--"A Trip to the Haslibacher Farm," by Mark Louden, Emmental, Canton Berne, Amish, Mennonites, Brethren, Hutterites, Anabaptist movement, Hans Haslibacher
--"Pages From the Past: Documenting Family History with Letters," by Kevin Kurdylo, MKI Archive, old German handwriting script, Carl Paul Graupner, Ida (Graupner) Liepert, Elsa Graupner, Hermann Graupner, Philip Graupner
--"Working with Letters Written in the Old German Script," by Kevin Kurdylo, Deutsche Schreibschrift, old German handwriting script, Kurrent, Sütterlin, transcription, Genealogy
--"Ersatz Kaffee in the World War I Period," by JoAnn Tiedemann, Die Deutsche Hausfrau, Kunst-Kaffee (ersatz or substitute coffee), Nicholson Roasting Co., Wisconsin State
Gazetteer, Independent Coffee Co.
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