Fall 2017 Newsletter

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--"The Germans from Russia Settlement Locations Project," by Sandy Schilling Payne, Russian Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Ottoman Empire, German colonies, Wolgadeutsche,
Volga Germans, Schwarzmeerdeutsche, Black Sea Germans
--"Where in Europe Is My Ancestor’s Hometown? Finding Aids for Genealogists," by Antje Petty, genealogy, resources, Rudolph’s Gazetteer, Reymann’s Special Topographical Map, Ravenstein’s Atlas of the German Reich
--"Two Total Solar Eclipses," by Charles James, 1918, Die Abendschule
--Book Review: "Mapping the Germans," by Antje Petty, Mapping the Germans: Statistical Science, Cartography, and the Visualization of the German Nation, 1848–1914. By Jason D. Hansen,