VOL. 11 NO.1
-- "Diedrich Gives Talk on Frederick Douglass and Ottilie Assing," by Felecia Lucht: Dr. Maria Diedrich, Love Across Color Lines, German journalist Ottilie Assing
-- "MKI Loses a Great Friend: Charles J. Wallman Dies at Age 77," by Andy Wallman: Edward J. Brandt, Inventor; The German-Speaking Forty-Eighters: Builders of Watertown, Wisconsin
-- "Harzig Gives Talk on 'Peasant Maids - City Women,'" by Angela Horn: Dr. Christiane Harzig, Migration Experience from the European Countryside to Urban America
-- [Book Review] "The German-American Encounter: Conflict and Cooperation between Two Cultures 1800-2000," reviewed by Christer Garrett
-- "Friends Profile: Charles James," by Felecia Lucht: UW-Madison German Department
-- "Lake Days Festival: Germanfest in Beaver Dam"
-- "The Old German Script," by Helmut Schmahl
-- "Visiting Scholar at the MKI: Alexandra Jacob," by Angela Horn: Low German dialect
Spring 2002 Newsletter
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