The Way Home: A Photo Biography of Arthur Davis Hasler

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@ 6:00 pm


Arthur Frederick Hasler


UW-Madison Memorial Library, room 126, 728 State Street, Madison


Center for Limnology at UW-Madison


One of the most fascinating phenomena in the animal kingdom is the migration of salmon. This photo presentation by Arthur Frederick Hasler tells the story of his father Arthur Davis Hasler (1908-2001), a former UW-Madison Limnology Professor, who discovered how salom accomplish their migration feat. A descendanat of Swiss-German and German immigrants, Arthur D. Hasler grew up in Utah. He spent formative years in Germany as a young LDS missionary, as a major in the U.S. Army after World War II, and later as a research scientist, – a lifetime filled with experiences that informed his groundbreaking limnology research.

Arthur Frederick Hasler, a son of Arthur Davis Halser, is a scientist emeritus who worked at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. Dr. Hasler received a Ph.D. in Meteorology from UW-Madison in 1971. He published the story of his father “The Way Home: A Photo Biography of Arthur Davis Hasler” in 2017. Books will be available for signing.