Virtual Lecture: “New York’s German-Language Press in Times of Peace and War (late 19th Century to 1918)” with Peter Conolly-Smith

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Virtual Event

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This presentation examines New York City’s thriving German-language press on the eve of World War I by looking at three representative newspapers: the bourgeois New Yorker Staats-Zeitung, the socialist New Yorker Volkszeitung, and the William Randolph Hearst-owned, yellow press-inspired New Yorker deutsches Journal. We will explore the three newspapers’ respective backgrounds, layouts, and appeal; place them within the larger context of the New York daily press (with the Yiddish-language Forverts as well as the English-language yellow press serving as points of reference and comparison); and evaluate the three newspapers’ fates during and after World War I.

Peter Conolly-Smith grew up in cold war West Berlin and now teaches late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century U.S. social and cultural history at the City University of New York, Queens College. He is the author of Translating America: An Immigrant Press Visualizes American Popular Culture, 1895-1918, Smithsonian Books (2004).