-- "Festival Explores Music’s Role in Migration," by Kevin Kurdylo: "Sounds of Two Worlds" MKI Conference / The Monroe Swiss Singers perform Saturday evening in the Memorial Union’s Tripp Commons / Ann Reagan speaks about German-American music societies and nationalistic sentiment during the late nineteenth century / Alan Burdette presents a paper on the Germania Männerchor from Evansville, Indiana / Yid Vicious klezmer ensemble performs / Philip Bohlman (the ability of music to communicate traditions and customs while also allowing immigrants to "locate themselves" in new spaces) / Ursula Hemetek (music of minority ethnic groups in Austria, including Croatians, Roma, and Bosnians.) / Joel Rubin (research by himself and Rita Ottens on the expressions of Jewish music in Germany) / Jim Leary (the long-standing stereotype of the “Dutchman” as portrayed in dialect song) / Pamela Potter (German and Austrian influence on the classical music tradition in America) / Christoph Wagner (Swiss music entertainers who toured the U.S.) / Helmut Schmahl (examined how nineteenth-century German travel reports viewed American music in unfavorable light) / Performances by: Monroe Swiss Singers, Madison Männerchor, Jerry Schneider Polka Band.
-- "Pickled Herring and Pumpkin Pie Featured at Book Festival," by Antje Petty: Wisconsin Book Festival
-- "MKI Helps German Fest-goers Research Heritage," by Thor Templin: German Fest in Milwaukee
-- "Brandenburg Family Donates Diaries to MKI," by Fran Luebke: Five diaries, dating from 1893 to 1931, written by the Rev. Bernard C. Brandenburg, a prominent German Methodist Episcopal minister in La Crosse. The first three volumes were written in German and German script and the final two were written in English.
-- "Friends profile: Rose Marie Barber," by Nicole Saylor.
-- "Turner History on Display in Sheboygan," by Robert Harker, Executive Director, Sheboygan County Historical Museum
-- "Frank Zeidler Turns 90: In his retirement, Milwaukee’s ambassador still runs circles around most folks," by Nicole Saylor
-- Meet the New Additions to MKI’s Staff: Lisa Blochwitz, by Felecia Lucht and Nicki Saylor, by Eric Platt.
-- Donation by Rick Frautschi expands MKI's Frautschi archival holdings
-- MKI Finds Success with Music Conference, Cookbook, and More. New MKI director brings with him expertise in Pennsylvania German: Mark L. Louden / image from the first issue of the bilingual magazine, Pennsylvania Dutchman, founded and edited by Edward H. Rauch.
-- "Collection Feature: Books for German-American Farmers," by Kevin Kurdylo:
File: newsf02.pdf
-- "Sängerfest in New Glarus celebrates all things Swiss," by Joe Salmons: Photo images: Alder Buebe of Appenzell perform / Alphorn players march in the parade on Sunday, June 15 / Deborah Krauss Smith, the grand concert conductor, and Kurt Müller Klusman, a guest conductor, wave from their parade float (photos courtesy of Deborah Krauss Smith)
-- "Howling with the Wolves in Wisconsin" [Speaking of Language series], by Mark L. Louden: Following a lead in H. L. Mencken's American Language about letters to the editor in the Milwaukee Journal from 1947, the author searched microfilm of the newspaper at the Wisconsin Historical Society Library. Shares excerpts from the letters, which discuss linguistic peculiarities of "Wisconsin English."
-- "Klauser Credited for Work Building Ties With Hessen" [Friends Profile] by Nicole Saylor: James Klauser, Secretary of Administration, Wisconsin, MKI Friends Board of Directors, Hessen Medal of Service (Verdienstorden des Landes Hessen).
-- "Books Available on German Jews, Mennonite Low Germans": Announcing the release of two Max Kade Institute publications: German-Jewish Identites in America, edited by Christof Mauch and Joseph Salmons, and the Mennonite Low German Dictionary, by Jack Thiessen.
-- German Scholars to Lecture at UW-Madison This Fall: Dr. Helmut Schmahl and Dr. Wolfgang Grams.
-- "Marriage, Love Advice For German Americans" [Collection Feature], by Kevin Kurdylo. Examines advice books from the collections of the Max Kade Institute Library & Archive: Familienglück, ein Büchlein für Jünglinge und Jungfrauen, die sich verheirathen wollen (Ohio Waisenfreund, 1905); Lichtstrahlen für die Gesundheit, oder,
dunkle Stellen beleuchtet (Naperville, Ill.: J. L. Nichols, 1899); and a German translation of A translation of John Ploughman’s Talk, or, Plain Advice for Plain People.
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-- "Instruction in German in American Schools," by Antje Petty, Max Kade Institute archive, education, primers, study guides, German script, report cards, literacy, Margarete Schurz
-- "Mettwurst, Mineola, and Northwest Iowa," by Rachelle H. Saltzman, Iowa Arts Council, plattdeutsch community, Schoening family, Schleswig-Holstein, St. John’s Lutheran Church
Mineola, German-English schools, Pommersch, education, sausage making, Remsen Processing Center in Remsen, Iowa
-- "Teaching German in America Today," by Antje Petty, foreign language education, immersion programs, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Waldsee German Language Village, Gerhard Haukebo, Concordia Language Villages, Milwaukee German Immersion School
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-- "The America Line: A Route for Immigrants from Germany’s Eastern Areas to Bremerhaven or Hamburg," by Cora Lee Kluge, railroad, Uelzen railroad station, Berlin, East and West Prussia, Silesia, Pomerania, Galicia, Russia, Magdeburg-Halberstadt Railroad Company, Salzwedel,
-- "News Note: Interest in J. D. Salinger from the German Perspective," by Cora Lee Kluge, World War II, D-Day landing, Utah Beach, Battle of the Bulge, Dachau, Sylvia Welter
-- "Research Notes: Dialect Shift in Freistadt, Wisconsin," by Mark L. Louden, American Languages project, North American German Dialect Archive, the Dictionary of American Regional English, Mills Music Library, Center for the Study of Upper Midwestern Cultures, Jürgen Eichhof, Low German dialects, “Wisconsin High German,”
-- "Language Matters for Wisconsin: A Community-Based Initiative," by Antje Petty, Tom Purnell, Eric Raimy, Joseph Salmons, linguistics,
-- "Online Bibliographical Resources for German-American Studies: Part I," by Sonja Mekel, “The Awful German Language” and Script, German History, German Studies and Fiction, Books and Periodicals,
-- "German and Polish Students Study Immigration and Ethnicity in the Upper Midwest," by Antje Petty,
-- Books: "American Passage: The History of Ellis Island," by Vincent J. Cannato, review: Antje Petty, immigration,
File: mki_fall_2009.pdf
-- "Father Ambros Oschwald and the Utopian Community of St. Nazianz in Wisconsin: Part I," by Karyl Rommelfanger, Catholic priest Father Ambros Oschwald, Mystische Schriften (Mystical Writings), “Der geistlich-magnetische Verein” (Spiritual Magnetic Society), Ulrich Kunzweiler, utopian colony
-- Book Review: "The American New South, Colonial Africa, and Prussia from a Transnational Perspective," by Cora Lee Kluge, Alabama in Africa: Booker T. Washington, the German Empire, and the Globalization of the New South," by Andrew Zimmerman, Tuskegee Institute, Togo, agriculture, cotton, Chicago school of sociology
-- "Research Team Collaborates on Austro-Hungarian Emigration: Symposium Report," by Kevin Kurdylo, “Ethnicity, Identity, and Emigration from the Regions of the Austro-Hungarian Empire,” University of Minnesota, Annemarie Steidl, Wladimir Fischer, University of Vienna, James Oberly, University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire,
-- Book Review: "Portraits of Swiss-American Immigrant Women," by Antje Petty, "Westward: Encounters with Swiss American Women," by Susann Bosshard-Kälin, Leo Schelbert, Margot Amman Durrer, Linda Geiser, Marianne Burkhard, Nelly Schleicher, Lillet Lee von Schallen, Elsbeth Bollier Büche, Margrit Meier Sidler, Marie Simone Pavlovich Ludwig, Ellen Carney Ernst, Martha Bernet Zumstein, Rosa Schupbach Lechner, Marion Schlapfer Brandes,
-- "Wasser Fest, Milwaukee 2010," by Kevin Kurdylo, German Fest
File: mki_fall_2010.pdf
-- "Exploring Family History at the Max Kade Institute," by Pamela Tesch, Schumann family, Meinholz family, genealogy, Family History Archive, Borchardt Family History, Voss family
-- "Out of the Stacks, Into Communities: MKI Outreach Programs," by Antje Petty, library, archive, immigration, settlement, community
-- "Hear Their Voices: Audio Recordings in MKI’s North American German Dialect Collection," by Mark Louden and Joe Salmons, North American German Dialect Archive (NAGDA), interviews, Professor Lester W. J. “Smoky” Seifert
-- "Immigrant Norwegian and Swedish in the Upper Midwest," by Brent Allen, Lucas Annear, Marcus Cederstöm, Kristin Speth, and Brandy Trygstad, linguistics, “Investigating immigrant languages in America,” American Dialect Society, the American Folklore Society, heritage languages
-- "Baking for the Holidays," by Antje Petty, Pickled Herring and Pumpkin Pie: A Nineteenth-Century Cookbook for German Immigrants to America by Henriette Davidis,
-- Book Review: "Forty-Eighters and Abolitionists: Interethnic Collaboration in the U.S. Civil War Era," by Cora Lee Kluge, "We Are the Revolutionists: German-Speaking Immigrants and American Abolitionists After 1848," by Mischa Honeck
File: mki_fall_2011.pdf
-- "Grottos of the Midwest: Religion and Patriotism in Stone," by Peyton Smith, Grotto of Christ, the King, and Mary, His Mother, Dickeyville, Wisconsin, religious structures, cemeteries, churches, German Catholics, 19th century, 20th century, Paul Dobberstein, St. Francis Seminary, Father Mathias Wernerus, Rudolph Grotto Gardens and Wonder Cave, Grotto of the Redemption
-- "Pommerscher Verein Unveils Immigrant Memorial Marker," by Kevin Kurdylo, ceremony, Town of Berlin, Marathon County, Wisconsin, Pomeranian immigration, low German, Platt,
-- "Ein deutscher Osage-Häuptling (A German Osage Chief)," Translated by Kevin Kurdylo
-- "Teaching the U. S. Civil War in Germany," by Nicole Konopka, Bamberg University, “Germans and the American Civil War,” German American mass migration,
-- Book Review: "An Other American Dialect: Pennsylvania German in the American Midwest," by Joel Stark, "Pennsylvania German in the American Midwest," By Steven Hartman
Keiser, Old Order Amish, Old Order Mennonite, linguistics, regional varieties, sociolinguistic variation, bilingualism
File: mki_newsletter_fall_2012.pdf
-- "The Milwaukee German Theater: Once the Pride of the City," by Cora Lee Kluge, 19th century, 20th century, Schlitz Park Theater, Leon Wachsner, Albert O. Trostel Collection of German Theater Scripts, Banner und Volksfreund, Henry Kurz, Julius Richard, Ferdinand Welb, Adolf Neuendorf, New York’s Germania Theater, Neues Deutsches Stadt Theater, Otto Kienscherf, Paula Menari
-- "New Publication: Wisconsin Talk: Linguistic Diversity in the Badger State," book announcement, Language Matters for Wisconsin, immigration, Native Languages of Wisconsin, German, Hmong, Spanish, Linguistic Landscapes, Norwegian, Polish, Somali
-- Book review: "Striking a Chord for Freedom: Bruce Springsteen’s 1988 Berlin Concert," by Rudy Koshar, "Rocking the Wall. Bruce Springsteen: The Berlin Concert that Changed the World," by Erik Kirschbaum, Berlin Wall, East Berlin, East Germany, West, rock music, Checkpoint Charlie, revolution
-- "Forgotten People: A German Town Finds Its Nineteenth-Century Emigrants," by Astrid Adler, Tiefenort, Edwin Messing, Andreas Messing, Walter Messing, Pennsylvania, Charles Messing, New York, Immigration,
-- "New Max Kade Institute Twentieth-Century German Immigrant Oral History Project," German-speaking immigrants, accounts of emigration, interviews
-- "Chicago’s Green White Soccer Club," social club, “Donauschwaben” (Danube-Swabians), National Soccer League’s Second Division
File: mki_newsletter_fall_2013-2.pdf
-- "We Have Moved! Visit Us in Our New Home at the University Club," by Antje Petty, Max Kade Institute, library, Sound Archive
-- "Treasures from Behind the Walls," by Antje Petty, renovation, University Club, shoes, P. Roark, “The Hygiene of Sex,” letter
-- "More Than the Weather: German-American Almanacs," by Mark Louden, Deutsch-amerikanische Kalender, 18th century, 19th century, calendars, annual calendrical publications, astronomical data, Germantown, Der Teutsche Pilgrim (The German Pilgrim), German-language publishing, Christoph Sauer (Christopher Sower), Hoch-Deutsch Americanischer Calender (High-German American Almanac), Bauernkalender, The First Century of German Language Printing in the United States of America (1989), edited by Karl J. R. Arndt and Reimer C. Eck,
-- "The Man Behind the Castle on the Lake," by Mark A. Bauer, Elkhart Lake, Villa Gottfried, Hofheim, Matheus Wilhelm (William) Gottfried, brewer, Fleck’s Resort, Camp Brosius
-- Book Review: "Documenting the Germans’ Persisting Interest in Native Americans," by Cora Lee Kluge, "Kindred by Choice: Germans and American Indians since 1800," by H. Glenn Penny, Karl May, Alexander von Humboldt, Maximilian von Wied, and Balduin Möllhausen, James Fenimore Cooper, "Leatherstocking Tales," Charles Sealsfield, Friedrich Gerstäcker, Karl Bodmer, Carl Wimar, Theodore Kaufmann, Albert Bierstadt, Alexander Berghold, s Otto Dix, Georg Grosz, Anna Jürgen, Liselotte Welskopf-Henrich
-- "Current Student Research in Wisconsin German Linguistics," by Alyson Sewell and Samantha Litty, Sheboygan County, Manitowoc, Calumet, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, German-English bilinguals, Hustisford, Dodge, Sauk, Richland, Dane County, code switching, interviews, linguistics, sound archive
File: Fall2014_MKI_Newsletter.pdf
--"Outside the Kaiserreich: The German Diaspora in the World War I Era,” by Antje Petty, “In Their Own Words: German Americans in the World War I Era.” Die Deutsche
Hausfrau, Die Abendschule,
--"A Poetic Pennsylvania Dutch Voice During World War I," by Mark Louden, Grieg im Alde Land, War in the Old Country, Harvey M. Miller
--Book Review: "Recalling the Desperation of Post-War Germany," by Cora Lee Kluge, "The Temptation of Despair: Tales of
the 1940s," Werner Sollors,
--Book Review: "The Sounds of Homes Past: Folksongs of Another America," by lan Lareau, Folksongs of Another America: Field Recordings from the Upper Midwest,
1937–1946. James P. Leary
--"“Hopfen und Malz, Gott erhalt’s!” How German Americans Shaped America’s Beer-Drinking Culture," by Jana Weiß, Lagerbier Revolution, Milwaukee, Pabst,
File: MKI_Fall-2015_Newsletter.pdf