--"Outside the Kaiserreich: The German Diaspora in the World War I Era,” by Antje Petty, “In Their Own Words: German Americans in the World War I Era.” Die Deutsche
Hausfrau, Die Abendschule,
--"A Poetic Pennsylvania Dutch Voice During World War I," by Mark Louden, Grieg im Alde Land, War in the Old Country, Harvey M. Miller
--Book Review: "Recalling the Desperation of Post-War Germany," by Cora Lee Kluge, "The Temptation of Despair: Tales of
the 1940s," Werner Sollors,
--Book Review: "The Sounds of Homes Past: Folksongs of Another America," by lan Lareau, Folksongs of Another America: Field Recordings from the Upper Midwest,
1937–1946. James P. Leary
--"“Hopfen und Malz, Gott erhalt’s!” How German Americans Shaped America’s Beer-Drinking Culture," by Jana Weiß, Lagerbier Revolution, Milwaukee, Pabst,
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