Summer 2022 Newsletter

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"From Rags to Archives’ Riches: Historic Newspaper Resources" by Randi Ramsden: Chronicling America, German American newspapers, Illinois Staats-Zeitung, Der Deutsche Correspondent, Der Vaterfreund [Vaterlandsfreund]
"The Germans of Landskron (Lanškroun): From Franconia to Bohemia and Bohemia to America" by James Kleinschmidt and Edward Langer: Waterloo-Wisconsin, emigration from Bohemia, "robota" labor system, St. Wenceslaus Roman Catholic Church in Waterloo-Wisconsin, Island Church, Sudeten
"“I Write About the Beauty of Death So You May Enjoy More Beauty in Life”: Dr. Berthold A. Baer, 1857–1924" by Kevin Kurdylo: German American immigrant, Charles Sessler publishing house, Anna Katherine Green, German American poetry, Baltimorer Blumenspiegel
"Friends of the Max Kade Institute Annual Meeting" in Port Washington, Wisconsin"
"Julie Larson-Guenette Joins the Board of Directors"