Fall 2010 Newsletter

-- "Father Ambros Oschwald and the Utopian Community of St. Nazianz in Wisconsin: Part I," by Karyl Rommelfanger, Catholic priest Father Ambros Oschwald, Mystische Schriften (Mystical Writings), “Der geistlich-magnetische Verein” (Spiritual Magnetic Society), Ulrich Kunzweiler, utopian colony
-- Book Review: "The American New South, Colonial Africa, and Prussia from a Transnational Perspective," by Cora Lee Kluge, Alabama in Africa: Booker T. Washington, the German Empire, and the Globalization of the New South," by Andrew Zimmerman, Tuskegee Institute, Togo, agriculture, cotton, Chicago school of sociology
-- "Research Team Collaborates on Austro-Hungarian Emigration: Symposium Report," by Kevin Kurdylo, “Ethnicity, Identity, and Emigration from the Regions of the Austro-Hungarian Empire,” University of Minnesota, Annemarie Steidl, Wladimir Fischer, University of Vienna, James Oberly, University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire,
-- Book Review: "Portraits of Swiss-American Immigrant Women," by Antje Petty, "Westward: Encounters with Swiss American Women," by Susann Bosshard-Kälin, Leo Schelbert, Margot Amman Durrer, Linda Geiser, Marianne Burkhard, Nelly Schleicher, Lillet Lee von Schallen, Elsbeth Bollier Büche, Margrit Meier Sidler, Marie Simone Pavlovich Ludwig, Ellen Carney Ernst, Martha Bernet Zumstein, Rosa Schupbach Lechner, Marion Schlapfer Brandes,
-- "Wasser Fest, Milwaukee 2010," by Kevin Kurdylo, German Fest

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Winter 2011 Newsletter

-- "The Stulz Brothers, a German-American Business in Kansas City," by Kevin Kurdylo, Neuestes Deutsches Liederbuch, “von den Stulzen Brüdern” (by the Stulz brothers), folksongs, songbooks, German publishing, glassware, liqour business,
-- "The St. Nazianz Colony Struggles to Survive: 1873–1896," by Karyl Rommelfanger, utopian community, Father Ambros Oschwald, Anton Stoll,
-- Book Review: "The “German-ness” of the American Symphony: A Study of Musical Diplomacy," by Julia J. Chybowski, "Sound Diplomacy: Music and Emotions in Transatlantic Relations, 1850–1920," by Jessica C. E. Gienow-Hecht, nineteenth- and early-twentieth century transatlantic cultural exchange, symphony orchestra,
-- "University of Wisconsin Students Explore “Germanic Languages and Migration,” by Emily Heidrich, Professors Robert Howell and Joseph Salmons,
-- "Immigrant Entrepreneurship: German-American Business Biographies, 1720 to the Present"

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Spring 2011 Newsletter

-- " Schlaraffia Milwaukia," by Antje Petty, Vereinskultur (Verein = club, society), singing societies, gymnastic clubs, shooting societies, the Freemasons, non-political society, humor, entertainment
-- "D. C. Luening’s Colorful Career, or Coming of Age as an Immigrant," by Antje Petty, Dietrich C. Luening, Milwaukee Public School District, Milwaukee Journal, Milwaukee Sentinal
-- "The Jacob Best Family Memorial," by Peter Arvedson, Pabst Brewing Company, Forest Home Cemetery, Milwaukee, Best Brewing Company
-- Book Review: "Now in English Translation: Civil War Letters from America’s German-Language Press," by Cora Lee Kluge, "August Willich’s Gallant Dutchmen:
Civil War Letters from the 32nd Indiana Infantry," Translated and edited by Joseph R. Reinhart, "A German Hurrah! Civil War Letters of Friedrich Bertsch and Wilhelm Stängel, 9th Ohio Infantry," Translated and edited by Joseph R. Reinhart

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Fall 2011 Newsletter

-- "Exploring Family History at the Max Kade Institute," by Pamela Tesch, Schumann family, Meinholz family, genealogy, Family History Archive, Borchardt Family History, Voss family
-- "Out of the Stacks, Into Communities: MKI Outreach Programs," by Antje Petty, library, archive, immigration, settlement, community
-- "Hear Their Voices: Audio Recordings in MKI’s North American German Dialect Collection," by Mark Louden and Joe Salmons, North American German Dialect Archive (NAGDA), interviews, Professor Lester W. J. “Smoky” Seifert
-- "Immigrant Norwegian and Swedish in the Upper Midwest," by Brent Allen, Lucas Annear, Marcus Cederstöm, Kristin Speth, and Brandy Trygstad, linguistics, “Investigating immigrant languages in America,” American Dialect Society, the American Folklore Society, heritage languages
-- "Baking for the Holidays," by Antje Petty, Pickled Herring and Pumpkin Pie: A Nineteenth-Century Cookbook for German Immigrants to America by Henriette Davidis,
-- Book Review: "Forty-Eighters and Abolitionists: Interethnic Collaboration in the U.S. Civil War Era," by Cora Lee Kluge, "We Are the Revolutionists: German-Speaking Immigrants and American Abolitionists After 1848," by Mischa Honeck

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Winter 2011/2012 Newsletter

-- "The Early Years of German-American Watertown, Wisconsin," by Ed Langer, German-language newspaper, Weltbürger, Emil Rothe, Forty-Eighters, German immigration, Bernhard School, Carl Schurz, Margarethe Schurz,
-- "New Orleans, the Mississippi River, and German Migration to the Midwest," by Antje Petty, Middleton, early German settlement, Traugott Bromme: Rathgeber für Auswanderungslustige, Gottfried Duden: Bericht über eine Reise nach den westlichen Staaten Nordamerika’s, W. O. von Horn, Friedrich Wilhelm Philipp Oertel: A tale of immigrants on the Mississippi,
-- "German-American Holdings in The Historic New Orleans Collection," by Daniel Hammer, early German settlement, Deutsches Haus Collection, minutes, reports, correspondence, J. Hanno Deiler, New Orleans Turnverein,
-- "And So the Twain Shall Meet: Two Family Histories Become One," by Kevin Kurdylo, Roland Peter Richards, "Out of the Back Forty," family history
-- "In the Land of Masters and Slaves: German Americans in the South During the Civil War Period," by Cora Lee Kluge, "The Germans of Charleston, Richmond and New Orleans During the Civil War Period, 1850–1870: A Study and Research Compendium," by Andrea Mehrländer, ethnic German minority, American South

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Spring 2012 Newsletter

-- "Traces in the Landscape: Immigration from Mecklenburg to Middleton, Wisconsin," by Antje Petty, Pope Farm Conservancy, agriculture, Civilian Conservation Corps, Joachim Goth, Carl and Sophia Goth
-- "The History of the First German Evangelical-Lutheran Congregation in the Town of Middleton, Dane County, Wisconsin," by Antje Petty, Pastor Scherbel, Mecklenburg immigration
-- Lecture Report: "The German Diaspora and Nationalism before World War I," by Kevin Kurdylo, Stefan Manz, Aston University, Birmingham, UK, German-speaking immigrants around the globe, Germanic culture, Protestant churches, German Navy Clubs (Flottenvereine), German schools abroad, German Protestant congregations
-- Lecture Report: "The American Civil War As a Transatlantic Event," by Kevin Kurdylo, Andrew Zimmerman, “FortyEighters,” revolutions, German American military history
-- Book Review: "Nourishing the Heritage: Immigrant Gardens in Wisconsin," by Marilyn Herman, "Putting Down Roots: Gardening Insights from Wisconsin’s Early Settlers, " by Marcia Carmichael, settlers' garden, German gardens, home gardens, homesteads
-- Book Review: "Spotlight on St. Louis in the Civil War Era," by Cora Lee Kluge, "The Great Heart of the Republic: St. Louis and the Cultural Civil War," by Adam Arenson, 19th century, immigrants

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Fall 2012 Newsletter

-- "Grottos of the Midwest: Religion and Patriotism in Stone," by Peyton Smith, Grotto of Christ, the King, and Mary, His Mother, Dickeyville, Wisconsin, religious structures, cemeteries, churches, German Catholics, 19th century, 20th century, Paul Dobberstein, St. Francis Seminary, Father Mathias Wernerus, Rudolph Grotto Gardens and Wonder Cave, Grotto of the Redemption
-- "Pommerscher Verein Unveils Immigrant Memorial Marker," by Kevin Kurdylo, ceremony, Town of Berlin, Marathon County, Wisconsin, Pomeranian immigration, low German, Platt,
-- "Ein deutscher Osage-Häuptling (A German Osage Chief)," Translated by Kevin Kurdylo
-- "Teaching the U. S. Civil War in Germany," by Nicole Konopka, Bamberg University, “Germans and the American Civil War,” German American mass migration,
-- Book Review: "An Other American Dialect: Pennsylvania German in the American Midwest," by Joel Stark, "Pennsylvania German in the American Midwest," By Steven Hartman
Keiser, Old Order Amish, Old Order Mennonite, linguistics, regional varieties, sociolinguistic variation, bilingualism

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Winter 2012/2013 Newsletter

-- "Eau Claire, Wisconsin: The White Pine Rush, Immigration, and a Century of Change," by William G. Thiel, Chippewa Falls, Driftless Area, German immigrant farmers, timber industry, German immigrants, Swiss-German, Jacob Leinenkugel, Hermann Schlegelmilch, Der Herold, Schützenverein (shooting society), Turnverein (gymnastics club), Germania
singing society
-- "From Germany to America in Search of a Farm: Reinhold Liebau’s 1887 Diary," by Antje Petty, Marie Liebau, immigration, farming
-- "The Deutscher Klub of Wausau-Merrill, Wisconsin, 1965–2010," by Pamela Tesch, Deutscher Klub Wausau-Merrill, music, German American culture, German club
-- "Friends of the Max Kade Institute Annual Meeting, May 4, in Eau Claire, Wisconsin"
-- "Innovations for the Baseball Season, from Scherz und Ernst, 1896," Illinois Staats-Zeitung

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Spring 2013 Newsletter

-- "German Prisoners of War and the Mississippi Basin Model," by Cora Lee Kluge, World War II, POW camps, lumber, agriculture, military, Mississippi River, flood control, Army Corps of Engineers, Camp Clinton
-- Book Review: "Striking a Utopian Chord: The Germania Musical Society," by Alan Lareau, "Good Music for a Free People: The Germania Musical Society in Nineteenth-Century America," by Nancy Newman, musical ensemble, Henry Albrecht
-- "Man on a Mission: Reverend J. F. G. Harders," by Kevin Kurdylo, Jaalahn. Die Geschichte einer Indianerliebe, Wohin? Ein Geleitswort auf den Lebensweg für die konfirmierte
Jugend, German American literature, Johann Friedrich Gustav Harders,
-- "A Day in Eau Claire at the Friends Annual Meeting," by Antje Petty
-- "Karen Fowdy and Steven Geiger Join the Friends Board of Directors," by Antje Petty

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Fall 2013 Newsletter

-- "The Milwaukee German Theater: Once the Pride of the City," by Cora Lee Kluge, 19th century, 20th century, Schlitz Park Theater, Leon Wachsner, Albert O. Trostel Collection of German Theater Scripts, Banner und Volksfreund, Henry Kurz, Julius Richard, Ferdinand Welb, Adolf Neuendorf, New York’s Germania Theater, Neues Deutsches Stadt Theater, Otto Kienscherf, Paula Menari
-- "New Publication: Wisconsin Talk: Linguistic Diversity in the Badger State," book announcement, Language Matters for Wisconsin, immigration, Native Languages of Wisconsin, German, Hmong, Spanish, Linguistic Landscapes, Norwegian, Polish, Somali
-- Book review: "Striking a Chord for Freedom: Bruce Springsteen’s 1988 Berlin Concert," by Rudy Koshar, "Rocking the Wall. Bruce Springsteen: The Berlin Concert that Changed the World," by Erik Kirschbaum, Berlin Wall, East Berlin, East Germany, West, rock music, Checkpoint Charlie, revolution
-- "Forgotten People: A German Town Finds Its Nineteenth-Century Emigrants," by Astrid Adler, Tiefenort, Edwin Messing, Andreas Messing, Walter Messing, Pennsylvania, Charles Messing, New York, Immigration,
-- "New Max Kade Institute Twentieth-Century German Immigrant Oral History Project," German-speaking immigrants, accounts of emigration, interviews
-- "Chicago’s Green White Soccer Club," social club, “Donauschwaben” (Danube-Swabians), National Soccer League’s Second Division

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