-- "The Stulz Brothers, a German-American Business in Kansas City," by Kevin Kurdylo, Neuestes Deutsches Liederbuch, “von den Stulzen Brüdern” (by the Stulz brothers), folksongs, songbooks, German publishing, glassware, liqour business,
-- "The St. Nazianz Colony Struggles to Survive: 1873–1896," by Karyl Rommelfanger, utopian community, Father Ambros Oschwald, Anton Stoll,
-- Book Review: "The “German-ness” of the American Symphony: A Study of Musical Diplomacy," by Julia J. Chybowski, "Sound Diplomacy: Music and Emotions in Transatlantic Relations, 1850–1920," by Jessica C. E. Gienow-Hecht, nineteenth- and early-twentieth century transatlantic cultural exchange, symphony orchestra,
-- "University of Wisconsin Students Explore “Germanic Languages and Migration,” by Emily Heidrich, Professors Robert Howell and Joseph Salmons,
-- "Immigrant Entrepreneurship: German-American Business Biographies, 1720 to the Present"
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