Summer 2002 Newsletter

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Summer 2002 Newsletter / Volume 11 Number 2
-- "Gemütlichkeit at the Gasthaus: Friends Hold Annual Meeting and Dinner," by Eric Platt
-- "MKI to Host Upcoming Conference: Sounds of Two Worlds," by Antje Petty: Sounds of Two Worlds: Music as a Mirror of Migration to and from Germany / Ethnic identity / Songs
-- "MKI Hosts Conference on German Dialects in the Midwest," by Thor Templin: Dane County Kölsch / Berry, Ashton, and Cross Plains, Wisconsin / Peter McGraw, Steve Geiger, Mary Devitt, Peter Wagener, Suzanne Townley / Linguistics, morphology
-- "Update on the Digitization of German Dialects," by Steve Geiger and Rita Morandi: German dialects in America / Wolfgang Moelleken, Lester Seifert, Glenn Gilbert, Silvia Dal Negro / Field recordings / Kansas German / North American German Dialect Archive
-- "Low German in Wisconsin," by Alexandra Jacob: German dialects / Low German dialect / Plattdeutsch
-- "Jan Wirrer visits the MKI," by Thor Templin: Low German dialect
-- "MKI Releases Two New Books," by Eric Platt: Dictionary of German Names / Hans Bahlow, Edda Gentry / Land without Nightingales: Music in the Making of German-America / Philip V. Bohlman
-- "Traveling Exhibit and Programs Explore Barns in the United States," by Felecia Lucht: Center for the Study of Upper Midwestern Cultures / Farm life / Reckelberg farm in Kewaunee County / Pagenkopf family farm /
-- "New Acting Director of the MKI," by Felecia Lucht: Mark Louden
-- "A History of the Keystone House," by Emily Engel: William J. Petherick / Dane County Historical Society / Freda Keyes Winterble / University of Wisconsin-Madison
-- "Collection Feature: Songbooks," by Kevin Kurdylo: Die alte und die neue Heimath: Ein Volksliederbuch (1864) / Brockmann, J. H., ed. Kleiner Liederschatz für Jung und Alt. Milwaukee, Wis.: Northwestern, 1881 / Liederbüchlein für untere Classen und gemischte Schulen. 3rd ed. St. Louis, Mo.: Deutsche Evang.-luth. Synode von Missouri, Ohio, u.a. Staaten, 1880 / Weiss, C. A., and Geo F. Rosche, eds. Perlen und Blüthen: Liederbuch zum Gebrauch in Sonntags-Schulen, christlichen Jugend-Vereinen, etc., etc. 2nd ed. Chicago, Ill.: Rosche, 1892 / Chor-Buch für Deutsch Amerikanische Chor-Sänger. Knoxville, Tennessee: Amerikanische Chor-Sänger, n.d. / Jubeltöne: Eine Sammlung von Liedern und Melodien aus deutschen und englischen Quellen. 37th ed. Cleveland, Ohio: Lauer & Mattill, 1889 / Ehrlich, Godfrey, trans. “On Wisconsin: Festlied der Universität Wisconsin.” [1910-1920?] / Das Cardui Lieder-Buch. Chattanooga, Tenn.: Chattanooga Medicine Co., 1912 / Rattermann, Heinrich Armin. Nord-Amerikanische Vögel in Liedern. Für Familien- und Schulgebrauch. Cincinnati, Ohio: Selbstverlag, 1904