nur halb und dunkel bekannt. Mit dem Verständniss des Deutschn steht es meist noch schwächer. Wenige Worte nur der gewöhnlichen Haussprache sind ihnen bekannt, und selbst diese haben sie selten richtig aussprechen und gebrauchen gehört. Solche Kinder nun auf die bisher übliche Weise in die Sprachlehre einzuführen, ist ungemein schwer. Will man sie englische Grammatik lehren, so stossen sie auf viel grössere Schwierigkeiten noch, als die Kinder englischer Eltern; will man sie deutsch lehren, so sind die Schwierigkeiten bei ihrer Armuth an deutschen Wörtern wo möglich noch grösser. Bei alle dem haben solche Kinder auch wieder manchen Vortheil vor den ganz englischen, ja selbst vor den in Deutschland ganz deutsch erzogenen. Sie wissen von zwei Sprachen etwas. Diesen Umstand gilt es nun, als einen Vortheil zu benutzen, und das haben wir in dem folgenden Letifaden versucht.”
Click here to view the Einleitung (PDF).
“Ann Arbor, das Klein-Kirchentellinsfurt in Michigan: ein Schwabenstaedtchen in Nordamerika.” Unser Schwabenland, vol. 14, 1938, pp. 28-30.
Notes: Von der Arbeit der Forschungsstelle Schwaben im Ausland.
MKI P92-11
Danube Swabians/ German Americans — Michigan
Anthologie aus den saemmtlichen Schriften von Friedrich Jacobs: Mit Biographie und Portrait / Anthologie aus den Gedichten von E. A. Tiedge: Mit Biographie und Portrait / Gedichte von Mahlmann / Anthologie aus den Gedichten von F. Freiligrath: Mit Biographie und Portraet / Anthologie aus den Werken von Alexander v. Humboldt . Meyer’s Groschen-Bibliothek der Deutschen Classiker fuer alle Staende, vols. 203-208. New York: Herrmann J. Meyer, various pagings.
Notes: sämmtlichen, für, Stände, Porträt; Ernst August Tiedge; Ferdinand Freiligrath; Siegfried August Mahlmann; Hildburghausen: Druck vom Bibliographischen Institut; donated by Hugh H. Iltis, 1988; book is in poor condition, with cover nearly completely separated.
Abstract: Although he never actually visited America, Ferdinand Freiligrath’s poems include “Die Auswanderer” (1832) and “Florida of Boston” (1833).
MKI P2002-115
PIA/ Literature, German/ Poetry/ Prose
Antiphonen und Lieder, die in der neuen Gesangbuchsausgabe der alten Sammlung hinzugefuegt worden sind. St. Louis, Mo.: Concordia, n.d. [30] pp.
Abstract: Document paginated from xiv-xvi, 334-359. 3 copies.
MKI P89-40
PIA/ Hymnals
Apatiner Heimatblaetter: Mitteilungen an die Apatiner in aller Welt. Vol. 18, 19, 20, 1964-65 .
Archiv Ostdeutscher Familienforscher
MKI P85-145 – P85-147
Danube Swabians
“Archetype of Novel Character Juernjakob Swehn discovered: US-Professor Receives the Johannes-Gillhoff Prize 2009.” German-American Genealogy, Fall 2009, pp. 11.
Notes: (Immigrant Genealogical Society, Burbank, CA).
Abstract: Knuth has identified a real person behind the character of Juernjakob Swehn, created by Johannes Gillhoff based on many letters written by students of his father who had emigrated from Mecklenburg to Iowa. Knuth points to a Carl Wiedow, a stable hand from the Griese Gegend as the man behind the pseudonym. He has published his findings in two books published in 2005: Auf den Spuren von Juernjakob Swehn oder wer hat die Briefe geschrieben? and Who Wrote Those Letters? In Search of Juernjakob Swehn.
MKI Periodicals
Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Immigrants, German/ Germany, Emigration and immigration/ Letters/ Fiction/ Gillhoff, Johannes/ German Americans — Iowa
Archiv Ostdeutscher Familienforscher. Herne / Duesseldorf: Arbeitsgemeinschaft ostdeutscher Familienforscher e. V. Vol. 1 — , 1 (1952 — ) –.
Journal Whole. In German. Online index and database available at: http://www.agoff.de/?p=65
Title from cover.
Library holdings vary. Vol. 10 (No. 14, January 1988) is Egerlaender Sonderheft. MKI has: Band IX [Index, issues 1-17]: (1983-1985); Zehnter Band: Lieferung 2-3 (April – June 1986), 5-13 (November 1986 – December 1987) “… dient der Sammlung von Forschungsergebnissen und ebenso der Sicherung von Einzelfunden und kleinen Aufzeichnungen der Vereinsmitglieder, die in Form von Ahnen-, Stamm- oder Nachfahrenlisten dargestellt werden. Hinzu treten aber auch kleinere Quellenabschriften und Gelegenheitsfunde.” (http://www.agoff.de/?p=57) Serves to collect the research results as well as individual finds and smaller notes of members presented in genealogical lists; also includes resource information and chance findings.
MKI Periodicals Genealogy/ Germany
Articles of Incorporation, Constitution and By-Laws of the Free Congregation (Freie Gemeinde) of Sauk County. [Sauk City, WI?: the congregation, 8 pp.
MKI P2002-113
Freethinkers/ Sauk City (Wis.)/ German Americans — Wisconsin
“Auf Aguinaldo’s Faehrten. Kriegserlebnisse eines deutschen Freiwilligen auf den Philippinen.” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 7, 1907, pp. 143-147; 156-166.
Notes: “von F. J. P.”.
MKI Periodicals
Personal narratives/ Wars
“Auf neutralem Boden. Eine Geschichte aus fruehrer Zeit.” Das Evangelische Magazin, vol. 21, no. 8, Aug. 1889, pp. 487-489.
Notes: Bound issues of Das Evangelische Magazin. Verlegt von Lauer und Mattill, Cleveland, Ohio. Redigirt von C. A. Thomas und R. Matt. —- An English-language version of this story, entitled “A ‘Squatter’s’ Fate: The Report Made by a Delegation of the ‘Union League,'” appeared in the July 18, 1889 issue of the Thomas County Cat (Colby, Kansas), and was attributed to “Will Lesenbee, in Drake’s Magazine.” Author might be Will Lisenbee, 1858-1925. See: MKI P2011-22.
Abstract: Begins: “Als der jetzige Staat Kansas noch eine Territorium war, und man die Frage in den Gesetzeshallen eroerterte, ob Kansas ein freier, oder ein Sklavenstaat werden solle, nannte man das Territorium noch neutrales Land, und dasselbe wurde genau bewacht, um die noerdlichen Ansiedler draussen zu halten. Als dann spaeter der Staat in die Union aufgenommen wurde, und die Eisenbahngesellschaften die besten Laendereien zu gewinnen suchten, empoerte sich das Vok, und wer sich mit den Eisenbahnen einliess, dem standen schwere Schicksale vor, denn mancher Ansiedler wurde an der Spitze der Bajonette ausgetrieben; oder gar wie ein gehetztes Wild getoedtet. Aus jener traurigen Zeit stammt die Geschichte, welche wir hier in einfachen und ungekuenstelten Worten wieder erzaehlen.”
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Fiction, historical/ Kansas
Aus Ägypten nach Kanaan. [New York and Lahr (Baden)]: Ernst Kaufmann, n.d. unpaginated [20] pp., col. ill.
Information taken from cover: “Kunstdruck & Verlag von Ernst Kaufmann. 22 & 24 North William Street, New York. Lahr i. Baden. No. 1914.” Title page and other pages missing.
Donated by Walter Uphoff.
Aus uralter Zeit. s.l.: s.n., n.d.
MKI P88-05
PIA/ Juvenile/ Biblical
“Auswandererbriefe aus Nordamerika: Transcripts from the Nordamerika-Briefsammlung, Gotha.”1850-1887.
Notes: Photocopies of transcripts of letters from German immigrants to America [Auswandererbriefe aus Nordamerika, Nordamerika-Briefsammlung, Gotha: http://www.auswandererbriefe.de/index.html].
Abstract: Transcripts of letters from German-speaking immigrants to America, from the Nordamerika-Briefsammlung in Gotha, Germany. The letters are from John Orthel in Pray Grove [?], Illinois, written Dec. 1, 1868; Johann Hummel in Stewardsville, New Jersey, written Jan. 31, 1851; Anton Vogt in Town Forrest [Wisconsin?], written April 7, 1852 to his brother in Schmechten (now Brakel-Schmechten); Robert Prang in Crete, Will County, Illinois, written in1887 to his brother and mother [in Nikolaiken, east Prussia, now Mikolajki, Poland?]; an unknown woman in Kenosha, Wisconsin, written Feb. 20, 1882 to her brother [incomplete]; Joseph Salzmann in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, written Feb. 11, 1861; Joseph Cremer in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, written Dreifaltigkeits-Sonntage 1866; Albert Derken in Lebanon, Pennsylvania, written Aug. 29, 1869 to his uncle and aunt; Benjamin Falkenberg in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, written Aug. 26, 1872 to his pastor; Ludwig Weber in Somonauk, Illinois, written June 30 and Aug. 21, 1881 to his sister; a portion of a letter written from California; and August Lennep writing in 1850 from New York and in 1861 from New Braunfels, Texas.
MKI P2007-19
Letters/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Immigrants, German/ Writing.
“Auswandererfuersorge in Bremen.” Jahrbuch des Norddeutschen Lloyd, 1908, pp. 181-192.
Notes: (Auswandererfürsorge); Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen; photocopy donated by Victor Greene, 2003.
MKI P2003-23
Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Emigration and immigration
Auswandererlieder = Emigrants’ Songs. [7] pp.
Abstract: Song titles: “Auf der Reise nach Amerika”; “Die deutschen Auswanderer”; “Heil dir, Columbus”; “Lied der Auswanderer”; “Deutscher Nationalreichtum”; “Heimweh”; “Auswanderungslied”; “Aus den ‘Texanischen Liedern,’ Ein Guadelupelied”; “Lied vom Mississippi”; “Lied der Auswanderer bei ihrer Abreise nach Amerika”; “Jetzt ist die Zeit und Stunde da”; and “An einen Auswanderer.”
MKI P2004-27
Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Songs
“Auto Atlas 1986/87. Bundesrepublik Deutschland.” Berlin, etc.: RV Reise- und Verkehrsverlag.
MKI Maps.
Germany/ Atlases.
“Background on the Stehling-Bachem correspondence.” Der Blumenbaum, Sacramento German Genealogy Society, vol. 19, no. 1, July/Aug./Sept. 2001, pp. 11.
Abstract: Brief history of the Charles H. Stehling Company began in 1884 and incorporated in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1905; “the business consisted of building, designing, constructing, and equipping tanneries; the manufacture of machinery, especially hide and leather machinery; and the repair of such buildings and machinery.” See also (in same issue), “A Letter from Germany–78 Years Later: A Time of Desperation, Then Years of Silence.”
MKI Periodicals
Business & Industry/ German Americans — Wisconsin
“Barbara Lorenzkowski: Scholarship Recipient.” German-Canadian Studies Newsletter, vol. 3, no. 1, Spring 1998, pp. 5, ill.
Notes: Printed from PDF version from German-Canadian Studies at the University of Winnipeg Web site.
Abstract: Lorenzkowski is exploring the cultural messages learned by “girls and boys…in German-language schools in Waterloo County (Canada) and Erie County (United States) in the years 1850-1910.”
MKI P2002-106
German Canadians/ German Americans/ Education/ Cultural influence
“Bei den Windmuehlen.” Das Evangelische Magazin, vol. 22, no. 6, June 1890, pp. 346-350, ill.
Notes: Bound issues of Das Evangelische Magazin. Verlegt von Lauer und Mattill, Cleveland, Ohio. Redigirt von C. A. Thomas und R. Matt.
Abstract: Includes images of windmills in the United States. On pages 349-50: “Die ‘Pilgervaeter,’ welche von Holland nach Amerika kamen, brachten die Windmuehlen hierher, und benuetzten dieselben zum dreschen und mahlen ihrer Brodfrucht. Unser Welschkorn lernten sie natuerlich erst hier kennen, und zwar auf eigenthuemliche Weise: Miles Standisch und etliche andere Maenner fuellten ihre Reisesaecke mit Zwieback und Hollaenderkaese, und machten sich auf den Weg, um das Land auzukundschaften. Sie fanden bald einen kuenstlichen Sandhaufen, den sie dann auch durchwuehlten und auf Baumrinde stiessen; nach weiterer Forschung entdeckten sie, dass der Haufe hohl und inwendig mit Welschkorn ausgefuellt war: es war ein indianischer Keller. Ohne weiter daran zu denken, dass es gestohlen sei, trugen sie das Korn nach Hause; als der Indianer seinen Verlust entdeckte, fiel sein Verdacht sogleich auf die weissen Fremden, und als er bei ihren Huetten ankam, waren sie eben damit beschaeftigt, das Korn zu mahlen. Der Indianer erhielt dann ehrliche Bezahlung fuer sein Korn. . . . Die weissen Frauen wurden das Kornmahlen muede, und indem sie nicht wie die Squaws der Indianer erzogen waren, und jeder Weisse bange war, seine Frau moechte ihm sterben, und andere weisse Frauen gab es nicht; so wurden Windmuehlen errichtet.”
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Windmills/ Native Americans
Bericht ueber die Dreizehnte Versammlung des Westlichen Distrikts der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Synode von Iowa und anderen Staaten gehalten in der St. Paulus-Kirche zu Helena, Johnson Co., Neb., vom 25. bis 29. August 1898. Waverly, Iowa: Wartburg, 1898. 35 pp.
Notes: Druck des Wartburg Publishing House; on cover: Westlicher Distrikt. Helena, Neb., 1898.
MKI P2007-6
PIA/ Lutheran Church/ Protestant
Besuch des Nationalen Deutsch-Amerikanischen Lehrerbundes in Cassel, 31. Juli 1912, Teilnehmer-Karte. Cassel: s.n., 1912. [7] pp., ill.
Notes: Druck: Gebr. Botthelft, Koenigl. Hofbuchdrucker, Cassel.
Abstract: Contents: Program for July 31, 1912 — Gutschein fuer das Mittagessen im Hotel — Gutschein fuer die Strassenbahn Bahnhof, Hotel Schirmer, Centralhotel, Koenigsplatz bis Germaniastr.-Kirchweg — Gutschein fuer die Bergbahn Kirchweg-Herkules — Gutschein fuer die Strassenbahn Wilhelmshoehe-Ulmenstrasse — Gutschein fuer den Bergruessungsabend im Stadtpark — Ansicht von Wilhelmshoehe. — Inserted: Fahrkarte No. 546 berechtigt den Ihhaber zur freien Benutzung saemtlicher Linien der Strassenbahnen der Stadt Duesseldorf, am 15. und 16. Juli 1912. Besuch der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Lehrer und Lehrerinnen in Duesseldorf 1912.
MKI P88-19
Teaching/ Societies, etc.
Beyond Germanna. Chadds Ford, PA: John Blankenbaker. Vol. 1-15, no. Vol. 1 no. 1 (January 1989) — V. 15 no. 6 (November 2003).
Journal Whole.
“Published and edited by John Blankenbaker.” MKI has issues donated by John Blankenbaker: Volume 15, nos. 1-6, January – November 2003, after which publication ceased. Historical Society has Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1989)-v. 15, no. 6 (Nov. 2003). Focuses on the history of Germans who lived east of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia during the eighteenth century, in what today are the counties of Culpeper, Fauqueir, Madison, Orange, and Rappahannock. The first group of Germans came to Virginia in 1714, followed by another group late in 1717, with a steady influx of Germans arriving until after the Revolutionary War.
MKI Periodicals
Virginia/ German Americans — Virginia/ Settlements/ Colonial period/ Communities/ 18th century
Bibliographie des Deutschtums im Ausland. 1938-1940.
Notes: Journal Whole. Bearbeitet von der Buecherei des Deutschtums im Ausland, Stuttgart. Verlag von W. Kohlhammer.
MKI Shelf–Periodicals Bibliographies
Bibliography: Books for children. Madison, Wis.: Max Kade Institute , [1985?]. 4 pp.
Abstract: Four-page bibliography lists German-language instruction books for children three to eight years old and for young adults; first reference books for children (dictionaries, general reference and music); and primers and first readers.
MKI P2002-31
Teaching of German/ Bibliographies/ Children’s literature
Biblische Geschichten fuer die Kleinen . Columbus, Ohio: Lutherischer Verlag, n.d. 195 pp.
MKI P94-44
PIA/ Textbooks/ Biblical
“Bilder aus Louisiana .” Haus und Herd. Eine Monatsschrift fuer die Familie und Sonntagschule, vol. 5, no. 6, June 1877, pp. 281-284.
Notes: Donated by the Mayville Historical Society.
Abstract: Part one of a three-part article. Begins: “Wenn der Nordlaender, welcher den unteren Sueden noch nie gesehen, ploetzlich einige Meilen unterhalb New-Orleans versetzt wuerde, so wuerde nicht blos der Mund, sondern auch die Augen ganz herzhaft fragen: ‘Wo bin ich denn eigentlich angekommen? Ist dieser herrliche Strom, dieser unvergleichliche Pflanzenwuchs, der die ganze Natur erfuellende Wohlgeruch nicht Ueberbleibsel vom alten Paradise?'”
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Louisiana/ New Orleans (La.)/ Travel
“Bilder aus Louisiana. II.” Haus und Herd. Eine Monatsschrift fuer die Familie und Sonntagschule, vol. 5, no. 7 , July 1877, pp. 369-370.
Notes: Donated by the Mayville Historical Society.
Abstract: Part two of a three-part article. Sections include: “Die Gruendung und Geschichte von New-Orleans”; “Die Einfuehrung der Sklaverei und des gelben Fiebers”; “Nicht zwei Uebel, sondern zwei grosse Wohlthaten auf einem Schiff”; “Kaelte und Feuersnoth”; Louisiana wird von Napoleon an die Ver. Staaten verkauft”; and “Das gegenwaertige New-Orleans.”
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Louisiana/ New Orleans (La.)/ History/ Slavery/ 19th century/ 18th century
“Bilder aus Louisiana. III.” Haus und Herd. Eine Monatsschrift fuer die Familie und Sonntagschule, vol. 5, no. 8 , Aug. 1877, pp. 415-418.
Notes: Donated by the Mayville Historical Society.
Abstract: Part three of a three-part article. Sections include: “Groesse und Bevoelkerung der Stadt,” Oeffentliche Anlagen und historische Plaetze,” “Das kirchliche Leben,” “Klimatische Verhaeltnisse,” “Die politische Lage,” “Handel und Produkte,” “Das Volk als ein Ganzes.” Concludes: “Willst du, mein freundlicher Leser, New-Orleans je besuche, so gehe im November. . . Die Sonnenhitze ist vorueber und hat einer angenehmen Waerme Platz gemacht; die Flora ist in ihrem besten Zustand, und die goldenen Orangen sind wahrhaft koestlich, wenn man dieselben mit eigener Hand pfluecken kann.”
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Louisiana/ New Orleans (La.)/ History/ 19th century/ Travel
“Biographien.” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 13, 1913, pp. 345-349.
Abstract: Gottieb Merz, Joseph Theurer, Thies J. Lefens, Harm. H. Emminga (von Heinrich Bornmann); Heinrich Schoellkopf
MKI Periodicals
“Biographien.” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 14, 1914, pp. 674-681.
Abstract: Edmund Deuss, Simon S. Blum, Pastor C. E. W. Scholz, Dr. Carl Matthey, Jacob Spohn, Margarete Lange James
MKI Periodicals
“Biographisches.” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 12, 1912, pp. 581-593.
Abstract: Bernhard Ziehn (von Geo. P. Upton), William Conrad Seipp, Max Eberhardt, Adolph Arnold, Leon Mandel
MKI Periodicals
“Book review: The German-American experience [by Don Heinrich Tolzmann].” German-American Journal, vol. 41, no. 4, July/Aug. 2000, pp. 12.
Notes: Reviewed book at SHS, E184.G3 T65 2000.
Abstract: Book review of Don Heinrich Tolzmann’s “The German-American Experience,” ISBN 1-57392-731-7.
MKI Periodicals (shelved on PIA bookshelf)
Book reviews/ German-American Studies
“Book reviews. Edited by Timothy J. Holian.” Yearbook of German-American Studies, vol. 34, 1999, pp. 197-223.
Abstract: Includes reviews of: ‘The Germans in the American Civil War’ – Wilhelm Kaufmann (translation); ‘Louisville Breweries’ – Peter R. Guetig and Conrad D. Selle; ‘Das Deutschlandbild in der amerikanischen Literatur’ – Waldemar Zacharasiewicz; ‘Preussens und Sachsens Beziehungen zu den USA waehrend des Sezessionskrieges 1860-1865’ – Michael Loeffler; ‘Early German-American Imprints’ – Heinz G.F. Wilsdorf; ‘Vorwaerts in die Vergangenheit: Das Bild der USA im deutschsprachigen Roman von 1776 bis 1855’ – Wynfrid Kriegleder; ‘Kuenstler, Cowboys, Ingenieure…: Kultur- und mediengeschichtliche Studien zu deutschen Amerika-Texten 1912-1920’ – Deniz Goektuerk; ‘Lives and Letters of an Immigrant Family: The van Dreveldts’ Experiences along the Missouri, 1844-1886′ – Kenneth Kronenberg with C. Hans von Gimborn; ‘A Strong Mind in a Strong Body: Libraries in the German-American Turner Movement’ – Dolores J. Hoyt; ‘Migration — Siedlungsbildung — Akkulturation: Die Auswanderung Nordwestdeutscher nach Ohio, 1830-1914’ – Anne Aengenvoort; ‘Memoirs of a Nobody: The Missouri Years of an Austrian Radical, 1849-1866’ – Heinrich Boernstein; ‘Hometown Beer: A History of Kansas City’s Breweries’ – H. James Maxwell and Bob Sullivan, Jr.
MKI Periodicals
Book reviews
“Book Reviews. Edited by Timothy J. Holian.” Yearbook of German-American Studies, vol. 36, 2001, pp. 205-242.
Abstract: Includes reviews of ‘The Pennsylvania Germans: James Owen Knauss, Jr.’s Social History’ – edited by Don H. Tolzmann; ‘Mennonites in Transition from Switzerland to America: Emigrant and Immigrant Experience; Anabaptist Documents’ – edited by Andrea Boldt, Werner Enninger, and Delbert L. Gratz; ‘Plain Women: Gender and Ritual in the Old Order River Brethren’ – Margaret C. Reynolds; ‘Over the Barrel: The Brewing History and Beer Culture of Cincinnati; Volume Two: Prohibition to 2001’ – Timothy J. Holian; ‘Word Atlas of Pennsylvania German’ – Lester W. J. Seifert; ‘Known by the Work of His Hands’ – Clair Messimer; ‘Nach Amerika! Geschichte der liechtensteinischen Auswanderung nach Ameriak in zwei Baenden’ – Norbert Jansen and Pio Schurti; ‘Pribers Paradies: Ein deutscher Utopist in der amerikanischen Wildnis’ – Ursula Naumann; ‘Anaheim-Utopia Americana: Vom Weinland zum Walt Disney-Land–Eine Stadtbiographie’ – Rainer Vollmar; ‘Early German-American Newspapers: Daniel Miller’s History’ – edited by Don H. Tolzmann; ‘A Chorus of Different Voices: German-Canadian Identities’ – edited by Angelika E. Sauer and Matthias Zimmer; ‘Images of Germany: Perceptions and Conceptions’ – edited by Peter M. Daly et al.; ‘Germans and the Revolution of 1848-1849’ – by Justine D. Randers-Pehrson; ‘Voyage to North American 1844-45: Prince Carl of Solms’s Texas Diary of People, Places, and Events’ – translated by Wolfram M. Von-Maszewski; ‘Radical Passion: Ottilie Assing’s Reports from America and Letters to Frederick Douglass’ – edited by Christoph Lohmann; ‘Deutsche Minderheitenliteraturen: Regionalliterarische und interkulturelle Perspektiven der Kritik’ – Alexander Ritter; ‘Brewed in Detroit: Breweries and Beers Since 1830’ – Peter H. Blum; ‘Narratives of America and the Frontier in Nineteenth-Century German Literature’ – Jerry Schuchalter.
MKI Periodicals
Book reviews/ German Americans
“Book Reviews. Edited by Timothy J. Holian.” Yearbook of German-American Studies, vol. 37, 2002, pp. 157-181.
Abstract: Includes reviews of ‘Ideology, Mimesis, Fantasy: Charles Sealsfield, Friedrich Gerstäcker, Karl May, and Other German Novelists of America’ – Jeffrey L. Sammons; ‘Documents of Protest and Compassion: The Poetry of Walter Bauer’ – Angelika Arend; ‘Charles Sealsfield: Dokumente zur Rezeptionsgeschichte, Teil 1: Die zeitgenössische Rezeption in Europa’ – edited by Primus-Heinz Kucher; ‘Hidden Worlds. Revisiting the Mennonite Migrants of the 1870s’ – Royden Loewen; ‘Die Auswanderung aus dem Herzogtum Braunschweig im Kräftespiel staatlicher Einflussnahme und öffentlicher Resonanz 1720-1897’ – Cornelia Pohlmann; ‘German? American? Literature?: New Directions in German-American Studies’ – edited by Winfried Fluck and Werner Sollors; ‘A German Tale: A Girl Surviving Hitler’s Legacy’ – Erika V. Shearin Karres; ‘Heroes from the Attic: A Gripping Story of Triumph’ – Herman I. Neumann; ‘Aufsteig und Niedergang des deutschen Turnens in den USA’ – Annette R. Hofmann; ‘Language and Language Use of the Amish and Mennonite Groups of Swiss-German Origin: An Annotated Bibliography’ – Werner Enninger et al.; ‘No Such Country: Essays Toward Home’ – Elmar Lueth; ‘Kulturelle Repräsentationen des Holocaust in Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten’ – edited by Klaus L. Berghahn, Jürgen Fohrmann, and Helmut J. Schneider; ‘Dictionary of German Names’ – Hans Bahlow.
MKI Periodicals
Book reviews/ German Americans
“Book Reviews. Edited by Timothy J. Holian.” Yearbook of German-American Studies, vol. 38, 2003, pp. 313-354.
Abstract: Includes reviews of ‘My Farm on the Mississippi: The Story of a German in Missouri, 1945-1948,’ by Heinrich Hauser, translated by Curt A. Poulton (reviewed by Tom R. Schultz); ‘The Last Generation Forgotten and Left to Die / Die letzte Generation vergessen and dem Tod ueberlassen: The History of the Danube Swabians,’ by Hans Kopp (reviewed by Robert E. Ward); ‘Heads or Tails: The Poetics of Money,’ by Jochen Hoerisch (reviewed by Geoffrey Clark); ‘Thomas Mann’s Addresses Delivered at the Library of Congress,’ ed. by Don Heinrich Tolzmann (reviewed by Tom R. Schultz); ‘Like a Sponge Thrown into Water: Francis Lieber’s European Travel Journal of 1844-1845,’ ed. by Charles R. Mack and Ilona S. Mack (reviewed by Gregory H. Wolf); ‘Deutsche Lieder fuer Jung und Alt,’ ed. by Lisa Feurzeig (reviewed by Tom R. Schultz); ‘Pennsylvania German Words in Context,’ 2nd ed., by C. Richard Beam (reviewed by Michael T. Putnam); ‘Dennoch! A Biography of Pastor John Haefner,’ by Paul D. Ostrem (reviewed by Robert W. Frizzell); ‘Letters of a German American Farmer: Juernjakob Swehn Travels to America,’ by Johannes Gillhoff, translated by Richard Lorenz August Trost (reviewed by Robert W. Frizzell); ‘Adolf Douai, 1819-1888: The Turbulent Life of a German Forty-Eighter in the Homeland and in the United States,’ by Justine Davis Randers-Pherson (reviewed by Katja Rampelmann); ‘Land without Nightingales: Music in the Making of German-America,’ ed. by Philip V. Bohlman and Otto Holzapfel (reviewed by Katja Rampelmann); ‘German-American Studies: Selected Essays,’ by Don Heinrich Tolzmann (reviewed by Ryan Rumpf); ‘The Gag Family: German-Bohemian Artists in America,’ by Julie L’Enfant (reviewed by Timothy J. Holian); ‘The Literary Legacy of a Poor Devil: The Life and Work of Robert Reitzel (1849-1898),’ by Randall P. Donaldson (reviewed by Jake Erhardt); ‘Heimat: A Critical Theory of the German Idea of Homeland,’ by Peter Blickle (reviewed by J. Gregory Redding); ‘German Heritage: Guide to the Greater Cincinnati Area,’ by Don Heinrich Tolzmann (reviewed by J. Gregory Redding); ‘Der rothe Doktor von Chicago: Ein deutsch-amerikanisches Auswandererschicksal,’ by Axel W.-O. Schmidt (reviewed by Jerry Schuchalter); ‘New Ulm, Minnesota: J. H. Strasser’s History & Chronology,’ translated and ed. by Don Heinrich Tolzmann (reviewed by Timothy J. Holian); ‘History of a Family Bible, 1685-2000: A Quest for the Missing Link,’ by William Arnold O’Malley (reviewed by Bethany M. Usher); ‘German-American Urban Culture: Writers & Theaters in Early Milwaukee,’ by Peter C. Merrill (reviewed by Randall P. Donaldson); ‘Pickled Herring and Pumpkin Pie: A Nineteenth-Century Cookbook for German Immigrants to America,’ by Henriette Davidis (reviewed by Karen M. Johnson-Weiner); ‘Goethe im Exil: Deutsch-Amerikanische Perspektiven,’ ed. by Gert Sautermeister and Frank Baron (reviewed by Gabrielle Bersier); ‘Im Licht der Vernunft: Der deutsch-amerikanische Freidenker-Almanach von 1878-1901,’ by Katja Ramplemann (reviewed by Claudia Grossmann).
MKI Periodicals
Book reviews/ German Americans
“Book Reviews. Edited by Timothy J. Holian.” Yearbook of German-American Studies, vol. 39, 2004, pp. 163-184.
Abstract: Includes reviews of ‘Arthur Preuss: Journalist and Voice of German and Conservative Catholics in America, 1871-1934,’ by Rory T. Conley (reviewed by Heiko Muehr); ‘Out of the Ashes: Berlin 1930 to 1950,’ by Annemarie Reuter Schomaker (reviewed by Randall P. Donaldson); ‘Unsere Leute: The Volga Germans of West Central Kansas–Aspects of Their History, Politics, Culture and Language,’ ed. by William D. Keel with James L. Forsythe, Francis Schippers and Helmut J. Schmeller (reviewed by Randall P. Donaldson); ‘”Auf denn, Ihr Schwestern!” Deutschamerikanische Frauenvereine in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1844-1914,’ by Anke Ortlepp (reviewed by Katja Rampelmann); ‘A Milwaukee Woman’s Life on the Left: The Autobiography of Meta Berger,’ ed. by Kimberly Swanson (reviewed by Katja Rampelmann); ‘Wooden Shoe Hollow: Charlotte Pieper’s Cincinnati German Novel,’ ed. by Don Heinrich Tolzmann (reviewed by Timothy J. Holian); ‘The Body and the Book: Writing from a Mennonite Life,’ by Julia Kasdorf (reviewed by William Roba); ‘The German Pioneer Legacy: The Life and Work of Heinrich A. Rattermann,’ 2nd ed., by Sister Mary Edmund Spanheimer (reviewed by Franziska C. Ott); ‘Missouri’s German Heritage,’ ed. by Don Heinrich Tolzmann (reviewed by William D. Keel); ‘Becoming Old Stock: The Paradox of German-American Identity,’ by Russell A. Kazal (reviewed by William D. Keel); ‘Germans of Louisiana,’ by Ellen C. Merrill (reviewed by William D. Keel); ‘Deutsch in Texas,’ by Marcus Nicolini (reviewed by William D. Keel); ‘German Language Varieties Worldwide: Internal and External Perspectives / Deutsche Sprachinseln weltweit: Interne und externe Perspektiven,’ edited by William D. Keel and Klaus J. Mattheier (reviewed by William Roba).
MKI Periodicals
Book reviews/ German Americans
“Book Reviews. Edited by Timothy J. Holian.” Yearbook of German-American Studies, vol. 40, 2005, pp. 161-201.
Abstract: Includes reviews of ‘The German Migration to Missouri,’ by Paul C. Nagel (reviewed by Robert W. Frizzell); ‘The Ritchi Boys: A Film,’ by Christian Bauer and ‘Die Ritchie Boys: Deutsche Emigranten beim US-Geheimdienst’ (reviewed by Jerry Glenn); ‘Illinois’ German Heritage,’ ed. by Don Heinrich Tolzmann (reviewed by William D. Keel); ‘Zwischen Kute und Maske: Das geheimnisvolle Leben des Charles Sealsfield,’ by Ernst Grabovszki (reviewed by Jerry Schuchalter); ‘Going Dutch — Gone American: Germans Settling North America,’ by Christian Gellinek (reviewed by J. Gregory Redding); ‘Karl/Charles Follen: Deutsch-Amerikanischer Freiheitskaempfer,’ by Frank Mehring (reviewed by Gerhard Weiss); ‘Memories of New Ulm: My Experiences During the Indian Uprising in Minnesota,’ by Rudolf Leonhart and translated and edited by Don Heinrich Tolzmann (reviewed by Timothy J. Holian); ‘Becoming German: The 1709 Palatine Migration to New York,’ by Philip Otterness (reviewed by J. Gregory Redding); ‘Michael Zimmer’s Diary: Ein deutsches Tagebuch aus dem Amerikanischen Buergerkrieg,’ ed. by Juergen Macha and Andrea Wolf (reviewed by William D. Keel); ‘The Americanization Process in the Second Generation: The German Lutheran Mathia Loy (1828-1915) Caught Between Adaptation and Repristinization,’ by C. George Fry and Joel R. Kurz (reviewed by Tom R. Schultz); ‘Francis Lieber and the Culture of the Mind,’ ed. by Charles R. Mack and Henry H. Lesesne (reviewed by Randall P. Donaldson); ‘Before Memories Fade,’ by Pearl Fichman (reviewed by Jerry Glenn); ‘German Heritage Guide to the State of Ohio,’ by Don Heinrich Tolzmann (reviewed by J. Gregory Redding); ‘Americanization and Anti-Americanism: The German Encounter with American Culture After 1945,’ edited by Alexander Stephan (reviewed by Joerg Meindl); ‘The Day Book/Account Book of Alexander Mack, Jr. (1712-1803): Weaver, Brethren Elder, Apologist, and Chronicler in Early America,’ edited by Donald F. Durnbaugh and Edward E. Quinter (reviewed by Karen M. Johnson-Weiner); ‘The Comprehensive Pennsylvania German Dictionary,’ ed. by C. Richard Beam, Joshua R. Brown, and Jennifer L. Trout (reviewed by William D. Keel); ‘The Amish Schools of Indiana: Faith in Education,’ by Stephen Bowers Harroff (reviewed by Gabriele Lunte); ‘To the Latest Posterity: Pennsylvania-German Family Registers in the Fraktur Tradition,’ by Corinne and Russell Earnest (reviewed by Bethany M. Usher); ‘German-Jewish Identities in America,’ ed. by Christoph Mauch and Joseph Salmons (reviewed by G. Scott Seeger); ‘One of the 999 About to Be Forgotten: The Memoirs of Carl Barus 1865-1935,’ ed. by Axel W.-O. Schmidt (reviewed by Timothy J. Holian); ‘Germans and Indians: Fantasies, Encounters, Projections,’ ed. by Colin G. Calloway, Gerd Gemuenden, and Susanne Zantop (reviewed by Heiko Muehr); ‘German-American Immigration and Ethnicity in Comparative Perspective,’ ed. by Wolfgang Helbich and Walter D. Kamphoefner (reviewed by William D. Keel); ‘Albert Bloch: Caricaturist, Social Critic, and Translator of Karl Kraus,’ by Werner Mohr (reviewed by Randall P. Donaldson); ‘A Lost American Dream: Civil War Letters (1862/63) of Immigrant Theodor Heinrich Brandes in Historical Contexts,’ by Antonius Holtzmann and translated by Eberhard Reichmann (reviewed by Tom R. Schulz).
MKI Periodicals
Book reviews/ German Americans
“Book Reviews. Edited by Timothy J. Holian.” Yearbook of German-American Studies, vol. 41, 2006, pp. 169-207.
Abstract: Includes reviews of ‘German Culture in Nineteenth-Century America: Reception, Adaptation, Transformation,’ edited by Lynne Tatlock and Matt Erlin (reviewed by Gregory H. Wolf); ‘Adventures Abroad: North American Women at German-Speaking Universities, 1868-1915,’ by Sandra L. Singer (reviewed by Robert W. Frizzell); ‘The Heimat Abroad: The Boundaries of Germanness,’ edited by Krista O’Donnell, Renate Bridenthal, and Nancy Reagin (reviewed by Randall P. Donaldson); ‘Gerstaecker’s Louisiana: Fiction and Travel Sketches from Antebellum Times through Reconstruction,’ edited and translated by Irene S. Di Maio (reviewed by Julia Trumpold); ‘Alexander von Humboldt und die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika: Briefwechsel,’ edited by Ingo Schwarz (reviewed by William Roba); ‘Die Familie Erlanger: Bankiers, Maezene, Kuenstler,’ by Gabriele Mendelssohn (reviewed by Paul A. Tenkotte); ‘The Making of Milwaukee’ and ‘Miller Time: A History of Miller Brewing Company, 1855-2005,’ by John Gurda (reviewed by Timothy J. Holian); ‘Reizenstein: Die Geschichte eines deutschen Officiers,’ by David Christoph Seybold (reviewed by John Byrnes); ‘A German Town: A History of New Ulm, Minnesota,’ by Daniel J. Hoisington (reviewed by Gabriel Lunte); ‘Diplomat ohne Eigenschaften?: Die Karrier des Hans Heinrich Dieckhoff (1884-1952)’, by Sylvia Taschka (reviewed by Jerry Schuchalter); ‘Train Up a Child: Old Order Amish and Mennonite Schools,’ by Karen M. Johnson-Weiner (reviewed by Gabriele Lunte); ‘The Search for the First English Settlement in America: America’s First Science Center,’ by Gard Carl Grassl (reviewed by Randall P. Donaldson); ‘Das Buch zum Deutschen Auswandererhaus/The Book of the German Emigration Center,’ by the Deutsches Auswandererhaus (reviewed by Robert W. Frizzell); ‘Anton in America: A Novel from German-American Life,’ by Reinhold Solger, translated and introduced by Lorie A. Vanchena (reviewed by Lambro Bourodimos); ‘Ethnicity Matters: A History of the German Society of Pennsylvania,’ by Birte Pfleger (reviewed by Karen M. Johnson-Weiner); ‘The German Society of Pennsylvania: A Guide to Its Book and Manuscript Collections,’ by Kevin Ostoyich (reviewed by Karen M. Johnson-Weiner); ‘German-Iowan Studies: Selected Essays,’ by William Roba (reviewed by Wolfgang Grams); and ‘Long Road to Liberty: The Odyssey of a German Regiment in the Yankee Army: The 15th Missouri Volunteer Infantry,’ by Donald Allendorf (reviewed by William D. Keel).
MKI Periodicals
Book reviews/ German Americans
“Books on 18th Century German Immigration.” Germanic Genealogy Journal, vol. Vol. 5, no. 3, Fall 2002, pp. 11-13.
Abstract: A bibliography.
MKI Periodicals
Genealogy/ Emigration and immigration / 18th century/ Bibliographies/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)
“Braucherei in the Urglaawe Context. Part 2b: What Distinguishes Urglaawe from Other Heathen Paths?” Hollerbeer Haven, Journal of Urglaawe, Braucherei, and Deitsch Wisdom, vol. 6, no. 1, Spring 2013, pp. 1-7.
Notes: Available online as PDF at: http://urglaawe.blogspot.com/.
Abstract: Seeks to explain the fundaments of Urglaawe as they arise from the Eddaic creation myths.
MKI Periodicals
Myths/ Medicine & Health/ Pennsylvania Germans/ German Americans — Pennsylvania/ Folks-medicine/ Folklore
“A Brief History of New Braunfels and Comal County, Texas.” The Journal (German-Texan Heritage Society), vol. 24, no. 2, Summer 2003, pp. 102-103.
Notes: “Distributed by Greater New Braunfels Chamber of Commerce”.
Abstract: “Prince Carl of Solms Braunfels landed at Galveston in July, 1844 and traveled on horseback through the territory of Texas to acquire exact knowledge of where best to locate the German immigrants who were to follow.” New Braunfels was founded on March 21, 1845.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Texas/ 19th century/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Immigrants, German/ New Braunfels (Tex.)
Brochure for Research and Travel, Dr. Grams. [2003].
Notes: Provided by Dr. Wolfgram Grams, Nov. 2003.
Abstract: Brochure for Oldenburg-based cultural heritage and research organization operated by Dr. Wolfgang Grams. The organization can arrange group travel with customized itineraries and conduct archival research in Germany.
MKI P2003-30
Travel/ Culture/ Germany/ Germany, Emigration and immigration/ Genealogy
Bruder Hills Bibelklasse: Eine Studie von Entschuldigungen, Erfindungen, Fabeln und Traeumen. College View, Neb.: Internationale Verlagsgesellschaft, 1906. 88 pp.
Abstract: Includes advertisements for other works by the publisher
MKI P89-75
PIA/ Biblical/ Juvenile
Bulletin of the German Historical Institute and Supplement. Washington, D.C.: German Historical Institute. no. 1 (Fall 1987) — .
Journal Whole.
Title from cover. Library holdings may vary.
The Bulletin appears twice, and the Supplement usually once, per year. Also in UW-Madison library. Full-text available online, see https://www.ghi-dc.org/publications.html?L=0; also HathiTrust. MKI has: Bulletin Issue 1 (1987) to present; Supplement 6 (2009) to present; miscellaneous other publications, including Occasional Papers, Annual Lecture Series, Reference Guide (cataloged by individual issue title.) The German Historical Institute (GHI) in Washington DC aims to serve as a transatlantic bridge connecting American and European scholars and seeks to make their research accessible to decision-makers in politics, society, and economy as well as the general public. While the Institute is particularly dedicated to fostering the study of German history in North America and of American history in Germany, its research and conferences range beyond German and American history to encompass comparative, international and global history as well as research in the fields of economics, sociology and political science. (About the GHI, http://www.ghi-dc.org)
MKI Periodicals
German Historical Institute (Washington D.C.)–Periodicals
Bundesbote-Kalender fuer das Jahr unsers Herrn 1914. Berne, Ind.: Mennonite Book Concern, 1914. 47 pp.
MKI P88-8
PIA/ Calendars & Almanacs
“Business Contract of Ritter & Cie. as to the Founding of a New Colony [New Bern, North Carolina, 1710].” Swiss American Historical Society Review, vol. 45, no. 3, Nov. 2009, pp. 76-81.
Abstract: Includes lists of Swiss emigrants arriving in April 1710 from London in New Bern and Bernese emigrants arriving in September 1710 from London in New Bern, adapted from Lewis Bunker Rohrbach, Even More Palatine Families, vol. 2 (Rockport Maine: Picton Press, 2002).
MKI Periodicals
Swiss Americans/ Switzerland/ Emigration and immigration (Europe-US)/ North Carolina/ Graffenried, Christopher de, 1661-1743/ Settlements/ Immigrants, German/ Immigrants, Swiss/ Palatines
“‘By Hook or by Crook’: How Wondrous, How Inventive Were the Schemes Devised to Take Advantage of Naive Entering Immigrants.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 24, no. 3, Jan./Feb./Mar. 2007, pp. 110-113, ill.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
Abstract: Examines: “solicitation of female immigrants,” “dirty tricks at the money exchange,” “making a killing on transportation scams,” and “avaricious food concessioners.”
MKI Periodicals
Immigrants, German/ 19th century/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Economic aspects/ Ships/ New York (N.Y.)
“By Sail, or by Steam: Our Immigrant Ancestors, as Transported to the “Promised Land”.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 34, no. 4, April, May, June 2017, pp. 157-164.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
Abstract: Common complaints of sailing ships’ passengers — Zwischendeck (“Between decks”) — Then came the steamships — Rise of the shipping lines — Cross-section of an immigrant steamship.
MKI Periodicals
Ships/ Immigrants, German
“By Steamship from Bremen to New York, 1883: A Previously Unavailable Passenger Record, Here Alphabetized.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 30, no. 3, Jan./Feb./Mar. 2013, pp. 129-133, ill.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
Abstract: Provides an alphabetized listing of passenger names from the manifest for the steamship Neckar, which set sail from Bremen on 6 May 1883 and arrived in New York on 19 May 1883. Includes information on location of origin and family relationships, and also notes the names and ranks of the ship’s crew.
MKI Periodicals
Atlantic crossing/ Ships/ Bremen/ 19th century/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)
Caesarenfrevel: Ein Roman aus Nero’s Tagen. [Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Waisenfreund?], n.d. 92 pp.
Abstract: Publication information taken from back cover of P89-12
MKI P89-13
PIA/ Fiction, historical
“Carl Gerhard Grashorn, Author of Poems ‘Blumen am Wege’.” Wagon Wheels, vol. 15, no. 3, Sept. 2009, pp. 1-3, ill.
Notes: Newsletter of the Mayville [Wis.] Historical Society.
Abstract: Information on Carl Gerhard Grashorn, who was born in Husum, Oldenburg, in 1851, and came to America at the age of 23. In addition to operating creameries in Mayville and Greenwood, Wisconsin, he was a Wisconsin farmer and later a landlord in Chicago. He also lived for a time in Paw Paw, Michigan, before returning to Horicon, Wisconsin. He published two books of poems, both entitled “Blumen am Wege,” one in 1907 and the second in 1922. Carl Grashorn died in 1925.
See also: Kluge, Cora Lee. “Carl Gerhard, Mayville’s German-American Poet,” MKI Friends Newsletter, Summer 2008, vol. 18, no. 2, p. 12.
MKI P2009-15
German Americans — Wisconsin/ Poetry/ Mayville (Wis.)/ Grashorn, Carl Gerhard, 1851-1925
“Carl Schurz Issue.” American-German Review, vol. 18, no. 6, 1952, pp. 3-32.
Abstract: Contents: Carl Schurz–The virtue of his life; Carl Schurz–Childhood, Bonn days, at Frankfurt a/M; the night of November 6, 1850; Carl Schurz–Contemporaries, Paris days, life in London, and in a New World; Carl Schurz at Watertown, minister to Spain, and as senator; Civil service reform, cabinet member, the Indians, and the Schurz family.
MKI Periodicals
Schurz, Carl, 1829-1906/ Statesmen/ Biographies
“Carl Schurz Letters.” American German Review, vol. 22, 1956, pp. 6, 40.
Abstract: Two letters written by Carl Schurz and presented to the Carl Schurz Memorial Foundation throw light on the relationship between Schurz and Edward F. Leyh, German-American poet, journalist and editor of the Baltimore Correspondent
MKI P93-88
Schurz, Carl, 1829-1906/ Letters
Carl Schurz Postage Stamps.
Abstract: Five first day of issue four-cent stamps, postmarked Watertown, WI, June 3, 1983 on envelope addressed to the Max Kade Institute for German-American Studies.
MKI P2003-4
Schurz, Carl, 1829-1906/ German Americans/ Watertown (Wis.)
Catalogue of German papers in the United States. 9th ed. Milwaukee, Wis.: Springob Brothers, 1914 and 1915. 24 pp.
Notes: “List of German newspapers published in the United States”; Joseph and August Springob, German newspaper advertising agency, established 1893.
MKI P2002-17
Directories/ Newspapers
Centennial 1844-1944, Immanuel’s Congregation, Town Lebanon, Dodge County, Wisconsin. [Lebanon, Wis.: Immanuel’s Congregation, 1944]. 27 pp., ill.
Notes: Two copies: one copy donated by Lester Seifert, second copy donated by Juergen Eichhoff; in German and English; Weltbuerger Printing Co., [Watertown, Wisconsin].
Abstract: Brief history of the congregation in both German and English; Lutherans from Pomerania and Brandenburg founded the church.
MKI P2002-91
PIA/ Reformed Church/ Lutheran Church/ Wisconsin/ History/ Lebanon (Wis.)
Charles Sealsfield Bibliography [and] Charles Sealsfield: A Partial Bibliography of Works Available at the University of Wisconsin Libraries. [Madison, WI: Max Kade Institute for German-American Studies, 1988]. 18, 7 pp.
Abstract: “The Charles Sealsfield (Karl Postl) bibliographies were prepared by the Max Kade Institute of German-American Studies to accompany its conference on the life, the works, and the present-day impact of Charles Sealsfield…. The shorter bibliography has the aim to list the resources available at the UW-Madison and at the Wisconsin State Historical Society….[T]he longer bibliography points to the continuing appeal of the 19th century Austrian writer whose works have found resonance in all German-speaking countries as well as in the United States.”
MKI P2004-31
Sealsfield, Charles (Postl, Karl), 1793-1864/ Bibliographies/ Literature, German-American
“Chicago Brauhaus, Treffpunkt 1965-2015.” German-American Journal, vol. 64, no. 2, April/May 2016, pp. 5-6.
Abstract: History of the long-standing chefs and musicians, Harry and Guenther Kempf, and the establishment of the Lincoln Square neighborhood in north Chicago.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Illinois/ Chicago (Ill.)
“Chicago’s Lager Beer Riots; Friederich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard Augustin von Steuben.” German-American Journal, vol. 63, no. “3” [i.e. 4], August/September 2015, pp. 5, 6-7 ff., .
Notes: Article authors: Reimer, Thomas E, National Park Service.
Abstract: The Beer Riots were in reaction to new Chicago mayor, Dr. Levi Boone (grandnephew of Daniel Boone) and his anti-German efforts including the closing of German beer gardens on Sundays. Brief biography of von Steuben and his role in the American Revolution.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Illinois/ German Americans — Biography./ Prohibition
Chicago und sein Deutschthum. Cleveland, Ohio: German-American Biographical Pub. Co., 1901-1902.
Abstract: MKI has photocopy of title page and Inhalts-Verzeichniss der Biographien (names from A to Z) only; book is at Wisconsin Historical Society, F548.9 G3 C45 1901
MKI P2002-96
Genealogy/ German Americans — Illinois/ Chicago (Ill.)
“A child’s garden of animal sounds.” Der Blumenbaum, Sacramento German Genealogy Society, vol. 18, no. 4, Apr./May/June 2001, pp. 185.
Abstract: Page taken from German-language primer entitled “Schreiblesefibel.”
MKI Periodicals
Education/ Germans
“Chitto, das Maedchen der Wildniss.” Das Evangelische Magazin, vol. 21, no. 3, Maerz 1889, pp. 159-162.
Notes: Bound issues of Das Evangelische Magazin. Verlegt von Lauer und Mattill, Cleveland, Ohio. Redigirt von C. A. Thomas und R. Matt.
Abstract: Begins: “Im Sommer des Jahres 1862, waehrend wir im Staate Minnesota lebten, hatte ich ein Eerlebniss durchzumachen, welches zu den merkwuerdigsten meines Lebens zu rechnen ist. Wir hatten uns, d. h. Vater, Mutter und ich, ein Maedchen von 9 Jahren, in der Naehe des Staed[t]chens Lac-Qui-Parle im Staate Minnesota niedergelassen. . . . . Waehrend unseres Aufenthaltes in der Naehe von Lac-Qui-Parle verging kaum ein Tag, an dem wir nicht von Indianern, die zum Stamme der Sioux gehoerten und in der Umgegend wohnten, besucht wurden. . . . Mein Vater besass die Gabe, fremde Sprachen mit Leichtigkeit zu erlernen in sehr hohem Masse und war desswegen bald im Stande, mit den Indianern des genannten Stammes in ihrer Muttersprache zu verkehren.”
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ German Americans — Minnesota/ Native Americans
Christian Metz — Sein Lebensabend. Abendgebet-Vorlesung, Amana, Iowa, den 24. Juli 1949. Amana, Iowa: Amana Church Society, 1949. 6 pp.
Abstract: Metz was born in Neuwied on Dec. 30, 1794; he spent his childhood in Ronnenburg, Hesse. In 1842 he led a religious group to New York, and soon after founded the Amana Colonies in Iowa. He died July 27, 1867.
MKI P2013-9
Metz, Christian, 1794-1867/ Amana Society/ Pietism/ German Americans — Iowa
“Chronicle of Happenings.” Society for the History of the Germans in Maryland, vol. 23rd Report, 1929, pp. 47-54.
Abstract: Short reports under headings as follows: Liederkranz; Germania Lodge; Independent Citizens Union of Maryland; Salem Lutheran Church; Unkel Braesig Vereen; North German Lloyd S.S. Yorck; General German Orphans Home; Maennergesangverein Arion; Harmonie Singing Society; Saint Michael’s Congregation.
MKI Periodicals / SHS F 190 .G3 S6
German Americans — Maryland/ German Americans — Societies, etc.
“Chronicle of the 9th Infantry of Wisconsin Volunteers.”.
Abstract: Chronicle of events of the 9th Infantry of Wisconsin volunteers.
MKI P95-14
Civil War, 1861-1865 — German Americans/ History/ Letters/ Wisconsin/ Genealogy.
“Chronik der Gegenwart. Auf die Ohio Wahl.” Haus und Herd. Eine Monatsschrift fuer die Familie und Sonntagschule, vol. 5, no. 12, Dec. 1877, pp. 666.
Notes: Donated by the Mayville Historical Society.
Abstract: Brief news item, begins: “Auf die Ohio Wahl, die in einer Waterloo Niederlage der Republikaner endete, hat die Hayes’sche Friedenspolitik wohl wenig Einfluss gehabt, obwohl welche unzufriedene Republikaner der alten Standarte den Ruecken gewandt haben moegen.”
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ United States/ History/ 19th century/ Politics/ Ohio
“Chronik der Gegenwart. Brigham Young.” Haus und Herd. Eine Monatsschrift fuer die Familie und Sonntagschule, vol. 5, no. 11, Nov. 1877, pp. 612-613.
Notes: Donated by the Mayville Historical Society.
Abstract: “Brigham Young, der vielgennante Prophet und — fast moecht ich sagen — Selbstherrscher aller Mormonen, ist am 29. August ploetzlich an der cholera morbus verschieden.”
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Young, Brigham, 1801-1877/ United States/ History/ Biographies/ 19th century
“Chronik der Gegenwart. Der amerikanische Schwarzwald.” Haus und Herd. Eine Monatsschrift fuer die Familie und Sonntagschule, vol. 5, no. 8, Aug. 1877, pp. 447.
Notes: Donated by the Mayville Historical Society.
Abstract: “Der amerikanische Schwarzwald ist also dennoch trotz allem das neue Goldland Amerikas. So sagt wenigstens der Bericht des Gouverneurs von Wyoming Territorium — Herr Thayer, und man sollte doch meinen, dass ein Gouverneur seinen Namen unter kein Dokument setzt, von dessen Inhalt er nicht ueberzeugt, dass derselbe wahr ist. . . . Trotzdem werden manche in dem goldenen und fast schattenfreien Licht, bei dem er zeichnet, den Anhaltspunkt zu der Voraussetzung finden, dass Gouverneur Thayer entweder ein befangener Enthusiast, oder dass finstere Hintergedanken ihm die Feder in die Hand drueckten.”
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ America/ United States/ History/ 19th century/ Wyoming
“Chronik der Gegenwart. General Grant erfreut sich mit seiner Familie in England.” Haus und Herd. Eine Monatsschrift fuer die Familie und Sonntagschule, vol. 5, no. 8, Aug. 1877, pp. 445.
Notes: Donated by the Mayville Historical Society.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ America/ United States/ History/ 19th century/ Grant, U. S. (Ulysses S.), 1881-1968
“Chronik der Gegenwart. Hand in Hand.” Haus und Herd. Eine Monatsschrift fuer die Familie und Sonntagschule, vol. 5, no. 12, Dec. 1877, pp. 666.
Notes: Donated by the Mayville Historical Society.
Abstract: Brief news item, beginning: “Hand in Hand mit bedeutenden suedlichen Politikern, die fuer die Sklavenhalter-Confoederation gar wacker d’rein schlugen, wandelte Praesident Hayes durch den sonnigen Sueden.”
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Hayes, Rutherford Birchard, 1822-1893/ United States/ History/ 19th century
“Chronik der Gegenwart. Ist Praesident Hayes auf richtiger Bahn?” Haus und Herd. Eine Monatsschrift fuer die Familie und Sonntagschule, vol. 5, no. 7, July 1877, pp. 391.
Notes: Donated by the Mayville Historical Society.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ America/ United States/ History/ 19th century
“Chronik der Gegenwart. Unser Marine und Navigations-Gesetze.” Haus und Herd. Eine Monatsschrift fuer die Familie und Sonntagschule, vol. 5, no. 8, Aug. 1877, pp. 446-447.
Notes: Donated by the Mayville Historical Society.
Abstract: “Wenn etwas an uns Amerikanern elend und wahrhaft jaemmerlich ist, wenn wir uns ueber etwas zu schaemen haben, so ist dies unsere Flotte und unsere Schifffahrtsgesetze.”
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ America/ United States/ History/ 19th century/ Ships/ Law
“A Chronology of Early German-American Singing Societies.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 26, no. 3, Jan./Feb./Mar. 2009, pp. 118-119, ill.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
Abstract: From 1835 and the founding of the oldest singing society in the United States, the Philadelphia Maennerchor, to the founding of the Deutscher Saengerbund in Coburg in 1862, an umbrella organization that includes German singing societies in Germany, America, and around the world.
MKI Periodicals
Songs/ Societies, etc./ German Americans/ Music/ 19th century/ 20th century
“The Civil War: The German Element.” Infoblatt, vol. 16, no. 2, Summer 2011, pp. 6-7, ill.
Notes: German American Heritage Center, Davenport, Iowa.
Abstract: First in a series of portraits featuring German immigrants who influenced the course of events prior to, during, and immediately after the American Civil War. This article examines Franz Daniel Pastorius (1651-1719), who helped draft the first protest against slavery within the English colonies.
MKI Periodicals
Civil War, 1861-1865 — German Americans/ Pastorius, Francis Daniel, 1651-1719/ Slavery
Constitution of the Evangelical Lutheran St. Peter’s Church in the Town of Rockland Manitowoc County, Wis. [Rockland, Wis.]: [St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church], 1936. 15 pp.
Notes: Religion; German and English
MKI P88-30
PIA/ Lutheran Church
Constitution of the Freie Gemeinde (Free Thought Society) of Milwaukee. [Milwaukee, Wis.: s.n., 1949]. 15 pp.
Notes: “Revidiert in deutscher und englischer Sprache…revised in German and English”
MKI P2001-25
Freethinkers/ Societies, etc./ Miscell. documents/ Wisconsin/ German Americans/ Forty-eighters
Constitution und Nebengesetze des Milwaukee Gegenseitigen Unterstuetzungs-Vereins zu Milwaukee, Wis. Milwaukee, Wis.: [Milwaukee Gegenseitige Unterstuetzungs-Verein], 1890. 16 pp.
Notes: Druck der Germania Publ. Co.
MKI P88-110
PIA/ Law / Societies, etc.
Constitution, Versicherungs- und allgemeine Gesetze der Supreme und Untergeordneten Commanderies der Ritter der Amerikanischen Bruederschaft. Cincinnati, Ohio: S. Rosenthal, 1884. 43 pp.
Notes: Front cover is torn.
Abstract: Includes certificate forms for the commandery
MKI P89-80
PIA/ Law/ Societies, etc.
“Contemporary German-American Poetry (Selections).” German-American Studies, vol. 3, no. 2, 1971, pp. 2-24 .
MKI / SHS E 184 .G3 G315
Literature, German-American/ Poetry
“Contract for a steamship journey from Switzerland to America, 1866 (no imbeciles or passengers with only one eye accepted).” Der Blumenbaum, Sacramento German Genealogy Society, vol. 18, no. 2, Oct./Nov./Dec. 2000, pp. 56-58.
Abstract: A four-page 1866 contract is transcribed here, between a Swiss shipping company (Jean Stoessel & Company) and the family of Jakob Meier from Eglisau, Switzerland. Transport was from Buelach, Switzerland to New York via Basel and Havre, France.
MKI Periodicals
Emigration and immigration (Europe-US)/ Switzerland/ Atlantic crossing
“Curt Baum.” American German Review, vol. 28, no. 4, 1962, pp. 36.
Abstract: Short biographical note. Curt Baum was a poet, editor, and lecturer. Baum, Kurt, 1876-1962
MKI P93-55
Daily Watchwords. Being Scripture Texts with Appropriate Hymn-verses and Prayers for Every Day in the Year 1961. Bethlehem, Pa.: Moravian Church in America, 1960. xii, 365, 49 pp., ill.
Notes: On t.p.: Two hundred and thirty-first year with the directory and the statistics; inscribed “Adolph Stoerker, Oct. 14, 1962, from Theophil”; donated by J Tiedemann, who notes, “Adolph is my maternal grandfather’s (Rev. Theophil) 2 yrs younger brother and childhood buddy. Both became ministers in the German Evangelical Church (now United Church of Christ)”; see also Die Taeglichen Losungen und Lehrtexte der Brueder-Gemeine fuer das Jahr 1895 (Bethlehem, Pa.) and Die taeglichen Losungen und Lehrtexte der Brueder-Gemeine für das Jahr 1888 (P93-22).
Abstract: Includes a brief historical preface, footnotes of historical interest, and indications for phases of the moon.
MKI P2004-43
Moravian Church/ Moravians/ Prayers/ Religious works
DAJV – Newsletter, vol. 18, no. 2, 3, 4, 1993, pp. 17-36; 37-53; 53-68.
Notes: Jouranl Whole. Hrsg. Deutsch-Amerikanische Juristen-Vereinigung e.V. — DAJV.
MKI P94-32
Law/ German Americans — Societies, etc.
Das 12te Saengerfest des Comal-Saengerbundes. Sonntag, den 20. April 1952. Echo Halle, New Braunfels, Texas. New Braunfels, Tex.: [the Sängerbund], 1952. 39 pp., ill.
Notes: On title page: Festgebender Verein. New Braunfelser Maennerchor. Bundesbehoerde: Bundespraesident: Oscar Haas. 1ster Vizepraesident: Frank Schumann. 2ter Vizepraesident: Frau Harold Dierks. Sekretaer-Schatzmeister: Alfred Jung. Festbehoerde: Praesident: Robert H. Tays. Vizepraesident: Oscar Haas. Schatzmeister: Herman C. Albrecht. Sekretaer: Willie Jostes. Dirigent: Gilbert Becker.
On cover: Festschrift zum 12te Saengerfest, Comal-Saengerbundes, New Braunfels — Sonntag, den 20. April 1952
Donated by Glenn Gilbert, 2009.
MKI P2009-10
PIA/ Songs/ Societies, etc./ Festivals/ German Americans — Texas
“Das 31.ste Schwabenfest in Chicago.” Stuttgart Germania, 10. September 1908.
MKI P93-12.
PIA/ Danube Swabians/ German Americans — Societies, etc/ Festivals.
“Das amerikanische “Tote Meer” In Bibliothek der Unterhaltung und des Wissens. Vol. 7. Stuttgart, Berlin and Leipzig: Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, 1897, p. 240.
Notes: photocopy.
Abstract: Brief report on Medical Lake in Washington state.
MKI P2002-34
United States/ America/ History/ Geography
Das Buch zum Leibweh-Lachen: Eine Sammlung der lustigsten Schwaenke und Streiche, dass einem das Herz im Leibe wackelt und klappert, und sich auf den Kopf stellt. Glandorf, Ohio: H. Fischer & Co., ©1885. 60[?] pp.
Notes: Cover and some pages missing
MKI P89-42
PIA/ Fiction/ Humor & Satire
Das Buechlein vom Lieben Heilande. Das Leben Jesu in 30 Bildern, Spruechen und Versen. Reading, Pa.: Pilger Buchhandlung, n.d. 28 pp., ill.
Notes: Inscribed on cover, “Emma Buchholz.”
MKI P84-19
PIA/ Religious works/ Jesus Christ — Pictorial works/ Children’s literature
“Das erste Schuetzenfest in Illinois.” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 11, 1911, pp. 88-122.
MKI Periodicals
Festivals/ German Americans — Illinois
Das Fenster. Athens, GA : Die Hausfrau, Inc.. Vol. [Vol. 90, no. 1 (October 1993)](?)-, 1993(?)- ., v. : ill. Succeeds Die Hausfrau and continues that volume numbering. Holdings: Jahrgang 100 (Nr. 1, September 2003); Jahrgang 106 (Nr. 6, 10, 11, 12; Februar, Juni, Juli, August 2010); Jahrgang 107 (Nr. 2, Oktober 2010); Jahrgang 109 (Nr. 4, Dezember 2012)
MKI Periodicals
Woman/ Periodicals, German Americans/ Periodicals
Das kleine himmelblaue Scapulier der Unbefleckten Empfaengnis der seligsten Jungfrau Maria. New York, N.Y.: Benziger Brothers., 1859.
Notes: Religion; donation from Ronald C. Wagner
MKI P92-65
PIA/ Catholics
Das kleine Schatzkaestlein: Etwas fuer Jeden in der Familie. Chicago, Ill.: Fahrney & Sons, n.d. 38 pp.
Notes: 5 copies
MKI P88-26; P93-3; P93-43
PIA/ Cookbooks/ Home/ Humor & Satire/ Fiction
“Das Leben von Franz Daniel Pastorius.” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 9, 1909, pp. 2-5, 47-50.
Abstract: re biography by Marion Dexter Learned
MKI Periodicals
Biographies/ Pastorius, Francis Daniel, 1651-1719
“Das Naturalisationsgesetz der Vereinigten Staaten.” Amerikanischer Schweizer-Kalender, vol. 37, 1917, pp. 80-86.
Abstract: Includes Das Examen zum Erlangen des Buergerrechts with Fragen und Antworten in both English and German.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Immigrants, Swiss/ Emigration and immigration (Switzerland-US)/ Citizenship
“Das Telephon.” Haus und Herd. Eine Monatsschrift fuer die Familie und Sonntagschule, vol. 5, no. 7, July 1877, pp. 367-369.
Notes: Donated by the Mayville Historical Society.
Abstract: Begins: “Vielfach klingt dieses Wort an user Ohr und es scheint uns an der Zeit, unseren Lesern Einiges ueber den Gegenstand mitzuteilen. Dieser neue Apparat is zwar nicht — wie vielfach behauptet — ein Erzeugniss der unmittelbaren Vergangenheit, sondern ein Produkt der letzten zwei Jahrzehnte.”
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Telephone — History
Dat pommersche Blatt. Wausau, WI: Pommerscher Verein of Central Wisconsin. no. 1 (July 1994) — . Journal Whole. Library holdings may vary. MKI has Issue 1 (July 1994) to present. Quarterly newsletter which contains information about upcoming activities and events, interesting articles about Pomeranian history, genealogy,and stories contributed by our members and friends at large. The Pommerscher Verein Central Wisconsin [PVCW] exists to preserve the language and heritage of its member’s ancestors who immigrated primarily from the Prussian Provinces of Pomerania, West and East Prussia, and Posen as well as Mecklenburg (not a province of Prussia); to record the rich history of the settlers; and to be a resource for genealogy research. A further objective is to provide opportunities for fellowship, friendship, and gemütlichkeit for members and the community at large. (http://pvcw.org/)
MKI Periodicals
Pomeranians — Wisconsin/ Pommersche Verein Central Wisconsin
“Davenport, Iowa: Dedication of the Forty-eighter ‘German Freedom Fighters Monument’.” Society for German-American Studies Newsletter, vol. 29, no. 2, June 2008, pp. 10-11, ill.
Notes: SGAS.
Abstract: Reports on the group of men from Schleswig-Holstein who in 1848 began a war with Denmark in an effort to attain national unity and democracy. “Unsuccessful in their struggle, many. . . . arrived at a single area in the Midwest, Scott County, Iowa. . . . In 1872 the organized a veterans’ society [in Davenport]” and in 1898 they dedicated a “massive stone monument commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the beginning of the Forty-eighters’ fight.” The monument was defaced during World War I and then it disappeared, and now several German-American organizations in Davenport have rededicated a new stone with an inscription identical to the 1898 original.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Iowa/ Monuments/ Forty-eighters/ Davenport (Iowa)
“A day in Castle Garden: Recommended reading for descendants of German immigrants.” Der Blumenbaum, Sacramento German Genealogy Society, vol. 18, no. 3, Jan./Feb./Mar. 2001, pp. 99-109.
Abstract: Reprinted from a March 1871 issue of Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, this article includes information on newly-arriving German immigrants at Castle Garden, a receiving station at the Battery in Manhattan.
MKI Periodicals
Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)
“Death of C. H. Boppe [Obituary from January 1899].”.
Notes: From Ward, Bio-Bibliography, 1985: Born June 21, 1842 [1841?] in Zug, Switzerland, died Jan. 12, 1899 in Milwaukee. Emigrated 1864 [1861?] to Newark, New Jersey. Edited radical newspapers, Newarker Post from Oct. 1874 to May 1875, from 1875-1877 the Freie Presse in Elizabeth, New Jersey, and the Freidenker in Milwaukee from 1877 to his death. . . Wrote poetry and socialist essays. Co-founder of the German-American Teachers’ Seminary in Milwaukee. Rudolf Ruckner wrote a poem on him (p. 23, Freidenker Almanach, 1900) as did J. Heintz (p. 23, Amerikanischer Turner Kalender, 1900).
Abstract: C. Hermann Boppe was editor of the Milwaukee Freidenker and a leading member of the Turnverein; the Freidenker became the official paper of the North American Turnerbund due to his efforts. He was born in Switzerland in either 1841 or 1842, emigrated to the U.S. in either 1861 or 1864, and married Magdalena Schiess in 1889. Speakers at his funeral included Heinrich Huhn, Otto Soubron, Prof. W. H. Rosenstengel, and Emil Dapprich.
MKI P2012-9
Boppe, C. Hermann, 1842-1899/ Obituaries/ Freethinkers/ Newspapers, German-American/ Newspapers, German-American/ Milwaukee (Wis.)/ Swiss Americans — Wisconsin/ Socialism/ Turners
“Deitschi Wadde vun Freeport, OH.” Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, vol. 8, no. 2, Spring 2001, pp. 19-20.
Notes: Millersville University.
MKI Periodicals
Pennsylvania-German dialect
“Dem Tode entronnen.” Das Evangelische Magazin, vol. 22, no. 12, Dec. 1890, pp. 746-749.
Notes: Bound issues of Das Evangelische Magazin. Verlegt von Lauer und Mattill, Cleveland, Ohio. Redigirt von C. A. Thomas und R. Matt. Authorship attribution: “Von einem Reisenden.”This story appears in English, titled “The Run of 67” and written by W. F. Bruns, in the Jan. 22, 1892 Erie County (Hamburg NY) Independent, and the Oct. 15, 1906 issue of Express Gazette. See MKI P2011-22.
Abstract: Tale of a railroad accident and potential train robbery. “Doch will ich hier von einem Falle berichten, in welchem die Betreffenden buchstaeblich dem Tode entrannen, und als wie durch ein Wunder noch entkamen. Ich sass einst am Bahnhof eines kleinen Staedtchens, . . . da bemerkete ich zufaellig einen jungen Mann von kaum dreissig Jahren, dessen Haar silberweiss war. . . . Als der Mann sich in meiner Naehe setzte, bat ich ihn um Entschuldigung meiner Freiheit und fragte ihn desshalb. ‘Gewiss sind Sie zu entschuldigen,’ sagte er lachend, ‘denn Sie sind nicht der Einzige, der mich fragt; auch ist es gar befremdend, denn ich bin nur siebenundzwanzig Jahre alt. — O ja, Sie moegen es aufschreiben,’ sagte er weiter, als er gewahrte, dass ich mein Notizbuch bereit machte; ‘nur moechte ich ausbedingen, dass Sie die richtigen Namen nicht nennen, und auch die Bahn nicht veroeffentlichen, auf der sich die Geschichte zutrug. Es war in Colorado auf einer der rauhesten und wildesten Bahnen jenes Landes; die Szenerie glich viel der Denver und Rio Grande Bahn. . . .'”
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Fiction/ Railroad accidents/ Train robberies
“Denkmal der Deutsch-Amerikaner in Dayton, Ohio.” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 11, no. 1, Jan. 1911, pp. 8-15, ill.
Notes: Deutsch-Amerikanische Historische Gesellschaft von Illinois; Staiger Printing Co., Chicago.
Abstract: “Am 26. und 27. November 1910 wurde von den Daytoner Deutschen ein herrliches Fest begangen: die Enthuellung des Denkmals der Deutsch-Amerikaner im dortigen Memorial-Gebaeude. Dieses Denkmal besteht aus einer Steintafel, einer Schoepfung des Kuenstlers Rudolf Schwarz in Indianapolis” The monument reads, in part, “In memory of the men of German blood who aided in the War of the Revolution to establish the Union of the States and in the Civil War offered their lives to perpetuate that Union.”
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Ohio/ Civil war, 1861-1865 — German Americans/ Revolution, 1775-1783/ Soldiers
Der Blumenbaum. Sacramento, CA: Sacramento German Genealogy Society. Vol. 1 — , no. 1 (1983 ) –.
Journal Whole. Benefit of membership in the Society (PO Box 660061, Sacramento, CA 95866-0061).
Table of contents for current issue available on website. Further indexing is available in the “For Members Only” section. Library holdings may vary.
MKI has: Vol. 10 No. 2 (October, November, December 1992) to present. April-May-June 2019 issue is devoted to a cumulation of “Tools for German Genealogy.”
A journal of information about pursuing genealogy in Germany and the United States, as well as miscellanea about life in German-speaking areas, past and present; and immigration from those areas to the U.S.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Genealogy — Periodicals
Der Christliche Botschafter. Evangelisches Kirchen- und Familienblatt. Organ der Evangelischen Gemeinschaft. Cleveland, Ohio: Verlag der Evangelischen Gemeinschaft. Vol. 87, no. 26, 29 Juni 1922, 24 pp., ill.
Donated by Will Bloy, 2006
MKI P2006-14
Newspapers, German-American/ Periodicals/ Evangelical Association of North America
Der Deklamator. Eine Sammlung von Gedichten, Reden und Zwiegespraechen zum Vortrag fuer den Familienkreis, Litterarische Vereine, oeffentliche Gelegenheiten, u.s.w. Cleveland, Ohio: H. Schulte, 1890.
Notes: pages missing
MKI P88-10
PIA/ Poetry/ Speeches
Der Deutsch-Amerikaner 1962: Ein Kalender und Ratgeber fuer jeden Deutsch-Amerikaner. New York: Herbert Stein, [1961?].
MKI P87-101
Life skills guides/ Calendars & Almanacs
Das Deutsch-Amerikanische Kochbuch. Ein Handbuch für die Küche und Speisesaal. Nebst pracktischen Rath beim Einkaufen, Einmachen von Früchten und Kräutern, Preserven, u. d. g. Illustrirt. Chicago: Donohue, Henneberry & Co., n.d. [1890-1899?]. 387 pp., ill.
Vorwort has illustration of Frau Katharina Hoffstetter, Hauptköchin am K. K. Deutschem Hofe; contains handwritten recipes in pencil in English and German.
Donated by the Mayville Historical Society, 2005.
“Der deutsche Einfluss auf die Organisation und Entwicklung der amerikanischen Schule. Vortrag zur Jubilaeums-Versammlung des “Deutsch-Amerikanischen Lehrertages” in Louisville, am 3. Juli 1895.” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 11, 1911, pp. 163-172.
MKI Periodicals
Schools/ German influence
“Der Deutsche Farmer.” Der Maibaum (Deutschheim Association Journal), vol. 7, no. 3, Fall 1999, pp. 5, ill.
Abstract: Brief look at two issues of the dual-language agricultural newspaper, one dated 15 Oktober 1922 and the other 1 Januar 1923. “This 16-page newspaper was published in St. Paul, Minnesota, and began in 1909. Just think–during all the anti-German hysteria of 1917-1918 this little journal just kept on putting out articles about farming, reprinting novels a chapter at a time, and sending out its agricultural news and guidance. . . apparently without let or hindrance.”
MKI Periodicals (Miscellaneous)
Newspapers, German-American/ Farming
Der Deutsche im Auslande [The German Expatriot, April 1938]. Berlin: Deutsche Arbeitsfront. Auslands-Organisation. Vol. Jahrgang 26, Heft 4, no. 4, April 1938, 113-148 pp : ill., maps.
Subtitle on cover: Zeitschrift fuer das schaffende Auslandsdeutschtum. Stapled behind different magazine, Der Deutsche in Nord-Amerika, Mai 1938.
Additional documentation from WorldCat included in file.
Die Rede des Fuehrers am 15. Maerz in Wien — Willkommen auslandsdeutsche Oesterreicher! / G.S. — Zum Geburtstag des Fuehrers / Ernst v. Punks. — Wir Auslandsoesterreicher / A. Schnitzinger — Spanien und die Grossmaechte — Fest aller Deutschen! / Schulte-Schomberg — Lincoln oder Linkhorn / Otto Wegener — Deutschland ersteht eine neue Hauptstadt / Georg Graf — Die 1938er Fruehjahrsmesse in Leipzig / Anton Kloss — Vom Korruptionsbetrieb zum Musterbetrieb [Waffenfabrik Simson, Wilhelm Gutloff-Stifftung] — Deutsches Maedel werde Schwester / Herta Schuster — Politische Feste / Walter Wehe — Die Utz-Schmidl-Schule am Rio de la Plata / Helmut Gastel — Ums blaue Band des Ozeans / Siegfried Bock — Wissenswertes aus der Heimat — Beitraege zur Zeitgeschichte — Standesamt Ausland — Ecke der Schriftleitung — Empfehlenswerte Buecher.
MKI P2015-11
German Workers’ Organization–Periodicals/ German expatriots/ National Socialism
Der Deutsche in Nord-Amerika [The German in North America, May 1938 issue]. New York City: Landesgeschaeftsstelle der German American Vocational League, Inc. Vol. 29. Jhg., Nr. 4, no. Nr. 4, Mai 1938, 16 pp : ill., map.
Subtitle on cover: Zeitschrift des schaffenden Americadeutschen. Title information from page 3: “‘Der Deutsche in Nordamerika'”
Monatsschrift fuer das schaffende deutschstaemmige Amerikanertum. Nachrichtenblatt fuer die Mitglieder der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Berufsgemeinschaft.” Publishing organ originally named: Deutschnationaler Handlungsgehilfenverband [1932]-1936. Stapled to front of different magazine, Der Deutsche im Auslande, April 1938.
Additional documentation from Metapedia and WorldCat and holding libraries included in file.
Zum geleit — Gross Deutschland — Statement of the German American Conference — Das Werden der Distriktserholungsstaette gross New Yorks — Wir bauen auf — Volk spielt fuer Volk, “Heilige Heimat” — Chicago hat eine deutsche Schule — Ortsgruppen — Kurz berichtet — Zu beachten.
MKI P2015-11
World War, 1939-1945 — German Americans/ German-American periodicals/ German Americans — National Socialism
Der Deutsche Pionier. Eine Monatsschrift fuer Erinnerungen aus dem Deutschen Pionier-Leben.
Abstract: Der Deutsche Pionier was, from 1869 to 1887, the publication of the Der Deutsche Pionier-Verein von Cincinnati. It is generally considered an indispensable source for the history of Germans in the United States, owing its quality and high reputation particularly to Heinrich Armin Rattermann, who edited the journal from 1874 to 1885.
Newspapers, German-American/ Pioneers/ German Americans
Der Dreiundfuenfzigste Jaehrliche Catalog Der J. I. Case Dresch-Maschinen Company. Racine, Wis.: Case Threshing Machine Co., 1895.
PIA/ Farming
Der erste Christbaum in Dakota und andere Weihnachtsgeschichten fuer Kinder. St. Louis, Mo.: Deutsche Evang. Synode von Nord-Amerika, n.d. 63 pp., ill.
Notes: Inscribed on cover: Anna Elmer.
Donated by Ruth Theiler Gothner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Theiler, New Glarus, WI, 1988.
The first story is attributed to Amalie Rüegg. See also: MKI P2002-98 [advertisements for “Early Settlers on Lake Winnebago,” a translation of “Die Ansiedler am Winnebago-See” by Amalia Ruegg] and MKI P2004-44 [a reprint of “The Settlers on Lake Winnebago”].
Abstract: Contents: Der erste Christbaum in Dakota. Eine Geschichte fuer artige Kinder von Amalie Rueegg — Der Weihnachtsmarkt — Gislas Bescherung
MKI P88-47
PIA/ Children’s literature/ Christmas/ Fiction, religious
“Der erste gedruckte Jahres-Bericht der Deutschen Gesellschaft von Chicago.” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 9, 1909, pp. 58-63.
MKI Periodicals
Societies, etc.
“Der Haus- und Bauernfreund, National-Farmer. Zeitschrift fuer den Haeuslichen Kreis, fuer Ackerbau, Viehzucht, Gartenbau, Bienenzucht, u.s.w.” Der Haus- und Bauernfreund, National-Farmer. Zeitschrift fuer den Haeuslichen Kreis, fuer Ackerbau, Viehzucht, Gartenbau, Bienenzucht, u.s.w., 23. Januar 1925 (51. Band, Nummer 41). 24 pp., ill.
“Die vereinigten landwirtschaftlichen Wochenblaetter: ‘Haus- und Bauernfreund,’ Milwaukee, Wis.; ‘National-Famer,’ Winona, Minn., und ‘Deutsch-Amerikanischer Farmer,’ Lincoln, Neb.” — Cover pages printed with black and orange ink. — Donated by Kevin Knitt on behalf of the Stevens Point Area Genealogical Society.
Partial contents: “Schnee, ein warmer Winterrock fuer die Saaten” and “Kennzeichen des gesunden Pferdehufes” by Hans Buschbauer — “Der elektrische Eisschrank” — “Ein Einwanderer als Fuehrer der amerikanischen Wissenschaft” — “Klein-Russland in America” — “America und wir” by Willy Sachs, Deutschland — 26. Fortsetzung of “Der Kroesus von Philadelphia” by Armand — “Fuer unsere Frauen und Jungfrauen” by Frau Grete.
MKI P2014-5.
Newspapers, German-American/ Farming.
Der heilige Kreuzweg unseres Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi. Milwaukee, Wis.: Wiltzius, n.d.
MKI P93-23
PIA/ Religious works
Der Kalender der Deutsch-Amerikaner. Omaha, Neb.: V. J. Peters, 1943.
Abstract: “Beilage zur ‘Taeglichen Volkszeitung-Tribune,’ Omaha, Nebr., und Saint Paul, Minn., und anderer deutscher Zeitungen des Val. J. Peter-Verlags, […]”
MKI P88-7
PIA/ Calendars & Almanacs
“Der Kanarienvogel, seine Pflege und Zucht.” Germania Kalender [fuer das Jahr 1888], vol. [8], [1887], pp. 201-208.
Notes: At the end of the article the author is hinted at with the following: “H. N . . . . . . g.” Most likely this is Heinrich / Henry Nehrling (1853-1929), an ornithologist and horticulturist, author of Die Nordamerikanische Vogelwelt (Brumder 1891). Heinrich Nehrling’s son, Werner F. Nehrling, married Minna Francis Hoffmann, granddaughter of Francis A. Hoffmann, aka Hans Buschbauer.
Abstract: Care and breeding of canaries.
PIA [Milwaukee, Wis.: Brumder]
PIA/ Birds
Der Kreuzfahrer Kalender 1913. Vol. 21, no. 1. Mount St. Sepulchre, Washington, D.C.: Commissariat of the Holy Land, Oktober 1912. 64 pp., ill.
Notes: Title on cover: Der Palaestina-Pilger oder Der Kreuzfahrer Kalender; issued quarterly; “Der ‘Kreuzfahrer-Kalender’ wird in englischer, deutscher und polnischer Sprache herausgegeben”; donated by Susan Strang
MKI P2005-5
PIA/ Calendars & Almanacs/ Religious works/ 20th century
Der letzte Hieb ist die 8. Kriegsanleihe.
Abstract: Card advertising German war bonds; numbers written in pencil on back
MKI P2002-49
World War, 1914-1918/ Wars/ Germany
Der Maibaum: Journal of the Deutschheim Verein. Hermann, MO: Deutschheim Association. Vol. 1 — , no. 1 (Spring, 1993) — .
Journal Whole.
Benefit of membership in the Deutschheim Verein (P.O. Box 16, Hermann, MO 65041); MKI receives complimentary copy. Library holdings may vary. MKI has: Vol. 4, no. 2 (Summer 1996), Vol. 5, no. 1 (Spring 1997), Vol. 7, no. 3 (Fall 1999), Vol. 9, no. 2 (Summer 2001), Vol. 10, no. 1 (Spring 2002), Vol. 25, no. 1 (Fall/Winter 2016), Vol. 26, no. 1 (Spring/Summer 2017), Vol. 26, no. 2 (Fall/Winter 2017) – present. Previous subtitles: The Deutschheim Association newsletter = Deutschheim Verein Rundschreiben, The Deutschheim Association Journal = Deutschheim Verein Journal. Also at Wisconsin Historical Society library. A journal to enlighten and support membership in the Deutschheim Association of the Deutschheim State Historical Site in Hermann, Missouri, in its efforts to “discover, collect, preserve, interpret and disseminate information and materials that illustrate the culture of German immigrants and German-American citizens.”
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Missouri / History/ Periodicals
Der neue, amerikanische Landwirthschafts-Calender, auf das Jahr unseres heilandes Jesu Christi 1881, welches ein gemeines Jahr von 365 Tagen ist. Reading, Pa.: Hawley, 1881. 38 pp., ill.
Abstract: Established in 1804. Includes a description of Berks county, astronomical and other tables, and advertisements
MKI P89-66
PIA/ Calendars & Almanacs/ Farming
Der neue, amerikanische Landwirthschafts-Calender auf das Jahr unseres heilandes Jesu Christi 1915, welches ein gemeines Jahr von 365 Tagen ist. Reading, Pa.: Reading Eagle, 1915. 31 pp., ill.
Abstract: Includes astronomical and other charts, and many short articles
MKI P89-64
PIA/ Calendars & Almanacs/ Farming
Der neue, amerikanische Landwirthschafts-Calender, auf das Jahr unseres Heilandes Jesu Christi… , welches ein gemeines Jahr von 365 Tagen ist. Worinnen, nebst richtiger Festrechnung, die Sonnen und Monds Finsternisse, des Monds Gestalt und Viertel, Monds Auf- und Untergang, Monds Zeichen, Aspecten der Planeten und Witterung, Sonnen Auf- und Untergang, des Siebengestirns Aufgang, Suedplatz und Untergang, der Venus Auf- und Untergang, Courten, und andere zu einem Calender gehoerige Sachen zu finden, nebst einem sehr bequemen kurzgefassten Calender. Reading, Pa.: Hawley, 1876; 1888; 1889. 40 pp., ill.
Notes: Holdings: 1876, 1888, 1889 ; on cover: Der neue Reading Calender.
Abstract: Includes a list of the courts in Berks county, astronomical and other tables, advertising, stories, short articles.
MKI P89-63, P89-65, P89-68
PIA/ Calendars & Almanacs/ Farming
“Der Nord Amerikanische Schweizer-Bund.” Amerikanischer Schweizer-Kalender, vol. 47, 1927, pp. 54-55, ill.
Abstract: Reports on the goals and mission of the organization, and lists the benefits of membership. Includes a photograph of the board of directors.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Swiss Americans/ Societies, etc.
“Der “Pennsylvanische Deutsche”.” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 7, 1907, pp. 28-31.
MKI Periodicals
Pennsylvania Germans
Der Plan der Zeitalter. Tages-Anbruch, Bd. 1. Allegheny, Pa.: Tower Publications-Haus, 1893. 358 pp.
MKI P88-2
PIA/ Religious works/ Jehovah’s Witnesses
Der Reggeboge = The Rainbow. Breinigsville, Pa, Pennsylvania German Society. Vol. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1967) – , 1967 – . Also available at Wisconsin Historical Society, F 160.G3 R33, vol. 1 (1967) – “Publishes scholarly papers and reports concerning all aspects of Pennsylvania German life, culture, and history.” — inside back cover.
MKI Periodicals
Pennsylvania Germans/ Pennsylvania Dutch/ Periodicals, German-American
Der Rettungs-Anker, zuverlaessiger aerztlicher Rathgeber bei allen Krankheiten, Schwaeche-Zustaenden und functionellen Stoerungen der Zeugungs-Organe beider Geschlechter, nebst praktischen Anweisungen zur gruendlichen, voelligen und dauernden Herstellung derselben. Mit 27 anatomischen, erlaeuternden und lebenstreuen Abbildungen. 110th ed. New York, N.Y.: Deutsche Heil-Institut, ©1880; ©1916. x, 233 pp., ill.
Notes: zuverlässiger, ärztlicher, Schwäche-Zuständen, Störungen, gründlichen, völligen, erläuternden; 110te, gänzlich umgearbeitete und bedeutend vermehrte Auflage. Herausgegeben von dem Deutschen Heil-Institut, German Medical Institution, 684 Union Avenue, New York, N.Y. Eingetragen in Uebereinstimmung mit den Congress-Gesetzen.
Abstract: Guide to the health of both male and female reproductive organs.
MKI P85-96
PIA/ Medicine & Health/ Life skills guides
Der Spassvogel, oder Witze zum Kaputlachen. Glandorf, Ohio: H. Fischer & Co., 1887. 196 pp.
Notes: Extremely poor and fragile condition. Donated by Max Gaebler (August 2002). — On title page: Enthaltend Witze, Scherze, Anekdoten, Raetselfragen und humoristische Viehideen; nebst einem Anhange von Briefen, Albumversen fuer Stammbuecher, und Recepte, zur Unterhaltung auf Reisen und in Gesellschaften; on title page verso: Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1887, by William Altekruse, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington [Nachdruck verboten.]
Scanned 2013. See: public:\\MKI_Library\Scans\Scanned_Documents\Book_Images\Spassvogel_1887
MKI P2002-94
PIA/ Fiction/ Humor & Satire
Der Spiegel: Monatsblatt des Deutschen Vereins New York University. New York, N.Y.: Deutscher Verein New York Univ., 1928.
Abstract: HOLDINGS: v. I, n. 1, December 1928
MKI P88-13
PIA/ Miscell. documents/ Educational
Der Wanderer-Kalender fuer das Jahr 1914. St. Paul, Minn. : “Der Wanderer”, 1914. 95, XLVII [?] pp., ill.
Notes: Cover and some pages missing.
Abstract: Published by Der Wanderer, a Roman Catholic weekly newspaper which was published in German from Nov. 16, 1867 to Dec. 28, 1944
MKI P89-71
PIA/ Calendars & Almanacs/ Catholics
Der Welt Hoffnung. Brookfield, Ill.: Pacific Press, 1919. 95 pp.
MKI P88-46
PIA/ Theological
Der Zeitgeist. Ein israelitisches Familienblatt. Chicago, Ill. and Milwaukee, Wis.: Vol. Jahrgang 3, no. 6, 16. März 1882, pp. [81]-96 . Organ fuer die Interessen des americanischen Judenthums. Redaction: Adolf Moses, Louisville, KY.; Emil G. Hirsch, Chicago; Isaac S. Moses, Milwaukee.
MKI Periodicals
Jews, German/ Periodicals, German Americans/ Milwaukee (Wis.)/ Newspapers
“Der Zoologische Park von New York.” Amerikanischer Schweizer-Kalender, vol. 41, 1921, pp. 93-96, ill.
Abstract: Description of the Zoological Garden in New York, most of which is a translation of the words of artist Joseph C. Clemens. Includes a portrait of William T. Hornaday. Photographs of animals in the zoo are also found on pp. 98, 100, and 101.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ New York (N.Y.)/ Animals/ Architecture
Des Lahrer Hinkenden Boten Vetter in Amerika Neuer Kalender fuer Stadt und Land auf das Jahr [1899, 1901, 1902, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1908, 1911]. [Philadelphia, Pa.]: Morwitz & Co. , [1899, 1901, 1902, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1908, 1911]. 88 pp., ill.
Notes: Donated by Sheboygan County Historical Research Center; also on cover: Enthaelt 88 Seiten Lesestoff. Reich Illustrirt. Wandersleben Bros. Praemie der “Plymouth Post.” Plymouth, Wisc.
Abstract: Includes astrological tables, short stories, poems, and elaborate illustrations. 1899 calender includes listing of titles in the Philadelphia Demokrat Publishing Co.’s “Heimat und Fremde” series.
MKI P2005-14, MKI P89-69
PIA/ Calendars & Almanacs/ Fiction/ Poetry
Deutsch-Amerika. Vol. 10, no. 36, 1924,
Periodical, in bad condition, brittle
MKI P91-26
PIA/ Periodicals
Deutsch-Amerikanische 200-Jahr-Feier. Staats-Herold Almanach 1976. [Long Island City, NY]: Staats Zeitung und Herold, 1976. 160 pp., ill.
Notes: Contributors include Dr. Theodore Huebener and Harry W. Pfund.
Abstract: Contents: The Roeblings — Zum Geleit — Vor 200 Jahren — Deutsche Einwanderer, amerikanische Pioniere — Von Cincinnati nach Oldenburg — Germantown protestiert gegen Sklaverei — Die “Mayflower”-Urkunde — Peter Minnewit — Washingtons Abschiedsbotschaft — Washington ueberquerte . . . den Rhein — Elefant, Esel und . . . Santa Claus — Die Unabhaengigkeitserklaerung — Wie Amerika seinen Namen bekam — Deutsche Soldaten kaempften in Amerika — General von Kalb — Familie Muehlenberg — John Peter Zenger — Carl Schurz — “Bicentennial Musik” — Lincolns Proklamation — Die Bundesrepublik beim “Bicentennial” — The German Loves His Verein — Amerikas erste Weihnachtsbaeume — The German Society of Pennsylvania — The German-American Contribution — John August Sutter — The Lehmans — Charles P. Steinmetz — Carl Follen — Franz D. Pastorius — Kalender — Credits.
MKI P2009-2
Festivals/ German Americans/ United States — History/ Slavery/ Societies, etc./ Immigrants, German
“Deutsche Generalkarte.” Stuttgart: Mairs Geographischer Verlag.
MKI has all but Nos. 13 and 14.
MKI Maps.
“Deutsche Sprache und Literatur in Amerika vor 1846.” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 9, 1909, pp. 142-146.
Abstract: Aus Goodnight, “German Literature in American Magazines prior to 1846.”
MKI Periodicals
Language, German (US)/ Literature, German (US)/ 19th century
“Deutscher Widerstand 1933-1945.” Informationen zur politischen Bildung, vol. 243, 1994, pp. whole issue.
Notes: various articles on resistance to the Nazi regime.
MKI P94-55
National Socialism/ Politics
Diamantenes Jubilaeum und 35. Nationales Saengerfest des Nordamerikanischen Saengerbundes. Chicago, Ill.: 1924. [140] pp., ill.
Notes: On cover: Diamantenes Jubilaeum des Nord-Am. Saengerbundes. Saengerfest Chicago, 11-12-13-14. Juni 1924. — On title page: abgehalten im Coliseum. Chicago am 11ten, 12ten und 13ten Juni 1924. 1849-1924 Erster deutscher Saengerbund in Amerika gegruendet in Jahre 1849 in Cincinnati, O. — Text in German and English.
MKI P84-36
PIA/ German Americans — Societies, etc./ Music
Diamond Jubilee, 1856-1931, October 11th to 18th. Madison, Wis.: St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church, 1931.
Abstract: Program for church services
MKI P89-15
PIA/ Miscell. documents/ Churches
The Diary: A Church Newsletter Serving the Old Order Society. Gordonville, PA.: Vol. 25, no. 10, Oct. 1993, 48 pp.
This issue only owned by MKI. Donated by Dennis Boyer.
Contents: Births, Marriages, Ordination, Migrations, Obituaries, Community Notes, Monthly Diaries (The Shopworker’s Diary, by Moses B. Glick; Delaware’s First Harness Shop, by Dan A. Yoder; The Diary of Hope: The Handicap Diary, by Emanuel E. King; The Storekeeper’s Diary, by Levi A. Esh; The Historians’ Diary, by O.A. Graber; The Flood of the Arkansas River in 1921, by Dan A. Yoder; Genealogical Search; The Children’s Diary: The following story and poetry are reprinted from In Story Land: Up One Pair of Stairs; The Story of Christopher Columbus, by Elizabeth Harrison; Memoirs of Shem Zook (1798-188): A Biography, By John A. Hostetler; The History of Lykens Valley, PA, by Levi A. Esh; The Robbery of Christian Yoder by the McClellandtown Gang, 1889, as reprinted by Claude E. Yoder).
MKI P2019-07
Amish/ Periodicals
“Did Your German Ancestors Acquire U.S. Government Land?” Germanic Genealogy Journal, vol. Vol. 5, no. 3, Fall 2002, pp. 14-15.
Abstract: Examines the use of the Bureau of Land Management’s Internet site to search for land patents.
MKI Periodicals
Genealogy/ Research
“Die Anmassungen der Religionsfeinde.” Das Evangelische Magazin, vol. 21, no. 9, Sept. 1889, pp. 546-547.
Notes: Bound issues of Das Evangelische Magazin. Verlegt von Lauer und Mattill, Cleveland, Ohio. Redigirt von C. A. Thomas und R. Matt.
Abstract: “Man darf kaum wundern, dass Amerika, die Wiege der Gewissensfreiheit, auch einen eben so fruchtbaren Boden bietet fuer den Unglauben, die Gesetzlosigkeit, Anarchie und andere geistesverwandte Zuegellosigkeiten aehnlicher Art; denn das ist doch natuerlich, dass der fetteste Boden auch das mastigste Unkraut treibt, und je weniger ein Mensch sich um Gott bekuemmert, desto mehr wird er die Freiheit als Deckmantel seiner Schlechtigkeiten beanspruchen, denn unter der Fahne der Freiheit marschirt gar manches, das der Freiheit zum Untergang werden kann.” Lists the nine demands of the American Secular Union, which was dedicated to the separation of church and state, and asks, “Was thun die Christen solchen Eingriffen gegenueber?”
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Religion/ 19th century/ United States/ Politics
“Die Aufgaben der Frau im Neuen Deutschland.” America-Herold Kalender, vol. 56, 1936, pp. 48-49.
Abstract: Report on a speech by Gertrud Scholtz-Klink, regarding the role of women in National Socialism in Germany.
MKI P2014-7
Women/ Germany/ Social conditions/ National Socialism
“Die Dauer der Ueberfahrt von Europa nach Amerika.” In Bibliothek der Unterhaltung und des Wissens. Vol. 5. Stuttgart, Berlin and Leipzig: Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, 1913, pp. 237-238.
Notes: photocopy.
Abstract: In 1801 it took thirty days to cross the ocean by ship; by the time of this article, the journey had been shortened to just five days.
MKI P2002-37
History/ Travel/ Ships
“Die Delaware-Enge in den blauen Bergen.” Haus und Herd. Eine Monatsschrift fuer die Familie und Sonntagschule, vol. 5, no. 6, June 1877, pp. 301-305, ill.
Notes: Donated by the Mayville Historical Society.
Abstract: Describes a trip from New York to the Delaware Water Gap on the border of New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Travel/ Illustrated/ America
“Die deutsch-russischen katholischen Ansiedelungen in Ellis County im Staate Kansas.” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 11, 1911, pp. 34-37.
Notes: Deutsch-Amerikanische Historische Gesellschaft von Illinois; Staiger Printing Co., Chicago; Francis S. Laing.
MKI Periodicals
Russian Germans/ Kansas/ German Americans — Kansas/ Catholics
Die deutsche Hausfrau : Monatsschrift fuer die deutschen Frauen Amerika’s. Milwaukee, WI : Hausfrau Pub. Co.. Vol. Vol. 1-Vol. 2., 1904-1906., 2 v. : ill.
Merged with Modernes Journal in 1906 to become Die deutsche Hausfrau und modernes Journal (1906-1907), and continued the volume numbering of Die deutsche Hausfrau (i.e. Jhg. 2, 1906-Jhg. 3, 1907).
Holdings: Jahrgang 2, 1905 (Nr. 2, Oktober; Nr. 3, November)
MKI Periodicals
Women–Periodicals; German Americans–Periodicals
Die deutsche Hausfrau : Monatsschrift fuer die deutschen Frauen Amerika’s. Minneapolis, Minn., Milwaukee, Wis. : Hausfrau Pub. Co.. Vol. Vol. 4, no. 5 (Feb. 1908)-vol. 14, no. 12 (Sept. 1918), 1908-1918., 10 v. : ill.
Successor to Die deutsche Hausfrau, 1904-1906, and Die deutsche Hausfrau und modernes Journal, 1906-1907, and continues that volume numbering. — Followed by Die Hausfrau, 1918-1992, and Das Fenster, 1992- .
Holdings: Jahrgang 5, 1908 (Nr. 1, Oktober); Jahrgang 6, 1910 (Nr. 7, April); Jahrgang 7 (Nr. 1, Oktober 1910; Nr. 3, Dezember 1910; Nr. 4, Januar 1911; Nr. 8, Mai 1911; Nr.11, August 1911); Jahrgang 8 (Nr. 2, November 1911; Nr. 3, Dezember 1911; Nr. 5-10, Februar-Juli 1912); Jahrgang 9 (Nr. 1, Oktober 1912; Nr. 3-12, Dezember 1912-September 1913); Jahrgang 10 (Nr. 1-2, Oktober-November 1913; Nr. 5-12, Februar-September 1914); Jahrgang 11 (Nr. 1-12, Oktober 1914-September 1915); Jahrgang 12 (Nr. 1-12, Oktober 1915-September 1916); Jahrgang 13 (Nr. 1-12, Oktober 1916-Septemer 1917); Jahrgang 14 (Nr. 1-12, Oktober 1917-September 1918). MKI Periodicals
Women/ Periodicals, German Americans/ Periodicals
“Die Deutschen in Amerika. Immigration Totals (1888).” 1 p.
Notes: Photocopy donated by Theodore S. Beardsley, Jr.
Abstract: Lists totals, percent of German-speaking individuals, and density rank for 16 states
MKI P2007-33
Immigrants, German/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-US).
“Die Deutschen in Canada.” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 8, 1908, pp. 118-124.
Abstract: “nach H. H. Miller”
MKI Periodicals
German Canadians
“Die Deutschen in Davenport und Scott County in Iowa.” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 10, 1910, pp. 225-227.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Iowa
“Die Dritt Pennsylfawnish Deitsh Fersommling fun Bearricks Kounty, 1939.” Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, vol. 6, no. 2, Spring 1999 , pp. 18-23, ill.
Notes: Millersville University.
Abstract: Reproduction of the program for the Third Berks County Versammling, which met in the Rajah Temple dining room in Reading, Pennsylvania. The presiding officer was Al Kemp (former Superintendent of Schools of Berks County), and speakers included Father Clarence Rahn, State Senator Frank Ruth, and Dr. Clyde Stine of Lebanon Valley College. One of the features of the evening was a playlet, Es G’bappel im Schtor, based on Lloyd Moll’s dialect column in the Chronicle and News. The play included G. Gilbert Snyder, known for his weekly radio dialect broadcasts.
MKI Periodicals
Pennsylvania-German dialect/ Pennsylvania Dutch
Die Einwanderer: Damals und heute. Immersion Workshop for German Teachers. Madison, Wis.: Max Kade Institute in conjunction with the AATG-Wisconsin Chapter, 2002. [41] pp., ill.
Notes: Materials from a workshop for German teachers held at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, June 14-15, 2002.
Abstract: Contents: Webography (General Resources on Immigration to the U.S., School Projects Related to Migration and Immigration, Resources on German Immigration to America and Wisconsin, Resources on Immigration to Germany and Minorities in Germany) — Images of passports, certificates of naturalization and citizenship — Images of German-American materials such as a handbook for immigrants, report card from a Evang.-Luth. Friedens-Schule and from the National German American Teachers’ Seminary, and advertising — Excerpts from The Papers of Benjamin Franklin and the Laws of Wisconsin — A 1918 proclamation from the State of Iowa regarding the use of the German language — “Germany’s Other Others: Teaching about Kurds, Roma, and Sinti in an Upper-Division Culture Class,” by Gesa Zinn — “Ayim May,” a 1997 poem by about prejudice towards immigrants in Germany — “Eine neue deutsche Kultur am Rande der Gesellschaft: Geschichte der tuerkisch-deutschen Literatur,” by B. Venkat Mani — “Using German-Americana in the Classroom: How to Get Started,” by Karyl Enstad Rommelfanger — “Wisconsin Guide to Planning Curriculum for Learning Languages [DRAFT], Sept. 2000.”
MKI P2007-22
Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Teaching/ Immigrants, German/ Germany, Emigration and immigration
Die Entscheidungsstunde. Anderson, Ind.: Christian Unity Press, n.d. 80 pp.
MKI P88-39
PIA/ Theological/ Christian life
“‘Die Entstehung der Eidgenossenschaft’.” Amerikanischer Schweizer-Kalender, vol. 44, 1924, pp. 102-103, ill.
Abstract: Report on Sunshine Film, Inc., founded by Swiss-born Emil Harder. Discusses plans to make a film titled “The Birth of Switzerland.” Includes photos of Emil Harder, president of the firm, as well as trustees Jackob Ruef, S. Meier, and Emil Hirt.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Swiss Americans/ Business & Industry
Das Erste Milwaukeer Lesebuch nebst praktischen Sprach-Uebungen. Milwaukee, Wis.: Brumder, [1880]. iv, 69 pp., ill.
Inscribed Louis Leidiger, Milwaukee, Wis.
From the Vorwort: “Aus der Schule — für die Schule!” Das ‘Erste Milwaukeer Lesebuch,’ welches heute erscheint, ist das zweite der vom Verein der deutschen Lehrer dieser Stadt herausgegebenen und vorzugsweise für den Unterricht an unseren hiesigen öffentlichen Schulen bestimmten Reihenfolge von Lesebüchern. Der Plan, der uns bei der Herausgabe des bereits im Gebrauche befindlichen Zweiten Lesebuches geleitet hat, war auch bei der Zusammenstellung des vorliegenden Büchleins maßgebend, und gleich jenem ist auch dieses Buch die Frucht praktischer Erfahrung in der Schulstube. Das vorliegende Buch ist für den Unterricht während der zwei ersten Schuljahre bestimmt und zerfällt demgemäß in zwei Theile. Der erste umschliesst in entwickelnder Aufeinanderfolge die Anfangsgründe des Sprech-, Schreib- und Leseunterrichtes mit Berücksichtigung sowohl der Wort- als der Lautirmethode; der zweite Theil enthält eine Auswahl der Altersstufe der Schüler entsprechende Lesestücke nebst praktischen Sprachübungen. Auch hier stand man, wie bei dem Zweiten Lesebuche, von einer systematischen Eintheilung des Lesestoffes ab und suchte die Aufeinanderfolge desselben mit der fortschreitenden Lesefertigkeit des Schülers in Einklang zu bringen. Möge des vorliegende Büchlein sich einer gleich freundlichen Aufnahme, wie das bereits eingeführte, zu erfreuen haben, und uns dadurch Veranlassung geben, an dem bereits in Angriff genommenen dritten und letzten Buch der Reihenfolge mit erhöhtem Muthe weiter zu arbeiten. [Signed] Das Redaktions-Komite: Paul Binner, Josef Baldauf, Bernard A. Abrams, Milwaukee, Wis., September 1880.”
Donated by the T. B. Scott Free Library, Merrill, Wisconsin.
For more images from this book, please click here.
Die Festzeiten des christlichen Kirchenjahrs: In Wort, Bild, Spruch und Vers: Ein Bilderbuch fuer Christenkinder. Reading, Pa.: Pilger, n.d.
MKI P93-16
PIA/ Fiction, religious / Illustrated/ Children’s literature/ Poetry
“Die Gefangennahme von Jefferson Davis.” In Bibliothek der Unterhaltung und des Wissens. Vol. 8. Stuttgart, Berlin and Leipzig: Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, 1897, pp. 233-235.
Notes: photocopy.
Abstract: Description of the capture of Jefferson Davis by Union soldiers on May 7, 1865.
MKI P2002-35
United States/ America/ History/ Civil War, 1861-1865
“Die Geschichte von der Zollbruecke. Aus dem amerikanischen Revolutionskrieg.” Das Evangelische Magazin, vol. 22, no. 10, Oct. 1890, pp. 616-620.
Notes: Bound issues of Das Evangelische Magazin. Verlegt von Lauer und Mattill, Cleveland, Ohio. Redigirt von C. A. Thomas und R. Matt. — This story appeared in English in the May 8, 1894 issue of the Jefferson County Journal (Adams, NY).
Abstract: Translation of a story that originally appeared in English.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Revolution, 1775-1783/ Fiction, historical
“Die Gruendung von Sigel, Illinois.” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 10, 1910, pp. 209.
Notes: Aus “Die Amerika” 2. Juni 1910.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Illinois
Die Grundsaetze der Quaeker in Bezug auf das innere Licht. Philadelphia, Pa.: Religioese Gesellschaft der Freunde, n.d. 20 pp.
MKI P88-107
PIA/ Theological
Die Hausfrau : Monatsschrift fuer die Frauenwelt Amerikas. Milwaukee, Wis. : Die Hausfrau, Pub.. Vol. Vol. 15, No. 1 (Oktober 1918)-vol. 89(?), no. 12(?) (September 1993?), 1918-1993(?)., 75 v. : ill.
Successor to Die deutsche Hausfrau, 1904-1906, Die deutsche Hausfrau und modernes Journal, 1906-1907, and Die deutsche Hausfrau, 1908-1918, and continues that volume numbering.
Majority of issues 1939-1940 missing front cover.
As of Vol. 48, No. 7 (Mai 1952), publication location changed to Chicago, IL; as of Vol. 83(?) 1987, publication location changed to Athens, GA — Followed by Das Fenster, 1993(?)- .
Holdings: Jahrgang 15 (Nr. 1-12, Oktober 1918-September 1919); Jahrgang 16 (Nr. 1-12, Oktober 1919-September 1920); Jahrgang 17 (Nr. 1-12, Oktober 1920-September 1921); Jahrgang 18 (Nr. 1-13, Oktober 1921-Oktober 1922); Jahrgang 19 (Nr. 1-12, November 1922-Oktober 1923); Jahrgang 20 (Nr. 1-12, November 1923-Oktober 1924); Jahrgang 21 (Nr. 1-12, November 1924-Oktober 1925); Jahrgang 22 (Nr. 1-2 mislabeled Jhg. 21, November-Dezember 1925; Nr. 3-12, Januar-Oktober 1926); Jahrgang 23 (Nr. 1-2 mislabeled Jhg. 22, November-Dezember 1926; Nr. 3-12, Januar-Oktober 1927); Jahrgang 24 (Nr. 1-12, November 1927-Oktober 1928); Jahrgang 25 (Nr. 1-12, November 1928-Oktober 1929); Jahrgang 26 (Nr. 1-12, November 1929-Oktober 1930); Jahrgang 27 (Nr. 1-12, November 1930-Oktober 1931); Jahrgang 28 (Nr. 1-12, November 1931-Oktober 1932); Jahrgang 29 (Nr. 1-12, November 1932-Oktober 1933); Jahrgang 30 (Nr. 1-12, November 1933-Oktober 1934); Jahrgang 31 (Nr. 1-12, November 1934-Oktober 1935); Jahrgang 32 (Nr. 1-12, November 1935-Oktober 1936); Jahrgang 33 (Nr. 1-12, November 1936-Oktober 1937); Jahrgang 34 (Nr. 1-12, November 1937-Oktober 1938); Jahrgang 35 (Nr. 1-12 November 1938-Oktober 1939); Jahrgang 36 (Nr. 1-12, November 1939-Oktober 1940); Jahrgang 37 (Nr. 1-2, November-Dezember 1940; Nr. 4-8, Februar-Juni 1941; Nr. 11-12, September-Oktober 1941); Jahrgang 38 (Nr. 1-11, November 1941-September 1942); Jahrgang 39 (Nr. 1-2, November-Dezember 1942; 6-12, April-Oktober 1943); Jahrgang 40 (Nr. 1, November 1943; Nr. 3-12, Januar-Oktober 1944); Jahrgang 41 (Nr. 1-12, November 1944-Oktober 1945); Jahrgang 42 (Nr. 1-12, November 1945-Oktober 1946); Jahrgang 43 (Nr. 1-12, Nr. 1, 3 mislabeled as Jhg. 42, November 1946-Oktober 1947); Jahrgang 44 (Nr. 1-12. November 1947-Oktober 1948); Jahrgang 45 (Nr. 1-12, Novemer 1948-Oktober 1949); Jahrgang 46 (Nr. 1-12, November 1949-Oktober 1950). Jahrgang 47 (Nr. 1-12, November 1950-Oktober 1951); Jahrgang 48 (Nr. 1-12, November 1951-Oktober 1952); Jahrgang 49 (Nr. 1-12, November 1952-Oktober 1953); Jahrgang 50 (Nr. 1-2, November-Dezember 1953; Nr. 3, Januar 1954, front and back covers only; Nr. 6, Juni 1954); Jahrgang 51 (Nr. 3, Februar; Nr. 5-9, April-August, misnumbered as 8, 1955); Jahrgang 52 (Nr. 1-11, November 1955-September 1956); Jahrgang 53 (Nr. 2-12, Dezember 1956-Oktober 1957); Jahrgang 54 (Nr. 1-12, November 1957-Oktober 1958); Jahrgang 55 (Nr. 1-3, November 1958-Januar 1959; Nr. 5-12, Maerz-Oktober 1959); Jahrgang 56 (Nr. 2, Dezember 1959); … Jahrgang 58 (Nr. 3-12, Januar-Oktober 1962); Jahrgang 59 (Nr. 1-12, November 1962-Oktober 1963); Jahrgang 60 (Nr. 1-12, November 1963-Oktober 1964, iss. for Jul-Sep numbered incorrectly as 8-10); Jahrgang 61 (Nr. 1-12, November 1964-Oktober 1965); Jahrgang 62 (Nr. 1-12, November 1965-Oktober 1966); Jahrgang 63 (Nr. 1-12, November 1966-Oktober 1967); Jahrgang 64 (Nr. 1-12, November 1967-Oktober 1968); Jahrgang 65 (Nr. 1-2, November-Dezember 1968); Jahrgang 66 (Nr. 3-12, Januar-Oktober 1970); Jahrgang 67 (Nr. 1-12, November 1970-Oktober 1971); Jahrgang 68 (Nr. 1-12, November 1971-Oktober 1972); Jahrgang 69 (Nr. 1-12, November 1972-Oktober 1973); Jahrgang 70 (Nr. 1-12, November 1973-Oktober 1974); Jahrgang 71 (Nr. 1-12, November 1974-Oktober 1975); Jahrgang 72 (Nr. 1-12, November 1975-Oktober 1976); Jahrgang 73 (Nr. 1-12, November 1976-Oktober 1977); Jahrgang 74 (Nr. 1-12, November 1977-Oktober 1978); Jahrgang 75 (Nr. 1-7, November 1978-Mai 1979; Nr. 9-12, Juli 1979-Oktober 1979); Jahrgang 76 (Nr. 1-12, November 1979-Oktober 1980); Jahrgang 77 (Nr. 1-3, November 1980-Januar 1981); … Jahrgang 79 (Nr. 10-11, August-September 1983); Jahrgang 80 (Nr. 1-8, November 1983-Juni 1984); … Jahrgang 83 (Nr. 5, Maerz 1987). MKI Periodicals Women/ Periodicals, German Americans/ Periodicals
“Die Hicksons und die Dunlaps. Eine Geschichte aus dem amerikanischen Urwald.” Das Evangelische Magazin, vol. 21, no. 2, Feb. 1889, pp. 74-78.
Notes: Bound issues of Das Evangelische Magazin fuer die Sontagschule und den Familienkreis. “Religion — Sittlichkeit — Bildung.” Redigirt von C. A. Thomas und R. Matt. Cleveland, Ohio. Verlegt von Lauer und Mattill, 265-275 Woodland Avenue. —- An English-language version of this story appeared in the Los Angeles Herald Sunday Supplement, January 07, 1906, copyrighted by James Elverson. [URL: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042462/1906-01-07/ed-1/seq-36.pdf — See MKI P2011-21].
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Fiction/ United States — History/ Folklore
“Die Indianer. Die Regierungsschule zu Carlisle, Pa.” Das Evangelische Magazin, vol. 22, no. 2, Feb. 1890, pp. 89-93, ill.
Notes: Bound issues of Das Evangelische Magazin. Verlegt von Lauer und Mattill, Cleveland, Ohio. Redigirt von C. A. Thomas und R. Matt.
Abstract: “Muthige Maenner haben Jahre lang gewirkt, und brave Frauen haben gebetet und geschafft fuer das Wohl des ‘rothen Bruders.’ Ihr Erfolg steht vor unseren Augen, ein Monument des Sieges angesichts aller Hindernisse. ‘Die Carlisle-Schule fuer Bildung der jugendlichen Indianer’ ist ein Problem, das erfolgreich ausgefuehrt wurde, und darueber wollen wir unseren Lesern eine naehere Beschreibung, mit autentischen Bildern, bieten, woraus sie ersehen koennen, was gethan wurde, was geschieht, und was noch zu erwarten steht in Zukunft. Jedenfalls hat jeder Leser Interesse an der sogenannten ‘Indianer-Frage,’ deren Loesung raschen Schrittes ihren Ziele naht.”
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ United States — History/ Native Americans/ United States Indian School (Carlisle, Pa.)
“Die Indianer. Die Regierungsschule zu Carlisle, Pa. [Part 2].” Das Evangelische Magazin, vol. 22, no. 3, Mar. 1890, pp. 142-145, ill.
Notes: Bound issues of Das Evangelische Magazin. Verlegt von Lauer und Mattill, Cleveland, Ohio. Redigirt von C. A. Thomas und R. Matt.
Abstract: “Erst in spaeteren Jahren hat die Regierung grosse Laendereien fuer die Ueberreste der unterschiedlichen Staemme als Heimath bestimmt. Dieses Land ist under dem namen ‘Indian Territorium’ bekannt und liegt zwischen den Staaten Kansas, Texas, Colorado drinnen, wo die Weissen wie hungrige Woelfe auf der Wacht liegen, bis sie den Indianern den letzten Rest ihrer Heimstaette rauben und sie vertilgen koennen. Im Jahr 1860 waren noch immer an 350,000 Indianer. Gegenwaertig wohnen vielleicht noch 60,000 in dem Territorium, und diese vertheilen sich wieder auf etwa Reservationen. Die Choctaw-Indianer sind wohl die zahlreichsten, denn ihre Reservation umfasst 10,450 Quadratmeilen, waehrend die Wyandotts nur 38 1/2 Meilen besitzen. Hier hat nun die Regierung an 200 Schulen errichtet, und nebenbei noch etwa 10 Hochschulen. Fast alle Staemme haben ihre heidnische Religion aufgegeben, und weil der Verkauf berauschender Getraenke aufs strengste untersagt ist, findet man dort mehr Kirechen und besseren Kirchenbesuch, als verhaeltnissmaessig irgendwo sonst im Lande. Von hier nun sind die Zoeglinge der Carlisle-Schule gekommen, und hierher werden sie zurueck kehren, um sich unter ihren Stammesgenossen nuetzlich zu machen und den Ueberrest derselben zur Erkenntniss der Wahrheit zu bringen.”
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ United States — History/ Native Americans/ United States Indian School (Carlisle, Pa.)
“Die Letzten der Mohikaner.” In Bibliothek der Unterhaltung und des Wissens. Vol. 13. Stuttgart: Hermann Schoenlein, 1880, pp. 251-253.
Abstract: “Seit kurzem haben die alten Baracken bei Carlisle in Pennsylvanien…ihr kriegerisches Ansehen verloren und sind in den Dienst der Humanitatet und Civilisation getreten. Man hat dieselben umgebaut zu einem Institut fuer Erziehung indianischer Kinder, der erste enrstliche Versuch, den die amerikanische Regierung macht, um einige Reste der untergehenden indianischen Voelkerschaften zu retten.”
MKI P2002-33
Native Americans/ United States/ America/ History
“Die letzten Indianer .” America-Herold Kalender, vol. 56, 1936, pp. 36, ill.
Abstract: Der Tag, an dem der letzte Indianer der U. S. A. in die ewigen Jagdgründe einziehen und dieses Urvolk der Neuen Welt ganz der Vergangenheit angehören wird, ist nicht mehr fern.
MKI P2014-7
History/ United States — History/ Native Americans
“Die neuesten Schoepfungen von A. Benziger.” Amerikanischer Schweizer-Kalender, vol. 41, 1921, pp. 75-78, ill.
Abstract: Provides illustrations of portraits by Swiss painter August Benziger (Colonel E. G. Buckner, Vice President of the Du Pont Power Co.; Mrs. George Allan of Philadelphia; Mr. George Allan of Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. A. Hatfield, Jr. and son of New York) and a photograph of Benziger in his New York studio, in which can also be seen portraits of Theodore Roosevelt, J. P. Morgan, and Charles M. Schwab.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Swiss Americans/ Arts/ Artists/ Paintings/ Benziger, August, 1867-1955
Die Pommerschen Leute = The Pommeranian People. Burbank, CA: Immigrant Genealogical Society. Vol. 1 — , no. 1 (July 1982) — . Journal Whole. Founded and published in Oshkosh, WI by Myron & Norma Gorges Gruenwald, 1982-1998; published by Ted Fettkenheuer (Mesa, AZ), 1999. Library holdings may vary. MKI has: Band 1, Nummer 1 (Juli 1982) – present. Also at Wisconsin Historical Society. Publisher website: http://immigrantgensoc.org/ Genealogical resource for descendants of the Baltic Duchy of Pomerania and others with an interest in Pomeranian ancestry.
MKI Periodicals
Pomerania — Emigration and immigration/ Pomeranians — Genealogy
“Die Rache des Indianers.” Das Evangelische Magazin, vol. 22, no. 4, Apr. 1890, pp. 234-236, 238.
Notes: Bound issues of Das Evangelische Magazin. Verlegt von Lauer und Mattill, Cleveland, Ohio. Redigirt von C. A. Thomas und R. Matt.
Abstract: A translation of the English-language story, “The Indian’s Revenge.” Begins: “Am aeussersten Saume einer bluehenden Niederlassung im fernen Westen, die tief ins Land hinein lag, sah man vor vielen Jahren eine kleine, aber artige Huette, welche ein fleissiger Ansiedler sich dort erbaut hatte. Er hatte sein Vaterland, England, frueh verlassen und sich in der Hoffnung, sein Glueck zu machen, in der neuen Welt seine Heimath gesucht.” Characters in the story are William Sullivan, his wife, and a Native American named Karkutschi (Carcoochee).
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Juvenile literature/ Native Americans/ Fiction, religious
Die Verfolgung der Bekenner des Evangeliums in Boehmen. Amerikanische Ausgabe. Milwaukee, Wis.: Banner und Volksfreund, 1870. 96 pp.
MKI P88-111
PIA/ Religious works/ History
“Die Weltausstellung in Chicago 1933.” Amerikanischer Schweizer-Kalender, vol. 53, 1933, pp. 95-97, ill.
Abstract: Report on the “Century of Progress” international exposition in Chicago.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Century of Progress International Exposition (1933-1934 : Chicago, Ill.)/ World’s Fair (1933-1934 : Chicago, Ill.)
“Divergent Paths: New Research. Different Meanings of German Culture in USA and Canada.” German-Canadian Studies Newsletter, vol. 6, no. 3, Jan. 2004, pp. 2, 4, ill.
Abstract: Barbara Lorenzkowski will be publishing her dissertation “Border Crossings: The Making of German Identities in the New World, 1850-1914.” The work traces a “growing cultural divide between an American and a Canadian ‘German-ness’ over the course of six decades. Lorenzkowski focuses on two localities, Berlin (now Kitchener), Ontario, and Buffalo, New York.
MKI Periodicals
German Canadians/ German Americans/ Cultural influence
“Documentary: German-Texan Artists Lungkwitz and Petri ‘Hin nach Texas’.” The Journal (German-Texan Heritage Society), vol. 24, no. 2, Summer 2003, pp. 120-121.
Abstract: The documentary, produced by Suenderhauf Produktion of Germany in 2002, depicts the lives of Hermann Lungkwitz (1813-1891) who was born in Halle, Germany, and died in Austin, Texas, and of Richard Petri (1824-1857) who was born in Dresden, Germany, and died near Fredericksburg, Texas.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Texas/ 19th century/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Immigrants, German/ Artists
“Dr. Albert Ethelbert Ebert [Nachruf].” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 7, 1907, pp. 49-51.
Abstract: Obituary
MKI Periodicals
“Dr. Albert von Pfister [Nachruf].” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 8, 1908, pp. 48.
MKI Periodicals
Dr. August Koenig’s Hamburger Familien Kalender fuer das Jahr 1877. Baltimore, Md.: A. Vogeler & Co., 1877. 35 pp., ill.
Notes: Donated by Sheboygan County Historical Research Center; in poor condition, some pages or parts of pages missing.
Abstract: On cover: “Hamburger Brustthee”; on back cover: “Dr. August Koenig’s Hamburger Familien-Medizinen sind zu haben bei J. L. Shepard, M. D., Pine Street, Sheboygan Falls, Wis.” MKI also owns years 1878-1881.
MKI P2005-9
PIA/ Calendars & Almanacs/ Medicine & Health
“Dr. Edwin Miller Fogel, 1874-1949.” American-German Review, vol. XVI, no. 4, 1950, pp. 31.
Notes: Biography; his life devotion of preserving Germanic lore.
MKI Periodicals
“Dr. Gottfried Arn in Pittsburgh gestorben.” Amerikanischer Schweizer-Kalender, vol. 51, 1931, pp. 38, ill.
Notes: Swiss-American/German-American author.
Abstract: Obituary for the Swiss-American doctor and poet. He was born May 27, 1863 in Lyss, Kanton Bern.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Swiss Americans/ Arn, Gottfried/ Pittsburgh (Pa.)/ Poetry
“Dr. Sebastian Messmer von Milwaukee, Wisc.” Amerikanischer Schweizer-Kalender, vol. 51, 1931, pp. 26-27, ill.
Abstract: Obituary: “Am 3. August 1930 starb in Goldach, Kt. St. Gallen Erzbischof Messmer von Milwaukee. Er wurde am 29. August 1847 zu Goldach, Kanton St. Gallen, Schweiz, geboren.”
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Swiss Americans/ Obituaries/ Milwaukee (Wis.)/ Catholic Church
“Dr. Theodore Haering, Bloomington [Nachruf].” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 8, 1908, pp. 57-64.
MKI Periodicals
Dr. Ward’s Wegweiser. Winona, Minn.: J. R. Watkins Medical Co., [1897]. 48 pp., ill.
Notes: On cover: Herausgegeben von the J. R. Watkins Medical Co. Eigenthümer von Dr. Ward’s Heilmitteln. Stamped on cover: Herbert S. Tower, Beloit, Wis.
Abstract: Testimonials from users of Dr. Ward’s products, such as Vegetablisches schmerzstillendes Liniment (Vegetable Anodyne Liniment), Petro-Carbo Salve, Gen-De-Can-Dra für das Blut (a tonic bitters), Improved Condition Pulver (a powder apparently used to treat horses and other livestock), and kleine Leberpillen (Cathartic Liver Pills). Includes a weights and measures table.
MKI P89-21
PIA/ Medicine & Health/ Life skills guides
“Drei Monate Weltgeschichte. Eine Uebersicht der wichtigsten Ereignisse vom 1. Juli bis 30. September 1915.” Die Welt, vol. 15, no. 4, October 1915, pp. 19-23.
Notes: Eine illustrirte Vierteljahrsschrift fuer deutsche Familien. Druck und Verlag: Publ. “Die Welt” Press Bldg., Lincoln, Neb.
Abstract: Coverage of the war in Europe, and America’s stance. “Aber ‘neutral’ sind die Ver. Staaten nicht. Präsident Wilson hat den Protest Oesterreichs gegen unsere schrankenlose Waffen- und Munitionsausfuhr mit der bekannten Redensart erledigt, dass wir die Ausfuhr nicht verbieten könnten, ohne uns eines Neutralitätsbruches schuldig zu machen.”
MKI Periodicals
World War, 1914-1918/ Europe/ History
“Drei Monate Weltgeschichte. Eine Uebersicht der wichtigsten Ereignisse von 1. Januar bis 31. Maerz 1915.” Die Welt, vol. 15, no. 2, April 1915, pp. 18-22.
Notes: Eine illustrirte Vierteljahrsschrift fuer deutsche Familien. Druck und Verlag: Publ. “Die Welt” Press Bldg., Lincoln, Neb.
Abstract: Coverage of the war in Europe.
MKI Periodicals
World War, 1914-1918/ Europe/ History
“Drei Monate Weltgeschichte. Eine Uebersicht der wichtigsten Ereignisse von Juli bis Oktober 1914.” Die Welt, vol. 14, no. 4, October 1914, pp. 17-20.
Notes: Eine illustrirte Vierteljahrsschrift fuer deutsche Familien. Druck und Verlag: Publ. “Die Welt” Press Bldg., Lincoln, Neb.
Abstract: Coverage of the war in Europe.
MKI Periodicals
World War, 1914-1918/ Europe/ History
“Drei Monate Weltgeschichte. Eine Uebersicht ueber die wichtigsten Ereignisse von Anfang Juli bis Ende September 1916.” Die Welt, vol. 16, no. 4, October 1916, pp. 16-18, 20, 22.
Notes: Ein deutsches Magazin fuer deutsche Familien. Druck und Verlag: Publ. “Die Welt” Press Bldg., Lincoln, Neb.
Abstract: Coverage of the war in Europe.
MKI Periodicals
World War, 1914-1918/ Europe/ History
Dreizehn Auffuehrungen fuer Christliche Vereine. Cleveland, Ohio: Religious Book Repository , n.d. 61 pp.
MKI P89-60
PIA/ Religious works/ Theater & Drama/ Societies, etc.
Durch Wind und Wogen: Zwei Erzaehlungen aus dem Seeleben. Home Library, v. X, n. 11; Haus-Bibliothek der Germania, n. 11. Milwaukee, Wis.: Germania, 1904. 402 pp.
Abstract: Inhalt: Unter Straeflingen by Clark Russell; Die drei Kapitaene by Friedrich Meister
MKI P88-52
PIA/ Fiction
Dutchtalk Magazine. Unknown: Unknown. no. No. 1 (1950s?) — . Journal Whole.
“Only periodical devoted to the language of the Dutch.”
MKI owns only issue no. 1; may be only issue published? Donated by Dennis Boyer.
Text in Pennsylvania German and English.
Contents: Schpicte Widderferzaehlt: Wie Die Wunnerfitzichkeit Die Katz Doht Gemacht Hott, Wie Er Sei Wett Gewunne Hott, Die Experts — Dutch Language Corner: The Tschann Method of Dutch Study — Personals — Contest Corner — With the Editor — Blaudere Bletz (comic).
MKI P2008-7
Pennsylvania-German dialect/ Pennsylvania Dutch
“Early History of Milwaukee Public and Private Schools.”
Notes: Belonged to Edwin G. Luening, Principal.
Abstract: Early history of public and private schools in Milwaukee, including some of the interesting details, developments and incidents connected with the schools, as well as the leading personalities who shaped the progress of these schools
MKI P90-12
Schools/ Milwaukee (Wis.)/ History.
“Early Pennsylvania German Printers outside Philadelphia Represented in the Collection of the State Library of Pennsylvania.” Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, vol. 6, no. 4, Fall 1999, pp. 16-17.
Notes: Millersville University.
Abstract: Entries in this listing provide place, name of printer, and date of earliest imprint held by the State Library for that printer.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans/ Libraries/ Pennsylvania/ Pennsylvania Germans/ Printing — Pennsylvania — History
“Edmund Luthy.” Amerikanischer Schweizer-Kalender, vol. 41, 1921, pp. 35, ill.
Abstract: Obituary for Edmund Luthy (also spelled Luethy): “Am 5. November wurde die Schweizer-Kolonie Cincinnatis in ernste Trauer versetzt durch das Hinscheiden von Herrn Konsul Edmund Luethy in seinem Heim, 328 Hearne Ave., nach nur kurzer Krankheit. Er erreichte ein Alter von 84 Jahren und war in Schoeftland, Kt. Aargau, geboren.” He immigrated to America in 1857.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Swiss Americans/ Obituaries/ Cincinnati (Ohio)
“Eduard Muehl: Hermann’s Brave Fighter for Truth and Human Rights.” Der Maibaum (Deutschheim Association Journal), vol. 10, no. 1, Spring 2002, pp. 11-13, ill.
Abstract: Biographical account of Eduard Muehl, who was born in the village of Ober-Ullersdorf in 1800 and immigrated to the United States in 1836. In 1840 he published the liberal Rationalist newspaper Lichtfreund in Cincinnati, and in 1843 moved to Hermann, Missouri.
MKI Periodicals (Miscellaneous)
German Americans — Missouri/ Muehl, Eduard, 1800-1854/ Newspapers, German-American
“Ein altes Brautgeschmeide.” Abendschule-Kalender fuer das christliche Haus auf das gemeine Jahr 1882. St. Louis, Mo.: Louis Lange Publishing Co., 1881, pp. 83-85, ill.
Notes: On title page: Herausgegeben von der Redaktion der Abendschule.
Abstract: “Vorstehender Holzschnitt ist die getreue Abbildung eines alten Brautgeschmeides, welches sich unter den in der Bibliothek des Concorida-Seminars zu St. Louis, Mo., aufbewahrten Raritateten befindet.”
Pennsylvania/ History/ America/ Colonial period
Ein Freund in der Noth, ein Freund bis zum Tod: Gesundheits-Winke fuer’s Haus: Winke bezueglich Erhaltung der Gesundheit und Kinderpflege, nebst kurzen Bemerkungen ueber chirurgische und medizinische Huelfeleistung in Nothfaellen, sowie eine gedraengte Uebersicht der gewoehnlicheren Gifte und ihrer Gegenmittel. New York, N.Y.: Metropolitan Lebensversicherungs-Gesellschaft, 1898. vi, 89 pp., ill.
Notes: für’s, bezüglich, über, Hülfeleistung, Nothfällen, gedrängte, gewöhnlicheren; on title page verso: Uebersetzt aus dem Englischen
MKI P85-98
PIA/ Medicine & Health
“Ein Geheimbund der nordamerikanischen Neger.” In Bibliothek der Unterhaltung und des Wissens. Vol. 11. Stuttgart: Hermann Schoenlein, 1885, pp. 252-254.
Notes: Entire book is in pamphlet file.
Abstract: “Under der Negerbevoelkerung der vereinigten Staaten existiren zahlreiched Vaudu- oder Hudu-Vereine, welche einen grossen Geheimbund bilden, dessen ‘Aelteste’ sich alle drei Jahre in New-Orleans zu einer Konvention versammeln.”
MKI P2002-38
America/ United States/ History/ Slavery
“Ein Jahr Weltgeschichte. Eine Uebersicht ueber die wichtigsten Ereignisse vom 1. Januear bis 31. Dezember 1914.” Die Welt, vol. 15, no. 1, January 1915, pp. 19-26.
Notes: Eine illustrirte Vierteljahrsschrift fuer deutsche Familien. Druck und Verlag: Publ. “Die Welt” Press Bldg., Lincoln, Neb.
Abstract: Coverage of the war in Europe.
MKI Periodicals
World War, 1914-1918/ Europe/ History
Ein Ketzergericht: Erzaehlungen aus dem sechzehnten Jahrhundert. Rundschau-Bibliothek, Bd. 18. Milwaukee, Wis.: Rundschau, 1908. 324 pp.
Abstract: See the series card for additional information
MKI P89-11
PIA/ Fiction
Ein lustiges Examen: ein Scherz fuer 10 Juenglinge, by Hans Malerr; Die Auktion: Vortrag in juedischer Mundart. Dialoge und Vortraege fuer Jugendvereine, n. 44. Antigo, Wis.: Antigo Publishing, n.d. 17 pp.
MKI P88-40
PIA/ Theater & Drama/ Juvenile
“Ein Menschenfreund.” Haus und Herd. Eine Monatsschrift fuer die Familie und Sonntagschule, vol. 5, no. 11, Nov. 1877, pp. 565-570, ill.
Notes: Donated by the Mayville Historical Society.
Abstract: Biographical sketch of George Peabody, a dry goods merchant and philanthropist in the northern United States, founder of the Peabody Institute.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Peabody, George, 1795-1869/ United States/ History/ Biographies/ 19th century
“Ein Schweizer aus eigener Kraft.” Amerikanischer Schweizer-Kalender, vol. 36, 1916, pp. 98-100, ill.
Abstract: “In dem aufbluehenden Garfield, New Jersey, einer aufstrebenden Stadt von 16,000 Einwohnern an einer Ausbuchtung des Passaic River, welch letztere sich in grossen Windungen durch die Gefilde langsam und schwer hinschlaengelt, erheben sich die Fabrikgebaeulichkeiten der Hemming Manufacturing Company. Dieses Anlagen sind das Werk eines jungen, im Jahre 1908 nach Amerika eingewanderten Schweizers, des Herrn Emil Hemming, von Uster, Kanton Zuerich.”
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Swiss Americans/ Hemming, Emil/ Biographies/ Business & Industry
“Ein Strauss deutsch-englischer Uebersetzungsblueten.” Abendschule-Kalender fuer das christliche Haus auf das gemeine Jahr 1882. St. Louis, Mo.: Louis Lange Publishing Co., 1881, pp. 123-126.
Notes: On title page: Herausgegeben von der Redaktion der Abendschule.
PIA/ Language, German/ Language, English/ Translations/ Language influence
“Ein Yankeestreich.” In Bibliothek der Unterhaltung und des Wissens. Vol. 7. Stuttgart, Berlin and Leipzig: Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, 1898, pp. 233-234.
Notes: photocopy.
Abstract: “Im Jahre 1870 verbreitete sich die Nachricht, dass in einer abgelegenen Gegend Arizonas viele Edelsteine, darunter Diamanten, in groesster Menge gefunden worden seien.”
MKI P2002-36
United States/ America/ History
Eine germanische Fuerstentochter; Die Liebe siegt. Rundschau-Bibliothek, Bd. 24. Milwaukee, Wis.: Rundschau, 1913. 307 pp.
Abstract: See the series card for more information. The publisher and place of publication vary in this series.
MKI P89-10
PIA/ Fiction
Eine gesegnete Weihnachtsfeier und andere Erzaehlungen. Neue Ausgabe. Konstanz: Carl Hirsch, n.d. 16 pp.
Abstract: Contents: Eine gesegnete Weihnachtsfeier — Kleine Fuechse — Fuerchtet euch nicht, siehe ich verkuendige euch grosse Freude — Weihnachtsfreuden — Zur Weihnachtsfeier
MKI P89-48
PIA/ Christmas/ Fiction
“Einsiedeln Swiss Descendants in Louisville, Kentucky.” Swiss American Historical Society Review, vol. 52, no. 3, November 2016, pp. 1-87.
Notes: Einsiedeln Elsewhere: Searching for a Swiss Village in the American City of Louisville, Kentucky / Susann Bosshard-Kaelin — Einsiedlen on the Ohio: Overseas Migration of Einsiedeln People to the United States in the 19th and Early 20th Century / Heinz Nauer — Of Mothers, Daughters, and Growing Up: the Changing Ties Between the Monastery Einsiedeln and St. Meinrad Since 1850 / Fr. Thomas Faessler, O.S.B. — German-Speaking Social and Benevolent Societies in Louisville / C. Robert Ullrich, Victoria A. Ullrich, and Jeffrey A. Wright — Chronology of the Multimedia Project “Einsiedeln anderswo–Einsiedeln Elsewhere: Presence of a Swiss Town in the American City of Louisville, Kentucky” / Susann Bosshard-Kaelin.
Abstract: Theme issue with five articles addressing the significant Swiss immigration that resulted in an impressive density of people with Einsiedeln roots in Kentucky.
MKI Periodicals
Kentucky/ Swiss Americans/ History
“Emigrants from Pirmasens in the 19th Century.” The Palatine Immigrant, vol. XL, no. 1, December 2014, pp. 15-18.
Notes: Extracted from “Ein Brief von Pennsylvanien” in 2000 Jahre Stadt Pirmasens” translated by Clara and Robert Harsch.
Abstract: Lists of names of emigrants from Pirmasens, 1828-1862.
MKI Periodicals
Pirmasens — Emigration
“Emigrate to America — to Become a Servant?” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 36, no. 1, July, August, September 2018, pp. 30-31.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society. Includes bibliographical references.
Abstract: The life of a servant was much better in the United States than in German-speaking Europe.
MKI Periodicals
Labor and laboring classes/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)
“Emigration Recruitment Letter.” Die Pommerschen Leute, vol. 35, no. 1, Winter 2012, pp. 6-7.
Abstract: Translation of a letter dated October 8, 1869, from C. Behmer, “Shiffs-Capitain [and] Konzessionirte General-Agentur zur Befoerderung von Auswanderern und Reisenden nach Amerika und Australien fuer den Umfang der Preussischen Staates” in Berlin, “To the farmer Mr. Daniel Splittstoesser” in Neu Grunau, West Prussia. As Splittstoesser intends to travel to St. Paul, Minnesota, Behmer advises that “Baltimore is better suited as [a] disembarking place than New York, because then you can travel by train for 2 and a half Reichstalers each person.” Behmer describes the costs of travel from Bremen to Baltimore, provides advice on preparing rifles and scythes to avoid customs, and encloses “a filled-out postal money order form, on which you may pay the sum . . . and you will promptly receive from me the shipping contract.”
MKI Periodicals
Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Atlantic crossing/ Ships
Emmaus Homes: 100 years, 1893-1993: Marthasville [&] St. Charles, Missouri. Emmaus 100th Anniversary Committee?, 1994? 88 pp.: ill., ports.; 29 cm.
Founded in 1893 in Marthasville, Mo. by the German Evangelical Synod of North America (now the United Church of Christ). Marthasville site was originally Marthasville Seminary, forerunner of Eden Theological Seminary, Webster Groves, Mo.[Prepared by historian Ralph Gregory; photographer Leo Diehl ; co-editors Bernice Painter and Herman Brewe.] Title from cover.
Donated by J Tiedemann, November 2014.
The Emmaus Lutheran. St. Louis, MO: Emmaus Lutheran Church. Vol. 26, no. 6 (1939).
Journal Whole. Golden Jubilee Issue.
MKI P84-42
St. Louis (Mo.)/ Lutheran Church
“En Schofbock in der Gmee.” Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, vol. 6, no. 3, Summer 1999, pp. 7.
Notes: Millersville University.
Abstract: Story in Pennsylvania German dialect along with English translation (“A Ram in Church?’)
MKI Periodicals
Pennsylvania-German dialect
“Erinnerung an der Tag der Confirmation: Carl Wilhelm August Grosskopf.”1886.
Abstract: Confirmation document for Carl Wilhelm August Grosskopf, born on the 2nd of February, 1873 and confirmed on the 18th of April 1886 in Sheboygan, Wisconsin
MKI P2002-18
German Americans — Wisconsin.
“Ernst Franz Ludwig Gauss [Nachruf].” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 8, 1908, pp. 41-42.
MKI Periodicals
Die ersten 3 Könige in Israel. Saul, David und Salomo. Reading, Pa.: Pilger, n.d. 185-232 pp., ill.
On back cover: Verlag der Pilger-Buchhandlung. —- Inscribed: “Roman Kuehl, Dec. 24, 1921.”
Includes 18 Bible stories in German, likely from a larger publication.
Donated by Dale Bartel.
Erstes Uebungsbuch fuer den Unterricht in der deutschen Sprache. Unterstufe. Fuer das 3. und 4. Schuljahr. Altona, Mass.: Friesen (U.S. Concordia), 1953.
MKI P93-17
PIA/ Textbooks/ Educational/ Teaching of German
Erzgebirgs-Verein “Tobakstann” — Konzert der Musikgruppe — Dirigent William Seifert — Soloist Earl Thiel, Baritone — Samstag, den 5. Mai, 1951 — 7:30 Uhr Abends, Jefferson Halle. [Milwaukee, Wis.]: [the Verein], [24] pp., ill.
Notes: Program is on [page 12]; advertising for supporters on the remaining pages — 2 copies. One copy has parts of pages cut out. The intact copy has “Karl Scheibner” written on the cover. — Donated by Kevin Knitt on behalf of the Stevens Point Area Genealogical Society.
MKI P2014-2
PIA/ Societies, etc./ Music/ Milwaukee (Wis.)/ German Americans — Wisconsin
“Ethnic Groups in Wisconsin.” Badger History, vol. 24, no. 1, 1970.
Notes: Badger History is a publication of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin.
MKI P85-154 / SHS F902 +9S7B2 2 / MEM F 576 .W817/vol. 24
Immigrants/ Wisconsin/ Ethnic identity/ Ethnicity
“Ethnic Groups in Wisconsin: Germans in Wisconsin.” Badger History, vol. 27, no. 4, 1974.
Notes: ; book, in MadCat.
Abstract: Badger History is a publication of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin.
MKI F 590 .G3 G47 1974 / SHS F902 +9S7B2 2 / MEM F 576 .W817/vol. 27
German Americans — Wisconsin
Eucharistische Kreuzweg-Andacht zum Gebrauche beim vierzigstuendigen Gebete und bei Suehnandachten vor ausgesetztem hochwuerdigstem Gute. 3. amerikanische Ausgabe. St. Meinrad, Ind.: Benediktine-Abtei St. Meinrad, ©1896. 24 pp.
MKI P89-41
PIA/ Liturgy
The European vision of America: Notes on the exhibition. Cleveland, Ohio: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1975. 48 pp.
Notes: Brief mention of Albrecht Duerer, p. 10; mention of Hans Staden’s report of his travels among natives in South America (printed in Germany in 1557), p. 12; operatic stage settings by Karl Friedrich Schinkel and mention of Alexander von Humboldt, p. 30; mention of Swiss artist Frank Buchser and his views of Indian and Black life, pp. 38, 41
MKI P2001-37
America/ Europe/ Exhibitions/ Image/ Native Americans
Evangelische Wahrheitszeugen. St. Charles, Mo.: Deutsche Ev. Synode von Nord-Amerika, ©1879. 153 pp.
MKI P89-53
PIA/ Religious works
Evangelischer Kalender. St. Louis, Mo.: Ev. Synode von Nord-Amerika, 1907; 1914.
Abstract: HOLDINGS: 1907, 1914
MKI P88-11
PIA/ Protestant/ Calendars & Almanacs
Evangelischer Missionsbote. Eine Monatsschrift zur Foerderung der Mission. Cleveland, Ohio: Verlag der Evangelischen Gemeinschaft. Vol. 27, no. 7, Juli 1922, 15 pp., ill.
Note: Donated by Will Bloy, 2006
MKI P2006-14
Newspapers, German-American/ Periodicals/ Evangelical Association of North America
“An excursion to the Cradle of German Texas; Lindheimer’s Texas at Sophienburg Archives and Museum of History, New Braunfels; Historic Outdoor Art Museum, New Braunfels; Texas German and the Texas German Dialect Project.” Society for German-American Studies Newsletter, vol. 37, no. 1, February 2016.
Abstract: Articles related to the upcoming SGAS Annual Symposium “German Seed in Texas (and other) Soil: Weighing Location and Culture” held in San Antonio, April 28-30, 2016.
MKI Periodicals
History/ German-American Studies/ German Americans — Texas
Extracts from the Minutes of the Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the State of New York &c. convened at Schoharie, August, 1822. New York, N.Y.: E. Conrad, 1822. 16 pp.
MKI P89-28
PIA/ Protestant/ Miscell. documents
Far from Hitler: The Scattergood Hostel for European Refugees, 1939-43. Produced for the Iowa Jewish Historical Society by TRACES. [Iowa?]: TRACES, [2003?]. 49 pp., ill.
Notes: Includes “List of Scattergoodians, 1939-43”: p. 46-49. [See also: Out of Hitler’s Reach: The Scattergood Hostel for European Refugees, 1939-1943 MKI / MEM / SHS HV640.4 U54 L84 1996] Donated by Michael Luick-Thrams, 2006.
Abstract: Catalog for an exhibit on the Scattergood Hostel in West Branch, Iowa. From April 1939 to March 1943 about 185 refugees from Nazi-occupied Europe found safe haven here. Among them were a large percentage of Jews, as well as political opponents of Hitler’s regime, Christian religious leaders, artists, and others endangered in the “New Germany.”
MKI P2006-15
Scattergood Refugee Hostel (West Branch, Iowa)/ Refugees, political (US)/ World War, 1939-1945/ Jews, German
“Favor of the Minority [reprint of editorial dated May 31, 1913].” Wisconsin State Journal, June 2, 2013 (E. p. 1.
Note: Illustrated at top with a cartoon drawing from 1909 depicting an overweight man drinking beer straight from a barrel with empty beer steins (mugs) on the ground behind him. Title: “One View of Milwaukee”, with caption “Good for hot weather.”
Abstract: The editorial concedes the defeat of a constitutional amendment proposed by U.S. Rep Richard Hobson, D-Ala., which would prohibit the sale of beverages containing alcohol, because it finds “favor with only a small majority.”
MKI P2015-09.
Madison (Wis.)/ Milwaukee/ History/ Prohibition/ Editorial/ Cartoon/ Beer.
“Ferdinand Ernst, Dokumentarische Feststellung seiner Niederlassung in Vandalia und seines Todes.” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 10, 1910, pp. 187-189.
MKI Periodicals
Ferhoodled English: Curious and Amusing Pennsylvania Dutch Talk. York, Pa.: Yorkraft, 1964. [24] pp., ill.
On cover: Ferhoodled English. A collection of quaintly amusing expressions heard among the Pennsylvania Dutch folks — Donated by Dale McIntyre.
Fest-Buechlein zum 175 Jaehrigen Jubilaeum der Zions-Gemeinde, 1742-1917 Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Penn., 1917. [20] pp., ill.
Notes: Signed on [p.] 1: Fritz Otto Evers, Oktober 1917.
MKI P84-47
PIA/ Philadelphia (Pa.)/ Zion Gemeinde/ History/ 20th century
Festgesaenge zum Einundzwanzigsten Saengerfest in Milwaukee, Wis., am 28., 29., 30. und 31. Juli 1904. Tenor I. Milwaukee, Wis.: Kaun & Bluemel Music Co., [1904]. [24] pp.
Notes: Saengerbund des Nordwestens. Theodor Kelbe, Bundes-Dirigent. Kaun & Bluemel Music Co., 209 Grand Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Germania Press, Milwaukee, Wis. Cover lists “Bundes-Motto, Theo. Reese,” but not found within. Donated by Ed Langer.
Abstract: Inhalt: Saengerlust, C. Attenhofer — Fruehlingszeit, Theo. Kelbe — Der zaubrische Spielmann (Chor mit Orchester), Fr. A. Kern — Blau Aeugelein, J. Wirt — Sandmaennchen, Volkslied — Der Studenten Nachtgesang, C. Fischer — Soldatenchor aus ‘Faust’ (Chor mit Orchester), C. Gounod — Das erste Lied, W. Handwerg — Der Jaeger Abschied, F. Mendelsohn — O komm zu mir (Volkslied), Hugo Juengst — Eislein von Caub (Rheinisches Volkslied), J. F. Moehring — Zum Walde musst du wandern geh’n, A. Billeter — Abschiedschor, Cyrill Kistner — An die Kunst (Chor mit Orchester), Richard Wagner — [Gebet waehrend der Schlacht, F. H. Himmel].
MKI P2007-3
PIA/ Songs/ Societies, etc./ Festivals/ German-American periodicals/ Music
Festschrift: Der Zionsgemeinde zum 150. Jubilaeum. Baltimore, Md.: Zion Church, 1905, 5., 16., 17. October.
Notes: Includes photographs of the Church and early Church members
MKI P92-30
PIA/ Festivals
Festschrift zum Hundertfuenfzigjaehrigen Jubilaeum der gerechten und vollkommenen St. Johannis Freimaurer Loge Aurora No. 30 F. & A. M. im Orient Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA nebst Mitgliederverzeichnis fuer das Jahr 2000. [Milwaukee, Wis.: the lodge, 2000]. 32 pp., ill.
Notes: Donated by Bob Luening. On cover: 1850-2000, Einhundertfuenzigjaehriges Jubilaeum. Inside front cover: portrait of Anton Casper Cron, Founder and First Master Aurora Lodge No. 30, F. & A. M., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, born at Elberfeld, Duchy of Berg, Germany, Sept. 23, 1806, died at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 2, 1880.
In German and English.
Abstract: Contents: Geschichtliches Vorwort/Historical Foreword by Br. Erich Franzen — Die Gruendung unserer Bauhuette im Jahre 1850: Auszuege aus der Aurora Loge Jubilaeums-Festschrift von 1900/The Founding of Our Lodge in 1850: Excerpts from the Aurora Lodge Anniversary Publication of 1900 — Die Jahre 1875-1900: Auszuege aus dem Aufsatz von Br. Ludwig Kopp-Koppee/The Years 1875-1900: Excerpts from the Essay by Br. Ludwig Kopp-Koppee — Die Jahre 1900-1925: Auszuege aus dem Aufsatz von Br. Walter H. Braun/The Years 1900-1925: Excerpts from the Essay by Br. Walther H. Braun — Die Jahre 1926-1950: Auszuege aus dem Aufsatz von Br. Altmeister Eugene E. Rall/The Years 1926-1950: Excerpts from the Essay by Br. Past Master Eugene E. Rall — Ausgewaehlte Jahresberichte aus den Jahren 1951-1973/Selected Annual Reports from the Years 1951-1973 by Br. Erich Franzen — Die Jahre 1975 bis 2000/The Years 1975 to 2000 — Die Altmeister der Aurora Loge/Past Masters of the Aurora Lodge — Mitgliederliste fuer das Jahr 2000/List of Members for the Year 2000.
MKI P2011-9
Societies, etc./ Milwaukee (Wis.)/ German Americans — Wisconsin
Festschrift zum Silbernen Jubilaeum des Leo-Hauses, New York, 1889-1914. Gegruendet zum Schutze katholischer Einwanderer. New York: Direktorium des Leo-Hauses, 1914. iv, 89 pp., ill.
Notes: On title page: Herausgegeben vom Dirketorium des Leo-Hauses, No. 6 State Street, New York.
Abstract: Includes various articles about the history of the Leo-Hauses, the St. Raphaels-Verein and of the mission for the protection of immigrants.
MKI P84-50 and P88-1
PIA/ New York (N.Y.)/ Catholics/ German Americans — Societies, etc.
Festschrift zur Einweihungsfeier der neuen Heimstaette deutsch-amerikanischer Erziehung in Milwaukee, 1891. [Milwaukee, Wis.: Freidenker Publishing Co.], 1891. 64 pp., ill.
Notes: On title page: “. . . gestiftet von den hochherzigen Frauen Elisabeth Pfister und Louise Vogel.”
Abstract: Contents: Die Stadt Milwaukee / von Geo. Meyer — Die Deutsch-Englische Akademie / von Albert Wallber — Das Nationale Deutsch-Amerikanische Lehrerseminar / von W.H. Rosenstengel — Das Turnlehrerseminar des Nordamerikanischen Turnerbundes / von C. Hermann Boppe.
MKI P84-51 / SHS Pam 70-769
Milwaukee (Wis.)/ Education/ Turners/ German Americans — Wisconsin
“Finding your ancestor’s ship.” Der Blumenbaum, Sacramento German Genealogy Society, vol. 17, no. 4, Apr./May/June 2000, pp. 152-7.
Abstract: “The following lists consist of indexes of ship names as taken from the various books on ships. Ship names are given here exactly as they appear in the respective books’ indexes.” Each ship name has a corresponding date. Entries are taken from the following books: ‘Ships of our Ancestors,’ by Michael J. Anuta, Menominee, MI, 1983; ‘Deutsche Ozean-Passagierschiffe: 1896 bis 1918,’ by Claus Rothe, Bibliothek der Schiffstypen, Steiger Verlag, 1986; ‘Die grossen Passagierschiffe der Welt,’ Vol. 1: 1858-1912, by Arnold Kludas, Gerhard Stalling Verlag, Oldenburg/Hamburg, 1972; ‘Die Geschichte der deutschen Passagierschiffahrt,’ Band I: Die Pionierjahre von 1850 bis 1890, by Arnold Kludas, Ernst Kabel Verlag, 1986.
MKI Periodicals
Ships/ Atlantic crossing/ Genealogy
First Publication of the Declaration of Independence in a Foreign Language. New York: German Information Center.
Abstract: Facsimile of a German translation of the Declaration of Independence, which appeared in the July 9, 1776 issue of Henrich Miller’s Pennsylvanischer Staatsbote
MKI P2003-31
Newspapers, German-American/ Politics/ United States/ History
Folget ihm nach. Ein biblisches Bilderbuechlein mit Erzaehlungen fuer die Jugend. Chicago, Ill.: Wartburg Publishing House, n.d. 16 pp., ill (some col.).
Notes: Inscribed on back cover: Marshall Freitag.
Abstract: Collection of religious poetry and stories for children, mostly unattributed. Some names that appear as authors: Jul. Sturm, Gerok, and Armin Stein.
MKI P84-53
PIA/ Children’s literature/ Religious
“Fort keine Adresse.” Das Evangelische Magazin, vol. 22, no. 12, Dec. 1890, pp. 721-724.
Notes: Bound issues of Das Evangelische Magazin. Verlegt von Lauer und Mattill, Cleveland, Ohio. Redigirt von C. A. Thomas und R. Matt.
Abstract: Possibly translated from an English-language story. Characters include Frau Simmons, her son Rutledge Simmons, daughter Elsie Simmons, and a clerk from the Dead Letter Office (“Unbestellbare Brief-Departement”) in Washington, DC.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Fiction
“Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, August 3, 1867: The Meeting of the German Singing Societies in Philadelphia.” Society for German-American Studies Newsletter, vol. 23, no. 2, June 2002, pp. 12-13.
Notes: SGAS.
Abstract: Examines how the 1867 meeting of German Singing Societies in Philadelphia was represented by this particular newspaper.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans/ Societies, etc.
“Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, May 28, 1859: The Volksfest, or German May Festival.” Society for German-American Studies Newsletter, vol. 23, no. 3, Sept. 2002, pp. 20-21, ill.
Notes: SGAS.
Abstract: Reprints text and images from newspaper article depicting the 1859 celebration in New Orleans.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans/ Societies, etc.
“Fred Kessler, a Great German-American.” German-American Journal, vol. 54, no. 5, Nov./Dec. 2005, pp. 4, ill.
Abstract: Profile of Fred Kessler, the son of German immigrants. In 1961, at the age of 21, Kessler was sworn in as the youngest person then ever elected to the Wisconsin State Assembly. He served four additional terms in the Assembly, went on to become a Wisconsin Circuit Judge and later a labor arbitrator, and in 2005 was sworn in for his sixth term in the legislature.
MKI Periodicals
Biographies/ German Americans — Wisconsin/ Politics
“Frederick Douglass.” Das Evangelische Magazin, vol. 21, no. 10, Oct. 1889, pp. 609-610, ill.
Notes: Bound issues of Das Evangelische Magazin. Verlegt von Lauer und Mattill, Cleveland, Ohio. Redigirt von C. A. Thomas und R. Matt.
Abstract: Biographical sketch.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ African Americans/ Douglass, Frederick, 1818-1895
Freistadt: Settled in 1839. The Oldest German Settlement in Wisconsin. 4 pp., ill.
MKI P2004-34
German Americans — Wisconsin/ Lutherans/ Freistadt (Wis.)
“French Francs Pay for German Schleisingerville: Washington County Village Changes Name to Slinger after WWI.” Perspektiven, vol. 2, no. 3, Summer 2003, pp. 1, 4-5, ill.
Notes: Goethe House of Wisconsin.
Abstract: “In 1845, with money intended for the purchase of horses for the French government, Baruch Schleisinger Weil instead bought 1,950 acres of government land in Wisconsin for the price of 25 cents an acre.”
MKI Periodicals
Wisconsin — Washington County/ German Americans — Wisconsin/ Weil, Baruch Schleisinger/ Jews, German
“Fritz Boldt [Nachruf].” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 10, 1910, pp. 126.
MKI Periodicals
Froehliche selige Weihnachtszeit!: Liturgie fuer einen Kindergottesdienst zur Feier der heiligen Weihnacht. Columbus, Ohio: Lutheran Book Concern, 1917. 30 pp.
Abstract: Includes musical scores to many songs and publishers advertisements
MKI P89-26
PIA/ Christmas/ Songs/ Children/ Liturgy
Frühlingsfest der Nächstenliebe zum Besten der notleidenden Jugend in Deutschland und Oesterreich abgehalten von der Charity Basar Association April 16. bis 24. 1921. Im Grossen Auditorium, Milwaukee,Wis. (Charity Bazaar for the Benefit of German and Austrian Children, April 16 to 24, at the Auditorium, Milwaukee, Wisconsin). Milwaukee, Wis.: Charity Bazaar Association, 1921. 128 pp., ill.
Title on cover: Wohltätigkeits Basar. Cover in poor condition and has separated from book.
Partial contents: An Alle aus deutschem Stamm über die weite Welt, von Wilhelm Benignus — Präsident Harding wünscht Erfolg — Gouverneur Blaine tritt für den Basar ein — Bitte, von Kurt Baum, Milwaukee — Mein Vaterland wird niemals sterben, von Julius Segall — Apostrophe to Our Flag, by D. C. Luening — Germanenzüge, von Hans H. Forkmann, Mayville, Wisconsin — Das Vogelkonzert, von Hanna Adelmann Wiesing — Ein Rückblick, von J. A. Sowas, in der “Jugend” No. 1, 1921 — Das Deutsche Kind, von Rudolf Presber — Sehnsucht, von Hans H. Forkmann — Das Deutsche Lied, von Carl Manthey — Die Brücke zur Heimat (Ein Gruss eines Amerika-Deutschen an die heimkehrenden Kriegsgefangenen), von Hermann R. Jockisch — Erinnerung am Weihnachtsabend, von D. C. Luening — Meiner Mutter, von Kurt Baum — Drei gold’ne “Gebens”-Regeln, von Heinrich Loewenfeld — Zur Ehrenrettung eines Vielgeschmähten, von Heinrich Loewenfeld — Liebesdank, von Johanna Frohmut, Lehrerin an der Volksschule zu Grimma — Tauben, von Hans H. Forkmann — Am Schaukelpferd, Ein schlichtes Lied zum deutschen Kindertod, von Kurt Baum, Milwaukee — Dem deutschen Volke, von Mathilde Juergensen — O schöne Zeit, o goldne Zeit, von Willy Grotelueschen. Includes advertisements and membership lists for various associated organizations. Donated by Mayville (Wis.) Historical Society.
Fuehrer durch die Ausstellung fuer das hoehere Maedchenschulwesen und fuer das gesammte Volksschulwesen. Chicago, Ill.: Max Stern, 1893. 27 pp.
Notes: At head of title page: Deutsche Unterrichtsausstellung in Chicago 1893
MKI P89-85
PIA/ Exhibitions/ Teaching/ World’s Columbian Exposition (1893 : Chicago, Ill.)
Fuenfzig Jahre deutschen Strebens 1856-1906. Gedenkblaetter zum fuenfzigjaehrigen Jubilaeum der Germania von Saginaw, Michigan. s.l.: s.n., 1906 (Saginaw, Mich. Seemann & Peters). viii, 88 + 1 pp., ill.
Notes: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/003138554.
Abstract: Contents: Vorerinnerung — Allgemeine Geschichte der Germania — Der Turnzweig der Germania — Geschichte des Gesangzweiges der Germania — Gesangverein Lyra — Der dramatisch-literarische Zweig der Germania — Entwicklung der Bibliothek der Germania — Einiges ueber die Schule der Germania — Germania Kindergarten — Schmitzsche Germania Stiftung — Namesnsliste der Beamten und Komitees — Namensliste der Mitglieder — Namenslisteder aktiven Turner — Namensliste der Maennerchor — Namensliste des Damenchors — Festkomitee fuer das goldene Jubiliaeum — Praesidenten der Germania — Festprogramm zum goldenen Juliaeum.
MKI P84-57
PIA/ History/ German Americans — Societies, etc./ Turners/ German Americans — Michigan/ Social life and customs/ Societies, etc/ Saginaw (Mich.)/ Songs
“The Garden Where Children Grow: The Kindergarten.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 26, no. 3, Jan./Feb./Mar. 2009, pp. 134-135, ill.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
Abstract: Brief discussion of competing claims for the first person to establish a kindergarten in America. Margarethe Meyer Schurz opened a kindergarten class in her home in Watertown, Wisconsin, in 1856. Caroline Louisa Frankenberg is reported to have opened a kindergarten in Columbus, Ohio, in 1838. Although her first attempt failed after a few years, Frankenberg tried again in 1858 and achieved greater success.
MKI Periodicals
Kindergarten/ Schurz, Margaretha Meyer, 1833-1876/ Frankenberg, Caroline Louisa/ Education/ German influence
Gedenkbuch. Erinnerung an Karl Heinzen. Enthuellungsfeier des Heinzen-Denkmals. Milwaukee, Wis.: Freidenker, 1887.
MKI P94-47
PIA/ Heinzen, Karl, 1809-1880
Gemeinde-Ordnung der Evang.-Luth. St. Paulus-Gemeinde bei Warren, Ill. [Warren, Ill.]: [St. Paulus-Gemeinde], n.d. 4 pp.
Abstract: Gegruendet im Juli 1900. Druck der Germania Publishing Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
MKI P89-46
PIA/ Lutheran Church
Gemeinde-Ordnung der evangelisch-lutherischen St. Martini-Gemeinde in Adams Township, Allen Co., Ind. St. Louis, Mo.: Concordia , 1881. 16 pp.
Notes: Druckerei des “Luth. Concordia-Verlags”
MKI P84-58
PIA/ Lutheran Church/ Indiana
Gemeinde-Ordnung fuer die deutsche ev.-luthische Dreieinigkeits-Gemeinde, ungeaenderter Augsb. Confession, zu Ohio City (gegenwaertig Cleveland, Westseite, genannt), Cuyahoga Co., O. 1858. St. Louis, Mo.: Wiebusch & Sohn, 1858. 11 pp.
Notes: Synodaldruckerei von Aug. Wiebusch u. Sohn [misprinted as “Synoldabruckerei”]
MKI P84-59
PIA/ Lutheran Church/ Ohio/ Cleveland (Ohio)
Gemeinde-Ordnung für die deutsche, evangelisch-lutherische Immanuels-Gemeinde ungeaenderter Augsburgischer Confession, zu Chicago, Ill. von 1854. Chicago, Ill.: Franz Gindele , 1871. 16 pp.
Notes: PIA. Dampfpressendruck von Franz Gindele, 116 Dearbornstr.
MKI P84-60
PIA/ Lutheran Church/ Illinois/ Chicago (Ill.)
Gemeindeblatt Kalender auf das Jahr … nach Christi Geburt [1915-1942, incomplete]. Milwaukee, Wis.: Northwestern. 1915-.
Holdings: 1915, 1916, 1919, 1920, 1922, 1923, 1929, 1934, 1942 (1919= P92-49). Continuation of title page: “Herausgegeben im Auftrage der Allgemeinen Ev.-Luth. Synode von Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan u. a. St.” In addition to church year information, includes advertisements for church-related products and services.
Lutheran Church/ Calendars & Almanacs
Gemeindeordnung der Evang.-Luth. St. Matthaeus-Gemeinde zu Iron Ridge, Dodge Co., Wis. [Iron Ridge, Wis.]: [St. Matthaeus-Gemeinde], n.d. 7 pp.
Abstract: Printer: The Mayville News Print
MKI P89-45
PIA/ Lutheran Church
“Gen. Washington’s Truthahn. Eine Danktagsgeschichte.” Das Evangelische Magazin, vol. 21, no. 11, Nov. 1889, pp. 678-680, ill.
Notes: Bound issues of Das Evangelische Magazin. Verlegt von Lauer und Mattill, Cleveland, Ohio. Redigirt von C. A. Thomas und R. Matt. —- A version of this story appears in English in the Nov. 1915 issue of Locomotive Engineers’ Monthly Journal (vol. 29, no. 11), attributed to T. C. Harbaugh (see: MKI P2011-22). Here Button Peyton is described only as “a typical Pennsylvania farmer’s boy.”.
Abstract: Begins: “Im Jahr 1777, am 17. December war einer der kaeltesten Tage jenes im Allgemeinen mehr als unfreundlichen Winters. Der Schnee lag knietief in Feld und Wald, und die Aeste waren schwer beladen mit Frost, so dass der geringste Windstoss die Luft mit kleinen Floeckchen fuellte, die im Sonnenlicht wie Diamanten glitzerten; zugleich aber auch den Beweis lieferten von der existierenden Kaelte. Button Peyton, ein echter pennsylvanisch-deutscher Junge, ruestig und gewandt, sass in seines Vaters Haus auf einem dicken Holzklotz am Herd und reinigte ein altes Steinschlossgewehr.”
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Thanksgiving/ United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Fiction/ Washington, George, 1732-1799
“General Hermann Lieb, Chicago [Nachruf].” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 8, 1908, pp. 67-69.
MKI Periodicals
Genovefa, oder, Gott verlaesst die Seinen nicht. Eine ruehrende Geschichte. Glandorf, Ohio: H. Schumacher & Co., n.d. 64 pp.
Notes: Preis 10 Cents. On title page “nicht” is capitalized (lowercase on cover). Verlag von H. Schumacher & Co., Box 159, Glandorf, Ohio.
Abstract: From the Vorwort: “Die vorliegende Ausgabe ist eine Volksausgabe und der Preis so niedrig, dass sie auch den Unbemitteltsten zugaenglich ist. Die Ausgabe enthaelt vermoege der kleinen Petitschrift viel Lesestoff und deutlichen Druck. Zum Schluss dieser interessanten Erzaehlung sind noch zwei kurze, humorvolle Geschichten beigefuegt: Schoenheiten der deutsch-amerikanischen Sprache (Seite 58) [und] Ein guter Geist. Eine Spukgeschichte aus dem Soldatenleben (Seite 61) die gelesen werden muessen, um gewuerdigt zu werden. Moege diese Werkchen sich in jede deutsche Familie einbuergern. Die Herausgeber.”
MKI P89-32 and P92-47
PIA/ Fiction
“Geographically Speaking: German Americans, Where Do They Live?” Cobblestone, vol. 22, no. 5, May 2001, pp. 8-9, ill.
Notes: German Americans issue; intended for readers ages 9-14.
Abstract: Map of the United States showing approximate percentages of state populations out of an estimated sixty million German Americans, based on 1990 census data. States with the highest percentage (40.1-50% or greater) are Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
German Americans/ Census
“The Georgia Salzburgers: Oldest Colony of Austrian Families in America.” Austrian Information, vol. 61, May-June 2008, pp. 1-3.
Abstract: Thirty-seven Protestant families, having been expelled from Salzburg, arrived at the mouth of the Savannah River on March 12, 1734. This article documents some of their achievements and discusses plans to celebrate the 275th anniversary of their arrival in Georgia.
MKI P2008-9
German Americans — Georgia/ Austria/ Protestants
German-American Genealogy. Burbank, CA: Immigrant Genealogical Society. no. Fall 1988 –. Journal Whole. Library holdings may vary. MKI has: Fall 1988 – present. Spring 2015 is theme issue: Dutch – American Genealogy. Holdings also at the Wisconsin Historical Society. “Contains articles related to the migration of Germanic peoples to America.”
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Genealogy — Periodicals
The German-American Heritage of St. Louis: A Guide. St. Louis: St. Louis Area Studies Center, 1991. 18 pp.
Abstract: Provides brief profiles of more than fifty extant structures and monuments associated with the history of German-speaking immigrants in the city of St. Louis, including sections on German school and street names.
MKI P2004-22
German Americans — Missouri/ St. Louis (Mo.)/ Business & Industry/ Schools/ Churches/ Architecture/ Monuments
The German-American Journal = Der Deutsch-Amerikaner. Chicago, IL: German-American National Congress. Vol. 1 — , no. 1 (1959) –.
Journal Whole. Some articles in German, some in English.
Library holdings vary, especially before 2003.
MKI has: 2003- present. Also at Wisconsin Historical Society. “… a prominent resource for DANK’s members and those wanting to stay informed with [sic] their Germanic heritage.” (http://www.dank.org/journal/about/) Regular columns include: From the President’s Desk, Calendar of Events, New Members, Featured DANK chapter, reports of activities of various DANK chapters, as well as articles about German culture, poems, puzzles and games, and death notices.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Periodicals/ German American National Congress
German American Law Journal, vol. 3, no. 2, 1993.
Notes: Journal Whole.
MKI P94-31
Law/ Periodicals
“German and Pennsylvania German Literature. A Survey from: “Literary History of the United States”, ed. by Robert E. Spiller, Willar Thorp, and others ….” German-American Studies, vol. 3, no. 1 , 1971, pp. 24-28.
Abstract: Reprinted from Spiller and Thorp et al. ed., “Literary History of the United States”, New York: MacMillan, 1948, pp. 286-291
MKI / SHS E 184 .G3 G315
Literature, Pennsylvania-German
[German Emigration Materials].
Notes: Photocopies donated by Victor Greene, 2003.
Abstract: Various photocopied materials, most from Norddeutscher Lloyd in Bremen. Includes “Auswandererfürsorge in Bremen”; “Drei Jahrhunderte deutscher überseeischer Auswanderung,” by Hans Hecht; “Die Entwicklung der Bremischen Auswandererfürsorge,” by Pastor Heyne; “Bremen als Auswandererhafen,” by Wilhelm Ehlers; copy of the title page and table of contents for Aus der Frühzeit des Nordatlantikverkehrs: Studien zur Geschichte der deutschen Schiffahrt und deutschen Auswanderung nach den Vereinigen Staaten bis zum Ende des amerikanischen Bürgerkriegs by Hermann Wätjen (Leipzig: Felix Meiner, 1932); “Lieder deutscher Auswanderer,” by Otto Holzapfel; “Castle Garden: Deutsche Einwanderer-Fürsorge in New York vor 50 Jahren,” by Orrie Müller; an example of a contract (Vortrag) between Norddeutscher Lloyd and an emigration firm (Johann Friedrich Missler); and photographs from Bremen depicting emigration.
MKI P2003-23
Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Emigration and immigration/ Bremen/ Atlantic crossing/ Ships/ Songs
“The German Empire, 1875 [Map].” Albany, N.Y.: Jonathan Sheppard Books.
A set of two maps showing roads, minor states and other useful information in the Empire extending from the Rhine valley to Russia. Both maps are 18″ x 24,” including margins. Reproduced from an original engraving issued about 1875, engraved by Edw. Weller and published by Blackie & Son, Glasgow, Edinburgh & London.
Shelved with maps.
Maps/ Germany.
German Evangelical Synod of North America: Historical Information.
Notes: Cumulating file of pamphlets, print-outs. This German immigrant protestant denomination began in 1840 as the Deutscher Evangelischer Kirchenverein des Westens [German Evangelical Church Society of the West]; with mergers became the Deutsche Evangelische Synode des Westens [German Evangelical Synod of the West] (1866); after additional mergers became the Deutsche Evangelische Synode von Nord-Amerika [German Evangelical Synod of North America] (1877); dropped “German” from that name in 1925; merged with the General Synod of the (German) Reformed Church in the United States to become the Evangelical and Reformed Church (1934); and in 1957 merged with the General Council of Congregational Christian Churches to become the United Church of Christ (UCC).
Abstract: Contents: A Brief History of the Evangelical Synod of North America by Scott Holl, Archivist at Eden Theological Seminary (2008) — A Brief History of the Evangelical Synod, by Scott Holl, Assistant Librarian, Luhr Library, Eden Theological Seminary (2006) — The United Church of Christ’s German Evangelical Connection: documents from the library and archives at Eden Theological Seminary [bibliography to accompany an exhibit] — The Stones Cry Out: congregations of the Evangelical Synod of North America in the City of Saint Louis, 1834-2005, an exhibit presented by The Archives of the Evangelical Synod of North America and the Luhr Library, Eden Theological Seminary (St. Louis, MO) — Der Friedensbote: special anniversary issue [on the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Evangelical Synod of North America], St. Louis, Missouri, January 1990 — Lutheran versus German Evangelical congregations (St. Louis County Library website) — Timeline flowchart: German-American Background for the Rise and Development of the Kirchenverein des Westens (from Schneider, Carl, The German Church on the American Frontier) — Timeline flowchart: Origins of the United Church of Christ (based on Schneider, redrawn by Holl, Scott, 2006) — Historical Information about the United Church of Christ (St. Louis (MO) County Library website, accessed 20181016) — Short Course in the History of the United Church of Christ (from UCC website, accessed 20181016)
MKI P2016-02
Religion/ Churches/ Evangelical Synod of North America (UCC)/ History/ Deutscher Evangelischer Kirchenverein des Westens
“The German Freethinkers.” 15 pp.
Abstract: The history of the German Free Congregations (Freien Gemeinden) began in Germany in the period of 1840-46, when both Protestant and Catholic groups revolted against authoritarianism in church government and in theological dogma, and withdrew from their orthodox churches to become independent groups. Those members who came to the United States brought with them the principles of independence of the congregation and freedom of thought for the individual which became basic in the organizations formed in thirty Wisconsin communities. The story of these independent-thinking societies belongs in the history of movements which have contributed to intellectual and religious liberalism. Their rational philosophy, democratic practices, nineteenth century science, and humanism were strong influences upon the beliefs of the Freien Gemeinden. For instance, the Freie Gemeinde of Sauk County was founded in 1852. One of the prime movers during the early years was Eduard Schroeter, who devoted his career to the free-thought movement. Schroeter, Eduard, 1811-1888
MKI P88-63
Freethinkers/ Wisconsin/ Forty-eighters.
“A German In the Civil War: Lincoln’s Secretary, John George Nicolay.” Infoblatt, vol. 23, no. 1, Spring 2014, pp. 8-9.
Notes: German American Heritage Center, Davenport, Iowa.
Abstract: Nicolay was born in Essingen; at the age of six he emigrated with his family to America, settling in Cincinnati. He became the editor, publisher, and owner of the Pike County Free Press in Pittsfield, Illinois. He was active in the newly formed Republican party, and worked as assistant to the secretary for the state of Illinois, coming frequently into contact with Abraham Lincoln. In 1861, Lincoln appointed Nicolay as his private secretary, the first official act of Lincoln’s new administration.
MKI Periodicals
Civil War, 1861-1865 — German Americans/ Nicolay, John George, 1832-1901
German Letter-Writing Guide. Salt Lake City, UT: Family History Library, 7 pp.
Notes: Downloaded from website, URL: http://www.familysearch.org/Eng/Search/RG/guide/LGGerman.ASP.
Abstract: “This guide is for researchers who do not speak German but must write to Germany, Austria, or parts of Switzerland to request genealogical records.” Includes preparatory advice, how to address envelopes, what to expect in the way of a response, and a list of sentences used in letters inquiring about genealogical records along with German translations of these sentences.
MKI P2004-4
German language — Writing/ Genealogy
German Life. LaVale, MD: Zeitgeist Publishing. Vol. 1 — , no. 1 [June/July 1994 –] –.
Journal Whole. Available by subscription, see website for full information.
Gift subscription donated by Philip Graupner.
German Life is a bi-monthly magazine written for all interested in the diversity of German culture, past and present, and in the various ways that North America has been shaped by its German element. The magazine is dedicated to solid reporting on cultural, historical, social, and political events. MKI Periodicals German Americans — History — Periodicals/ Germany
“German Naming Patterns and Naming Oddities through the Centuries.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 24, no. 3, Jan./Feb./Mar. 2007, pp. 118-122.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
MKI Periodicals
Germans/ Names, Personal — German/ Genealogy
“German Prisoners During World War II.” Pommerscher Verein Freistadt Rundschreiben, September 2015, pp. 2.
Abstract: A short article describing the German POWs in camps and working in local agriculture near Freistadt, Wisconsin.
MKI Periodicals
Freistadt (Wis.)/ History/ World War, 1939-1945/ Prisoners of war
“German Religious Influence on Milwaukee’s Catholic History.” Perspektiven, vol. 1, no. 2, Spring 2002.
Notes: Goethe House of Wisconsin.
Abstract: “John Martin Henni, a Swiss-born clergyman who was the first bishop of Milwaukee….was to turn Milwaukee into a national center of German Catholicism.”
MKI Periodicals
Religion/ Milwaukee (Wis.)/ German Americans — Wisconsin/ Catholics/ Catholic Church
“German-Speaking Catholics in Bay View Start Their Own Parish in Which to Pray.” Perspektiven, vol. 5, no. 3, Summer 2006, pp. 10-11, ill.
Notes: Goethe House of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wis. From “A Short History of St. Augustine’s Parish, 1888-1913”.
Abstract: “German-speaking Catholics in Bay View [Wisconsin] in 1887 wanted a parish of their own, so they bought land, won approval from a Bavarian immigrant archbishop, and a year later were able to celebrate Mass in German in their new church.”
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Wisconsin/ Milwaukee (Wis.)/ Catholic Church/ Catholics
Germania-Weihnachtsklaenge. Die schoensten und volksthuemlichsten Weihnachstlieder fuer eine Singstimme mit Klavierbegleitung. Milwaukee, Wis.: Germania Publishing Company, [19–]. 8 pp.
Notes: Donated by Kevin Knitt on behalf of the Stevens Point Area Genealogical Society.
MKI P2014-3
PIA/ Music/ Christmas / Hymns, German
Germanic Genealogy Journal. St. Paul, MN: Germanic Genealogy Society. Vol. 1 — , no. 1 (Winter 1998) — .
Articles in English. Initial issue has title Germanic Genealogist. Benefit of membership in the Society, indexed on website. Library holdings may vary.
MKI has vol. 1, no. 1 (Winter 1998) to present. Issues for 2019 are double: Spring-Summer and Fall-Winter. Also at Wisconsin Historical Society.
Articles, often written by GGS members, focus on a variety of topics including: research strategies, summaries of GGS presentations, reports on genealogical travel, book reviews, historical information and member’s success stories. Includes index of articles appearing in other German-American and genealogy periodicals. Issue 4 of each volume contains the index of all articles published in the volume.
MKI Periodicals German Americans — Genealogy — Periodicals/ Germanic Genealogy Society
“Germans and German-Americans.” In Personal Justice Denied: Report of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians. Washington, D.C.: The Commission, 1983, pp. 283-293.
MKI P86-129 / MEM D 769.8 .A6 P47 1983
World War, 1939-1945 — German Americans/ Germans/ Anti-German sentiment
“Germans and the Civil War.” The Journal (German-Texan Heritage Society), vol. 32, no. 1, Spring 2010, pp. 35-36.
Notes: “Taken from the publication of the Archives and Records program of the Texas General Land Office, Saving Texas History. . . . This particular edition covered Germans to Texas.”.
Abstract: Relates the story of Ferdinand Simon, who left Darmstadt and arrived in Texas in 1845. He signed German Immigration Contract #1871 with the Adelsverein, which entitled him to 160 acres of land in Bexar County in the Republic of Texas. “In 1862, the Confederate Conscription Act passed, requiring that all able-bodied men volunteer for service in the Confederate Army. This was a strong reminder of what many of the German immigrants fled from in Europe. German immigrants did not support the decision to secede from the Union. Many of them had already experienced the threat of conscription in Germany and did not want to have the same experience with the Confederate Army. To show their loyalty to the Union, the Hill Country Union Loyal League was formed, [consisting] predominantly of German-Texan members. . . In April 1862, Confederate troops were sent to enforce conscription laws and extinguish the Union Loyal League.” Ferdinand Simon was wounded at what is known as the Neuces [River] Massacre; he was captured and sentenced to death as an enemy of the Confederate States of America, although martial laws was suspended before his execution was to be carried out. The bodies of those killed at the Nueces Rive massacre were brought to Comfort, Texas, where a monument honors their memory.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Texas/ History/ 19th century/ Civil War, 1861-1865 — German Americans
“Germans to America: 300 Years of Immigration 1683-1983. (Exhibition) / A Poster Series of the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations, Stuttgart.” Germany: Cantz.
Notes: Design by Hans Peter Hoch.
Abstract: Fourteen numbered posters, plus unnumbered “cover” poster
MKI Map Case
Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)
Geschichte der evangelisch-lutherischen Schule der Gemeinde zum heiligen Kreuz, 1849-1899. St. Louis, Mo.: 1899. [16] pp., ill.
Abstract: Contents: Kurzer Abriss der fuenfzigjaehrigen Geschichte der evang.-lutherischen Schule zum heiligen Kreuz (images of Pastor C. C. Schmidt; Lehrer H. Erck, geb. 8. April 1826, gest. 10. April 1891; Lehrer Reinhold Koerner, geb. 8. April 1820, gest. 27 September 1897; Die alte Schule an Potomac Strasse) — Verzeichnis der Schueler. Schuljahr 1898 auf 1899 (images of Die gegenwaertigen Lehrer: G. H. Runge, Theo. Weseloh, C. Backhaus, F. Schlund, Frl. E. Hoelter, H. F. Hoelter; Die neue Schule an Ohio Ave.; Das erste Schulgebaeude an Jefferson Ave.).
MKI P84-63
PIA/ Lutheran Church/ St. Louis (Mo.)/ Schools/ History
Gesetze des Staates Wisconsin in Bezug auf Towns und Townbeamte, Beschatzung und Steuer-Erhebung, Landstrassen und Bruecken, und Gemeinde-Schulen. Milwaukee, Wis.: [Wisconsin State Legislature], 1850. 132 pp.
Notes: Donated by Cynthia Roth “in honor of her grandparents Evelyn and Milton Jacobsen and Meta and William Kreuder,” 1988; on title page: Auf Anordnung der Legislatur nach dem englischen Originale in’s Deutsch übersetzt; Moritz Schöffler, Friedrich Fratny und Ernst F. Herzberg, Druck-Committee; cover is missing and pages are loose, last pages are missing.
Abstract: A translation into German of Wisconsin state laws concerning towns and town clerks, money affairs and taxes, highways and bridges, and schools.
MKI P88-115
PIA/ Law/ Wisconsin
“Getting Familiar with All Those German ‘Administration’ Words.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 30, no. 1, July/Aug./Sept. 2012, pp. 18-19.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
Abstract: Discusses German words referring to administrative subdivisions: Land, Amt, Kreis, (Regierungs)bezirk, and others
MKI Periodicals
Genealogy/ Germany/ Language, German
“Goethe House a Viable Legacy of Frank P. Zeidler.” Perspektiven, vol. 5, no. 4, Fall 2006, pp. 5, ill.
Notes: Goethe House of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wis.
Abstract: Provides Zeidler’s story of the founding of Goethe House of Wisconsin in Milwaukee.
MKI Periodicals
Zeidler, Frank P., 1912-2006/ Milwaukee (Wis.)/ German Americans — Wisconsin
“The Golden Age of the American Cigar: How German Americans Puffed Along.” Infoblatt, vol. 16, no. 2, Spring 2011, pp. 6-8, ill.
Notes: German American Heritage Center, Davenport, Iowa.
Abstract: “In 1885 Iowa ranked 14th in cigar production and . . . Davenport boasted 32 factories, up from a mere three registered in the City Directory of 1861. . . . The largest factory in Iowa was owned by the German immigrant Nicholas Kuhnen and was located at Perry and Second streets in Davenport.” Other German immigrants who produced cigars in Davenport include Ferdinand Haak and Peter N. Jacobsen.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Iowa/ 19th century/ 20th century/ Business & Industry/ Davenport (Iowa)
“Goldene Jubelfeier von Grand Island in Nebraska.” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 7, 1907, pp. 155-156.
MKI Periodicals
“Goldenes Fest des Concordia-Gesangvereins in Peoria.” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 8, 1908, pp. 159.
MKI Periodicals
Festivals/ Societies
“Good Advice against Bad Actors on New York’s Shores.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 22, no. 4, Apr./May/June 2005, pp. 178-179, ill.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
Abstract: Excerpts from a guidebook for potential emigrants written by F. W. Bogen and published in 1851. The focus is on avoiding greedy merchants, swindlers, and others who would take advantage of inexperienced and naive newcomers.
MKI Periodicals
Immigrants, German/ 19th century/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Economic aspects/ Ships/ New York (N.Y.)/ Life skills guides
Gott ist fuer uns. Hayward, Calif.: Tree of Life Publications. Vol. 20, 2011, 96 pp. On title page: Andachten fuer jeden Tag Juni bis August 2011. On title page verso: Published in North America under license from Concordia Verlag, Zwickau, Germany MKI P2011-19 PIA/ Prayers/ Lutheran Church
“Grant and Essay Prize Winners.” German-Canadian Studies Newsletter, vol. 13, no. 2, July 2008, pp. 1-3, ill.
Notes: https://www.uwinnipeg.ca/german-canadian/research/newsletter-archives.html.
Abstract: Winners of the 2008 German-Canadian Studies Research Studies Grants, funded by the Spletzer Family Foundation (Winnipeg): Esther de Leeuw is exploring how migrants’ pronunciation of their language changes after the long-term use of a second language; Nikolai Penner is studying the use of High German among different groups of Russian Mennonites in Canada; Ulrike Marie Ehrenberg is beginning a comparative study of the Canadian and German press coverage of the so-called “Mulroney-Schreiber saga”; and Pastor Horst Gutsche is collecting information about congregations still using German in their services and other activities.
MKI Periodicals
German Canadians/ Mennonites/ Low German dialect/ Language, German (Canada) — Dialects/ Research
“Guide to Indiana Amish Country.” Heritage Country, vol. 4, no. 2, 1983.
Abstract: “Heritage Country” magazine is published twice a year at Middlebury, Indiana
MKI P84-75
Amish/ Indiana
“Gustav Laabs [Nachruf].” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 9, 1909, pp. 108.
MKI Periodicals
Guten Appetit: Kochen und Kultur (Cooking and Culture). Traditional German Recipes. Milwaukee: German Fest Milwaukee Inc., 2003. 144 pp.
Notes: Presented by the Societies of German Fest, Milwaukee, Inc.; donated by Wilma Giese, Milwaukee Committee of Americans of German Descent and World Citizen, 2000.
Abstract: Presents recipes from various geographical areas of Germany, along with brief descriptions of nearly forty German-ethnic organizations in Wisconsin.
MKI P2003-15
Cookbooks/ Societies, etc./ German Americans/ Wisconsin
“Harmonia Hall in Waumandee, Wisconsin Placed on the National and State Historical Register of Historic Places.” Society for German-American Studies Newsletter, vol. 30, no. 2, [June] 2009, pp. 13-14, ill.
Notes: SGAS.
Abstract: Harmonia Hall in Waumandee, Buffalo County, Wisconsin, was built in 1890 by Joseph Schaefer of Arcadia, Wisconsin, and it served as the meeting place for members of freethinker immigrants from Germany and Switzerland. Article includes information gleaned from local German-language newspapers concerning the building’s construction, dedication ceremonies, and social gatherings and concerts held at the site.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Wisconsin/ Societies, etc./ Music/ Waumandee (Wis.) — History/ Wisconsin — Buffalo County/ Freethinkers
Heilmittel: Honig als Heilmittel. Mein Vater hatte Herzwassersucht.
Notes: Newspaper clippings
MKI P94-16
PIA/ Medicine & Health/ Folks-medicine
“Heinrich Emil Mannhardt [Nachruf].” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 11, 1911, pp. 124-128.
MKI Periodicals
“Heinrich Kenkel, Milwaukee [Nachruf].” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 8, 1908, pp. 127.
MKI Periodicals
“The Heinrich Rothe Ranching Family: From Beads to Barbwire—150 Years in Texas, 1854-2004. A Narrative and Pictorial History of Christoph Gottlieb Heinrich Rothe (1793–1872) and Emilie Rosa Wurzbach (1815–1872) and their descendants (1838–2004).” The Journal (German-Texan Heritage Society), vol. 26, no. 3, Fall 2004, pp. 219-233, ill.
Abstract: Selected pages from the family history. Heinrich and Emilie emigrated from Warmensteinach, Bavaria, to Texas in 1854. Includes a letter in transliteration and translation written in 1854 describing the death of Emilie only fourteen days in their new country, as well as transliterations and translations for several handwritten notes wishing the Rothes’ well in their new life, written by friends and family before their departure.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Texas/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Texas/ 19th century/ Business & Industry/ Rothe/ Family History
“Helvetia Club von New York.” Amerikanischer Schweizer-Kalender, vol. 48, 1928, pp. 83-86, ill.
Abstract: “Die Schweizerkolonie von New York darf heute stolz sein, ein eigenes, vornehm eingerichtetes Klubhaus, gen. der ‘Helvetia Club,’ an No. 45 West 52nd Street, New York City. . . zu besitzen.” Photos of the Billard and Jasszimmer, the Chalet Swiss Restaurant, and the Konzertsaal.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Swiss Americans/ Societies, etc.
“Henry A. Bielefeld (Henry Bielfeld).” Milwaukee Turner, vol. 11, no. 6, 1941, p. 5.
Abstract: A biographical sketch of the first city clerk who was also a poet. Bielfeld, Heinrich A., 1818-1882
MKI P88-70
“Henry Panzer. Ein Pionier der Koerpererziehung.” Amerikanischer Schweizer-Kalender, vol. 53, 1933, pp. 86-87, ill.
Abstract: Obituary of Herny Panzer, president of the Panzer College of Physical Education and Hygiene in East Orange, New Jersey. He was born in 1868 in Solothurn, Switzerland, and came to the United States in 1904.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Swiss Americans/ Obituaries/ Education/ Health/ New Jersey/ Physical education
Heritage Map: A Travel and Research Companion. Emigration, Historic Sites, Travel, Tourist Information. Covers Bremen, Bremerhaven, Cuxhaven, Oldenburg, Delmenhorst and Some Provinces of Hanover. Oldenburg, Germany: Research & Travel, Dr. Grams, 2003.
Notes: Donated by Dr. Wolfgang Grams, Nov. 2003.
Abstract: Also includes information on former emigrant agencies, museums and exhibits on emigration, migration patterns, biographical portraits, and interesting stories and facts.
MKI P2003-32
Travel/ Maps/ Germany, Emigration and immigration
Hermann and Gasconade County, Missouri : Miscellanea. [Missouri].
Dates vary. Historic Hermann Museum Gift Shop paper bag with contents: tourist booklets: “Hermann Area Visitor” 2011 (175th anniversary commemorative edition), 2014 — single panel: Early history of Hermann — biographical pamphlet: “George Frederick Bayer, 1800-1839” — pamphlet: Bayer walking tour — pamphlet: Guide to Hermann Missouri special events, 2015 — pamphlet and bookmark: “The Missouri State Archives” — bookmark: The State Historical Society of Missouri — promotional card: “Deutschheim State Historic Site” — promotional card: “Historic Hermann’s Museum at the German School” — promotional card: “Hermann, for a Joyous Old-World Christmas” — promotional card: “The Hermann Wine Trail” — promotional card: “Gasconade County Historical Society Museum” — business card: “Gasconade County Historical Society” — promotional postcard: “Gasconade County Historical Society’s 2014 Speaker Series” — promotional postcard: “Hermann, Missouri” with statue of Hermann [Arminius] — color postcards (2) with views of Hermann — handout: Missouri State Parks, Deutschheim State Historic Site, German Americana, 1830-1890 — Historic Hermann Museum guide, “Willkommen to our Museum.” Donated by J Tiedemann, 2014, 2015.
Miscellaneous materials collected during visits to Hermann in October 2014, April 2015.
MKI P2014-10.
Hermann (Mo.) — Description and travel — Miscellanea./ German Americans — Missouri — Gasconade County — History — 19th century — Sources./ Missouri — History — Sources./ Hermann (Mo.) — History — Pictorial works.
Hermann Apostel Band, Then & Now.Hermann Apostel Band. Hermann, MO : Historic Hermann, Inc., 2014. 1 sound disc ; 4 3/4 in. + tri-fold insert.
Contents: Spoken introduction / Terry Loehnig (auf Deutsch) — Life in Hermann Schottische — Was ist des Deutschen Vaterland / G. Reichardt — Quickstep aus Dame Blancke — When the Leaves Begin to Turn / Charles A. White — Concert Polka a Monsieur Julien — Die lustige Marketenderin Polka — Die Wacht am Rhein / Karl Wilhelm — Michael Poeschel Quickstep — Guten Morgen Herr Fischer — Tartaren Galap — Die Post im Walde / Heinrich Schaeffer — Wenn ich einmal der Herrgott waer / Carl Binder — Apostel Band Polka. Title from insert; includes “Historic Hermann Museum”. Tri-fold insert contains history and musicology of band and works. Recorded, edited and mastered by Rob Boullion, LinderVox, Columbia, MO. Donated by J Tiedemann, 2014.
The original Apostel Band, logically twelve players, is believed to have been founded in Hermann in 1882. In 1885 the band members purchased a set of instruments from Mainz (http://www.hermannhill.com/apostle-band.htm). Original manuscript band scores were re-discovered in Hermann in 2008 by John Layman. The works were revised and arranged for modern band instruments and notation by Alan Nellis. The majority of the material on this disc was originally composed for the Hermann band. While the names of the first members of that band are known, it is not known who, or even whether band member or not, composed and notated the music.
MKI P2019-05 (audio CD).
German Americans — Music./ Hermann Apostel Band (Hermann, Mo.) — History.
Hessen-Wisconsin sister-state documents.
MKI P2002-23
Wisconsin/ Germany
“Historic St. Nicholas Church, Dacada, Wisconsin, Celebrates Its 100th Birthday in 2011.” Luxembourg American Gazette, vol. 6, no. 1, Winter 2011, pp. 14-15, ill.
Abstract: The church houses “what many consider the most precious artifact of Luxembourg heritage in America–a statue of Our Lady of Luxembourg” brought to America from Luxembourg by the Deppiesse family in 1849.
MKI Periodicals
Luxembourg Americans — Wisconsin/ Churches/ Wisconsin — Ozaukee County
“A History of Wisconsin Jews.” [31] pp.
Notes: Chapter from a book, source not mentioned.
Abstract: Includes an historical background: Jewish immigration to Wisconsin, mention of religion, socialism and zionism in the Jewish community. Between 1925 and 1950 the character of Wisconsin’s Jewish community changed and evolved in response to pressures from both within itself and from political, social, and economic developments throughout contemporary society.
MKI P91-22
Jews/ Wisconsin/ History.
Hiwwe wie Driwwe. Ober-Olm, Germany ; Kutztown, PA: Deutsch-Pennsylvanisches Archiv & Pennsylvania German Cultural Heritage Center, Kutztown University . Vol. 1 — , no. 1 (1997) — .
Journal Whole. In “Pennsylvaanisch-Deitsch.”
MKI has: Vol. 18, no. 2 (Winter 2014), Vol. 19, no. 1 (Summer 2015). The only periodical published completely in Pennsylvania-German dialect “serving the interests of Pennsylvania Germans and Palatinates on both sides of the Atlantic,” this publication is sent to dialect authors and other speakers of the dialect in the U.S.A., Canada and the Rhenish Palatinate and also to cultural and scientific institutions in North America and Germany. It contains news articles, announcements, cultural and historical information, stories, poems, and language lessons.
MKI Periodicals
Pennsylvania-German dialect/ Pennsylvania Germans/ Periodicals
Hollerbeier Haven: Newsletter for the Herbal and Healing Arts. Kempton, PA: Three Sisters Center for the Healing Arts. Vol. 1, no. 4 (Feb. 2008), 19 pp., ill.
Journal Whole. “The Three Sisters Center for the Healing Arts [Kempton, PA] is recording stories, interviews, memories, and knowledge of the healing traditions of Pow-wow or Braucherei.”
Contents: “The Flame of the Spirit at Lichtmess,” by Jesse Tobin — “Sohia, Creater of the Dutch,” by Jesse Tobin — “Spring Cleaning,” by Susan Hess — “Voices of the Elders,” by Lauren Sicher — “Yggdrasil and the Origins of the Runes,” by Patrick Donmoyer — “Planting Seeds and Bursting Forth” — “Susan’s Spring Tonic Soup” — “Hot Bacon Dressing” — “Dandelion, Taraxacum officinalis, Lion’s tooth, piss-a-bett” — “Spinning the Flax Tale,” by Susan Hess — “From ‘Nanny’s Remedy Book’: Mustard Plaster, Mustard Footbath” — “In Our Own Words,” by Matthew Sicher — “A Collection of Old Time Wart Cures.”
MKI P2008-1
Medicine & Health/ Pennsylvania Germans/ German Americans — Pennsylvania/ Folks-medicine/ Folklore
Holy Redeemer Parish [Memorial booklets]. [Madison, Wis.: s.n., 1932, 1983]. 40, [24] pp.
Notes: Diamond Jubilee, 1857-1932 and 125th anniversary, 1857-1983; donated by Juergen Eichhoff
MKI P2001-29
Catholic Church/ Madison (Wis.)
How German-Americans Helped Shape the Educational System in the United States. [Madison, WI: Max Kade Institute for German-American Studies, ]. 10 pp.
Abstract: An essay to accompany an exhibition that examines how Germans and German Americans contributed to the making of the American school system, focusing upon early influences until 1900.
MKI P2004-32
Education/ German Americans/ Social influence/ German influence/ Schools
“How to Behave under the Direction of the Chorus Master.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 26, no. 3, Jan./Feb./Mar. 2009, pp. 120, ill.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
Abstract: From the German-language newspaper, California Journal, August 14, 1925, on the occasion of the Pazific Saengerfest in San Francisco. The poem, Saenger Disziplin, was written by Dr. Kleinmann of the Schweriner Liedertafel. It is provided in German with an English translation by Ingeborg Carpenter.
MKI Periodicals
Songs/ Societies, etc./ German Americans/ Music/ 20th century
“Ice Houses in Old Order Settlements.” Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, vol. 9, no. 1, Winter 2002, pp. 19-21.
Notes: Millersville University.
Abstract: Excerpts from Die Botschaft and The Budget.
MKI Periodicals
Pennsylvania Dutch — Social life and customs/ Mennonites
Ich kann Pennsylvania Deitsh laysa. [Sugar Creek, Ohio]: Committee for Translation, c1994. 18 pp., ill.
On cover: A Self-teaching Primer.
“You have spoken Pennsylvania Deitsh all your life, now teach yourself to read it. . . . each page introduces a new vowel.”
Donated by Phil Webber.
Illinois Staats-Zeitung Kalender. Chicago, Ill.: Illinois Staats-Zeitung Co., 1900.
Holdings: 1900
MKI P89-16
PIA/ Calendars & Almanacs
Illustrierter Apostel-Kalender 1925. St. Nazianz, Wis.: Gesellschaft des Goettlichen Heilandes (Salvatorian Fathers). Vol. 40, 1925, 91 pp., ill. (1 col.).
On cover: Apostelkalender, Preis 25 Cents, Made in Germany; donated by Susan Strang, 2005; there is a hole in the center of the last few pages of advertisements and the back cover.
Partial contents: “Der Schatten der Steppe. Aus den Schreckenstagen der russischen Revolution.” Von P. Willibrord Menke; “Aus dem Leben unseres Heiligen Vaters Papst Pius XI.” Von P. Ogerius Bartsch; “Der Kreuzkaspar auf der Hasenjagd.” Erzaehlt von Reimmichl; “Unsere Zimmerpflanzen.” Von August Knobel; “Welt-Rundschau.”
MKI P2005-13
PIA/ Calendars & Almanacs/ Catholics
Illustrierter Familien-Kalender fuer das Jahr 1924. Ein Jahrbuch fuer Unterhaltung und Information. [S.l.: s.n., 1923?]. 160 pp., ill.
Notes: Title on cover: Familien Kalender 1924; donated by Sheboygan County Historical Research Center.
Abstract: Partial contents: Zum Neuen Jahr [von] Frida Schanz / Still sinkt die heilige Nacht [von] Viktor Bluethgen / Friede–nein, noch immer Hass auf Erden–Welt-Rundschau / Lufverkehr im Jahre 1923 [von] G. L. Scheffer / Sternauge [von] Zachris Topelius / Die grosse Erfindung [von] F. Clemens / Der moderne Kroesus [von] Wilhelm C. Laube / Zudringliche Mitbewohner [von] Dr. E. Bade / Warum ist das Singen so gesund [von] R. Buerger / Immer bei den ersten Flocken [von] Arthur Meltzer / Grosspapa [von] Paul Bliss / Eine leere Drohung [von] D. F. Franzelly / Die Herstellung von Tapeten [von] Rudolf Hartmann / Das Reich der Hausfrau / Wie sollen unsere Kinder spielen / Die Pflege der Zaehne und des Mundes [von] Dr. Med. F. Dumstrey / Marias Fruehlingsfahrt [von] Balduin Groller / Wie man amerikanischer Buerger wird.
MKI P2005-4
Calendars & Almanacs
“Im Feuer gelaeutert.” Illustrierter Jugendblaetter-Kalender fuer das christliche Haus auf das Jahr unseres Herrn 1896. Reading, Pa.; New York: Pilger Buchhhandlung, 1895, pp. 8-33, ill.
Notes: Im Feuer geläutert / Illustrierter Jugendblätter-Kalender für das christliche Haus auf das Jahr unseres Herrn 1896.
Abstract: A religious story. “Brennende Scham und ohnmächtige Wut wogte in ihm! erIn rohefter Weise verjagt, ja selbst geschlagen, er, der einst in /deutschland jedes beleidigende Wort nach Kavaliersart geahndet hätte! Noch nicht lange war er in Amerika, sein eigener Vater, der als Gutsherr, welche für 1,000,000 Mark Einkommensteuer bezahlte, nicht nur grossen Einflus besass, sondern auch als Landrat die gerichtliche Oberhoheit des Kreises besass, hatte ihn mit geringen Mitteln aufs Auswanderschiff spediern lassen und ihm verboten, je etwas von sich hoern zu lassen, ausser, wenn er ein brauchbarer mensche geworden wäre.. . . Ludwig ahnte nicht, dass sein Vater Geld an eines Freundes Sohn, der in der grossen Stadt Chicago lebte, gesandt habe, mit dem brieflichen Bescheid, seinen Sohn in allen Notlagen zu unterstützen, wenn derselbe zu ihm kommen were, d. h. so lange sein Sohn Ludwig nicht mit den Gerichten in Konflikt gerate sei; sei das Letzterer eingetreten, so wolle er lieber einen toten Sohn, als einen ungeratenen Sohn.”
MKI PIA Reading, PA
Children’s literature/ Juvenile/ PIA/ Protestant
“Im Jahre 1842 von St. Louis nach Detroit. Aus dem Reisebericht eines Wiener Domkapitulars.” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 8, 1908, pp. 115-118.
Notes: Aus “Die Amerika” vom 29. März 1908.
MKI Periodicals
Immanuel Ev. Lutheran Church, Marcus and Lexington Avenues, St. Louis, Missouri, 1934: Palm Sunday. St. Louis: Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1934. 4 pp.
Abstract: Announcements, Special Services at Immanuel, shows that four were provided also in German (9:00 a.m. Good Friday, 9:00 a.m Easter, 9:00 a.m. Reunion, and 9:00 a.m Holy Thursday Easter).
MKI P2011-14
German Americans — Missouri/ 20th century/ Religion/ Lutheran Church
“Immigrant Entrepreneurship Project.” Yearbook of German-American Studies, vol. 48, 2013, pp. 59-164.
Notes: Includes bibliographical references.
Abstract: Family Ties in Beer Business: August Krug, Joseph Schlitz and the Uihleins / Uwe Spiekermann — Keeping it in the Family: the Schoellkopfs and Serial Entrpreneurship Across Generations / Benjamin Schwantes — German-American Banking Firms and American Development, 1860-1945, An Overview / Atiba Pertilla.
Yearbook of German-American Studies
Business & Industry/ German Americans
Immigrant Genealogical Society Newsletter. Burbank, CA : Immigrant Genealogical Society. no. 1 (1982?) — .
Journal Whole. Benefit of membership in Society.
Library holdings may vary.
MKI has: No. 24 (April 1985) – present. Also at Wisconsin Historical Society library. Some issues 2007-2013 available online (https://immigrantgensoc.org/?page_id=34). The Immigrant Genealogical Society (IGS) was founded in 1982 to help Americans trace their ancestors’ origins, particularly in the German speaking areas of Europe and the places in the world to which they migrated. The society maintains a genealogical research library, publishes a newsletter and two journals, and offers searches of its holdings for users worldwide, see website. The Newsletter contains brief articles primarily about the items in the library and the names contained therein, along with other resources.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Genealogy/ Immigrant Genealogical Society
“Immigrant Stories: Part 1.” Germanic Genealogy Journal, vol. 6, no. 2, Summer 2003, pp. 6-13, 28-29.
Abstract: Brief stories submitted by Germanic Genealogy Society members. Includes an index of surnames and localities.
MKI Periodicals
Immigrants, German/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-Canada)
“Immigrant Stories: Part 2.” Germanic Genealogy Journal, vol. 6, no. 3, Fall 2003, pp. 11-15, ill.
Abstract: Brief stories submitted by Germanic Genealogy Society members. Includes an index of surnames and localities.
MKI Periodicals
Immigrants, German/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-Canada)
“Immigrant Stories: Part 3.” Germanic Genealogy Journal, vol. 6, no. 4, Winter 2003, pp. 10-15, 22-25, ill.
Abstract: Brief stories submitted by Germanic Genealogy Society members. Includes an index of surnames and localities.
MKI Periodicals
Immigrants, German/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)
“Immigration Contracts in the General Land Office.” The Journal (German-Texan Heritage Society), vol. 32, no. 1, Spring 2010, pp. 33-34, ill.
Notes: “Taken from the publication of the Archives and Records program of the Texas General Land Office, Saving Texas History. . . . This particular edition covered Germans to Texas”.
Abstract: A large number of German-speaking immigrants arrived in Texas during the years 1844 through 1847, primarily because of the Society for the Protection of German Immigrants to Texas, or Adelsverein. “The immigration contracts for the Adelsverein, totaling 2,650 individual contracts, are housed at the Texas General Land Office.”
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Texas/ History/ 19th century/ Immigrants, German/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)
Impressum: Internationale Zeitschrift für auslandsdeutsche Literatur und Presse, vol. 1, no. 1, 1983.
MKI P88-75
In Gottes Hut. Ein Bilderbuechlein fuer Christenkinder mit Liedern und Erzaehlungen. Chicago: Wartburg Publishing House, n.d. 116 pp., ill. (some col.)
Notes: Inscribed on back cover: George Freitag.
MKI P84-90
PIA/ Children’s literature/ Religious
“In Memoriam.” Society for the History of the Germans in Maryland, vol. 26th Report, 1945, pp. 51-54.
Abstract: Short obituary notices as follows: Louise C. DuBrau (by F. O. Evers), Carl W. Prior (by C. L. Nitze), John G. Tjarks (by F. O. Evers), Anthony Walter Kraus (by A. W. Kraus, Jr.), Emil Budnitz (by C. F. Stein, Jr.)
MKI Periodicals / SHS F 190 .G3 S6
“In Memoriam.” Society for the History of the Germans in Maryland, vol. 27th Report, 1950, pp. 74-78.
Abstract: Short obituary notices as follows: Rev. John G. Hacker (by R. L. Slingluff), Herman Louis Ebeling (by E. J. Becker), George Frederick Dederer (by E. F. Engelbert), Alfons von Wyszecki (by R. L. Slingluff), Frederick H. Hennighausen (by C. F. Stein, Jr.), Arthur H. Deute (by C. H. Miegel)
MKI Periodicals / SHS F 190 .G3 S6
“In Memoriam.” Society for the History of the Germans in Maryland, vol. 28th Report, 1953, pp. 86-92.
Abstract: Short obituary notices as follows: Albert Bernhardt Faust (by Dieter Cunz), Hans Schuler (by Col. James P. Wharton), John F. Pruess (by Frieda McCullough), Frederick J. Singley (by Herbert F. Kuenne), Albert Louis Heil (by Fritz O. Evers), Charles Schmidt (by Lewis Kurtz), William Gustave Polack (by A. R. Suelflow)
MKI Periodicals / SHS F 190 .G3 S6
“In Memoriam.” Society for the History of the Germans in Maryland, vol. 29th Report, 1956, pp. 70-83.
Abstract: Short obituary notices as follows: H. L. Mencken (by Carl Bode), Arno C. Schirokauer (by Stanley N. Werbow), Gustav Strube (by Otto H. Franke), Otto M. DuBrau (by Adolf C. Dreyer), Ignaz Wilhelm Diepgen (by Paul G. Gleis), Henry L. Wienefeld (by Fritz O. Evers), Jacob Gross, Jr. (by Edward T. Miller), William Schmidt, Jr. (by Georg Pausch), Charles Alvin Riebling (by Frederick Riebling), Paul G. Gleis (by Augustus J. Prahl), Hermann G. Winkler (by Dieter Cunz)
MKI Periodicals / SHS F 190 .G3 S6
“In Memoriam.” Society for the History of the Germans in Maryland, vol. 30th Report, 1959, pp. 115-120.
Abstract: Short obituary notices as follows: William Kurrelmeyer (by Edward H. Sehrt), Charles Hermann Miegel (by Fritz O. Evers), Hans Raid (by Klaus G. Wust), Hans Karl Weber (by Paul Hessemer), Frederick William Moritz Florenz (by “E. G. F.”), Robert T. Clark (by Oskar Seidlin), Hans W. Constadt.
MKI Periodicals / SHS F 190 .G3 S6
“In Memoriam.” Society for the History of the Germans in Maryland, vol. 31st Report, 1963, pp. 94-105.
Abstract: Short obituary notices as follows: Edward Althausen (by Dieter Cunz), Ernest Fadum (by E. F. Engelbert), William F. Hilgenberg, John G. Johannesen (by Janet Gibbs), John C. Kump, Lewis Kurtz (by O. H. Franke), William F. Lahner, John C. Munder, John A. Potthast, Otto H. Schauermann, Edwin A. Spilman, Bruno Stein (by Klaus G. Wust), Edward Uhlenhuth, Carl Wagenfuehrer (by Henry J. Thau)
MKI Periodicals / SHS F 190 .G3 S6
“In the Beginning Were the Swindlers.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 21, no. 3, Jan./Feb./Mar. 2004, pp. 135-137, ill.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
Abstract: Includes a translation of a letter written in 1883 by a disappointed immigrant to the Chicagoer Arbeiter-Zeitung, “warning his countrymen of the false promises made by swindlers acting as immigrant agents in Germany”; also a caricature showing the perils of succumbing to the wiles of English immigration agents.
MKI Periodicals
Emigration and immigration (Europe-US)/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Germany, Emigration and immigration
Infoblatt: Publication of the German American Heritage Center. Davenport, IA: German American Heritage Center. Vol. 1 –, no. 1 (1996?) — .
Journal Whole. Newsletter is a benefit of membership. Original subtitle: The German American Heritage Center Newsletter.
Library holdings may vary.
MKI has: Vol. 3, no. 1 (Winter 1997-1998) to present. Also at Wisconsin Historical Society library. The German American Heritage Center (GAHC) seeks to preserve the heritage of our German speaking ancestors for present and future generations and to enrich our knowledge of the German immigrant experience with a focus on cultural programs and immigrant contributions. GAHC seeks to reach out to other cultural groups and demonstrate the contributions immigrants from many countries and from varied backgrounds have made to the ethnic palette which is the United States. (History and Mission, About Us: www.gahc.org)
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — History — Periodicals/ German American Heritage Center
“Information on German Populations in the Original Colonies and New France.” 1 p.
Notes: Donated by Theodore S. Beardsley, Jr. No sources cited.
MKI P2007-33
Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Immigrants, German.
Information on Gustav Erlenkoetter.
Notes: Contents: Text copied from the 7. November 1840 Amtsblatt der Regierung Duesselforf and printed portions of a PDF titled 150 Jahre Bergischer Volksbote (15. Juli 2011).
Abstract: Gustav Erlenkoetter is the author of several education-related books published by Schaefer and Koradi in Philadelphia between 1871 and 1891, including Liederbuch fuer deutsch-amerikanische Schulen (Erstes Baendchen); Rechenbuch fuer deutsche Elementarschulen in Amerika (Erster Theil); Mensch und Natur. Ein Lehrbuch Gemeinnuetziger Kenntnisse; Lesebuch fuer die Oberklasse der Elementarschule; Lesebuch fuer die Mittelklasse der Elementarschule; Lesebuch fuer Realklassen deutsch-amerikanischer Schulen; Rechenfibel. Stufenmaessig geordnete Aufgaben fuer Anfaenger im Kopf- und Tafelrechnen; Erstes Lese-Buechlein fuer deutsche Elementarschulen; and Lesebuch fuer die Unterklasse der Elementarschule (nebst Wandfibel); as well as a self-published book of poetry titled Poetischer Jugendschatz in Bild und Spruch, der deutschen Jugend gewidmet. Online research indicates Erlenkoetter was an assistant teacher in Burscheid (Germany), when, in 1840, he was appointed to the post of teacher at the evangelical school in Pattscheid. Erlenkoetter was liberal in his politics and critical of the local educational system; in 1861 he founded a newspaper to promote his views (which later became the Bergischer Volksbote), but was forced to sell it and then emigrated to America around 1865. The 1870 U.S. census shows Gustav (occupation teacher), his wife Julia, and his son Charles living in the Town of Union, Hudson County, New Jersey.
MKI P2012-10
Biographies/ Erlenkoetter, Gustav/ German Americans — Biography/ Education/ German Americans — New Jersey
Information über das Peace River Gebiet. Edmonton, Alberta: Missionskommission des Alberta und British Columbia Distrikts der Ev.-Luth. Synode von Missouri, Ohio und andern Staaten, 1927. 10 pp., ill.
Settlement of German-speaking people in Peace River/Grimshaw area of Alberta, Canada. Includes a form for requesting additional information about land in the region.|
Donated by Darlene Thomson.
Click here to view pages from this book.
“Internet Update: 18th Century Immigrants, Hessians, Palatines.” Germanic Genealogy Journal, vol. Vol. 5, no. 3, Fall 2002, pp. 13.
MKI Periodicals
Genealogy/ 18th century/ Hessians/ Palatines/ Pennsylvania Germans/ Revolution, 1775-1783/ Maryland
“Internet Update: Swiss Web Sites–Swiss Genealogy on the Internet.” Germanic Genealogy Journal, vol. Vol. 5, no. 2, Summer 2002, pp. 13.
MKI Periodicals
Swiss Americans/ Switzerland/ Genealogy
“Interview with Richard Trost: Translator of Johannes Gillhoff’s “Juernjakob Swehn Travels to America”.” Infoblatt, vol. 7, no. 1, Winter 2002, pp. 20-21.
MKI Periodicals
Letters / Personal narratives/ Atlantic crossing/ Immigrants, German
“Interview with Richard Trost: Translator of Johannes Gillhoff’s “Juernjakob Swehn Travels to America.” Part 2.” Infoblatt, vol. 7, no. 2, Spring 2002 , pp. 9-10.
MKI Periodicals
Letters / Personal narratives/ Atlantic crossing/ Immigrants, German
“An Introduction to Germans from Russia: A Summary of the History Related to Germans Who Settled in Russia over the Centuries–A First Step Toward Understanding One’s Own Ancestry from These Migrating Germans.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 21, no. 3, Jan./Feb./Mar. 2004, pp. 140-141.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
MKI Periodicals
Russian Germans/ Ethnic groups — German-speaking/ History/ Genealogy/ Russia
“[Inventory and Guide].” University of Wisconsin Department of German, and the National German-American Teachers Seminary Collection.
Notes: University of Wisconsin Archives.
MKI P86-21
Wisconsin/ Archives/ Teaching/ National German-American Teachers’ Seminary/ Nationaler Deutschamerikanischer Lehrerbund.
“J. C. Grimmell.” Der Sendbote, vol. 88, no. 35, 14. Aug 1940, pp. 2, ill.
Notes: Photocopy of portion of article: “‘Der Sendbote’ unter den Editoren Haselhahn, Grimmell und Fetzer, 1878-1934.”
Abstract: Julius C. Grimmell wurde am 30. Mai 1847 in Marburg, Kurhessen, als Sohn des Pionierpredigers Jermias Grimmell geboren, studierte von 1863 bis 1866 auf unserem Seminar in Rochester, war 1867 bis 1873 Prediger in Buffalo, 1873 bis 1892 Prediger der Ersten Gemeinde Brooklyn, diente daneben von 1883 bis 1892 als erster Allgemeiner Missionssekretaer, war Editor des “Sendboten” von 1892 bis 1901, Evangelist 1902 bis 1904, wieder Prediger der Ersten Gemeinde Brooklyn 1904 bis 1920. . . . Am 1. September 1921 vollendete er seine irdische Laufbahn.”
MKI P2012-5
Grimmell, Julius C, 1847-1921/ German Americans/ Biographies
“Jacob Klein, LaSalle [Nachruf].” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 8, 1908, pp. 126.
MKI Periodicals
“Jacob Mohr, Hampton [Nachruf].” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 8, 1908, pp. 126.
MKI Periodicals
James R. Ruchti German POW Collection. South Bend, Ind.: Franklin D. Schurz Library. Indiana University – South Bend, 1997. [8] pp.
Notes: See also: German Prisoner of War documents, Box 1 and Box 2.
Abstract: This description and listing of the James R. Ruchti POW Collection, at Indiana University – South Bend, Schurz Library Special Collections, provides a historical background of the collection (by Scott Opasik) and a brief biography of Ruchti, as well as the bibliography of the collection. Ruchti graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1943, and joined the U.S. Army. In 1945 he was assigned to the German POW Special Projects Division at Fort Getty, Jamestown, Rhode Island, where he served as instructor of American and German history and director of the Library. This library’s mission was to support the German POW re-education programs at Fort Getty and Fort Wetherill, Rhode Island and Fort Eustis, Virginia.
MKI P2000-3
Bibliographies/ Collections/ Prisoners of war
“Jeremias Schnueffelmeier.”
Jeremias Schnüffelmeier.
Poem in German about Wausau, Wisconsin. Originally from a newspaper, but source and date unknown. Digitized version in UW Box (Jeremias_Schnüffelmeier-Wausau-Poem.jpg).
MKI P2020-04
Poetry/ Wausau (Wis.)/ German Americans — Wisconsin/ Newspapers, German-American.
Jesse James. Das Leben und die verwegenen Abenteuer dieses kuehnen Raeuberhauptmanns und seines nicht weniger beruehmten Bruders Frank James nebst den kecken Thaten der Gebrueder Younger. Das einzige Buch, welches enthaelt das romantische Leben des Jesse James und seiner huebschen Frau, welche ihm bis in den Tod treu blieb. (Jesse James. The life and daring adventures of this bold highwayman and bank robber and his no less celebrated brother, Frank James: Together with the thrilling exploits of the Younger boys. The only book containing the romantic life of Jesse James and his pretty wife, who clung to him to the last). Philadelphia, Pa.: Barclay & Co., ©1882. 76 pp., ill.
Notes: On title page: Verfasst von ***** (Welcher sich fuer jetzt nicht nennen darf); on p. 19 (Dessen Name verschwiegen bleiben muss.). Pagination is from 19-96. Cover title: Der Raeuberhauptmann Jesse James. The Life and Tragic Death of Jesse James. The Western Desperado. Book is in poor condition, part of pp. 95-96 and back cover missing. Verlag von Barclay & Co., No. 2 Nord Siebente Strasse, Philadelphia, Pa. Agenten gesucht. Maenner erhalten Beschaeftigung
MKI P2000-11
PIA/ Biography/ James, Jesse, 1847-1882/ James, Frank, 1844-1915/ Crime
“Johann Jacob Groos: Texas Land Commissioner from January 20, 1874 – June 15, 1878.” The Journal (German-Texan Heritage Society), vol. 32, no. 1, Spring 2010, pp. 36-37.
Notes: “Taken from the publication of the Archives and Records program of the Texas General Land Office, Saving Texas History. . . . This particular edition covered Germans to Texas.”
Abstract: Johann Jacob Groos was the second German immigrant since the Civil War to head the General Land Office in Texas. Born in Offenbach, Germany in 1824, Groos and his wife moved to Texas in 1845. He served in the Confederate Militia during the Civil War, was mayor of New Braunfels, and was elected Texas Land Commissioner.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Texas/ History/ 19th century
“Johann Michael Reu: A book of remembrance.” Kirchliche Zeitschrift, 1876-1943.
Notes: Religion; Published by the Wartburg Press, Columbus, Ohio.
Abstract: Includes a biographical sketch; history of Wartburg seminary
PIA/ Biography/ Lutherans
“John Smith, der Vater Virginiens.” Illustrierter Jugendblaetter-Kalender fuer das christliche Haus auf das Jahr unseres Herrn 1896. Reading, Pa.; New York: Pilger Buchhhandlung, 1895, pp. 107-113, ill.
Notes: Illustrierter Jugendblätter-Kalender für das christliche Haus auf das Jahr unseres Herrn 1896.
MKI PIA Reading, PA
Children’s literature/ Juvenile/ PIA/ Protestant/ Smith, John, 1580-1631/ United States — History
“Joseph Austrian, Chicago [Nachruf].” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 8, 1908, pp. 125-126.
MKI Periodicals
Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies. Millersville, PA: Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, Millersville University. Vol. 1 –, no. 1 (Summer 1989) — .
Journal Whole. Index for previous year appears in Vol. 1 (Winter) of succeeding year.
Library holdings may vary. MKI has: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Summer 1989) to vol. 21, no. 4 (Fall 2015).
Newsletter “to disseminate information on activities in Pennsylvania and in those other states and provinces of Canada where the dialect is still spoken …” and to “report on matters dealing with the Pennsylvania Dutch.” Occasional issues examine one topic in full: Vol. 19, no. 4 (Fall 2013) – vol. 20, no. 1 (Winter 2014), “Retcherei (Gossip)” comic strips by A.D. Steckel. Vol. 20, No. 2 (Spring 2014), “Dumhete” [a booklet with 10 illustrated stories] by A.D. Steckel. Vol. 21, no. 3 (Summer 2015), selections from the writings of the late Victor C. Dieffenbach.
MKI Periodicals
Pennsylvania Dutch/ Pennsylvania-German dialect/ Periodicals
Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies. Special issue in memoriam to C. Richard Beam. Millersville, PA: Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, Millersville University.
Vol. 24, no. 1 (Spring 2018), 23 pp. : ill.
Journal Whole.
Charles Richard Beam, 1925-2018, “Es Bischli-Gnippli”. Includes bibliographical references. Issue in memory of Professor of German, Millersville [PA] University, and Pennsylvania German scholar C. Richard Beam. Includes biography, funeral pew bulletin, Mudderschprooch contributions, articles, Festchrift, and list of publications.
MKI Periodicals
Pennsylvania Dutch/ Pennsylvania-German dialect/ Periodicals
“A Journey into ‘Pennsylvania German’: William Shakespeare’s Sonnet No. 18 [and] ‘M President Lincoln si Dedication Address’ (Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, in Pennsylvania German).” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 22, no. 4, Apr./May/June 2005, pp. 150, ill.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society. Source for Sonnet: Hiwwe wie Driwwe, vol. 8, no. 2, 2004, translation into Pennsylvania German by Walter Sauer. Source for Gettysburg Address: Pennsylvania-German Dialect Stories and Poems, by A. Monroe Aurand, Harrisburg, PA, ca. 1942.
MKI Periodicals
Pennsylvania-German dialect/ Poetry/ Language, German (US) — Dialects
“Karl Fordtran, Texas pioneer and veteran of San Jacinto.” The Journal (German-Texan Heritage Society), vol. 22, no. 2, Summer 2000, pp. 55-57.
Notes: Submitted by Dr. R.A. Neely. “This information comes from a newspaper article that appeared in a November 1900 edition of the Waco ‘Weekly Tribune.’ Dr. R.A. Neely is a direct descendant of Karl Fordtran.”
Abstract: Brief article on a German-American in 19th-century Texas who fought in the Texas war for independence from Mexico (battle of San Jacinto).
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Texas/ Soldiers/ Pioneers
“Karte Des Deutschen Reiches (1871-1918 German Empire).” Berlin: Institut fuer Angewandte Geodaesie, Reichsamt fuer Landesaufnahme, 1927-1942.
MKI lacks Grossblaetter nos. 26, 29, 38.
Covers territory now in East Germany and Poland. Black and white maps, town names in German. Surveyed 1890s, revised 1937-1941
MKI (B85-672).
Maps/ Germany/ Poland.
“Karte des Staates Texas, Map #2123.” The Journal (German-Texan Heritage Society), vol. 32, no. 1, Spring 2010, pp. 36.
Notes: “Taken from the publication of the Archives and Records program of the Texas General Land Office, Saving Texas History. . . . This particular edition covered Germans to Texas.”
Abstract: Description of a map of Texas published by the Verein zum Schuetze Deutscher Einwanderer in Texas (Society for the Protection of German Immigrants in Texas, also known as the Adelsverein). The map was printed in Wiesbaden, Germany, in 1851.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Texas/ History/ 19th century/ Maps
Katholisches Gebetsbuch = Catholic prayer book. 18??
Notes: Religion; Cover and page 1-38 missing
MKI P93-47
PIA/ Catholics/ Prayers
Katholisches Vademecum. Mess-Andacht nebst Vesper-, Beicht- und Communion Andacht. Einsiedeln; New York, N.Y.: Benziger Brothers, ©1890.
MKI P93-25
PIA/ Catholics/ Prayers/ Liturgy
Kindesglaube und Kindesliebe. Eine Hannoversche Dorfgeschichte. Zweite Auflage. Reading, Pa.: Pilger, 1892. 58 pp., ill.
On title page: Autorisierte amerikanische Ausgabe. Pilger-Buchhandlung. — On title page verso: Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1892 by A. Bendel, Reading, Pa. in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington.
Includes advertisments at back of book for Das Weihnachts-Büchlein and for three series under the heading “Für Weihnachten”: Für ganze kleine Leute, Für Kinder von 3 – 10 Jahren, and Für grössere Schüler und Lehrer.
Donated by Dale Bartel.
Click here to view pages from this book.
Kirchliche Zeitschrift. Vol. 64, no. 9, 10, 11, 1940.
Published by the Lutheran Book Concern, Columbus, Ohio PIA
PIA/ Periodicals
Die kleinen Goldenen Schlüssel [and] Mein Johann ist der beste Johann in der ganzen Welt. Cleveland, Ohio: Sonntagschul- und Tractat-Verein der Evang. Gemeinschaft, n.d. 109 pp.
Illustration on title page. Embossed covers.
Chapters: 1. Die Schlüssel gefunden — 2. Eine Geschichte aufgeschlossen — 3. Das Buch aller Bücher — 4. “Das lebendige Wort” — 5. Feste und Jahreszeiten — 6. Die Juden — 7. Der König der Juden — / — Mein Johann ist der beste Johann in der ganzen Welt [A translation from the English, about a sailor named John Reynolds, dating back at least to 1847].
Donated by the Hartford (Wis.) History Room.
Koenigreich Wuerttemberg. Chicago, Ill.: Max Stern, n.d. 24 pp.
Notes: At head of title page: Deutsche Unterrichtsausstellung in Chicago 1893
MKI P89-84
PIA/ Exhibitions/ Teaching/ World’s Columbian Exposition (1893 : Chicago, Ill.)
Komm zu Jesu! New York, N.Y.: Amerikanische Traktat-Gesellschaft, n.d. 4 pp.
MKI P88-27
PIA/ Religious works
Konstitution der Evang.-luth. St. Johannes-Gemeinde zu Wykoff, Minn. 8 pp.
Notes: Inside front cover: Freiwillige Uebereinkunft des Gemeinde betreffs ihrer Gehaltsbeitraege. — Donated by Karyl Rommelfanger.
MKI P2014-6
PIA/ German Americans — Minnesota/ Lutheran Church
Konstitution des lutherischen Unterstuetzungs-Vereins in Watertown, Wis. Watertown, Wis.: Reber, n.d. 12 pp.
MKI P98-25
PIA/ Law/ Lutherans/ Societies, etc.
“Krez, Konrad.” Men of Progress. A. Kens, pp. 489-491.
Abstract: Short biography of Conrad Krez
MKI P98-5
Forty-eighters/ Biographies/ Poetry/ Krez, Konrad, 1828-1897
Kriegs-Album [weekly periodical, 1915] and Deutsch-Amerika [weekly periodical, 1916-1917]. Milwaukee, WI: Germania-Herold, [1915-1917] . chiefly ill.
Notes: Serial publication: periodical: weekly. Supplied by the New Yorker Staatszeitung? Cf. OCLC #5526559./ Advertisements mostly from New York. The 1916 issues mostly pictures of the German war effort.
Followed by Deutsch-Amerika (Milwaukee: Germania-Herold).
Many issues donated by the Hartford (Wis.) History Room, 2006.
Abstract: Articles, stories, and photos about German and American participation in World War I; also about German Americans.
Series incomplete; MKI owns sporadic issues from Jan 1916 (Vol. 2) to Oct 1917 (Vol. 3). 1915 issues seem to have been titled Kriegs-Album; holdings also incomplete for this title.
MKI Periodicals
German-American periodicals/ World War, 1914-1918 — Pictorial works/ Newspapers, German-American/ Milwaukee (Wis.)
“Kriegslieder der Deutschen. Eine kleine Bluetenlese aus der unendlichen Fuelle von Gedichten, die der Baelkerkrieg zeitigte.” Die Welt, vol. 15, no. 1, January 1915, pp. 27-35.
Notes: Eine illustrirte Vierteljahrsschrift fuer deutsche Familien. Druck und Verlag: Publ. “Die Welt” Press Bldg., Lincoln, Neb.
Abstract: “Ein Brudergruss!” — “Die Wacht am Rhein and an der Memel” — “Das rothe Kreuz auf weissem Grunde” — “Mein Volk” — “Das Reich muss uns doch bleiben” — “Vorwaerts mit Gott” — “Das Lied vom Hindenburg” — “Das Auge der Nordsee” — “Vor der Schlacht!” — “Warum die Deutschen siegen!” — “Marschlied” — “Gebet eines Ostpreussen” — “Mein Volk!” — “Der Reiter” — “Das eiserne Gebet” — “Den deutschen Maedels.”
MKI Periodicals
World War, 1914-1918/ Poetry/ Wars
Küchen-Geheimnisse. 1. Auflage. S.l. [Cleveland?]: s.n., n.d. 160 pp, ill.
On title page: Der deutsch-amerikanischen Hausfrau gewidmet! Kaufpreis $1.00.
Simper, Caleb, composer. Frohlocket und jauchzt. Ein Festgesang für Gemischten Chor. (Break Forth Into Joy. A Festival Anthem for Mixed Chorus), No. 110. St. Paul (Merriam Park), Minn.: Geo. Kessel, n.d. 10 pp.
Lyrics in German and English. On cover: Komponiert von/Composed by Caleb Simper. Published by Geo. Kessel.
Kurze Geschichte der ev.-luth. Dreieinigkeitsgemeinde zu Appleton, Missouri zu ihrem fuenfzigjaehrigen Jubilaeum. 1920. 7 pp.
MKI P84-104
Lutheran Church/ History/ Missouri
Kurze Sprueche aus dem evangelischen Katechismus = Short Verses from the Evangelical Catechism. St. Louis, Mo.: Eden, n.d.
MKI P89-33
Religion/ Catechism
“Laenderberichte. Kanada [und] Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika.” Deutschtum im Ausland, vol. 22, no. 7/8, July/Aug. 1939, pp. 507-509.
Notes: Deutschtum im Ausland: Zeitschrift des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts Stuttgart. [Served as a propaganda instrument of the National Socialist party in Germany]. Photocopies.
Abstract: Contents: Kanada. Das Phantom einer “Nazigefahr” in Westkanada — Der “fliegende Pater” Schulte als Geheimagent der Reichsregierung — Der “Henlein von Westkanada” — Die “Deutsche Zeitung” erteilet den Hetzern eine gruendliche Abfuhr. Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika. Gangstermethoden gegen den Amerikadeutschen Volksbund — Das juedische Filmparadies Hollywood im Dienst der Deutschenhetze.
MKI P2007-31
German Americans/ 20th century/ National Socialism/ German-American Bund/ German Canadians/ Newspapers, German-American/ German Canadians/ Jews
“Laenderberichte. Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika.” Deutschtum im Ausland, vol. 21, no. 5, May 1938, pp. 275-278.
Notes: Deutschtum im Ausland: Zeitschrift des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts Stuttgart. [Served as a propaganda instrument of the National Socialist party in Germany] Photocopies.
Abstract: Contents: Einmuetiges Bekenntnis zu Grossdeutschland — Aufrufe zur Einigung des Amerikadeutschtums — Terrorakte und Gangstermethoden gegen den Amerikadeutschen Volksbund — Erfolge auf kulturellem Gebiet — Wieder eine Zeitung eingegangen.
MKI P2007-31
German Americans/ 20th century/ National Socialism/ German-American Bund
“Laenderberichte. Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika.” Deutschtum im Ausland, vol. 22, no. 6, June 1939, pp. 402-411.
Notes: Deutschtum im Ausland: Zeitschrift des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts Stuttgart. [Served as a propaganda instrument of the National Socialist party in Germany] Photocopies.
Abstract: Contents: Amerikas Reaktion auf die Judenhetze — Die machtvolle Kundgebung des Amerikadeutschen Volksbundes in New York — Untersuchung der “Nazi-Taetigkeit” ergibt keinerlie Sensationen — Zum Kapitel “Einigungsbestrebungen im Deutschtum” — Der alte Nationalbund soll neu erstehen — Die Deutsch-Amerikanische Berufsgemeinschaft.
MKI P2007-31
German Americans/ 20th century/ National Socialism/ Jews/ German-American Bund
“Laenderberichte. Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika.” Deutschtum im Ausland, vol. 22, no. 11/12, Nov./Dec. 1939, pp. 626-630.
Notes: Deutschtum im Ausland: Zeitschrift des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts Stuttgart. [Served as a propaganda instrument of the National Socialist party in Germany]. Photocopies.
Abstract: Contents: “Das Amerikadeutschtum von 1939 wird noch tragischer versagen als das von 1914” — Angstpsychose des Vereinsdeutschtums gegenueber der Deutschenhetze — Verdraengung der Deutschen aus ihren wirtschaflichen Stellungen durch juedische Umtriebe — Gerichtliche Verfolgung des Fuehrers des Amerikadeutschen Volksbundes — Vom amerikadeutschen Schulwesen
MKI P2007-31
German Americans/ 20th century/ National Socialism/ German-American Bund/ German Canadians/ Newspapers, German-American/ Jews
“Laenderberichte. Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika [und] Kanada.” Deutschtum im Ausland, vol. 21, no. 11, Nov. 1938, pp. 705-716, ill.
Notes: Deutschtum im Ausland: Zeitschrift des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts Stuttgart. [Served as a propaganda instrument of the National Socialist party in Germany]. Photocopies.
Abstract: Contents: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika. Ein abermaliges Versagen des buergerlichen Deutschamerikanertums in historischer Stunde? — Die Muehlarbeit der Emigranten und kommunisten — Ergebnisse der neuen “Nazi”-Untersuchung — Das amerikanische Programm des Amerikadeutschen Volksbundes — Neue Einheitsfront des Deutschtums von Chicago — Der Zwischenfall von New Braunfels — Pastor Fritsch’s Mahnung auf dem Siebenbuerger-Sachsen-Tag — Das Ende der “Westlichen Post” — Ehrungen verdienter Deutschamerikaner. Kanada. Drei Jahre “Deutsche Zeitung fuer Canada” — Erfolgreicher Verlauf der “Deutschen Tage” — Ein Zwischenfall in Kitchener — Russlanddeutsche Gedenkfeier in Winnipeg.
MKI P2007-31
German Americans/ 20th century/ National Socialism/ German-American Bund/ German Canadians/ Newspapers, German-American
“Laenderberichte. Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika [und] Kanada.” Deutschtum im Ausland, vol. 22, no. 2/3, Feb./Mar. 1939, pp. 120-127.
Notes: Deutschtum im Ausland: Zeitschrift des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts Stuttgart. [Served as a propaganda instrument of the National Socialist party in Germany]. Photocopies.
Abstract: Contents: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika. Neuerliche Deutschenhetze hat alles Bisherige in den Schatten gestellt — Verschiebung der Fronten des amerikanischen Deutschtums — Gruendung des “Amerikadeutschen Nationalverbandes,” New York und der “Einheitsfront,” Chicago — Der Amerikanische Turnerbund gibt seinen Namen auf — Sorgen der deutschsprachigen Presse. Kanada. “Deutsche Zeitung fuer Canada” nimmt Stellung zur deutschfeindlichen Hetzpropaganda — Von der Arbeit des “Deutschen Bundes”
MKI P2007-31
German Americans/ 20th century/ National Socialism/ German-American Bund/ German Canadians/ Newspapers, German-American/ Turners
“Lah Bisness.” Abendschule-Kalender fuer das christliche Haus auf das gemeine Jahr 1882. St. Louis, Mo.: Louis Lange Publishing Co., 1881, pp. 143-146.
Notes: On title page: Herausgegeben von der Redaktion der Abendschule.
Abstract: Aus ‘Harbaughs Harfe. Gedichte in Pennsylvanisch-Deutscher Mundart.’ Freunden der pennsylvanisch-deutschen Mundart empfehlen wir dies vortreffliches Buch aufs angelegentlichste.
PIA/ Pennsylvania Dutch/ Pennsylvania German dialect/ Poetry
“Land und Wasser: New ‘Land and Water’ Exhibit Salutes Two Key Naturalists — Opens June 2.” Infoblatt, vol. 20, no. 2, Spring 2013, pp. 1, 3-4.
Notes: German American Heritage Center, Davenport, Iowa.
Abstract: Exhibit will feature the life and work of paririe landscape architect Jens Jensen (born in Dybbol, Schleswig and emigrated to Decorah, Iowa, before moving to work in Chicago) and the conservationist Ernest Oberholtzer (born and raised in Davenport, Iowa), who became known as a naturalist, a key explorer of the Minnesota-Canadian boundary waters, and an expert on the culture and language of the Ojibwa Indians.
MKI Periodicals
Exhibitions/ German Americans — Iowa/ Architecture/ Native Americans/ Naturalists
“Leo Hirsch, Columbus, OH [Nachruf].” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 8, 1908, pp. 158.
MKI Periodicals
“A letter from Germany–78 years later: A time of desperation, then years of silence.” Der Blumenbaum, Sacramento German Genealogy Society, vol. 19 , no. 1, July/Aug./Sept. 2001, pp. 6-10.
Abstract: Excerpts of translated letters and postcards from Carl Bachem of Koenigswinter am Rhein in 1923 to the related Stehling family in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The letters and the article describe economic wartime conditions, especially inflation and the drastic devaluation of the German Mark. See also (in same issue), “Background on the Stehling-Bachem Correspondence.”
MKI Periodicals
20th century/ Economic aspects/ Germany/ Letters
“Letters of Swiss Immigrants from New Bern, 1710-1711.” Swiss American Historical Society Review, vol. 45, no. 3, Nov. 2009, pp. 82-98.
Notes: Translations by Vincent H. Todd and Hedwig Rappolt. Commentaries based on the study of Lewis B. Rohrbach. [New Bern, North Carolina.]
Abstract: Translations of letters from Hans Rueegsegger, Jacob Gabley, Jacob Waehren, Anna Eva Zant, Johann Jakob Goetschi (or Boetschi), Bendicht Ziorjen, Michael Ziorjen and Salome von Muelinen, [Hanss?] Brunen, Christen Engel, and Christen Jantz.
MKI Periodicals
Swiss Americans/ Switzerland/ Emigration and immigration (Europe-US)/ North Carolina/ Settlements/ Immigrants, Swiss/ Letters
“Lincoln Freie Presse.” Lincoln Freie Presse, 9. Dezember 1914 (Jahrgang 32, No. 17). 10 pp., ill.
Some text printed in red ink. — Donated by Kevin Knitt on behalf of the Stevens Point Area Genealogical Society.
Several articles about events of the First World War. On page 4: “Der Werth der deutschen Presse in Amerika.”
MKI P2014-4
Newspapers, German-American/ German Americans — Nebraska/ World War, 1914-1918/ Christmas.
“Liverpool: The ‘Indirect’ Route to America.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 22, no. 2, Oct./Nov./Dec. 2004, pp. 62-64, ill.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
MKI Periodicals
Immigrants, German/ Emigration and immigration/ Ships
“A Living Legacy: German Song in America.” Der Blumenbaum , vol. 26, no. 3, Jan./Feb./Mar. 2009, pp. 116-117, ill.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
Abstract: Reprints an article from 1873 about the Saengerfest, or “singing festival,” a mainstay of German culture in 19th-century America, and describes the controversy surrounding the 1909 Saengerfest in Madison Square Garden in New York. The Concordia Gesang Verein from the small town of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, “gave an incredibly strong singing performance” but was denied the coveted Kaiser’s Prize by the judges. The denial may have occurred because the Concordia Gesang Verein had already won prizes in other competitions, or it may have had some grounding in the fact that the singing society comprised some forty percent non-German members. A contemporary newspaper account noted that, “if Concordia, with a big nucleus of Germans, is spreading its song influence among its cosmopolitan membership of Americans. . . , is it not eloquently serving the great object of the Bund [to spread the love and the influence of German song]?”
MKI Periodicals
Songs/ Societies, etc./ German Americans/ Music/ 19th century
“Local Culture: Interdisciplinary Project Explores Local Culture and Diversity on the Prairies before 1939.” German-Canadian Studies Newsletter, vol. 6, no. 1, Aug. 2003, pp. 1-2.
Notes: https://www.uwinnipeg.ca/german-canadian/research/newsletter-archives.html.
Abstract: The “Local Culture and Diversity on the Prairies Project,” funded by the Department of Canadian Heritage, will collect accounts of personal experiences from individuals who lived on the prairies in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta before 1939. Researchers are interested in learning about daily life, local customs and traditions, social activities, and pastimes.
MKI Periodicals
German Canadians/ Cultural contribution/ Culture/ Social life and customs/ Canada
“Longfellow’s Psalm des Lebens.” Haus und Herd. Eine Monatsschrift fuer die Familie und Sonntagschule, vol. 5, no. 5, May 1877, pp. 256.
Notes: Donated by the Mayville Historical Society.
Abstract: German translation of Longfellow’s “A Psalm of Life.”
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Poetry
“Lorenz Baer, Chicago [Nachruf].” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 8, 1908, pp. 69.
MKI Periodicals
“The Loyalty Legion.” Wagon Wheels, the Newsletter of the Mayville Historical Society, vol. 21, no. 2, June 2015, pp. [3].
Abstract: Brief article describes the Mayville chapter of the Loyalty Legion, which aimed to instill patriotism and support U.S. efforts in World War I and existed from December 1917 to March 1919.
MKI Periodicals
World War, 1914-1918/ German Americans — Mayville (Wis.)
Lutherischer Kalender fuer die deutsche Jugend Amerika’s mit einem Unhang fuer die Alten auf das Jahr 1879 nach der Geburt unseres Herrn Jesu Christi. Pittsburg, Pa.: Ernst Luft , 1879. 120 pp., ill.
MKI P89-18
PIA/ Protestant/ Juvenile/ Calendars & Almanacs
Luthers Leben und Lehre nach aelteren und neueren Lutherstudien zusammengestellt und allen Christusglaeubigen dargeboten von einem Freunde der Wahrheit, 1517-1917. New York, N.Y.: Verband Deutsche Katholiken, 1917. 72 pp.
MKI P88-25
PIA/ Protestant/ Biography/ Luther, Martin, 1483-1546/ Theological/ Commentaries
Luxembourg American Gazette. Belgium, WI: Luxembourg American Cultural Society & Center. Vol. 1 — , no. 1 (Summer 2006) –.
Journal Whole. Subscription is a benefit of membership. Also at Wisconsin Historical Society.
Library holdings may vary. MKI has: Vol. 4, no. 3 (Fall 2009) to vol. 10 no. 2 (Spring 2015).
The LACS preserves the “roots” of Luxembourg heritage and culture in America, and nurtures the “leaves” of ongoing relationships of family, friendship, culture/education, tourism, and commerce between Luxembourg and America (http://www.lacs.lu/cultural-society/mission/).
MKI Periodicals
Luxembourg American Cultural Society/ Luxembourg Americans — Periodicals
Madison Maennerchor concert programs. [Madison, Wis.: Madison Maennerchor, various years, 1982- ]. various paging.
Notes: Concert programs for the years 1982, 1983, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1989
MKI P2001-34
Songs/ Societies, etc./ Madison (Wis.)
“Maifest: Our German Heritage, Unser deutsches Erbgut.” Der Maibaum (Deutschheim Association Journal), vol. 10, no. 1, Spring 2002, pp. 9-10, ill.
Abstract: Discusses the Maifest celebration in Hermann, Missouri.
MKI Periodicals (Miscellaneous)
German Americans — Missouri/ Festivals
“The Man Who Took the Wild West to Europe.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 30, no. 1, July/Aug./Sept. 2012, pp. 14-16, ill.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
Abstract: Discusses the life and fiction of Karl May, who wrote idealized (and historically inaccurate) versions of life in America’s Wild West. Although he insisted he himself had lived in America and that the adventures he wrote about were from first-hand knowledge, May did not visit the United States until just a few years before his death, and did not travel farther west than Buffalo, New York. Article also mentions Nazi and East German attitudes toward May, Germany’s Wild West clubs, and the Karl May festivals.
MKI Periodicals
May, Karl Friedrich, 1842-1912/ Native Americans/ Fiction, historical/ Writing
[Materials from and about Luxembourg].
Notes: Gift of Carlo Krieger, from the Ambassade du Grand-Duche de Luxembourg; includes: commemorative stamp celebrating the Accession to the throne of His Royal Highness Grand Duke Henri, “Connecting Worlds: Contemporary Sculpture from the European Union,” and three pamphlets on political institutions, languages, and the Grand-Ducal Family of Luxembourg. Also “Naming the Land: Town Belgium. Immigration from Belgium and Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Europe,” by Beatrice A. Wester Krier.
MKI P2002-62
Luxembourg/ Emigration and immigration (Europe-US)/ Wisconsin — Ozaukee County
[Materials on Carl Roeser (1809-1897), of Manitowoc, Wisconsin]. 2 pp.
Notes: Donated by Karyl Rommelfanger, 2006.
Abstract: Includes a copy of a page from the Aug. 30, 1853 Manitowoc Herald (in English) about a new German-language Democratic paper in Manitowoc to be edited by Carl Roeser; and a copy of a page from the Nov. 18, 1897 Manitowoc Post (in German) concerning Roeser’s death in Washington. Roeser fled Germany after the 1848/49 Revolution and lived in Wisconsin until 1861, when he left to serve in the Lincoln administration.
MKI P2006-4
Newspapers, German-American/ German Americans — Wisconsin/ Manitowoc (Wis.)/ Forty-eighters/ Roeser, Carl, 1809-1897
[Materials on East Frisian Immigrants in America]. [75] pp., ill.
Notes: Bound photocopied pages. Donated by Prof. Philip Webber, 2007.
Abstract: Contents: “Auf nach Iowa,” in German and English, from Ostfriesland Magazin, June 2006 — Program from “Achter de Suenn an. Der Weg nach Iowa. Ein plattdeutsches Musical,” from the Laendliche Akademie Krummhoern (includes Low German song lyrics) — Selections from Vom Ostfriesland nach Amerika. Aus dem Leben ostfriesischer Auswanderer des 19. Jahrhunderts (“Engelke van Raden berichtet nach Ostfriesland,” “Jan Park zieht nach Iowa,” “Janna Freese: Ihr Weg durch den Westen,” “Kleine ‘ostfriesische Geographie’ Amerikas,” and “Ausgewaehlte Quellen und Literatur.”
MKI P2007-12
Frisians/ Immigrants, German/ Low German dialect/ German Americans — Iowa/ Songs/ Immigrants, German/ 19th century
Materials on the Fromm Brothers Fur and Ginseng Farm, Hamburg, Wisconsin.
Notes: See also: Pinkerton, Kathrene Sutherland Gedney. Bright with Silver. Revised edition. Wausau, Wisconsin: Birch Lake Press, 2007. 364 pp., [32] pages of plates, MKI / WHS SF 405 .F8 P5.
Abstract: Includes two copies of an illustrated brochure on the Fromm Bros. Farm, produced by the Fromm Bros. Historical Preservation Society; “Fromm Boarding House Operation,” written by Bob Gruling after conversations with Hattie Gruling Riemer and Lorraine Riemer Kleinschmidt; “A Working Day at Fromm Bros. in 1949,” written by Bob Czech; and a description of meals on the farm during the 1930s and beyond.
MKI P2020-09
Fromm Brothers, Inc./ Silver fox/ Ginseng/ Business & Industry/ Marathon County, Wis./ Medicine & Health/ History/ Wisconsin/ German Americans — Wisconsin
Materials on the Life of Albert Friedrich Wilhelm Grimm, aka Alfred Ira, 1864-1922.
Notes: [From Ward, Bio-Bibliography, 1985: born 1-18-1864 in Petershagen, Pomerania, died 1922 in Antigo, Wisconsin. Came to America in 1874. Attended Concordia Seminary in Springfield, Ill. Pastor at St. John’s in Grove, Ill., 1888 on. 1891 in Antigo, Wis. Published over 100 short stories in German-American periodicals, including Die Abendschule and Die Glocke and approximately 50 dialogues in English and German for Lutheran youth organizations. Author of Das Collegium Fratrum, die Geschichte einer Studentenverbindung. Manager of Antigo Publishing House 1919 on. WORKS: Gotthold, eine Erzaehlung aus dem Seelsorgerleben (vol. I, St. Louis, 1897; vol. II, Antigo, 1899), Das Stiefmuetterchen (Antigo, 1898), Seile der Liebe (Antigo, 1900), Des Pastors Nachlass, 2 vols. (1900), Der Missionsplatz, eine Erzaehlung aus der kirchlichen Missionstaetigkeit im Staate Wisconsin (Antigo, 1902), Liebe (Antigo, 1903), Der falsche Prophet (Antigo, 1905), Das Saegemuehldorf (Antigo, 1907), Gotthold I; Gotthold II; Im Zuckerbusch, 2 vols (1909), Aus der alten Kaffeemuehle (1911), Sommerfaeden (1913), Unter dem Apfelbaum; Bilder aus dem Reisepredigerleben (1913), Der Prachtjunge (St. Louis, n.d.), Wenn man’s gut meint (1915), Ehrwuerdiger Nudel (1917), Dodai (1921), Unter uns (1921), Ehrwuerdens-Vereine (1922). ANTH. Jahrbuch des Verbands deutscher Schriftsteller in Amerika (1911).].
Abstract: Includes a 1922 obituary for Albert Grimm from the Antigo Herald; a 1936 obituary from the Antigo Daily Journal for Mrs. Mathilda (Moldenhauer) Grimm; and a history of Peace Lutheran Church in Antigo, for which Albert Grimm was pastor from 1891 until 1919, at which time he entered the publishing business.
MKI P2011-4
Grimm, Albert Friedrich Wilhelm, 1864-1922/ German Americans — Wisconsin/ Wisconsin — Langlade County/ Antigo (Wis.)
[Materials on the Painted Forest in Valton, Wisconsin].
Notes: Donated by Robert Tarrell, 2006.
Abstract: German immigrant and itinerant painter Ernest Hupeden painted a panoramic scene to reflect the initiation rituals and values of the Modern Woodmen of America, a fraternal and mutual insurance organization. “The Painted Forest” is in Valton, Wisconsin.
Contents: Nash, Dolores Henderson. “The Saga of The Painted Forest.” Photocopy, n.d., 4 pp.; Rhodes, David. “The Painted Forest: M.W.A. Camp # 6190.” Photocopy, n.d., 2 pp.; Rhodes, David. “Wood Hall.” Photocopy, 1981, 11 pp.; Stone, Lisa. “The Painted Forest,” in Personal Places: Perspectives on Informal Art Environments. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University Popular Press [Photocopy], 1984, 7 pp.; Stone, Lisa, “The Painted Forest,” The Clarion, Winter 1985, pp. 54-63; “Description of the Restoration,” [S.l., s.n., n.d.], 3 pp.; “The M.W.A. Ritual Positions in Relation to the Painted Forest Mural,” 1 pp.; floor plan of the lodge, 1 p.; script for guided tour of the mural, 3 pp.; “The Painted Forest: The Arts Learning Center, Valton, WI” brochure, 2 sides; “Brief History of Modern Woodmen,” 5 pp.; and “The Painted Forest: Edgewood College Art Studio & Study Center,” 4 pp.
MKI P2007-1
Artists/ Paintings/ German Americans — Wisconsin/ Huepeden, Ernst, d. 1911/ Valton (Wis.)
Materials on the Schlaraffia.
Notes: Donated by Horst Wentzek [Ritter Springeling mit der Patentfeder], 2007.
See also: FH Luening and MKI GR 941 .C63 D47 1983.
Abstract: Three items: “Lulu, ihr Ritter vom Uhu!” written by Peter Sager with photos by Timm Rautert, which appeared in a German paper (8 photocopied pages); “What Is Schlaraffia?” by Thronreiter (one page); and an untitled page on the Schlaraffia Milwaukia.
MKI P2007-21
Schlaraffia/ Cockaigne/ Social life and customs/ German Americans — Societies, etc./ Humor & Satire
Materials on the Tricentennial of German Immigration to North America, 1683-1983. Various pagings.
Abstract: Folder contents: 1. “The German Tribune. Political Affairs Review. A Supplement of Selections from German Periodicals.” Articles include: “1983 a tricentennial year in America and Germany,” by Emil Boelte; “Over seven million German migrants in 300 years,” by Elke Lehmann-Brauns; “300 years of German emigration to North America,” by Guenter Moltmann; “Little Germanies in the United States,” by Agnes Bretting; “Political refugees go to America” and “Emigration from the Third Reich,” by Michael Just; and “The spiritual foundations of German-American friendship,” by Hans-Dietrich Genscher. 2. Three copies of a promotional brochure listing books and calendars that commemorate the tricentennial.
MKI P2004-11
Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ German Americans
Materials Related to German-American Day (October 6).
Notes: See also MKI P90-20.
Abstract: Folder contains: “October 6 Is German-American Day: Mayor’s Planning Kit” distributed by the Society for German-American Studies, and suggestions for educators distributed by the German American National Congress.
MKI P2004-17
German Americans/ Festivals
Materials Relating to Paul Steinbrecher’s 1924 Aquisition of the Carl Schurz Library and Its 1964 Donation to the State Historical Society of Wisconsin and the University of Wisconsin.
Abstract: Includes copies of various letters from the State Historical Society of Wisconsin and the University of Wisconsin concerning the acceptance of the gift, as well as pages from “One Hyphenated American,” by Edith Steinbrecher (Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, vol. 35, 1942); “An Unpublished Mazzini Letter,” by Arthur R. Hogue (Journal of Modern History, vol. 28, no. 3, Sept. 1956); and the introduction of “Charles Sumner: An Essay by Carl Schurz,” edited by Arthur Reed Hogue (University of Illinois Press, 1951) which reference Paul Steinbrecher and the Carl Schurz library and papers.
MKI P2018-16
Schurz, Carl, 1829-1906/ Steinbrecher, Paul/ Libraries/ Collections
[Materials Relating to the Pomeranian Heritage of Mequon, Wisconsin]. Various pagings.
Abstract: Contents: Informational booklet about Pomerania published by the Pommersche Verein Freistadt, 1980; information on the Pommersche Tanzdeel Freistadt; and a brochure titled, “Freistadt, the Oldest Lutheran Church in Wisconsin.”
MKI P2004-18
German Americans — Wisconsin/ History/ Lutherans/ Immigrants, German/ Pomerania/ Lutheran Church/ Wisconsin — Ozaukee County/ Low German dialect
“Mennonites.” Preserving Our Heritage//Mennonite Historian, 1995.
Notes: Preserving Our Heritage, Vol. 2 (3), Jan, 1995; Mennonite Historian, Vol. 21 (1), March 1995.
Abstract: Preserving Our Heritage: Mennonite Heritage Village: Mennonite schools taught us well: The private school
MKI P95-11
Meyer’s Geschichts-Bibliothek fuer allgemeine Kunde des Kultur- und Voelkerlebens. Sechster Band. Zweiter Theil. Hilburghausen//New York, N.Y.: Paul Bernhard, n.d.
MKI P91-60
PIA/ History/ Sociology/ Reference
Among the article titles are: “Viele in New Yorks Krieg gegen Banden verhaftet” — “Vom Löwenfeld Schlaglichter. Denkt an unserer Staatsfair!” — “Zwei Untersuchungen. Die Prohibitionsbehörden unternehem gegenwärtig zwei getrennte Untersuchungen, um Klarheit über die Beschäftigung von Frauen zu erhalten” — “Hankau von Taifun bedroht” — Kampagne für Gemeindefonds. Zwecks Hilfe für die Arbeitslosen im kommenden Winter” — “‘Versailles ein Vertrag des Irrsinns’” — Tod beendete Verbrechensauf. Ein auswärtiger Schwindler starb an Arsenik-Vergiftung” — “Misshandelte Frau. Nach kurzem Wortwechsel erhielt die Frau einen Volltreffer zwischen die Augen und einen zweiten in die Magengegend” — “Deutschland das Land der Ordnung. Es ist kein Boden für den Bolschewismus. Diese Bemerkungen machte Brigadier Betram C. Rodda, der Oberbefehlshaber der Heilsarmee von Wisconsin und dem oberen Michigan.” — “Fünf Räuber mit 2 Maschinengewehren. State Bank von Cumberland [Wis.] um $5,000 beraubt.”
Donated by Greg Smith, 2008
MKI P2008-2
PIA/ German Americans — Wisconsin/ Newspapers, German-American/ Milwaukee (Wis.)/ 20th century
Milwaukee Liederkranz feiert sein 125 jaehriges Bestehen, 1878-2003. [Milwaukee, Wis.: Milwaukee Liederkranz, 2003]. unpaginated, ill.
Abstract: Includes a short history of the Milwaukee Liederkranz, a biographical sketch of Christoph Bach by Ann Reagan, program, member list, and song lyrics.
MKI P2001-31
Societies, etc./ Music/ Milwaukee (Wis.)/ Songs
Milwaukee Turners. [Milwaukee, Wis.: s.n.].
Notes: Various documents about the Milwaukee Turners, including a photocopied article, event programs, constitution and by-laws, “fundamental principles,” and issues of their magazine; donated by Juergen Eichhoff.
Abstract: Constitution and by-laws of the Milwaukee Turners, 1980; Fundamental principles, American Turners (Milwaukee Turners); “How It All Came About: The First Year of the Milwaukee Turners,” by Walter Osten (The Milwaukee Turner, v. 4, no. 7, July 1943); The Milwaukee Turner, v. 24, no. 2 (April/May 1964) and v. 26, no. 4 (Sept/Oct/Nov 1966); program notes for “The Milwaukee Turners and Turner Hall on the Threshold to the 21st Century,” by Olga Wiedemann, 1986; and programs for the one hundredth anniversary of the Milwaukee Turners, 1853-1953.
MKI P2001-21
Turners/ Milwaukee (Wis.)
“Mississippi Blaetter.” Mississippi Blaetter, 17. Oktober 1909.
Sonntags-Ausgabe der “Westlichen Post” und des “Anzeiger” / Mississippi Blätter.
MKI P93-12.
PIA/ Newspapers, German-American/ German Americans — Missouri.
Monroe Swiss Singers of Monroe, Wisconsin USA.Deborah Krauss Smith director Monroe Swiss Singers. Monroe, WI: Monroe Swiss Singers; Acoustic Imagery, 2010. 1 sound disc; 4 3/4 in. + insert folder, cover letter.
“The Monroe Swiss Singers [are] a non-professional, non-profit choral group specializing in Swiss folklore music, with the mission of nurturing and perpetuating the heritage and traditions brought by immigrant Swiss to Green County [Wisconsin]. Established in 1963, following a long line of Swiss choral groups in Monroe dating back to the late 1800s, many of the singers [on this recording] are native Swiss or of Swiss descent.”–CD booklet. Recorded 7 November 2009 at St. Victor Catholic Church, Monroe, Wisconsin. Cover letter of donation is from Deborah Krauss Smith, director.
Contents: Cowbell Processional/Fryburger Chüereihe — Schweizerpsalm (Swiss Psalm, the Swiss National Anthem) — Büchel Fanfare — Alperose — Aspiranten Marsch — Euse Heimet, ‘s Schwyzerland (Our Home, Switzerland) — Hubel-marsch (Marching Over the Hill) — Die Abendglocken rufen (The Evening Bells are Calling) — Choral for Luzern — Du fragsch, was i möcht singe (You Ask What I Would Like to Sing) — Schludererpolka — Mis liebe Bärn (My Dear Bern) — Schneewalzer (Snow Waltz) — D’Bernertracht (The Bernese Costume) — Guete Sunntig, mitenand (A Good Sunday to Everyone) — I gan nid hei bis ‘s wälleled (I Won’t Go Home Until Morning) — Heilig (Holy) — O, du liebs Aengeli (O, You Dear Little Angel) — Allemande No. 3 — Zwöi Stärnli (Two Stars) — Papis Käse (Papa’s Cheese) — Edelweiss (from The Sound of Music) — Luschtig sy (Be Happy) — Talerschwingen / Clayt’s song / Lueget vo Bärgen und Tal (instrumentals / See the Mountains and Valley) — Cowbell Recessional.
MKI P2019-09 (audio CD).
Songs/ Swiss Americans/ Switzerland/ Music/ Folk songs, Swiss/ Wisconsin/ Societies, etc.
“Moving West: ‘Collective Biography’ of Postwar German Immigrants.” German-Canadian Studies, vol. 14, no. 2, Sept. 2009, pp. 1, 3, ill.
Abstract: Describes the research of Christian Lieb, whose dissertation investigates German immigrants’ experiences in British Columbia between 1945 and 1961.
MKI Periodicals
German Canadians/ History/ Research/ World War, 1939-1945/ Ethnic identity/ Refugees — Germany — History — 20th century/ Immigrants, German
Muench’ner Hofbraeuhaus-Keller Liederbuch: Sammlung bekannter alter und neuer Liedertexte. [Milwaukee, Wis.: Deutsch-Oesterreich Ungar. Hilfs Fond, 1916]. unpaginated [30 pp.].
Abstract: Herausgegeben und verkauft beim Krieg’s-Bazaar zu Gunsten des Deutsch-Oesterreich Ungar. Hilfs Fond am 2ten incl. 7ten Maerz, 1916. “Auditorium” Milwaukee, Wis. Printer: Raap & Stegemeyer.
MKI P89-34
PIA/ Songs
“Muhlenberg: Parson and Warrior.” Der Maibaum (Deutschheim Association Journal), vol. 5, no. 1, Spring 1997, pp. 9, 11.
Abstract: Johann Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg “was a key participant in one of the most intensely emotional and turbulent periods of this country. He, like his father and brothers, was influential in the development of the Lutheran Church in the early days of its introduction to North America. Much more importantly to the masses, he becaem a genuine hero of the independence movement and the Revolutionary War, and was a prominent figure nationally afterwards.”
MKI Periodicals (Miscellaneous)
Lutheran Church/ Revolution, 1775-1783/ Revolution, 1775-1783/ United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783/ German Americans — Biography
Namens-Register des St. Aloysius Waisen-Vereins. s.l.: s.n., 1882.
Notes: Zum Gebrauche des Special-Committees
MKI P91-13
PIA/ Juvenile/ Directories
“NASA Loses a Legend: German-American Space Pioneer Jesco von Puttkamer.” German-American Journal, vol. 61, no. 1, Feb./Mar. 2013, pp. 29, col. ill.
Abstract: Jesco Freiherr von Puttkamer was born in Leipzig on September 22, 1933. In 1962, at the invitation of Werner von Braun, von Puttkamer came to NASA, working first as an engineer during the Apollo Program at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. In 1974 he transferred to NASA headquarters in Washington, DC, and was a technical manager for the International Space Station. He was also the author of several science fiction stories, and served as technical advisor for “Star Trek: The Motion Picture.” Von Puttkamer died December 27, 2012.
MKI Periodicals
Puttkamer, Jesco von, 1933-2012/ Science/ Obituaries/ 20th century
“National German-American Teachers Seminary.” University of Wisconsin, Division of Archives. College of Letters and Science, Dept of German, 1854-1926. 30 pp., UW-Archives. Letters & Science. German.
Notes: Location of the archival collection: UW-Madison Archives, Steenbock Library, Rm. 434.
Abstract: Introduction to the collection and background information and history. Description of the archives. The archives contain: 1) the papers of the German-English Academy and the Milwaukee University School. This was a grade and high school that served as a practice school for the Seminary. It was founded in 1851 with Peter Engelmann, a prominent refugee from the German Revolution of 1848, as its director; 2) material relevant to the finances of the Seminary, The Academy, The Monatshefte and the Yearbook; 3) student exams grade, yearbooks, and other material.
When, in 1927, the National Teachers’ Seminary of Milwaukee reached an agreement with the Regents of the University of Wisconsin (a probationary arrangement made permanent in 1930) and turned over its assets and records to the Department of German, a fifty year pioneering experiment in the teaching of the German language and culture came to an end.
The roots of this institution extend back to 1851 when Peter Engelmann, a participant in the abortive Revolution of 1848, opened a school intended primarily for the children of German-speaking immigrants. In 1854 this secondary institution was incorporated by the state legislature as the German-English Academy. The German Americans of Milwaukee enthusiastically supported the school and it flourished, remaining in continuous operation until at least 1961. Its name was changed to the Milwaukee University School in 1918.
The Teachers’ Seminary evolved directly from the German-English Academy. Faced with the growing shortage of well qualified German-speaking teachers, prominent business and cultural leaders from all over the country met in Louisville in 1870 to form an association for the endowment of a national teacher’s school. A sufficient sum had been raised by 1878 to permit the opening of the National German-American Teacher’s Seminary in Milwaukee. This institution, although administratively distinct from the German-English Academy, occupied quarters in the building erected for the earlier school, and the same director oversaw the direction of both. The Seminary soon achieved wide recognition nationally as a center of German studies and it seemed assured of a stable future. The anti-German feeling of the First World War, as well as the growing competition of state educational institutions, however, brought about virtual dissolution of the Seminary. The directors of the Seminary sought to combat the anti-German currents by changing the name of the institution from The National German-American Teacher’s Seminary to the National Teachers’ Seminary in 1918. This move, however, failed to revive the fortunes of the school; and in 1919 the last class to attend the Seminary graduated.
MKI P99-10
Archives/ Education/ Milwaukee (Wis.)/ National German-American Teachers’ Seminary/ Nationaler Deutschamerikanischer Lehrerbund/ German-English Academy/ Engelmann, Peter, 1823-1874.
Nationaler Deutsch-amerikanischer Lehrerbund. 28. Lehrertag, Cincinnati, den 6., 7., 8., und 9. Juli 1898. Cincinnati, Ohio: Nationaler Deutschamerikanischer Lehrerbund, 1898. 4 pp.
Abstract: Invitation and announcement of the National German-American Teachers’ Association meeting, with information about hotels, train price rebates, and the planned 4-day program.
MKI P2019-12
PIA/ Teaching of German/ United States/ Nationaler Deutschamerikanischer Lehrerbund/ National German-American Teachers’ Seminary/ Education
“Naturalizations from Washington County.” Hessischer Verein, vol. 1, no. 1, July 2005, pp. 3.
Notes: (Germantown, WI).
Abstract: Alphabetical listing of names from Adam to Fisher who were born in Kassel, Darmstadt, Nassau, Hesse, and Waldeck, and who naturalized in the 1830s to 1860s in Washington County, Wisconsin.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Wisconsin/ Hessians/ Hesse/ Immigrants, German/ Wisconsin — Washington County/ Naturalization
“Naturalizations from Washington County.” Hessischer Verein, vol. 1, no. 2, Dec. 2005, pp. 3.
Notes: (Germantown, WI).
Abstract: Alphabetical listing of names from Fitting to Jugend who were born in Kassel, Darmstadt, Nassau, Hesse, and Waldeck, and who naturalized in the 1830s to 1880s in Washington County, Wisconsin.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Wisconsin/ Hessians/ Hesse/ Immigrants, German/ Wisconsin — Washington County/ Naturalization
“Naturalizations from Washington County.” Hessischer Verein, vol. 1, no. 3, Mar. 2006, pp. 3.
Notes: (Germantown, WI).
Abstract: Alphabetical listing of names from Jungblut to Nehrbasz born in Kassel, Darmstadt, Nassau, Hesse, Waldeck, and Frankfurt am Main, who naturalized in the 1850s and 1860s in Washington County, Wisconsin.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Wisconsin/ Hessians/ Hesse/ Immigrants, German/ Wisconsin — Washington County/ Naturalization
“Naturalizations from Washington County.” Hessischer Verein, vol. 1, no. 4, June 2006, pp. 4-5.
Notes: (Germantown, WI).
Abstract: Alphabetical listing of names from Nichol to Zimmerman born in Kassel, Darmstadt, Nassau, Hesse, Waldeck, and Frankfurt am Main, who naturalized in the 1840s to 1912 in Washington County, Wisconsin. Also includes a short listing for Ozaukee County, Baerenz to Lano.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Wisconsin/ Hessians/ Hesse/ Immigrants, German/ Wisconsin — Washington County/ Wisconsin — Ozaukee County/ Naturalization
“The Nearly Invisible German-Americans.” German-American Journal, vol. 55, no. 2, Apr./May 2007, pp. 3.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans/ Anti-German sentiment/ Societies, etc.
“Neue deutsche Kolonisation im Sueden.” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 8, 1908, pp. 159.
Abstract: A short article describing German settlement in the American South, particularly Alabama, with some historical perspective. Notes the resulting benefits to the state, including cultural, agricultural and industrial.
MKI Periodicals
Settlements/ German Americans — Other US states/ German influence
Neues und vollstaendiges Wunsch- und Gratulations-Buch fuer jung und alt. Eine Sammlung der besten Neujahrs-, Namens-, Geburtstags-, Weihnachts- und Hochzeitswuensche, Sylvesterlieder, Glueckwuensche zu Verlobungen, Entbindungen, Stammbuchverse usw. Neue Stereotyp-Ausgabe. Reutlingen: Ensslin & Laiblin, n.d. 47 pp.
Notes: vollständiges, für, Hochzeitswünsche, Glückwünsche; donated by Mrs. Emma M. Jungton, 1985
MKI P93-48
Poetry/ Songs/ Marriage/ Christmas
“New Research: Expellees’ Heimat.” German-Canadian Studies, vol. 13, no. 1, Apr. 2008, pp. 1.
Abstract: Brief description of a Ph.D. dissertation written by Pascal Maeder: “Forging a New Heimat: The Expellees in Post-War West Germany and Canada.” Maeder utilized archival research for his social and political history, examining oral histories, autobiographies, and other primary documents. While his work focuses on the political activism of expellees, it also provides extensive descriptions of their migration experiences and how they made sense of these experiences.
MKI Periodicals
German Canadians/ History/ Research/ World War, 1939-1945/ Ethnic identity/ Refugees — Germany — History — 20th century/ Immigrants, German
“New York Schweizerheim.” Amerikanischer Schweizer-Kalender, vol. 44, 1924, pp. 49-54, ill.
Abstract: Profile of the Swiss Benevolent Society of New York, founded in 1832. Illustrations of Henry Escher (President of the Society); Swiss Home (New York City); Robert J. Schwarzenbach (Initiant der Verlegung des Schweizer Altenheims auf das Land, Mount Kisco); Charles and Alice Challandes (Die Hauseltern); Bertha Gysling, Katharina Signer, Viktor Dreier, Johann Notz, John Keller, and Elise Rosenau (residents of Altenheim), and Neues Swiss Home, Mt. Kisco.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Swiss Americans/ Societies, etc.
Newsletter for American-German Cultural Studies in the Southeast. no. 1 (January 1983).
Journal Whole.
In 1976 Duke University received a unique private library – the Harold Jantz Collection, which is unusually strong in the areas of 16th through 19th c. German-Americana and German Baroque literature and culture. Following a 1979 international conference of German and American scholars of American Studies, and the 1981 publication of those proceedings, a single newsletter issue, edited by Leland R. Phelps, was published in 1983.
MKI has: 2 copies.
Contents: A good match: Duke and the Jantz collection / John L. Sharpe III — Some notes and observations on the collection / Harold Jantz — Ludwig Tiecks Interesse an Nordamerika / Hans-Joachim Lang — The Salzburger papers / Alfred G. Steer — 1979 German-American literary relations conference: lists of participants
MKI P84-130
German-American Studies
[Newspaper Clippings on Remembering the Berlin Airlift].
Abstract: Five newspaper clippings
MKI P2004-20
Berlin Airlift
Norddeutscher Lloyd. Braunschweig [Brunswick]: George Westermann, [1900]. 34 pp., [9] leaves of plates: ill. (some col.), 1 folded plan.
Stamped on p. 1 and p. 23: Steffke Memorial Maritime Collection, Wyandotte, Michigan.
For more images from this publication, please click here.MKI P2007-34
Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Emigration and immigration/ Bremen/ Atlantic crossing/ Ships
Normal-Lektionen ueber die Buecher des Alten Testaments nebst Anhang von Tabellen und Karten. Vorbereitungskursus fuer Sonntagschullehrer , Bd. II. St. Louis, Mo.: Deutsche Ev. Synode von Nord-Amerika, ©1909. 157 pp.
Notes: Religion; Druck: Eden Publishing House
MKI P88-38
PIA/ Educational, Christian/ Teaching/ Biblical
North German Lloyd Steamship Company, Canadian Service, admission form.
Notes: Lineage of English kings written on back in pencil.
Abstract: Form is not filled out; “certify that…he is engaged in agriculture as his chief means of support”
MKI P2002-51
Immigrants/ Canada/ Farming/ Ships
Notes on Carl Heinrich Beiderbecke.
Abstract: Notes gathered from the Internet on Carl Heinrich Beiderbecke, author of Gottes Licht im dunklen Erdteil. Eine Uebersicht der Laender, Voelker und Arbeiten der evangelischen Mission in Africa (Reading, Pa: Pilger, 1889); Erinnerungen eines afrikanischen Missionars. Erlebnisse und Erfahrungen (Chicago: Wartburg, 1922); and Life among the Hereros in Africa (St. Louis, Mo.: Concordia, 1922). Carl Heinrich Beiderbecke was born Aug. 3, 1845 in Deppendorf, Germany. He was a missionary of the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft in Otjimbingwe, Namibia from 1872 to 1880, when he emigrated to America. He was minister of German Lutheran Congregations in New York from 1881 to 1917, including Saugerties, Troy, and St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran in Morrisania (Bronx). Beiderbecke was married to Emma Sarah Margarita (Gita) Hahn and they had a son, Henry, who was also a pastor.
MKI P2010-3
Beiderbecke, Carl Heinrich
Odeon Der Deutsche Heimatsrekord Gesamt-Verzeichnis. New York, N.Y.: General Phonograph Corporation, 1923 April.
MKI P88-116
PIA/ Music/ Reference/ Indexes.
Ohio Waisenfreund Kalender 1940. Worthington, Ohio: Paepstliches Kollegium Josephinum, 1940. 136 pp., ill.
Notes: Donated by Susan Strang.
Abstract: Partial contents: “Das Weihnachtshaus der Jungfer Gnuechtel. Eine Geschichte aus dem Erzgebirge”; “Die Studentenmutter,” Erzaehlung von Franz von Seeburg; “Gottes Besuch,” von M. L. Maier-Tillessen; “Ein lebendes Kreuz inmitten einer spoettischen Welt. Therese Neumann von Konnersreuth”; “Wie heisst Du?” von Joh. von Kunowski (“Habt ihr schon einmal darueber nachgedacht, woher wohl euer Familienname stammt?”); “Die Samariterin,” Skizze von Willi Lindner; “Die zweite Vaterunser-Bitte des heiligen Klemens Hofbauer”; “Die heilige Firmung,” von H. Leuchten; “Deutsche Kuechenkraueter,” von Hans W. Kroening; “Wie es Sankt Elisabeth warm wurde,” von Marga Mueller; “Die blinde Bub vom Allmandhof,” von Marie Theres Baun; “Deutsch Heilkraeuter,” von Hans W. Kroening; “Wie verhalte ich mich bei ploetzlichen Unfaellen?”; “Gen Trier,” ein wahrer Reisebericht von Henry T. Leuchten; “Habemus Papem–Wir haben einen Papst”; “Der Ruineteufel,” von Hans Lenz; “Der Rosenkranz,” Erzaehlung von Josef Lohr; “Der Maerchen vom Mann im Mond. Wie Bergmannskinder es erzaehlen,” von Josef Bauer, Lehrer; “Der Sperling und sein Juengster. Ein Maerchen vom Gottvertrauen”; “Ich hab’ es meiner Mutter versprochen,” von Hans Fraungruber; “Etwas zum Lachen”; and “Zum Kopfzerbrechen” (puzzles).
MKI P2005-8
PIA/ Calendars & Almanacs/ Catholics/ Cookery (Herbs)/ Medicine & Health/ Juvenile literature
“Oklahoma.” Das Evangelische Magazin, vol. 21, no. 6, Juni 1889, pp. 357-358.
Notes: Bound issues of Das Evangelische Magazin. Verlegt von Lauer und Mattill, Cleveland, Ohio. Redigirt von C. A. Thomas und R. Matt.
Abstract: Begins: “Am 27. Maerz d. J. hat der Praesident der Vereinigten-Staaten eine Proklamation erlassen, kraft welcher am 22. April ein neues Territorium fuer weisse Ansiedler eroeffnet wurde. Dieses Territorium liegt mitten im sogenannten ‘Indian-Territorium’; d. i. in dem Land, welches fuer die Indianer reservirt ist. . . . Dass man dieses Land, so im Herzen der Indianerstaemme gelegen, fuer weisse Ansiedler eroeffnet, ist ein Zeichen, dass die Regierung eine neue Epoche mit den Indianern eintreten lassen will; d. h. die Indianer werden gezwungen, mit weniger Land zufrieden zu sein und haerter zu arbeiten. Die ganze Geschichte der Indianer und des ihnen reservirten Landes ist eine Geschichte schreienden Unrechts, das zum Himmel ruft; denn man hat den Indianern noch nie Wort gehalten von Seiten der Regierung.”
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ German Americans — Oklahoma/ Native Americans/ National characteristics, American — Public opinion, German
Die Olympischen Spiele in Los Angeles 1932. Altona-Bahrenfeld: Reemtsma Cigarettenfabriken, [1932]. 142 pp, + 10 leaves of plates, 1 folded diagram, ill. (mostly mounted, part col.).
On title page: Diese Chronik der X. Olympischen Spiele zu Los Angeles wurde unter Mitarbeit der Herren Willy Meisl, Chefredakteur, Berlin; W. A. Cordua, Chefredakteur, Hamburg; Walter Richter, Sportredakteur, Hamburg; von den Reemtsma Cigarettenfabriken, Altona-Bahrenfeld herausgegeben.
Includes 200 b&w and colored mounted cigarette cards produced by the Reemtsma Cigarettenfabriken. Many of the cards are hand-colored.
Donated by John Baltes.
For more images from this book, please click here.
“On March 14, 2008, in Fredericksburg: A Special Musical Concert to Celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Composer/Director Frank Valentin Van der Stucken (1858-1929).” The Journal (German-Texan Heritage Society), vol. 30, no. 1, Spring 2008, pp. 48-50.
Abstract: Frank Valentin(e) Van der Stucken (October 15, 1858 – August 16, 1929) was an American composer and conductor, and founder of the Cincinnati Symphony in 1895.
Van der Stucken was born in Fredericksburg, Texas, to Frank and Sophie (Schoenewolf) Van der Stucken. He died in Hamburg, Germany at age 70.
MKI Periodicals
Van der Stucken, Frank Valentine, 1858-1929/ German Americans — Texas/ Music
“On the Paper Trail of Johann Heinrich Diedrich Leymann: Typical Documents Left Behind By a German Immigrant.” Der Blumenbaum, Sacramento German Genealogy Society, vol. 18, no. 3, Jan./Feb./Mar. 2001, pp. 126-133.
Abstract: Translation of Leymann’s military diary during his service in the Prussian Army in the World War, 1914-1918; also images of documents associated with his Master Baker examination and immigration to America.
MKI Periodicals
World War, 1914-1918/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Diaries
Onkel Karl. Milwaukee, Wis.: Carl Doerflinger. Vol. 1, no. 7, Juli 1877, pp. 118-136
MKI P84-124
PIA/ Periodicals/ Juvenile literature
“Oregon, ein Land, wo Honig, Milch und Fische fliessen.” Amerikanischer Schweizer-Kalender, vol. 41, 1921, pp. 91-92, ill.
Abstract: Brief portrait of Oregon’s “Smelt Drive.”
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Swiss Americans/ Oregon
“Oskar Kollbrunner.” Amerikanischer Schweizer-Kalender, vol. 44, 1924, pp. 83-84.
Notes: German-American/Swiss-American author.
Abstract: Biography of Swiss-American poet and author, Oskar Otto Kollbrunner. He was born in 1895 in Huettlingen, Thurgau. “Ohne Sprachkenntniss, ohne Handwerk, ohne Geld und Freunde stand er eines schoenen Tages auf amerikanischem Strassenpflaster, unbehuelflich den Dingen der Welt gegenueber.”
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Swiss Americans/ Kollbrunner, Oskar Otto, 1895-1932/ Biographies
“Our Germans’ “Little Germany,” Kleindeutschland.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 36, no. 2, October, November, December 2018, pp. 88-89.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society. Includes bibliographical references.
Abstract: Information from the book City of Dreams: The 400-Year Epic History of Immigrant New York (Tyler Anbinder, 2016) briefly describes New York’s German neighborhood, Kleindeutschland, ca. 1860: location, demographics, lving conditions, occupations and trades.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — New York/ History
The Palatine Immigrant. Columbus, OH: Palatines to America. Vol. 1 — , no. 1 (Winter 1976) — .
Journal Whole.
Annual index in Issue 4. Also at Wisconsin Historical Society.
Library holdings may vary. MKI Library has: Vol. 27, no. 4 (September 2002) to present.
Scholarly quarterly publication to further interest and study of the emigration of Palatines and other German-speaking people to North America. Also contains abstracts of members’ submissions to the Immigrant Ancestor Register.
MKI Periodicals
Palatinate (Germany) — Emigration and immigration — History/ Palatines to America German Genealogy Society
The Palatine Patter. Columbus, OH: Palatines to America. no. 1 (Jan. 1976?) — .
Journal Whole. Library holdings may vary.
MKI has: Number 99 (Summer 2002) to present. Newsletter for PALAM members; chapter news and member’s queries are regular features in the newsletter.
MKI Periodicals
Palatines to America German Genealogy Society/ Palatinate (Germany) — Emigration and immigration — History
“A Palatine primer: Or, ‘What is a Palatine?’.” Der Blumenbaum, Sacramento German Genealogy Society, vol. 18, no. 3, Jan./Feb./Mar. 2001, pp. 111.
MKI Periodicals
“A Partial List of German Periodicals Published in the USA.” Journal of German-American Studies, vol. 5, 1972, pp. 5-6.
MKI Periodicals
Periodicals, German-American
“Pennsylvania German Sayings.” Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, vol. 8, no. 2, Spring 2001, pp. 18-19.
Notes: Millersville University. Recorded by Verna Lichty; translated by Nancy Martin, Hawkesville, Ontario, February, 2001.
MKI Periodicals
Pennsylvania-German dialect
“Peter Carl Johann von Rosenberg.” The Journal (German-Texan Heritage Society), vol. 35, no. 2, Summer 2013, pp. 113-116, ill.
Abstract: Born in 1794 at Eckitten, an estate near Memel, in east Prussia (today Klaipeda, Lithuania), Peter Carl Johann von Rosenberg served in the Prussian army, later inherited the Eckitten estate, and raised a family. In 1849 Rosenberg’s eldest son, Carl Wilhelm von Rosenberg, a royal architect, was proscribed because of his outspoken democratic ideas and was barred from further employment with the government. He thus decided to emigrate to Texas. When Carl was unable to dissuade his son from leaving, he decided that the entire family should emigrate together. The family purchased the Nassau plantation in northern Fayette County, and were slaveholders. All the Rosenberg sons joined the Confederate effort during the Civil War.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Texas/ Poetry/ Rosenberg, Peter Carl Johann von, 1794-1866/ Slavery/ Civil War, 1861-1865 — German Americans
“Philipp H. Postel, Mascoutah [Nachruf].” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 8, 1908, pp. 64.
MKI Periodicals
“Philipp Maas [Nachruf].” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 11, 1911, pp. 60.
MKI Periodicals
“Philipp Schoch, Sen., Ottawa [Nachruf].” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 8, 1908, pp. 126.
MKI Periodicals
“[Photocopies of title pages for books from a church library.]”
Notes: Donated by Ross Walker.
Abstract: Copies of title pages from some eighty books held in the Sunday school library at the Westfield German Methodist Episcopal Church in Sauk County, Wisconsin. The books were published in the German language by publishers in the United States, and nearly none of the titles are in the collection of the Max Kade Institute.
MKI P2003-26
PIA/ Churches/ Wisconsin — Sauk County/ German Americans — Wisconsin/ Juvenile literature/ Religious works.
Pietsch im Verhoer. In Gedanken. Dialog fuer Jugendvereine, n. 20. Antigo, Wis.: Antigo Publishing, n.d. 19 pp.
MKI P88-41
“Pittsburg, Pa. Rueckblick in seine Geschichte vor hundert Jahren.” Das Evangelische Magazin, vol. 21, no. 2, Feb. 1889, pp. 85-89, ill.
Notes: Bound issues of Das Evangelische Magazin. Verlegt von Lauer und Mattill, Cleveland, Ohio. Redigirt von C. A. Thomas und R. Matt.
Abstract: Brief mention: “Die erste Kirche in Pittsburg war eine deutsche, und zwar die Evang. Protestantische. Dieselbe wurde im Jahr 1782 durch den westphaelinger Pfarrer Weber gegruendet.”
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Pittsburgh (Pa.)
“Platt Tied Sessions.” Dat Pommersche Blatt, no. 90-, 2016-.
Notes: Pommerscher Verein Central Wisconsin. Selected contents: Eddies’ Bar Town of Hamburg Northern Marathon County by DuWayne Zamzow (April 2016). History of German Theater in Milwaukee by Calla Buttke (June 2016).
Abstract: Regular column reporting on monthly “Platt Tied” meeting presentations held at alternating sites in the region to share knowledge and enjoyment of low German (Plattdüütsch) language and customs.
MKI Periodicals
Low German dialect/ Pomeranians/ German Americans — Wisconsin/ Business & Industry
Plowing the land, reaping a community: Hales Corners and Wisconsin’s Sesquicentennial. Hales Corners, Wis.: Hales Corners Historical Society, 1998. 17 pp.
Notes: Scholar/Advisor/Historian: John Gurda
MKI P2002-26
Wisconsin/ History/ Hales Corners (Wis.)
“Pocahontas.” Illustrierter Jugendblaetter-Kalender fuer das christliche Haus auf das Jahr unseres Herrn 1896. Reading, Pa.; New York: Pilger Buchhhandlung, 1895, pp. 113-115, ill.
Notes: Illustrierter Jugendblätter-Kalender für das christliche Haus auf das Jahr unseres Herrn 1896.
MKI PIA Reading, PA
Children’s literature/ Juvenile/ PIA/ Protestant/ Pocahontas, -1617/ United States — History/ Native Americans
“Polly Pinkham.” Das Evangelische Magazin, vol. 22, no. 11, Nov. 1890, pp. 684-685.
Notes: Bound issues of Das Evangelische Magazin. Verlegt von Lauer und Mattill, Cleveland, Ohio. Redigirt von C. A. Thomas und R. Matt. — English-language versions of this story were found online in publications after 1890, attributed to A. C. Stoddard, in the Western Journal of Education.
Abstract: Thanksgiving story translated from English, featuring Polly Pinkham of Tinkersville and Governor A. [Andrew] Colburn.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Thanksgiving/ Fiction, historical
Pomeranian Culture and Genealogy. Germantown, Wis.: Pommerscher Verein Freistadt, 1997. 138 pp.
Notes: “Publishing Committee: Helen Ohm, Audrey Boehlke, LeRoy Boehlke.”
Abstract: A collection of articles from “Rundschreiben,” the quarterly newsletter of the Pommerscher Verein Freistadt, which deal with Pomerania. Includes a genealogical index of names.
MKI P2000-5
Pomerania/ Genealogy/ Culture
Pommerscher Verein Freistadt Rundschreiben = Pomeranian Society of Freistadt Newsletter. Germantown, WI: Pommerscher Verein Freistadt. no. (1978?) –.
Journal Whole.
Newsletter is a benefit of membership. Also in Wisconsin Historical Society.
Library holdings may vary. MKI has March 2001 to present. Information about the organization, its activities and events, with additional general interest pages about Pomerania and immigration to the Freistadt area in Wisconsin.
MKI Periodicals
Pomeranians — Wisconsin
Postcard: Seeing Milwaukee. Milwaukee, Wis.: E. C. Kropp Co., [1900s?].
Notes: On postcard: E. C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee, no. 1421. Donated by Fran Luebke.
Abstract: Pictured: A beer delivery truck has tourists sitting in cut open barrel seats. On the side of the truck are compartments labeled Schweitzerkaese, Pumpernickel, Frankfurter, and Sauerkraut. Underneath the truck is a Pabst Beer barrel that appears to be providing fuel for the truck. In the background is a brewery flying a Pabst flag.
MKI P2011-16
Breweries/ Milwaukee (Wis.)/ Wisconsin/ Stereotypes/ German Americans
“A Pow-Wow History from Pennsylvania Dutch Country.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 34, no. 3, Jan./ Feb./ March 2017, pp. 119-123; ill.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
Abstract: The first of several short articles describing the custom or practice of folk remedies, Christian prayers, magic words and rituals in the Pennsylvania Dutch communities that adoped the American Indian name of “pow-wowing” .
MKI Periodicals
Pennsylvania Dutch — Social life and customs
“The Practice of Baptism in Various Faiths.” Der Blumenbaum , vol. 35, no. 2, October, November, December 2017, pp. 65.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
Abstract: Short descriptions for the Catholic, Lutheran, Church of England and the Protestant Episcopal, Presbyterian, German Reformed, Baptist and Mennonite Churches.
MKI Periodicals
Baptism records/ Churches/ Genealogy
“The Pretzel Alley Wurst Blatt.” Infoblatt, vol. 18, no. 3, Fall 2012, pp. 1.
Notes: German American Heritage Center, Davenport, Iowa.
Abstract: Features selections from the Pretzel Alley Wurst Blatt, the offical record of the Pretzel Alley [Davenport, Iowa] Commerical Club from its annual meeting of March 20, 1909.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Iowa/ Davenport (Iowa)/ 20th century/ Humor & Satire/ Social life and customs
Proceedings of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of the state of New York, &c. Albany, N.Y.: G. J. Loomis, 1819. 15 pp.
Abstract: Convened in St. Peters Church in the town of Rhinebeck, Dutchess County, on the fourth day of September, A.D. 1819.
MKI P89-61
PIA/ Protestant/ Miscell. documents
“Prof. Gustav E. Karsten, Urbana [Nachruf].” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 8, 1908, pp. 64-66.
MKI Periodicals
“Professor J. Hanno Deiler [Nachruf].” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 9, 1909, pp. 158-159.
Abstract: Deiler was born August 8, 1849 in Altoetting, Upper Bavaria, where he received his musical training. In 1871 he accepted a position in New Orleans as principal of St. Boniface German Catholic School, arriving early in 1872 and later that year married Wilhelmina Saganowski. In 1879 he became professor of German at the University of Louisiana, which later became Tulane University. He was elected president of the North American Singers’ Union, first in 1896 and then again in 1903. He was president of the New Orleans German Gazette Publishing Company, and contributed to numerous German and American periodicals. His research interests focused on the history of Germans in the United States, especially in Louisiana, publishing numerous articles on the subject, as well as one book, The Settlement of the German Coast of Louisiana and the Creoles of German Descent (Philadelphia, 1909). In 1898 the German Emperor recognized Deiler’s literary achievements and his services to the German people in the U.S. by conferring upon him knighthood in the Order of the Crown. Deiler died at his summer home in Covington, Louisiana on July 20, 1909.
MKI Periodicals
Obituaries/ Deiler, John Hanno, 1849-1909/ German Americans — Louisiana/ New Orleans (La.)
“Profile of a Historian: Marie Graeff.” Amerikanisch-Deutsche Union, Spring 1988; Summer 1988.
Abstract: Short biographical sketch of Marie Graeff, wife of Dr. Arthur D. Graeff and a historian
MKI P88-124
Biographies/ Genealogy
Programm der goldenen Jubilaeumsfeier der Freien Gemeinde von Sauk County zu Sauk City, 23. u. 24. Oct. ’02. Sauk City, Wis.: s.n., 1902?
MKI P88-71
PIA/ Miscell. documents
Programm zur Lutherfeier: Sonntag, den 24. Juni 1917 zu Watertown, Wisconsin. Milwaukee, Wis.: Northwestern, 1917. 3 pp.
MKI P88-74
PIA/ Protestant/ Miscell. documents/ Luther, Martin, 1483-1546
Protokoll der 32. Jahres-Konferenz des Wisconsin-Distrikts der Deutschen Evangelischen Synode von Nord-Amerika, gehalten in der Evangelischen Zions-Kirche zu Milwaukee, Wis., (Pastor G. Fischer) vom 11. bis zum 16. Juni 1919. St. Louis, Mo.: Eden, n.d. 34 pp.
Abstract: Includes tables for 1917 and 1918, listing the districts, parishes, pastors, statistics on the members and finances of the church.
MKI P89-29
PIA/ Protestant/ Miscell. documents
“Prussia Warns Against Emigration.” Pommerscher Verein Freistadt Rundschreiben, June 2005, pp. 4.
Notes: Germantown, WI.
Abstract: “At first, some German governments in the 1800s thought emigration was a good way to get rid of troublemakers. When tens of thousands of people started to leave, governments tried to persuade their people not to leave, as in this article from Prussia in 1852.”
MKI Periodicals
Pomeranians/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Pomerania/ Prussia/ America in German literature
“Publications by Annette Burgert.” Germanic Genealogy Journal, vol. Vol. 5, no. 3, Fall 2002, pp. 10-11.
Abstract: A bibliography relating to eighteenth-century immigration to Pennsylvania.
MKI Periodicals
Genealogy/ Emigration and immigration / 18th century/ Bibliographies/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Pennsylvania/ Switzerland
“Rabbiner dr. Bernhardt Felsenthal, Chicago [Nachruf].” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 8, 1908, pp. 66-67.
MKI Periodicals
“Rahr Leaves Indelible Mark on Manitowoc.” Perspektiven, vol. 2, no. 3, Summer 2003, pp. 9-10, ill.
Notes: Goethe House of Wisconsin.
Abstract: “William Rahr grew up as a member of a brewing family in Wesel on the Rhine River in Bavaria…. Beginning in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, with a brewery, Rahr and his descendants changed the face of barley farming and brewing, ultimately making a world-wide impact as a producer of quality malt and an industry leader into the 21st century.”
MKI Periodicals
Wisconsin — Manitowoc County/ German Americans — Wisconsin/ Rahr, William/ Breweries/ Business & Industry/ Manitowoc (Wis.)
Rastatt in der badischen Revolution 1848/49. Rastatt, Germany: Stadtarchiv Rastatt, [23] pp.
MKI P2002-20
Forty-eighters/ Germany/ History/ Revolution, 1848-1849
“Reading Comprehension Questions: The Amish.” Cobblestone: The History Magazine for Young People, vol. 8, no. 11, Nov. 1987, pp. 28-29, ill.
Notes: Questions printed from URL http://www.cobblestonepub.com/pages/compquest198711.html.
Amish/ Teaching
Reading Eagle Almanac for the Year of our Lord 1901, which is a Common Year of 365 Days. Reading, Pa.: Hawley, n.d. 29 pp.
Abstract: Includes astrological and other tables, a list of the courts, and short articles; ill.
MKI P89-67
PIA/ Calendars & Almanacs
“Reading immigrant history by the books: The importance and decline of Wisconsin’s German press.”.
Notes: Notes for Max Kade Institute for German-American studies lecture.
Abstract: Lecture notes.
MKI P2002-13
German-American press/ Newspapers, German-American/ Wisconsin.
“Recalling Our German Heritage Past: Seventh and Marquette Streets, Davenport, Iowa.” Infoblatt, vol. 9, no. 4 , Autumn 2004, pp. 13, ill.
Notes: German American Heritage Center, Davenport, Iowa.
Abstract: Sketch of the life of Theodore Danquard, originally from Heidelberg, Germany, who opened the Deutsche Apotheke in Davenport in 1893. His obituary also notes that he was an active member of the Davenport Zither Club. The article includes a photo of Danquard’s Deutsche Apotheke from around 1918, as well as a photo of the building from 2004.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Iowa/ Davenport (Iowa)/ Business & Industry/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Immigrants, German/ 19th century
“[Receipt for the Germania-Kalender, 1900].”
Abstract: A receipt for two paperbound copies of the 1900 issue of the Germania-Kalender, published by the Germania company of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The receipt is signed Ph. Saxmann on Jan. 6th, 1900. The charge for the paperbound copy is 25 cents, 30 cents for the hardbound copy.
MKI P2003-25
Milwaukee (Wis.)/ Calendars & Almanacs/ Business & Industry.
“Recovering our Past: Mathilde Franziska Anneke (1817-1884).” Feminist Collections, vol. 7, no. 3, 1986.
Abstract: Short biography and feminist aspects of her work and relevance to today’s feminism. Project of presenting Mathilde Anneke to a broader audience
MKI P88-98
Anneke, Mathilde Franziska, 1817-1884/ Feminists
Reformations-Album. 44 Bilder aus der Reformations-Zeit nebst Erklärung. Die Vorläufer der Reformation, Luther und seine Mitarbeiter, Fürsten, Städte, Stätten, und Denkmäler. Zweite Auflage. Reading, Pa.: Pilger, 1885. unpaginated [102 pp.], ill.
Vorwort: Fast in jedem Hause findet man heutzutage ein Photographie-Album mit den Bildern der Familie und lieber Freunde. . . . Kommen Freunde ins Haus, so nimmt man es auch zur Hand, zeigt die Bilder und da heisst’s: Das ist unser Onkel in Deutschland, das war die Grossmutter, das war der Herr Pfarrer, der mich getauft hat, das meiner Mutter Schwesterkind, etc. Hier wollen wir auch ein Album bieten, welchem wir das Bürgerrecht in vielen Häusern verschaffen möchten. Denn es enthält Bilder, welche uns alle etwas angehen. Sie gruppieren sich um den den grossen Gottesmann Luther und sind mit der Reformationsgeschichte verwachsen. Die Namen der Männer und der Orte haben wir schon oft gehört aber nur wenige haben wir im Bilde gesehen.”
Donated by Bob and Shirley Suckow, Newton, IA, 2005.
Reformationsjubilaeum 1917, Traktat Nr. 1. St. Louis, Mo.: Concordia, [1917]. 4 pp.
MKI P88-109
PIA/ Reformation
“The Relationship between Urglaawe and Braucherei.” Hollerbeer Haven, Journal of Urglaawe, Braucherei, and Deitsch Wisdom, vol. 5, no. 1, Spring 2012 , pp. 1, 5-6.
Notes: Available online as PDF at: http://urglaawe.blogspot.com/
Abstract: Examines the distinctions and connections between Urglaawe, “the continuation of the pre-Christian Teutonic faith as viewed within Deitsch culture today,” and the healing tradition of Braucherei.
MKI Periodicals
Medicine & Health/ Pennsylvania Germans/ German Americans — Pennsylvania/ Folks-medicine/ Folklore
Replica of Reisepass from the Freye und Hanse-Stadt Hamburg.
Notes: Donated by Dr. Wolfgram Grams, Nov. 2003.
Abstract: Intended for use by individuals on cultural heritage tours of Germany, this replica is not filled out. The original is in the Stadtarchiv Cuxhaven.
MKI P2003-30
Germany, Emigration and immigration/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Passports
Replica of Reisepass from the Koenigreich Hannover.
Notes: Donated by Dr. Wolfgram Grams, Nov. 2003.
Abstract: Intended for use by individuals on cultural heritage tours of Germany, this replica is not filled out.
MKI P2003-30
Germany, Emigration and immigration/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Passports
“Richard Michaelis [Nachruf].” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 9, 1909, pp. 109-111.
MKI Periodicals
“Rudolph Koradi [Nachruf].” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 8, 1908, pp. 36-37.
MKI Periodicals
“Rudolph Reichmann. Ein Pionier der deutschen Presse in Iowa.” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 8, 1908, pp. 99-101.
Notes: Nachrufe. Aus “Davenport Demokrat” 12 April 1908 .
MKI Periodicals
Biographies/ German Americans — Iowa
“Rutherford B. Hayes, Praesident der Vereinigten Staaten.” Haus und Herd. Eine Monatsschrift fuer die Familie und Sonntagschule, vol. 5, no. 7, July 1877, pp. 348-350, ill.
Notes: Donated by the Mayville Historical Society.
Abstract: Biographical sketch.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Biographies/ Hayes, Rutherford Birchard, 1822-1893
“Sacramento’s Turn Verein: The story of German immigrants in Sacramanto who carried on the Turner tradition of their homeland.” Der Blumenbaum, Sacramento German Genealogy Society, vol. 11, no. 2, 1993, pp. 49-52.
Notes: Also includes records in the next article: “294 Sacramento Turners: The middle years (1874-1885),” pp. 53-61; and in the next issue: January, February 1994, 374 Sacramento Turners (1885-1907), pp. 92-103.
MKI Periodicals
Saint John’s Lutheran church, 1856-1981, Madison, Wisconsin. [Madison, Wis.: the church, 1981]. 16 pp.
Notes: Donated by Juergen Eichhoff.
Abstract: Includes some information on German-immigrant and German-American founders, such as Ludwig Beck, Martin Joachim, and Johann Renner.
MKI P2001-27
Lutheran Church/ Madison (Wis.)
Salem United Church of Christ, 4212 Camp Street, New Orleans, La. 70115, Founder’s Day. New Orleans: the church, [1984]. [12] pp., ill.
Abstract: Founded on March 8, 1863, “for the first twenty years, no English was heard in the pulpit and no church rite was performed in the English language.”
MKI P2004-19
German Americans — Louisiana/ Churches
Sankt Michaels Kalender, 1944. Techny, Ill.: Mission Press. 1944, 93 pp., ill.
Donated by Susan Strang, 2005; on cover: “Der Reinertrag ist fur die Missionen bestimmt”; sticker on cover: “Au[ch zu] haben vom Katholischen Wochenblatt und Der Landmann, 1307 Howard Street, Omaha, 8, Nebraska und 1940 Irving Park Road, Chicago, Illinois.
Partial contents: “Aganow. Russische Novelle,” von August H. Seuge; “Christliche Karitas in den frueheren christlichen Zeiten,” von Dr. Hermann Floriani; “Do sollst nicht richten!” von Anna Moll; “Der Puppenspieler,” von Anna Marie Sieber; “Die Wandlung,” von Horst Sigmar; “Zur Geschichte des Tees,” von Prof. Dr. W. Heupke; “Der Stierhueter vom Luckenberg. Die Geschichte eines Einsamen,” von Anton Schott; “Gleichnisse der Natur,” aus Am Strome des Lebens von Pfarrer Johannes Engel; “Der Inseljunker. Eine Erzaehlung,” von Luise Schwenger-Cords; photographs of “Beruehmte Bruecken”; “Der Waechter des Unendlichen,” von E. Stilgebauer; “Die letzte Not,” von Elisabeth Westphal; “Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka,” von Victor Forbin; “Die Bedeutung der Rueckenschmerzen,” von W. Arbuthnot Lane; “Der Giftbrunnen in der Wueste. Erzaehlung aus Arabien,” von Hans Richard Mertel; “Weltrundschau.”
MKI P2005-12
PIA/ Calendars & Almanacs/ Catholics
“Sarah Bush, Abraham Lincoln’s gute Stiefmutter.” Das Evangelische Magazin, vol. 22, no. 12, Dec. 1890, pp. 716-719, ill.
Notes: Bound issues of Das Evangelische Magazin. Verlegt von Lauer und Mattill, Cleveland, Ohio. Redigirt von C. A. Thomas und R. Matt.
Abstract: Biographical sketch.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Lincoln, Sarah Bush Johnston, 1788-1869/ Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865/ United States — History/ Biographies
Sauk City Free Congregation: The Only Active Free Congregation Fellowship in the Nation. Sauk City, Wis.: s.n., n.d.
Notes: Religion; Pamphlet about the origins and history of the Freethought Congregation of Sauk County, Wisconsin. Acquired February 1988.
Abstract: Provides a short introduction to the history and basic thoughts of the freethinkers. The free thought movement was organized by German pioneers who were discontent with the traditional doctrine of established churches. They formed their own congregation which does not cling to established beliefs.
MKI P88-63a
PIA/ Religious works/ Wisconsin/ Freethinkers
“The Schwenckfelders and the Moravians Two Hundred Years Ago (1723-1742).” Schwenckfeldiana, vol. 1, no. 4, 1944.
Abstract: Contents: The Moravians; The Schwenckfelders and the Moravians in Saxony (1723-1734); Nicholaus Ludwig, Count von Zinzendorf (1700-1760); Augustus Gottlieb Spangenberg (1704-1792)
MKI P84-162
Schwenkfelders/ History/ Moravians
“Selected Biographical Sketches.” Swiss American Historical Society Review, vol. 40, no. 2, June 2004, pp. 42-64, ill.
Abstract: Biographical sketches of selected nineteenth-century Swiss immigrants in Ohio, taken from various sources. Includes Samuel Strasser Rickly of Columbus; Jacques Ritchie, Johann Edward Frey, Johann Anderegg, and Johann Martin Henni of Cincinnati; and Friedrich Muhlhauser, William Neracher, Christian Schuepbach, Johann Lendy, Johann Mueller, Arnold Moser, Gottlieb Strasser, Lorenz F. Wilhelm, Joseph L. Hitz, Jacob Hirt, and Gottlieb Mueller of Cleveland.
MKI Periodicals
Swiss Americans/ 19th century/ Immigrants, Swiss/ Ohio/ Swiss Americans — Ohio/ Biographies
The Settlers on Lake Winnebago. (Die Ansiedler am Winnebago-See) Amalia Ruegg, trans. Neenah, WI: Citizen Printing & Publishing Co., 2004. 113 pp.
Notes: Originally published as Die Ansiedler am Winnebago-See in German by George Brumder, Milwaukee. Translated by Amelia Ruegg; donated by David V. Dexter; CitizenBooks Historical Reprints; see also MKI P2002-98 [advertisements for “Early Settlers on Lake Winnebago,” a translation of “Die Ansiedler am Winnebago-See” by Amalia Ruegg] and German editions published by Brumder.
Abstract: From the 1894 edition preface: “This story is based upon facts taken from an old diary of one of the early settlers on Lake Winnebago. The story appeared in German from the Publishing House of Mr. G. Brumder, Milwaukee, Wis. . . . Its interest is greatly increased from the fact that it happened so near our homes, and in our own state. Older people all over the state tell sad tales of their hardships in early times. . . . [W]e very diligently set to work to translate it, and after revising it several times, and rejecting all long and superfluous words, we deem it ready to put before the public.” None of the characters in the book appear to be German immigrants.
MKI P2004-44
Fiction/ Wisconsin/ Native Americans/ Settlements
Sheboygan Amerika. 19. Jahrgang, no. 192. Samstag, den 7. Juli 1917. [4] pp.
Notes: Paper is in fragile condition; Preis 2 Cents.
Abstract: Among the article titles are: Russ. Massenangriffe blutig abgeschlagen; Junge Chinesen werden in die American Junior Naval Reserve aufgenommen; Eine Antwort auf die Predigt des Rev. Thomas; Prohibition in Testvotum geschlagen. Bier- u. Weinverbot vom Senat entschieden verworfen; Kanzlerrede am Samstag erwartet: Ueber neues Friedensangebot an Entente, verlautet in London; and an installment of “Mutter Maria,” a novel by E. von Anderten.
MKI P2004-29
PIA/ German Americans — Wisconsin/ Newspapers, German-American/ Prohibition/ World War, 1914-1918
[Shelf list cards for German collection].
Notes: Believed to be for Watertown Free Public Library (some cards mention Stechert, which was a fund seen in the Watertown German collection books), however, titles on cards do not match well with our database of titles [Procite: Watertwn.dat]. Also, cards are wrapped in a sheet of paper with letterhead for Williams Free Library, 106 Park Avenue, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 53916.
MKI P2002-66
Bibliographies/ Literature, German
“Shocking to the Natives: The ‘Continental Sunday’.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 22, no. 3, Jan./Feb./Mar. 2005, pp. 132-133, ill.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
Abstract: Includes quotes from two articles published in 1873 and 1896 that disdain the less-than-somber Sunday practices of German Americans. Lists food and drink available at a typical Biergarten.
MKI Periodicals
Cultural differences/ German Americans/ Social life and customs/ Food
“Slinger Beer Toasted before Village Renamed.” Perspektiven, vol. 2, no. 3, Summer 2003, pp. 6-7, ill.
Notes: Goethe House of Wisconsin; adapted from an article by Otto Tiegs which appeared in the American Breweriana Journal, July-August 1995.
Abstract: Lehman Rosenheimer came to the village of Schleisingerville, Wisconsin, in 1856. He bought a brewery in 1870, which was bought by H. Charles Storck and William Hartig in 1877. “By 1895, Storck’s beer became so popular, he sent it as far as Stevens Point, Wisconsin, by rail…. The Storcks fought off competition by introducing Slinger Beer, the name the village would change its name to in 1921.” During Prohibition the Storck brewery publicly shifted to producing ice cream, although beer was still secretly manufactured. “The brewery was forced into involuntary receivership during September 1958.”
MKI Periodicals
Wisconsin — Washington County/ German Americans — Wisconsin/ Rosenheimer, Lehman/ Breweries/ Business & Industry
Society for German-American Studies. Newsletter. [Varies]: Society for German-American Studies. Vol. 1, no. 1 (1979) –.
Journal Whole. Benefit of Society membership. Originally published quarterly.
Library holdings may vary. MKI has: Vol. 1, no. 1 (1979/1980) Articles concerning the Society as well as news on the activities of other organizations with similar purposes and short articles on German-Americana.
MKI Periodicals
German-American Studies — Periodicals/ SGAS
Some Facts of Interest about the German-English Academy, Founded 1851. [Milwaukee, Wis.: The Academy, 1904]. [6] pp.
Notes: Photocopy, donated by Ethel-Maria Nikesch, 2006. Original in Historical Society Library Pamphlet Collection, 57- 826. In German and English.
MKI P2006-10
German-English Academy/ Education/ Milwaukee (Wis.)/ German Americans — Wisconsin/ Teaching
Souvenir-Programm der 17. General-Versammlung des Staats-Verbandes, 10. General-Versammlung der Gonzaga-Union, 3. General-Versammlung des Frauenbundes von Wisconsin und Ober-Michigan abgehalten vom 15. bis 18. Mai 1921, Marshfield, Wisconsin. [Marshfield, Wis.: s.n., 1921]. [44 pp.].
Notes: Donation from Juergen Eichhoff
MKI P2001-16
PIA/ Churches/ Wisconsin/ German Americans
“Spring Valley Heritage Farm statement of purpose.” 1 pp.
Notes: Short pamphlet on Carriage Hill Farm Museum (Dayton, Ohio) under the same number.
Abstract: The Spring Valley Heritage Farm site has been established by the Schaumburg Park District (Ill) at the Spring Valley Nature Sanctuary. The purpose of the site is to preserve and interpret the agricultural heritage and lifestyles of a typical German farm from Schaumburg Township during the 1880s. Carriage Hill Farm Museum recreates the life-style of a conservative farming family.
MKI P95-13
Farming/ German Americans — Illinois/ Farm life/ 19th century/ Rural life & conditions.
St. Josephs Kalender 1927. Sechszehnter Jahrgang. St. Benedict, Oregon: Benediktiner zu Mt. Angel, Oregon, 1927. [80] pp., ill.
Notes: Donated by Susan Strang.
Abstract: Partial contents: “Der amerikanische Rhein,” an article on the Hudson River; religious-themed stories from Switzerland; “Der Grossmutter Weihnacht,” by Marga J. von Hungen, that begins, “Es war Weihnachtsabend. Die alte Frau Berger stand mit geroeteten Wangen am Herde und backte Doughnuts”; cartoons for children; “Der Flug ueber den Nordpol”; “Ueber Einbuergerung,” a section devoted to U.S. citizenship; and advertisments for, among other things, the Monicke Herb Co. in Sheboygan, Wis.; a hemmorhoid cure from the Van Bleck Co. in Jackson, Mich.; pool tables from the International Book Company in New York City; Java Coffee Mills in Chicago; and Forni’s Alpenkraeuter (“…es verscheucht die Wolken der Gefahr”) from Dr. Peter Fahrney & Sons Co. in Chicago.
MKI P2005-6
PIA/ Calendars & Almanacs/ Religious works/ 20th century
“A St. Louis Patriot Comes Home, St. Louis Post-Dispatch; Kathleen Neils Conzen receives 2015 SGAS Distinguished Achievement Award.” Society for German-American Studies Newsletter, vol. 36, no. 2, July 2015.
Abstract: Articles recapping events of the 2015 SGAS Annual Symposium in St. Louis. Presenter Guy Stern escaped from Nazi Germany to St. Louis in 1937 at age 15; he worked as a military interrogator during and after World War II; became a distinguished German scholar, and is director of the Zekelman International institute of the Righteous at the Holocaust Memorial Center near Detroit, MI. President Walter Kamphoefner details the many distinguished contributions Kathleen Neils Conzen has made to the German-American studies and other areas.
MKI Periodicals
History/ World War, 1939-1945 — German Americans / German-American Studies
Statuten des deutschen Militaer-Vereins. Madison, Wis.: s.n., 1911. 20 pp.
Notes: “Gegruendet am 6. Januar 1911.”; pencil marks through Artikel 15 (pp. 19-20).
MKI P2000-6
PIA/ Wisconsin/ Societies, etc.
“Steam Circus: the Colorful World of Carousels — Sound Mind Sound Body: the Quad Cities Turnverein — Culinary Customs: a Taste of Germany [Exhibits].” Infoblatt, vol. 29, no. 2, Spring 2018, pp. 1, 3-4, 6-7.
Notes: German American Heritage Center, Davenport, Iowa.
Abstract: Information about exhibits at the GAHC which highlight the influence of German-speaking immigrants Gustav Adolf Dentzel (carousels), Turners, Johann Baptist Meyenberg (Pet evaporated milk), Charles (Karl) Fleischmann (yeast and spirits), Richard Hellmann (mayonnaise), Rudolph Gustav Hass (avocado), H. J. Heinz (“57 varieties”).
MKI Periodicals
German Americans
“Story of an Austrian Inventor Named Hedy Lamarr.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 23, no. 2, Oct./Nov./Dec. 2005, pp. 94, ill.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
Abstract: Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler, born in 1914 in Vienna, is otherwise known as the 1940s movie idol Hedy Lamarr. But she also came up with a “brainstorm that helped lead to wireless Internet and cellphones.” Lamarr and her Hollywood neighbor George Antheil patented an idea for radio “frequency hopping” and then donated it to the government, which promptly classified it. The concept was utilized in military computer chips in the 1950s, was declassified in 1985, and then was applied to cellphones, cordless phones, and the Wi-Fi Internet protocols.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans/ Austria/ Lamarr, Hedy, 1913-2000
“The Story of That Elephant and That Donkey: Thomas Nast, the German Immigrant Who Started It all.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 26, no. 2, Oct./Nov./Dec. 2008, pp. 52-53, ill.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
Abstract: Brief sketch of the career of political cartoonist Thomas Nast, who was born in 1840 in Landau (Rhineland-Palatinate).
MKI Periodicals
Nast, Thomas, 1840-1902/ Artists/ German Americans/ 19th century/ Politics
“Streuselkuchen und Schafskopf: Deutsche Auswanderer in Beaver Dam.” The German American, no. 4, Fall 2000, pp. 1-4.
Notes: One entry in German (Friedrich Berger).
Abstract: Stories of German immigrants who settled in the Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, area: Friedrich Berger, Sabine French, Bob Gartzke, Roy Gentz, Floyd Henschel, Edward Krause, Betty Macheel, and Elizabeth Semeitat.
MKI P2007-38
German Americans — Wisconsin/ Wisconsin — Dodge County/ 20th century
“Studies Effect of Immigration on Languages: U. Linguist Finds German Speaking Badgers Often Borrow English Words.” Capital Times, Feb. 2, 1949.
Notes: Donated by Suzanne Treichel, 2007.
Abstract: “A University linguist [Lester Seifert], whose family has retained its mother-tongue–German–through four generations, is conducting a detailed research project in Wisconsin to determine what happens to the language of people who move into a community where another language is commonly spoken.”
MKI P2007-42
Seifert, Lester W. J./ Linguistics/ Language, German (US) — Dialects/ German Americans — Wisconsin/ Language influence
“Successful Conference on German-Canadian History.” German-Canadian Studies Newsletter, vol. 7, no. 2, Oct. 2004, pp. 1.
Abstract: Brief summary of the presentations made by nineteen scholars who met in Winnipeg, Manitoba in August 2004 to discuss new research in German-Canadian history during a conference titled “Assimilation, Integration, Acculturation? The German-Canadian Case.”
MKI Periodicals
German Canadians/ History/ Research
Susanna Harvey, oder: Bin ich am Sterben, Mutter? No. 225. Cincinnati, Ohio: Walden & Stowe, 4 pp.
Notes: Perhaps a translation from the English.
Abstract: Begins: In meinem jungen Jahren — erzählt eine Frau — wohnte ich in Clifton, und wurde dort mit einen jungen Mädchen bekannt, für die ich mich sehr interessirte.
MKI P2018-07
Juvenile literature/ Religious/ Death — Religious aspects — Christianity/ Fiction, religious
“Sutter und das Goldland.” Das Evangelische Magazin, vol. 22, no. 9, Sept. 1890, pp. 532-534, ill.
Notes: Bound issues of Das Evangelische Magazin. Verlegt von Lauer und Mattill, Cleveland, Ohio. Redigirt von C. A. Thomas und R. Matt.
Abstract: Biography of John Augustus Sutter, the Swiss pioneer known for his association with the California Gold Rush, but who died almost poor. Concludes: “John A. Sutter, welcher so viele Tausende reich, ungeheuer reich gemacht hatte, musste den Wermuths-Becher bis zur bittersten Neige auskosten. Undank ist eben der Welt Lohn.”
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Biographies/ German Americans — California/ Sutter, John Augustus, 1803-1880/ Swiss American
Swiss American Historical Society. Review. Asheville, NC: Swiss American Historical Society . Vol. 1 –, no. 1 (1964?) –.
Journal Whole. Benefit of membership. Includes bibliographic references. Cumulative index for vols. 1-33 in v. 33, no. 3. Also at Wisconsin Historical Society.
Library holdings may vary. MKI has: Vol. XXV, no. 1 (February 1989) to present. Dedicated to articles, reviews, obituaries, and reports dealing with the topics of interest to the Society.
MKI Periodicals
Swiss American Historical Society/ Swiss Americans — History
“Swiss Genealogy Books.” Germanic Genealogy Journal, vol. Vol. 5, no. 2, Summer 2002, pp. 12.
MKI Periodicals
Swiss Americans/ Switzerland/ Genealogy/ Bibliographies
Taegliche Andachten. St. Louis, Mo.: Concordia Publishing House. 1937-1999. Herausgegeben von der Lutherischen Kirche — Missouri-Synode.
According to Wikipedia, Taegliche Andachten was published from 1937 until 1999 as the German language counterpart to Portals of Prayer.
Library has: Vol. 20, issue 149 September-Oktober-November 1957, Worte des Heils.
Vol. 45, issue 295, April-May-June 1982, Christus, das Lamm Gottes.
MKI P2019-
Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod/ Prayers/ Religious works
“Tennis; Bauer Drug Store; Mayville’s World War I Casualties.” Wagon Wheels, the Newsletter of the Mayville Historical Society, vol. 21, no. 3, September 2015.
Abstract: Brief articles describe the tennis courts circa 1915 behind Bauer Drug Store; the store itself, founded by Alfred H. Bauer, a Dodge County native; and the three local casualties in WWI: Pfc. Frank W. Bonau, Corp. Walter I. Whereatt, Lieut. Carl H. Berger.
MKI Periodicals
World War, 1914-1918/ German Americans — Mayville (Wis.)
“Terrorists Are No Match for Two German Master Bridge Builders.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 21, no. 1, July/Aug./Sept. 2003, pp. 10-11, ill.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society; Röbling.
Abstract: Born in 1896 in Muehlhausen in Thueringen, John Augustus Roebling developed a method for stranding and weaving wire cable and became renowned for building bridges. His most famous work is the Brooklyn Bridge, although he died shortly after construction began, and the bridge was completed under the direction of his son, Washington Augustus Roebling.
MKI Periodicals
Roebling, John Augustus/ German Americans — Pennsylvania/ Architecture
[Text and Image Labels for an Exhibit Titled “Germans at Work in a Society under Construction: Northern Illinois, 1850 to 1920”]. Forest Park, IL: German-American Heritage Institute, [21] pp.
Notes: “Introduction for the GAHI exhibit”
Abstract: “One of our goals in this exhibit is to illustrate Germans at work in both the hinterland and the city [Chicago and the towns, villages, and farms around it].” Another goal is to show “how the work performed by Germans changed during a time of extremely rapid industrial development.” Panels are described as depicting farm scenes; the Elgin Herold newspaper, Haeger Potteries, brickyards, and bridge construction; artisan shops, Schwenck, Pieper’s blacksmith shop, Kraus print shop, Fuerst and Bradley; Peter Schuttler’s wagon works, Elgin watch works, stockyards; McCormick’s Reaper Works, Finkl Steel; and Germans in the labor movement.
MKI P2004-13
German Americans — Illinois/ Exhibitions/ 19th century/ 20th century/ Chicago (Ill.)/ Business & Industry/ Farming/ Labor movement
Text for Exhibit of Materials Relating to Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin-Madison. 32 pp.
Abstract: Includes mention of German-Americana items, such as a Brumder cookbook from the Mortimer Levitan collection, a copy of Onkel Toms Huette, a book from the Ellis Collection of German textbooks, a yearbook purchased from the “Germanic Seminary Library Fund, a gift from German Americans of Milwaukee 1899,” a publication of the Hilfsverein Deutscher Frauen of New York (part of the World War I collection), and a gift of Hugh Iltis, Professor Emeritus of Botany at UW-Madison, and son of Hugo Iltis.
MKI P2013-11
German Americana/ Exhibitions
“They Traveled in Steerage: Travel in ‘Tween Decks’ Was an Experience Often to Be Dreaded and Never to Be Forgotten.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 22, no. 2, Oct./Nov./Dec. 2004, pp. 65-67, ill.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
Abstract: Includes cross-section illustrations of a passenger ship, 1895.
MKI Periodicals
Immigrants, German/ Emigration and immigration/ Ships
“Thoughts on Selecting a Professional Researcher to Work For You.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 22, no. 3, Jan./Feb./Mar. 2005, pp. 139.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
Abstract: Questions for anyone considering hiring a professional researcher to search one’s German ancestry.
MKI Periodicals
Genealogy/ Research
[Ticket for] 7tes Wisconsin Schuetzenfest.
On card: Veranstaltet vom Deutsch Am. Schützen Club, Inc. Sonntag, den 10. August 1941 in Karl Schurz Park, Grafton, Wis. Eintritt 10c.
“Three Letters: Theodore Frankenfeld, 1753 – Christian Mayer, 1827 – Ferdinand Cruz, 1862.” Society for the History of the Germans in Maryland, vol. 26th Report, 1945, pp. 49-50.
MKI Periodicals / SHS F 190 .G3 S6
“A Timeline for Americans of German Descent.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 24, no. 3, Jan./Feb./Mar. 2007, pp. 130-137.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
Abstract: Timeline from the year 100 to the year 2008 to help genealogists understand the events and circumstances under which their German ancestors lived. “Readers are encouraged to darken the vertical rules beside their German ancestors’ lifespans, to highlight their respective eras.”
MKI Periodicals
History/ 16th century/ 17th century/ 18th century/ 19th century/ 20th century/ Genealogy
“Timeline of Important Dates for Beginners in German Family History.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 26, no. 1, July/Aug./Sept. 2008, pp. 13.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
Abstract: Notes significant events from 911 to 1944.
MKI Periodicals
History/ 16th century/ 17th century/ 18th century/ 19th century/ 20th century/ Genealogy
“Tips for Sending Letters Overseas.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 21, no. 3, Jan./Feb./Mar. 2004, pp. 132.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
Abstract: Tips include: Write the country name in English for U.S. postal workers and German zip codes are placed before city names.
MKI Periodicals
Genealogy/ German language — Writing
Tisch und Kueche. Eine Zusammenstellung von bewaehrten Koch-Rezepten. Sorgfaeltig ausgewaehlt fuer den Familiengebrauch und angeordnet fuer rasches Nachschlagen. Ergaenzt durch kurze Winke fuer Tisch und Kueche. (Table and Kitchen. German Edition). Chicago, Ill.: Price Baking Powder Co., [1893]. 61 pp.
Notes: Küche, bewährten, sorgfältig, ausgewählt, für, ergänzt; in poor condition: front cover loose; missing back cover
MKI P84-171
PIA/ Cookbooks
“Trachten: Dressing True to Tradition.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 26, no. 1, July/Aug./Sept. 2008, pp. 26-29, ill.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
Abstract: Includes a map showing Trachten regions around Minden, in Westfalen.
MKI Periodicals
Germany/ Ethnic costume
“Trachten: Naming the Parts and the Accessories.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 26, no. 1, July/Aug./Sept. 2008, pp. 30, ill.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
MKI Periodicals
Germany/ Ethnic costume
“Trachten of the Schwalm in Hessen, Where the Grimm Brothers Found the Now-Famous ‘Rotkaeppchen’ (‘Little Red Cap’) Story.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 26, no. 1, July/Aug./Sept. 2008, pp. 31, ill.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
MKI Periodicals
Germany/ Ethnic costume
“Transatlantic Perspectives: Europe in the Eyes of European Immigrants to the United States, 1930-1980.” Bulletin of the German Historical Institute, Supplement, no. 8, 2012, pp. 77-79.
Notes: GHI Research.
Abstract: “This four-year project explores the role of European migrants in transatlantic exchange processes during the mid-twentieth century. . . . By adapting their European professional heritage to their work in the United States and by translating American innovations to the context of their European homelands, these migrants acted as conduits for social and intellectual transfer.”
MKI Periodicals
Business & Industry/ 20th century/ Biographies/ Research/ United States — History/ Emigration and immigration (Europe-US)
“Transcription of Germantown Friends’ Protest Against Slavery, 1688.” Yearbook of German-American Studies, vol. 23, 1988, pp. 219-220.
Abstract: To accompany Leroy T. Hopkins’s article in same volume: “The Germantown Protest: Origins of Abolitionism among the German Residents of Southeastern Pennsylvania”
MKI Periodicals
Slavery/ Germantown (Pa.)/ 17th century/ German Americans — Pennsylvania
Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church of Freistadt (Thiensville, Wisconsin). 2 vols. [Thiensville, Wis.: the congregation, 1954, 1964]. 40, 86 pp.
Notes: Donated by Juergen Eichhoff; vol. 1: History of Trinity Lutheran Congregation, 1839-1954 by Roy A. Suelflow and Aug. R. Suelflow; vol. 2: “By the Grace of God…” includes information on emigration from Pomerania, identifying family names and the towns from which they came.
MKI P2001-32
Lutheran Church/ Wisconsin/ History/ Freistadt (Wis.)
Trostworte fuer Kranke und Betruebte: nach den Lehren und Schriften der Heiligen. Clyde, Mo.: Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration, n.d. 31 pp.
MKI P88-37
PIA/ Catholics
“Tuebinger in America.” In USA–Universitaet Tuebingen. Die Amerika-Beziehungen der schwäbischen Landesuniversität im Kaleidoskop : eine Ausstellung des Universitätsarchivs Tübingen in Verbindung mit dem Akademischen Auslandsamt und der Abteilung für Amerikanistik am Seminar für Englische Philologie aus Anlass des 200. Jahrestags der amerikanischen Unabhängigkeit Volker Schaeffer, and Uwe Jens Wandel, bearb., 1976, pp. 131-156.
Abstract: Includes: Theologen / Vater und Sohn Autenrieth und andere Amerika-Reisende / Friedrich List / Apotheker / Naturwissenschaftler / Juedische Emigranten
MKI P85-126 / MEM LF 3132.5 .U17
Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Cultural exchange
“Two Postcards Showing Herr Louie and the Weasel.”
Donated by James P. Leary. See: “Herr Louis, the Weasel, and the Hungry Five: German-American Performers on Midwestern Radio,” by James Leary [P2011-11].
One postcard shows Herr Louie and Weasel, the other also has “the Original Hungry Five” and is labeled “Eitel’s Old Heidelberg Inn Rathskeller (Chicago).”
MKI P2011-11.
Songs/ Artists/ Middle West
“An Umbrella of Facts Covering German Immigration.” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 25, no. 1, July/Aug./Sept. 2007, pp. 14-19, ill.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
Abstract: Includes: “Overview of German Immigration,” “Why Did Germans Leave Home?,” “Letters from America,” “Some Immigrants Went Back,” “European Ports,” “Emigrant Lists from Some Parts of Germany,” “A Brief Immigration Vocabulary,” and “What About Those ‘Latin Farmer’ Immigrants?”
MKI Periodicals
Immigrants, German/ 19th century/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)
The United States Letter Writer, or Directions to Compose Correctly Letters, Documents, Deeds, &c., Which Occur in the Social Relations and Business Life of the United States, with an Introduction on Orthography and Punctuation, and an Appendix of Poems for Particular Occasions = Vereinigten Staaten Briefsteller, oder Anleitung zur richtigen Abfassung aller in den allgemeinen Lebensverhältnissen, sowie im Geschäftsleben der Vereinigten Staaten vorkommenden Briefe, Aufsätze, Urkunden &c., nebst einer Einleitung über Rechtschreibung und Interpunktion und einem Anhange von Gelegenheitsgedichten. 4th ed. Philadelphia, Pa.: John Weik, 1857. vi, 264 pp.
German and English on opposite pages, paged in duplicate —- On title page verso: Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1854, by John Weik, in the Clerk’s Office in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. King & Baird, Printers, Sansom St,. Philadelphia. —- Book is in good condition
Donated by Mennonite Church USA Historical Committee, Goshen, Indiana.
Click here to read about the appearance of a letter and postage, in English.
Click here to read about the appearance of a letter and postage, in German.
Click here to read a sample letter congratulating a male friend on his upcoming marriage, in English.
Click here to read a sample letter congratulating a male friend on his upcoming marriage, in German.
“[University of Wisconsin-Madison News Release: Prof. Lester Seifert Interviews Wisconsin Speakers of German],” Jan. 26, 1949, pp. 6.
Notes: Donated by Suzanne Treichel, 2007.
MKI P2007-42
Seifert, Lester W. J./ Linguistics/ Language, German (US) — Dialects/ German Americans — Wisconsin/ Language influence
“Unser Heim.” Abendschule-Kalender fuer das christliche Haus auf das gemeine Jahr 1882. St. Louis, Mo.: Louis Lange Publishing Co., 1881, pp. 29-39.
Notes: On title page: Herausgegeben von der Redaktion der Abendschule.
Abstract: “Ein eigenes, wenn auch noch so bescheidenes Plaetzchen, in dem man sich ‘heimisch’ fuehlt und wo man gern nach des Tages Last und Hitze, unbehelligt von Fremden, im Kreise der Seinen weilt, eine Freistaette, aus der uns niemand treiben kann, sollte ein jeder erstreben — und in unserem gluecklichen, gotrtgesegneten Lande Amerika ist dies wahrlich den miisten erreichbar. Es ist eine Freude, zu sehen, wie schnell es unsere sparsamen und arbeitslustigen eingewanderten Landsleute zu einem eigenen Heim bringen, in dem der Segen des Familienbluecks sich viel besser erzielen, geniessen und foerdern laesst, als in jenen ‘Zinskasernen’ (Tenement-Houses) unserer grossen Staedte, die mit ihren zahllosen Wohnungen nur ein nomadenaehnliches Miethausleben zulassen. . Ausser auf die Trockenhaltung des Wohnhauses haben wir aber unser Augenmerk auf noch andere Haupterfordernisse des menschlichen Wohlbefindes zu richten, die man die vier Elemente der Wohnung nennen koennte, und diese sind: Luft, Licht, Waerme und Wasser.”
Home/ Life Skills guides/ Immigrants, German/ 19th century
Unsere Schule in Bild und Wort, 1852-1918. [Dubuque, Iowa: German Theological School of the Northwest], 1918. [50] pp., ill.
An illustrated souvenir book of the German Theological School of the Northwest in Dubuque, Iowa. The University of Dubuque Theological Seminary was founded in 1852 to reach out to the many German settlers arriving in the Midwest at that time. The seminary provided theological education to those called to serve as evangelists and pastors throughout the Midwest. The school, initially known as Van Vliet Seminary after founder Adrian Van Vliet, was renamed the German Theological School of the Northwest in 1864. In 1870, the seminary was accepted by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church as a theological institution of the church. Although Van Vliet was Dutch, until 1896 all classes were conducted in German. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Dubuque]
Donated by Mark Seiler, 2007.
For more images from this book, please click here.
Unter seinem sanften Stab: ein bibl. Bilderbuch aus dem Leben unseres Heilandes mit Geschichten nach Worten der heil. Schrift und Liederversen. Konstanz: Carl Hirsch, n.d. 20 pp.
MKI P88-31
PIA/ Biblical/ Poetry/ Illustrated
“Urtheil eines Amerikaners ueber die deutsche Sprache.” Haus und Herd. Eine Monatsschrift fuer die Familie und Sonntagschule, vol. 5, no. 1, Jan. 1877, pp. 50.
Notes: Donated by Mayville Historical Society.
Abstract: “Sehr selten vernimmt man von einem Amerikaner ein anerkennedes und wohl begruendetes Urtheil ueber den Werth und die Bedeutung der deutschen Sprache. Neuerdings aber ist von dem Herausgeber des Journal of Education, Hrn. Searing, einem Manne von anerkannter Gelehrsamkeit, ein solches offen und ehrlich ausgesprochen worden.” Provides a portion of the text of Searing’s article.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Language, German
[Various documents relating to churches in Germany]. 6 books and 2 pamphlets.
Notes: Donated by Walter Schwamb, Koengernheim, 2002.
Abstract: “Festschrift: 250 Jahre Evangelische Kirche Selzen, 175 Jahre Union, 30 Jahre Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Selzen-Hahnheim-Koengernheim” (1998); “Festschrift: 250 Jahre Evangelische Kirche Selzen” (1991); “1780-1980: 200 Jahre Evangelische Kirche Undenheim”; “Jubilaeumsfestschrift: 1299-1999–700 Jahre die Evangelische Kirche in Koengernheim / 1974-1999: 25 Jahre ‘Stiftung Dietz'”; “Vernunft und Freiheit in der Religion: 125 Jahre Freie Religion in Alzey”; historical pamphlet on Weierhof and pamphlet on the Mennonitengemeinde Weierhof.
MKI P2002-68
Churches/ Germany/ History/ Selzen
[Various photographs and images].
Notes: Donated by Juergen Eichhoff.
Abstract: Includes: photos of front and back of the Milwaukee Liedertafel flag (includes note from Heinz Rehfeld, President of the organization, dated Feb. 8, 1987); announcement for Deutsche Oper: Fra Diavolo at the Milwaukee Musik-Verein (from the scrapbooks of Emil Wallber, Milwaukee, State Historical Society of Wisconsin WHi (X3) 32475); advertisement for Val-Blatz Brewing Co., Milwaukee, Wis. (Milwaukee County Historical Society Neg# 9644); photograph of Milwaukee Turnverein, 1880 (SHSW Whi (X3) 23316); photograph of Black River Falls, Wis., ca 1890-1910 (SHSW V2/D 62); two photos of Christian Turck house, originally in Germantown, Washington County, Wis. now located at Old World Wisconsin, Eagle, Wis (State Historical Society of Wisconsin WHi (X3) 25839 and 26262); postcard showing “the first Kindergarten in America,” in Watertown, Wis.; photocopy of photo of “Primitive cabin–similar to Richards’ first home. Schumacher cabin in Dodge County side of Watertown. Considered to be oldest cabin built in Watertown.”
MKI P2001-26
German Americans — Wisconsin/ Music/ Watertown (Wis.)/ Milwaukee (Wis.)/ Image
Vereins-Buechlein der Spezial-Statuten und Gebete fuer den christlichen Muetter-Verein in der HI. Namen Jesu Kirche zu Racine, WI. Milwaukee, Wis.: Zahn, 1898.
Notes: Religion; donation from Ronald C. Wagner
MKI P92-57
PIA/ Women/ Prayers
Vereins-Buechlein der Spezial-Statuten und Gebete fuer den Christlichen Muetter-Verein in der Hl. Namen Jesu-Kirche in Racine, WI, gegruendet am 19. Maerz, 1898. Milwaukee, Wis.: Zahn, n.d.
MKI P93-25
PIA/ Women/ Prayers
Vergissmeinnicht. Illustrierte Zeitschrift der Mariannhiller Mission. Detroit, Mich.: Mariannhill Foreign Missions. Vol. 44, no. 5-6, 8, 10, 12, 1926.
“A Catholic Mission Monthly published for the support of our Foreign Missions in English, German and Polish”; donated by Susan Strang.
Holdings: 44. Jahrgang, 1926: Nr. 5 (Mai), Nr. 6 (Juni), Nr. 8 (August), Nr. 10 (Oktober), and Nr. 12 (Dezember).
MKI P2005-7
Catholics/ Periodicals
Verhandlungen der 103ten jaehrlichen Versammlung des Deutschen Evangelisch-Lutherischen Ministeriums von Pennsylvanien . Philadelphia, Pa. : Wollenweber, 1850.
MKI P93-44
PIA/ Protestant/ Miscell. documents
Verhandlungen der fuenfzehnten Sitzung der evangelisch-lutherischen Synode von Westpennsylvanien. Gettysburg, Pa.: Reinstedt, 1839.
MKI P93-44
PIA/ Protestant/ Miscell. documents
“Verspaetet.” Das Evangelische Magazin, vol. 22, no. 11, Nov. 1890, pp. 649-653, ill.
Notes: Bound issues of Das Evangelische Magazin. Verlegt von Lauer und Mattill, Cleveland, Ohio. Redigirt von C. A. Thomas und R. Matt. — English-language versions of this story were found in two 1893 newspapers, the Meriden (Connecticut) Daily Republican and the Medina (New York) Tribune with the title “The Delayed Dinner.”
Abstract: Thanksgiving story translated from English, featuring “Distrikts-Anwalt” James Jackson and his wife, their son James, and Mrs. Hurlburt.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Thanksgiving/ Fiction, historical
Vertrau auf Gott: ein biblisches Bilderbuch. Neues Testament. Columbus, Ohio: Lutheran Book Concern, n.d.
MKI P88-4
PIA / Juvenile literature/ Biblical/ Illustrated
Vierzig Singrädlein. Ithaca, N.Y.: Thrift Press, n.d. 16 pp.
Two, three, and four voice canons.
Donated by Christel Haeck, Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary Library, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada.
Click here to view the song “Kaffee.”
“Visiting Professor Speaks About Ethnicity and Music.” German-Canadian Studies, vol. 13, no. 1, Apr. 2008, pp. 2.
Abstract: Summary of a presentation by Dr. Barbara Lorenzkowski (professor of history at Concordia University in Montreal) titled “Sounds of Ethnicity: Listening to German North America, 1850-1914.” Lorenzkowski described the lushness of German music festivals on both sides of the Great Lakes, and also developed a theoretical argument concerning music’s role in the creation of social spaces. Large festivals allowed for cultural exchange between German immigrants and Anglo-Saxon audiences because “unlike the German language, the festive tunes were accessible to all.” Lorenzkowski also discussed how music festivals helped in the creation of unique ethnic identities for German immigrants in both the United States and Canada.
MKI Periodicals
Music/ German Americans/ German Canadians/ Festivals/ Social aspects/ Ethnic relations/ Ethnic identity
“Vor 70 Jahren. Die ersten Ansiedler und Gruender von Westphalia, Mo.” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 8, 1908, pp. 49-51.
MKI Periodicals
Missouri/ Settlements/ German Americans — Missouri
Vorwaerts im Namen des Herrn! Columbus, Ohio: Lutheran Book Concern, n.d. 61 pp.
Notes: Religion; L:GER.
Abstract: The title page includes a greeting and blessing from the 4th Missionary Conference, in Sandusky, OH on January 27 and 28, 1913.
MKI P89-22
PIA/ Missions
Wagon Wheels: the Newsletter of the Mayville Historical Society. Mayville, WI: Mayville Historical Society. Vol. 1 –, no. 1 (March 1995) –.
Journal Whole. Available from: Mayville Historical Society, P.O. Box 82, Mayville, WI 53050.
Library holdings may vary. MKI has: Vol. 1, no. 1 (March 1995) to present.
MKI Periodicals
Mayville (Wis.)/ History/ Periodicals
“Wandeling Der Apostelen Ende De Reysen Pauli.”
Biblical map.
MKI P92-10.
PIA/ Biblical/ Maps.
Wander-Buch fuer Georg Simon. Darmstadt: Verlag der Grossh. Hess. Invaliden-Anstalt, n.d.
Abstract: This personal identification includes handwritten notes by the owner.
MKI P89-8
Medicine & Health/ Folks-medicine
Washington, Missouri. Washington, MO: Washington Historical Society.
Dates vary. Donated by J Tiedemann, 2015.
Pamphlet: Franz Schwarzer, King of the Zither Manufacturers — pamphlet: George Bergner: Washington, Missouri, Inventor.
MKI P2015-03.
Washington, MO–Biography/ German Americans — Missouri/ Franz Schwarzer/ George Bergner/ Zithers.
“Watertown, Wisconsin Celebrates the 150th Anniversary of the First Kindergarten.” Society for German-American Studies Newsletter, vol. 27, no. 3, Sept. 2006, pp. 17, ill.
Notes: SGAS.
Abstract: “The kindergarten was founded [in 1856] by Margarethe Meyer Schurz, wife of the famous German-American statesman, Carl Schurz.”
MKI Periodicals
Watertown (Wis.)/ Kindergarten/ History/ German language school
“Waumandee’s Harmonia Hall to Receive National Historic Register Designation.” Winona Post, April 22, 2009.
“Harmonia Hall was built and likely designed by Joseph Schaefer of Arcadia in 1890 (Buffalo County Republikaner, May 20, 1890). Originally titled the Harmonie Gesellschaft, the structure served as a subchapter of the Freie Gemeinde movement. . . . Chartered in Waumandee in 1861, as one of over 30 in Wisconsin with the largest in Sauk City.” Family names associated with the Harmonie Gesellschaft include: Ochsner, Manz, Hohmann, Waelty, Farner, Knecht, Rothering, Kirchner, Moser, and others.
MKI P2009-9.
German Americans — Wisconsin/ Societies, etc./ Music/ Waumandee (Wis.) — History/ Wisconsin — Buffalo County/ Freethinkers.
“We Had Settled Our Accounts with Heaven. . . A Brief German Account of a Battle at Vicksburg.” Der Maibaum (Deutschheim Association Journal), vol. 9, no. 2, Summer 2001, pp. 1, 3, 10, ill.
Notes: Donated by Prof. Glenn G. Gilbert, 2005.
Abstract: Translations of Civil War letters between Franz Carl Wilhelmi and Ludwig Muench, friends and neighbors from Franklin County, Missouri.
MKI Periodicals (Miscellaneous)
Letters/ Civil War, 1861-1865 — German Americans/ German Americans — Missouri
Weihnachts-Fest in der Ev. Luth. Sonntag-Schule. Reading, Pa.: Pilger, n.d. 18 pp., ill.
MKI P89-30
PIA/ Protestant/ Christmas/ Educational, Christian
Weihnachts Gespraeche und Dialoge, No. 42. Cleveland, Ohio: Central Publishing House, n.d.
MKI p92-52
PIA/ Christmas/ Theater & Drama
Weihnachtsspiele 94, 95; Sammlung von Deklamationen fuer die Weihnachtsfeier 43. Antigo, Wis.: Antigo Publishing, 1917.
MKI P93-20
PIA/ Christmas/ Theater & Drama
“Weschdaag bei uns wie ich yung waar.” Journal of the Center for Pennsylvania German Studies, vol. 9, no. 1, Winter 2002, pp. 10-11.
Notes: Millersville University.
Abstract: Anonymous story in Pennsylvania Dutch.
MKI Periodicals
Pennsylvania Dutch/ Pennsylvania-German dialect
“Westliche Post.” Westliche Post, 7. November 1910.
Circled on p. 7 is the announcement: “Eine Ueberraschung. Die Gruenderin der Freien Gemeinde von Sauk City, Wis., als Gast,” citing a visit by Frau Emilie Crusius. Also of note is an advertisement for voting on the Prohibitions Amendment on the front page.
MKI P93-12.
Newspapers, German-American/ German Americans — Missouri/ Sauk City (Wis.).
“What Does This Map NOT Reveal about the German Language in Switzerland?” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 27, no. 1, July/Aug./Sept. 2009, pp. 34-35, ill.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society.
Abstract: Information on the dialect of German spoken in Switzerland.
MKI Periodicals
Switzerland/ Language, Swiss German/ Dialects
“What Was on the Mind of Your German-American Ancestor?” Der Blumenbaum, vol. 21, no. 2, Oct./Nov./Dec. 2003, pp. 71.
Notes: Sacramento German Genealogy Society; source: “List of Lectures and Debates Given Before the Davenport Turngemeinde,” by Hildegard Binder Johnson; from the Iowa Journal of History, no. 44 (1946), pp. 54-60.
Abstract: Lists topics of debates and lectures presented at the Davenport (Iowa) Turngemeinde from 1857 to 1915. Among the topics: “Status of women,” Mar. 1, 1857; “Is water or beer preferable for the health of human beings?” Dec. 1867; “The abolition of capital punishment,” Nov. 1873; Debate: “German instruction in public schools,” Apr. 1874; “The attitude of immigrants toward the immigration problem,” Apr. 25, 1898; “Antisemitism of the present and race hatred in history,” Sept. 28, 1899; and “German-American Poets,” Oct. 23, 1900.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Iowa/ Turners/ Intellectual life/ History/ United States/ Societies, etc.
What Wondrous Life: the World of George Husmann: a Photographic Exhibit on the Life and Achievement of George Husmann. Columbia, MO: Western Historical Manuscript Collection, 2002. vi, 32 p. : ill.
Notes: Contents: Why emigrate? / Adolf E. Schroeder — The Spirit of George Husmann / Linda Walker Stevens — Early photography and the family / Oliver Schuchard — The books and monographs of George Husmann, a chronological checklist / Gail Unzelman.
Donated by J Tiedemann, 2014.
Abstract: Three essays and a bibliography to accompany an exhibit about “the father of the Missouri grape and wine industry,” who also played an important role in rescuing French and California vineyards from destruction by Phylloxera by providing resistant rootstock.
MKI P2014-10
Viticulture — United States./ German Americans — Missouri./ Husmann, George (1827-1902).
“Where is Henry?” Wagon Wheels, The Newsletter of the Mayville Historical Society, vol. 20, no. 3, September 2014, pp. 3.
Abstract: In 1915 Ruedebush families in Mayville learned that the German ship Krinprinz Wilhelm had put into port at Newport News and was interned. A relative of the families, Lieut. Henry (Heinz, Heinrich) Ruedebusch received leave to visit for two weeks. Henry regaled his hosts with stories of life on the “sea raider,” and “contradict[ed] postively the oft-heard newspaper talk of German cruelty.” Henry left Mayville to return to the ship, but along with several other officers, apparently broke parole and was never heard from again.
MKI Periodicals
World War, 1914-1918/ German Americans — Wisconsin
“Who was Edward Sauerhering?” Wagon Wheels, vol. 23, no. 1, March 2017, pp. 3, ill.
Notes: Newsletter of the Mayville [Wis.] Historical Society.
Abstract: Brief biography of Mayville native, pharmacist, and Republican Congressman for two terms.
MKI Periodicals
German Americans/ Mayville (Wis.)/ Sauerhering, Edward, 1864-1924
Widersprueche in der Bibel. Milwaukee, Wis.: Freidenker, 1904.
Notes: Religion; (theilweise mit Benutzung aehnlicher Arbeiten zusammengestellt von C.D.).
Abstract: “Fuer die Vielen moegen die folgenden Gegenueberstellungen ein Mittel sein, um sie zum Nachdenken zu bringen. Freidenker werden ein Hilfsmittel daran haben, um bei vorkommendem Meinungsaustausch mit Christen viel Zeit und Muehe zu sparen.”
MKI P94-50
PIA/ Religious works/ Philosophy/ Freethinkers
Wie der Krieg nach Amerika kam. Committee on Public Information, 1917.
MKI P94-56
PIA/ History
“Wie ein Knabe seine Pflicht that.” Das Evangelische Magazin, vol. 21, no. 10, Oct. 1889, pp. 610-613.
Notes: Bound issues of Das Evangelische Magazin. Verlegt von Lauer und Mattill, Cleveland, Ohio. Redigirt von C. A. Thomas und R. Matt.
Abstract: Story may be a translation from the English. Features a character named Benny Waters and a firm named “Field and Swineburn” located in Scottsville, Kentucky.
MKI Periodicals
PIA/ Fiction
“Wie weit ist Amerika?” PZ, vol. 31, no. 31, 1982.
Abstract: Partial contents: Das deutsch-amerikanische Verwirrspiel: Meinungen junger Leute von hueben und drueben; er ist stolz auf sein Land: Amerikaner bei uns; Waiblingen und die Welt: Schwaebische Auswanderer und die alte Heimat
MKI P92-6
United States/ Foreign public opinion
“Wilhelm Freund [Nachruf].” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 11, 1911, pp. 59-60.
MKI Periodicals
“Wilhelm H. Wagner [Nachruf].” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 11, 1911, pp. 55-56.
MKI Periodicals
“Wilhelm Rapp [Nachruf].” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 7, 1907, pp. 58-61.
MKI Periodicals
“Wilhelm Vocke.” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 7, 1907, pp. 117-122.
MKI Periodicals
“William Osman, Ottawa [Nachruf].” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 9, 1909, pp. 64.
MKI Periodicals
“William Penn und die Gruendung von Pennsylvania.” Abendschule-Kalender fuer das christliche Haus auf das gemeine Jahr 1882. St. Louis, Mo.: Louis Lange Publishing Co., 1881, pp. 85-93, ill.Notes: On title page: Herausgegeben von der Redaktion der Abendschule.
Pennsylvania/ History/ America / Colonial period
“Winner of First GCS Essay Prize: UW Graduate Robyn Dyck Goes On to Harvard.” German-Canadian Studies Newsletter, vol. 6, no. 1, Aug. 2003, pp. 2, 4.
Notes: http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/index/german-cdn-newsletter-archives.
Abstract: The first winner of the German-Canadian Studies Essay wrote an essay entitled “Speculative Endeavor: Possible Causes for the Emergence of Plautdietsch in Written Form.” The essay explores why the Low German spoken by Mennonites became a literary language only in the 20th century.
MKI Periodicals
German Canadians/ Mennonites/ Low German dialect/ Language, German (Canada) — Dialects
“The Wisconsin homefront during World War I.” Perspectives: The Wisconsin Humanities Committee Newsletter, vol. 19, no. 3, 1992, pp. 1-3.
Notes: The WHC awarded a grant toward supporting an innovative 1500 square foot exhibit that opened on Armistice Day, Nov. 11, 1992.
Abstract: The emphasis of the exhibit will be on the reactions of Wisconsin residents to the European War in the years before, during, and after America’s direct participation. In looking at the dilemmas of a democracy at war the display will examine how being at war affected patriotism, civil liberties, and ethnic conflict.
MKI P94-36
World War, 1914-1918 — German Americans/ Attitudes/ Exhibitions
“The Wreck of the Steamer Daniel Steinmann As Told By Her Captain.” The Palatine Immigrant, vol. 38, no. 4, Sept. 2013, pp. 6-11.
Abstract: Reprints an article from the New York Herald about the April 3, 1884 wreck near the entrance of the Halifax, Nova Scotia harbor, in which ninety passengers and thirty-four crew were lost. Most of the passengers were German-speaking immigrants who intended to settle in the Western States and Territories. The article provides a passenger list that cites places of origin.
MKI Periodicals
Shipwrecks/ Immigrants, German/ 19th century/ Immigrants, Swiss
Yearbook of German-American Studies. Lawrence, KA: Society for German-American Studies. Vol. 16 (1981) — .
Journal Whole.
Preceded by and continues numbering of: Journal of German-American Studies. Has occasional Supplemental Issues: 2, 2006; 3, 2010; 4, 2012; 5, 2019. Tables of contents available online in PDF format: http://sgas.org/publications/yearbook/table-of-contents/ Also in Wisconsin Historical Society.
Library holdings vary. MKI has Vol. 16, 1981 to present
Articles — Documentation — Book Reviews.
MKI Periodicals
Periodicals/ Society for German-American Studies
Zeitschrift fuer Kulturaustausch. Denn meine Heimat ist das, was ich schreibe: Zeitgenoessische deutschsprachige Literatur in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Stuttgart: Institut fuer Auslandsbeziehungen. Vol. 39, no. 1 (1989).
Journal Whole. This single issue contains an anthology of contemporary German-language literature in the United States. Authors: Peter Beicken, Margarete Bernhardt, Barbara Bolton-L. Wulf, Irmgard Elsner Hunt, Richard Exner, Christian Albrecht Gollub, Mimi Grossberg, Walter Gruenzweig, Burghild Nina Holzer, Lisa Kahn, Peter Kuhn, Marianne Landre, Uwe Mengel, Erika A. Metzger, Gert Niers, Peter Pabisch, Ilse Pracht-Fitzell, Margot Scharpenberg, Christiane Seiler, Geertje Suhr, Don Heinrich Tolzmann, Fred Viebahn, Donald N. Yates, Gesine Worm, Thomas Wolber.
MKI PT 3913 .D4 1989
Collections / 20th century/ Literature, German (US)
“Zum Kapitel der Namensaenderungen.” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 9, 1909, pp. 154-158.
Abstract: “Die deutsche Familien-Namen in Amerika wunderbare Veraenderungen durchgemacht haben, hauptsaechlich in Folge davon, dass ihre Traeger ihre Namen selbst nicht buchstabieren konnten, und die nicht viel besser gebildeten amerikanischen Beamten sie nach dem oft in heimatlichen Dialekt gegebenen Klange niederschrieben, oder dadurch, dass man sie zu uebersetzen versuchte, davon sind in diesen Blaettern manche Beispiele angefuehrt worden. Z.B. “Van Sandt” aus “Unverzagt,” “Mericandollar” aus “Mergenthaler.” Und es wird hoffentlich mit der Zeit Jemand entstehen, der diese Namensaenderungen zu einer umfassenden und, soweit es moeglich, ershoepfenden Studie macht.” Includes list of some names and their variant translations and spellings.
MKI Periodicals
Language, German/ Immigrants, German/ Foreign elements (Language)
Zum Kripplein Christi Ev. Lutheran Church: The One Hundreth Anniversary of Dedication. 1964. [52] pp., ill.
Notes: Photocopy
MKI P2003-16
Wisconsin — Dodge County/ Lutheran Church/ German Americans — Wisconsin
Zur Erinnerung an das Goldene Jubilaeum der Lessing Loge No. 557. 3 Nov. 1917. Chicago, Ill.: Klein, 1917.
MKI P93-45
PIA/ Miscell. documents
Zur Erinnerung an den Besuch des Nationalen Deutsch-Amerikanischen Lehrerbundes auf Burg Rottland Ruedesheim a. Rh. 18. Juli 1912. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1912. 29 pp.
MKI P88-20
PIA/ Poetry/ Germany
“Zwei erfolgreiche deutsche Finanzmaenner von Illinois. — Eduard Abend, Heinrich Franz Joseph Ricker .” Deutsch-Amerikanische Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 2, no. 3, 1902, pp. 22-25.
Abstract: The Ricker section authored by Heinrich Bornmann
MKI Periodicals
German Americans — Illinois
“Zwei pennsylvaniadeutsche Lyriker.” Muttersprache, 1955, pp. 28-29.
Abstract: Ziegler, Charles C., 1854-1930 and Birmelin, John, 1873-1950. A few examples of their poems.
MKI P93-72
Poetry/ Literature, Pennsylvania-German/ Birmelin, John, 1873-1950/ Ziegler, Charles C., 1854-1930
Zweierlei Geber und beide verkehrt: Ein Weihnachtsgespraech fuer zehn Persohnen. Cleveland, Ohio: Central Publishing House, n.d.
Notes: 14 pages
MKI p92-51
PIA/ Theater & Drama/ Christmas
Zweites Deutsches Lesebuch nebst praktischen Sprach- und Uebersetzungs-Uebungen und einem Anhang, enthaltend englische Sprachstücke zum Uebersetzen in’s Deutsche und einen kurzen Abriss der Grammatik. New Standard German Series II. Second German Reader. Chicago, Ill.: George Brumder, 1886. viii, 209 pp., ill.
On cover: Chicagoer deutsches Lesebuch. On title page: Motto: “Aus der Schule — für die Schule!”
German-American contents include: sample letters attributed to writers in Chicago, Milwaukee, New York, and Cedarburg, Wis. — “Der Staat”: “Staaten unseres Landes haben einen Bund mit einander geschlossen. Sie heissen deshalb die Vereinigten Staaten.” — “Sängergruss,” a poem by E. A. Zündt: “Frisch auf, ihr Sänger, singet, singt/ Columbia lauscht den Tönen!/ Wo man der Freiheit Banner schwingt,/ Wird man den Sänger krönen.” — “Eine Fahrt auf dem Michigansee” (written to “Lieber Gustav” by Samuel Henderson) — “Wie die Farmer im Westen ihre Häuser bauen” — “Die deutschen Ansiedelungen von Nord-Amerika” — “Der rothe Zwerg (eine Chippewa-Sage)” — “Wie man Erfrorene behandelt,” which begins: “In einem Dorfe am Mississippi wohnte vor einigen Jahren im Hause seiner Eltern ein junger Mann, der geisteskrank oder irrsinnig war.” — “Pionierleben in Wisconsin” — “Die Leibgarde Washington’s”: “Aber was uns Deutsch-Amerikaner am meisten freut, ist, dass unser grosser Washington eine Leibgarde hatte, die aus lauter Deutschen bestand.” — “Kampf mit einem Adler,” which begins: “An einem kalten Wintertage des Jahres 1874 hatte ein Jäger am Yellowflusse in der nähe des Städtchens Chippewa Falls, Wis., einen stattlichen Hirsch geschossen, deren es im nördlichen Wisconsin noch viele gibt.” — “Der Niagarafall” — “Benjamin Franklin” — “New-York vor zweihundert Jahren” — “Der Teufelssee (Devil’s Lake)” by Henricus vom See, which begins: “Tief in Wisconsin’s Mitte da ruht ein stiller See” — and “George Washington’s Jugendzeit.”
Donated by Karyl Rommelfanger.
Click here for two-page text, “Pionierleben in Wisconsin.”